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Adding Twitter Integration with MVP Architecture in Phimpme Android

The Account manager layout part of Phimpme is set. Now we need to start adding different account to make it functional. We first start with twitter. Twitter functionality is integrated with the help of Twitter Kit provided by Twitter itself. We followed the steps provided on the installation guide.

Note: Before Starting this first go to and create new app, add the relevant information such as name, description, URL etc.

How twitter works in Phimpme

A dialog box appear when user selected the add account option in Account manager. Select Twitter option from it.

Twitter guides to use custom TwitterLoginButton for sign in. But as we are using a common dialog box. How to initiate login from there?

Using TwitterAuthClient

Twitter Auth Client invoke the Twitter callback and popup the login window. On authorized the correct user it goes inside the onSuccess method and start a Twitter session which helps us to get the information which we want to store in database such as username, access token.

client.authorize(getActivity(), new Callback<TwitterSession>() {
   public void success(Result<TwitterSession> result) {

       // Creating twitter session, after user authenticate
       // in twitter popup
       TwitterSession session = TwitterCore.getInstance()
       TwitterAuthToken authToken = session.getAuthToken();

       // Writing values in Realm database


Working with MVP architecture to show Twitter data to User in a recyclerView

Finally after successful login from Twitter, we also need to show user that you are successfully logged in Phimpme app and also provide a sign out feature so that user can logout from Twitter anytime.

Account manager has a recyclerView which takes data from the database and show it to the User.


class AccountContract {
   internal interface View : MvpView{

        * Setting up the recyclerView. The layout manager, decorator etc.
       fun setUpRecyclerView()

        * Account Presenter calls this function after taking data from Database Helper Class
       fun setUpAdapter(accountDetails: RealmResults<AccountDatabase>)

        * Shows the error log
       fun showError()

   internal interface Presenter {

        * function to load data from database, using Database Helper class
       fun loadFromDatabase()

        * setting up the recyclerView adapter from here
       fun handleResults(accountDetails: RealmResults<AccountDatabase>)

This class clearly show what functions are in View and what are in Presenter. The View interface extended to MvpView which actually holds some common functions such as onComplete()

  • Implement View interface in AccountActivity

class AccountActivity : ThemedActivity(), AccountContract.View

And perform all the action which are happening on the View such as setting up the RecyclerView

override fun setUpRecyclerView() {
   val layoutManager = LinearLayoutManager(this)
  • Main Business Logic should not be in Activity class

That’s why using MVP we have very less number of lines of code in our Main Activity because it separate the work on different zones which help developer to easily work, maintain and other user to contribute.

So like in our case I need to update the RecyclerView adapter by taking data from database. That work should not be in activity that’s why I create a class AccountPresenter and extend this to our Presenter interface in contract class

class AccountPresenter extends BasePresenter<AccountContract.View>
       implements AccountContract.Presenter

I added the function which take care of loading data from database

public void loadFromDatabase() {
  • Always consider the future and keep an eye for future development

Right now I not need to do alot on Database, I just need to pick the whole data and show it on View. But I need to take case of future development in this part as well. There might be more complex operation on Database in future, then it will create complexity in the codebase, if it is not architectured well.

So, I created a DatabaseHelper class which takes care of all the database operations, the advantage of this is, anyone who have to contribute in Database part or debugging the databse need not to search for every activity and scroll lines of code, the work will be in DatabaseHelper for sure.

Added DatabaseHelper in data package

public class DatabaseHelper {

   private Realm realm;

   public DatabaseHelper(Realm realm) {
       this.realm = realm;

   public RealmResults<AccountDatabase> fetchAccountDetails(){
       return realm.where(AccountDatabase.class).findAll();

   public void deleteSignedOutAccount(String accountName){
       final RealmResults<AccountDatabase> deletionQueryResult =  realm.where(AccountDatabase.class)
               .equalTo("name", accountName).findAll();

       realm.executeTransaction(new Realm.Transaction() {
           public void execute(Realm realm) {

Flow Diagram:

Browse the Phimpme GitHub Repository for complete illustration.


  1. Twitter KIt overview :
  2. Login with Twitter:
  3. MVP Architecture by Ribot:


Pawan Pal

Android Developer. Open Source Enthusiast.

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