Permission Decorators

A follow-up to one of my previous posts: Organizer Server Permissions System.

I recently had a requirement to create permission decorators for use in our REST APIs. There had to be separate decorators for Event and Services.

Event Permission Decorators

Understanding Event permissions is simple: Any user can create an event. But access to an event is restricted to users that have Event specific Roles (e.g. Organizer, Co-organizer, etc) for that event. The creator of an event is its Organizer, so he immediately gets access to that event. You can read about these roles in the aforementioned post.

So for Events, create operation does not require any permissions, but read/update/delete operations needed a decorator. This decorator would restrict access to users with event roles.

def can_access(func):
    """Check if User can Read/Update/Delete an Event.
    This is done by checking if the User has a Role in an Event.
    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        user = UserModel.query.get(
        event_id = kwargs.get('event_id')
        if not event_id:
            raise ServerError()
        # Check if event exists
        get_object_or_404(EventModel, event_id)
        if user.has_role(event_id):
            return func(*args, **kwargs)
            raise PermissionDeniedError()
    return wrapper

The has_role(event_id) method of the User class determines if the user has a Role in an event.

# User Model class

    def has_role(self, event_id):
        """Checks if user has any of the Roles at an Event.
        uer = UsersEventsRoles.query.filter_by(user=self, event_id=event_id).first()
        if uer is None:
            return False
            return True

Reading one particular event (/events/:id [GET]) can be restricted to users, but a GET request to fetch all the events (/events [GET]) should only be available to staff (Admin and Super Admin). So a separate decorator to restrict access to Staff members was needed.

def staff_only(func):
    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        user = UserModel.query.get(
        if user.is_staff:
            return func(*args, **kwargs)
            raise PermissionDeniedError()
    return wrapper

Service Permission Decorators

Service Permissions for a user are defined using Event Roles. What Role a user has in an Event determines what Services he has access to in that Event. Access here means permission to Create, Read, Update and Delete services. The User model class has four methods to determine the permissions for a Service in an event.

user.can_create(service, event_id)
user.can_read(service, event_id)
user.can_update(service, event_id)
user.can_delete(service, event_id)

So four decorators were needed to put alongside POST, GET, PUT and DELETE method handlers. I’ve pasted snippet for the can_update decorator. The rest are similar but with their respective permission methods for User class object.

def can_update(DAO):
    def decorator(func):
        def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
            user = UserModel.query.get(
            event_id = kwargs.get('event_id')
            if not event_id:
                raise ServerError()
            # Check if event exists
            get_object_or_404(EventModel, event_id)
            service_class = DAO.model
            if user.can_update(service_class, event_id):
                return func(*args, **kwargs)
                raise PermissionDeniedError()
        return wrapper
    return decorator

This decorator is a little different than can_access event decorator in a way that it takes an argument, DAO. DAO is Data Access Object. A DAO includes a database Model and methods to create, read, update and delete object of that model. The db model for a DAO would be the Service class for the object. You can look that the model class is taken from the DAO and used as the service class.

The can_create, can_read and can_delete decorators look exactly the same except they use their (obvious) permission methods on the User class object.

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