Until recently, Open Event Server didn’t allow the storage of unscheduled sessions. However, having the provision of unscheduled sessions was necessary so that event organizers can easily schedule the unscheduled sessions and keep track of them. Also, it allows them to remove scheduled sessions from the scheduler and place them in the unscheduled sessions list, so that they can be scheduled later. Also, since the unscheduled sessions list was also present in Eventyay version 1, it was decided to have the same in version 2.
The first step was to enable the storage of unscheduled sessions on the server. For this, the starts-at and ends-at fields of the session model were modified to be non-required (earlier they were mandatory). Once this change was done, the next step was to fetch the list of unscheduled sessions on the frontend, from the server. Unscheduled sessions were the ones which had the starts-at and ends-at fields as null. Also, the speakers’ details needed to be fetched so that their names can be mentioned along with sessions’ titles, in accordance with Eventyay version 1. Thus, the following were the filter options for the unscheduled sessions’ fetching:
let unscheduledFilterOptions = [ { and: [ { name : 'starts-at', op : 'eq', val : null }, { name : 'ends-at', op : 'eq', val : null } ] } ]; let unscheduledSessions = await eventDetails.query('sessions', { include : 'speakers,track', filter : unscheduledFilterOptions });
This gave us the list of unscheduled sessions on the frontend appropriately. After this, the next step was to display this list to the event organizer. For this, the scheduler’s Handlebars template file was modified appropriately. The colors and sizes were chosen so that the list looks similar to the one in Eventyay version 1. Also, the Ember add-on named ember-drag-drop was used to make these unscheduled session components draggable, so that they can be ultimately scheduled on the scheduler. After installing this package and making the necessary changes to the project’s package.json file, the component file for unscheduled sessions was modified accordingly to adapt for the draggable components’ UI. This was the final step and completed the implementation of listing unscheduled sessions.