The schedule page in the event websites generated by the Open Event Webapp displays all the sessions of an event in a chronological manner. There are two modes on the page: List and the Calendar Mode. The former displays all the sessions in the form of a list while the latter displays them in a graphical grid or a rectangular format. Below are the screenshots of the modes:
List Mode
Calendar Mode
The list mode of the page already supported the search feature. We needed to implement it in the calendar mode. The corresponding issue for this feature is here. The whole work can be seen here.
First, we see the basic structure of the page in the calendar mode.
<div class="{{slug}} calendar"> <!-- slug represents the currently selected date --> <!-- This div contains all the sessions scheduled on the selected date --> <div class="rooms"> <!-- This div contains all the rooms of an event --> <!-- Each particular room has a set of sessions associated with it on that particular date --> <div class="room"> <!-- This div contains the list of session happening in a particular room --> <div class="session"> <!-- This div contains all the information about a session --> <div class="session-name"> {{title}} </div> <!-- Title of the session --> <h4 class="text"> {{{description}}} </h4> <!-- Description of the session --> <!-- This div contains the info of the speakers presenting the session --> <div class="session-speakers-list"> <div class="speaker-name"><strong>{{{title}}}</div> <!-- Name of the speaker --> <div class="session-speakers-more"> {{position}} {{organisation}} </div> <!-- Position and organization of speaker--> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div>
The user will type the query in the search bar near the top of the page. The search bar has the class fossasia-filter.
We set up a keyup event listener on that element so that whenever the user will press and release a key, we will invoke the event handler function which will display only those elements which match the current query entered in the search bar. This way, we are able to change the results of the search dynamically on user input. Whenever a single key is pressed and lifted off, the event is fired which invokes the handler and the session elements are filtered accordingly.
Now the important part is how we actually display and hide the session elements. We actually compare few session attributes to the text entered in the search box. The text attributes that we look for are the title of the session, the name, position , and organization of the speaker(s) presenting the session. We check whether the text entered by the user in the search bar appears contiguously in any of the above-mentioned attributes or not. If it appears, then the session element is shown. Otherwise, its display is set to hidden. The checking is case insensitive. We also count the number of the visible sessions on the page and if it is equal to zero, display a message saying that no results were found.
For example:- Suppose the user enters the string ‘wel’ in the search bar, then we will iterate over all the different sessions and only those who have ‘wel’ in their title or in the name/ position/organization of the speakers will be visible. Rest all the sessions would be hidden.
Here is the excerpt from the code. The whole file can be seen here
$('.fossasia-filter').change(function() { var filterVal = $(this).val(); // Search query entered by user $('.session').each(function() { // Iterating through all the sessions. Check for the title of the session and the name of the // speaker and its position and organization if ($(this).find('.session-name').text().toUpperCase().indexOf(filterVal.toUpperCase()) >= 0 || $(this).find('.session-speakers-list a p span').text().toUpperCase().indexOf(filterVal.toUpperCase()) >= 0 || $(this).find('.speaker-name').text().toUpperCase().indexOf(filterVal.toUpperCase()) >= 0) { $(this).show(); // Matched so display the session } else { $(this).hide(); // Hide the Element } }); var calFilterLength = $('.calendar:visible').length; if((isCalendarView && calFilterLength == 0)) { // No session elements found $('.search-filter:first').after('<p id="no-results">No matching results found.</p>'); } }).keyup(function() { $(this).change(); });
Below is the default view of the calendar mode on the schedule page
On entering ‘wel’ in the search bar, sessions get filtered