The pages endpoints are used to create static pages which such as about page or any other page that doesn’t need to be updated frequently and only a specific content is to be shown. This article will illustrate how the pages can be added or removed from the /admin/content/pages route using the pages API in Open Event Frontend. The primary end point of Open Event API with which we are concerned with for pages is
GET /v1/pages
First, we need to create a model for the pages, which will have the fields corresponding to the API, so we proceed with the ember CLI command:
ember g model page
Next, we need to define the model according to the requirements. The model needs to extend the base model class. The code for the page model looks like this:
import attr from 'ember-data/attr'; import ModelBase from 'open-event-frontend/models/base'; export default ModelBase.extend({ name : attr('string'), title : attr('string'), url : attr('string'), description : attr('string'), language : attr('string'), index : attr('number', { defaultValue: 0 }), place : attr('string') });
As the page will have name, title, url which will tell the URL of the page, the language, the description, index and the place of the page where it has to be which can be either a footer or an event.
The complete code for the model can be seen here.
Now, after creating a model, we need to make an API call to get and post the pages created. This can be done using the following:
return this.get('store').findAll('page');
The above line will check the store and find all the pages which have been cached in and if there is no record found then it will make an API call and cache the records in the store so that when called it can return it immediately.
Since in the case of pages we have multiple options like creating a new page, updating a new page, deleting an existing page etc. For creating and updating the page we have a form which has the fields required by the API to create the page. The UI of the form looks like this.
Fig. 1: The user interface of the form used to create the page.
Fig. 2: The user interface of the form used to update and delete the already existing page
The code for the above form can be seen here.
Now, if we click the items which are present in the sidebar on the left, it enables us to edit and update the page by displaying the information stored in the form and then the details be later updated on the server by clicking the Update button. If we want to delete the form we can do so using the delete button which first shows a pop up to confirm whether we actually want to delete it or not. The code for displaying the delete confirmation pop up looks like this.
<button class="ui red button" {{action (confirm (t 'Are you sure you would like to delete this page?') (action 'deletePage' data))}}> {{t 'Delete'}}</button>
The code to delete the page looks like this
deletePage(data) { if (!this.get('isCreate')) { data.destroyRecord(); this.set('isFormOpen', false); } }
In the above piece of code, we’re checking whether the form is in create mode or update mode and if it’s in create mode then we can destroy the record and then close the form.
The UI for the pop up looks like this.
Fig.3: The user interface for delete confirmation pop up
The code for the entire process of page creation to deletion can be checked here
To conclude, this is how we efficiently do the process of page creation, updating and deletion using the Open-Event-Orga pages API ensuring that there is no unnecessary API call to fetch the data and no code duplication.
- Open Event API Docs
- Official Ember Data documentation
- An article on how to create GET requests in ember in the blog by Adam Sommer