Change Password for SUSI Accounts Using Access Token and Email-ID

In this blog, I discuss how the SUSI server synchronizes with SUSI Accounts and SUSI webchat for users to Change Password. When a user logs in, the clients store the email id of the user along with the access token in cookies. These are stored once the client gets a positive login response from the server. Both of these are required at the time of making the final call. Web clients store the email id and access token in the following way.

cookies.set('loggedIn', loggedIn, { path: '/', maxAge: time });
cookies.set('emailId', email, { path: '/', maxAge: time });

First, the client has to ask the user to enter their current password. A javascript test is used to validate that at least 6 characters must be entered by the user. A similar test is run on the new password. But while confirming the password, client checks whether the user has entered the same password as new password or not. These are just the basics. In next stage (which is achieved only when all the above conditions are met), client encodes the email id (which it gets from cookies), current password, new password and the access token (which it again extracts from cookies).

Now, Client just has to make an ajax request to the server. The response is processed and sent back to the client. Let us now look at PasswordChange Servlet.

The base user role is defined as USER. Initial steps of the servlet are to extract the values form the request it receives. The values extracted from the request are in turn used to make a client’s identity. Before that, server checks if current and new password have same values or not. If not, then server returns a JSON response to user stating, “Your current password and new password matches”. Otherwise, it will continue its control flow as it is. Look at the code snippet below:

            result.put("message", "Your current password and new password matches");
            result.put("accepted", false);
            return new ServiceResponse(result);

The reader here may think that they have discovered a hack. But they have not. Why? Because this is just the first step. In later stages, the hash of passwords are used to match to see whether the passwords match or not. To obtain a proper client identity, first a Client credentials object is made with support from the email id which is received in ‘changepassword’ attribute. Using the ClientCredentials object made above, an object of Authentication class is made. This object uses a method defined in its class to return a valid client identity. Using the client identity, value of password hash is extracted from the database along with the salt used to hash the password. If any error is encountered while extracting the client’s password hash value and/or salt value, an error is thrown towards the client, with a message stating “invalid credentials”.

ClientCredential pwcredential = new ClientCredential(ClientCredential.Type.passwd_login, useremail);
            Authentication authentication = DAO.getAuthentication(pwcredential);
            ClientCredential emailcred = new ClientCredential(ClientCredential.Type.passwd_login,
            ClientIdentity identity = authentication.getIdentity();
            String passwordHash;
            String salt;

            try {
                passwordHash = authentication.getString("passwordHash");
                salt = authentication.getString("salt");
            } catch (Throwable e) {
                Log.getLog().info("Invalid password try for user: " + identity.getName() + " from host: " + post.getClientHost() + " : password or salt missing in database");
                result.put("message", "invalid credentials");
                throw new APIException(422, "Invalid credentials");

Using the same salt value that was used earlier, a hash for password entered by the user will be generated which now matches  the previous value. This is the point where the hack you were thinking you found, failed. Again the server throws an error message if user’s credential did not match. Passwords are hard to handle and easy to guess. So here we have used quite many tests before changing them. Users are not allowed to use their email id as a password as well.

If the server is clear on all the above facts and tests, It finally generates a new hashed value of the password received in the parameter ‘newpassword’ and replaces the old hash value with the new one. To notify the clients that password change exited with a success response, it sends a JSON object with message “Your password has been changed!” and accepted flag set to true.

if (DAO.hasAuthentication(emailcred)) {
                    Authentication emailauth = DAO.getAuthentication(emailcred);
                    String newsalt = createRandomString(20);
                    emailauth.put("passwordHash", getHash(newpassword, salt));
                    Log.getLog().info("password change for user: " + identity.getName() + " via newpassword from host: " + post.getClientHost());
                    result.put("message", "Your password has been changed!");
                    result.put("accepted", true);


Additional Resources:

Wikipedia article: What is DAO?

Continue ReadingChange Password for SUSI Accounts Using Access Token and Email-ID

Creating A Better Responsive Design In Susper

A lot of work has been done on making Susper, a wonderful search-engine and still more work have to be done on it. To become a good competitor in the market, one should make their website UI design such that:

  • It should be eye-catching for the users on the first-time visit to the website.
  • It should be easy to use with simple UI features rather than having more complex UI features.

We have been more oriented towards the material design. We have used Bootstrap technology for designing UI. Earlier, we proposed an idea of creating a UI using Angular Material v2 but it was dropped due to time limitations and other issue priorities.

To make Susper a better competitor in the market, we made sure it should be responsive as well on the following devices:

  • Mobile screen devices:
    • 320px – Smaller screen size.
    • 375px – Medium screen size.
    • 425px – Larger screen size.
  • Tablets:
    • 768px – default screen size for tablets.
  • Laptops:
    • 1024px – Smaller screen size.
    • 1440px – Larger screen size.
  • 4K:
    • 2560px – Default screen size.

We targeted these devices using @media queries in CSS3. For e.g. if I want to make a site responsive for the mobile devices, I will be using:

@media screen and (minwidth: 320px) and (maxwidth: 425px) {
  // do something


Here, min-width: 320px means that the screen size should be greater than and equal to 320px and max-width: 425px means that the screen size should be less than and equal to 425px.

It is not necessary to use only these dimensions. Suppose if there is break in UI design between 320px and 425px then, one can add that screen size using @media query. In this case, nested @media queries play a quite good role.

@media screen and (minwidth: 320px) and (maxwidth: 425px) {
  // do something
  // let’s say, break in UI design is observed at 375px
  // add nested @media query
  @media screen and (minwidth: 375px) {
    // do something


We’re still improving our CSS code at present following this grid pattern. One can check UI code at Susper repository hosted on GitHub:

We have also used a lot of breakpoints which are not nested. But it’s good practice to break points in nested form. This will be solved while improving our CSS code.

Here are some screenshots of the current responsiveness of Susper:

  • Mobile screen devices:
  • Tablet devices:

  • Laptops:
  • 4K display:


Continue ReadingCreating A Better Responsive Design In Susper

Stripe Authorization In Open Event API Server

The Open Event System supports payments through stripe. Stripe is a suite of APIs that powers commerce for businesses of all sizes. This blogpost covers testing of Stripe Authorization Schema and endpoints in the API Server.

The Stripe Authorization class provides the following endpoints:


In the pull request made for adding documentation and tests, these two endpoints were removed:


This is because each event can have only one stripe authorization, so there can not exist a list of stripe authorization objects related to an event.

The ‘stripe_authorization_list’ endpoint is made POST only. This is because Open Event does not allow individual resources’ list to be accessible. Since, there is no endpoint which returns a list of Stripe Authorizations the StripeAuthorizationList(ResourceListis removed.

The ResourceDetail class was modified to add a query to support  results from ‘/events/<int:event_id>/stripe-authorization’ endpoint suThe view_kwargs for the detail endpoint has to contain the resource id, so event_id from view_kwags is used to get the id for stripe authorization.

stripe_authorization = self.session.query(StripeAuthorization).filter_by(event_id=view_kwargs['event_id']).one()
view_kwargs['id'] =

Writing Test for Documentation

(Tests for the /events/1/stripe-authorization  is described here, for others please refer to links in additional references.)

To test the  /events/1/stripe-authorization endpoint for GET, we first insert a Stripe Authorization object into the database which will then be retrieved by the GET request and then compared with the expected response body from the documentation file.

Since stripe-auth has a required relationship with event class, an event must also exist for strie auth object to be created. The event is also required because the endpoint ‘events/’ expects an event object to exist. The StripeAuthorizationFactory takes care of this with event as a RelatedFactory. So when a StripeAuthorization object is inserted, an event is created first and passed as the required relationship to stripe_list_post endpoint.

The event is related to the stripe object by setting event_id = 1 in the factory.

Adding the pre-test hook for GET:

@hooks.before("StripeAuthorization > Stripe Authorization for an Event > Get Stripe Authorization Details of an Event")
def event_stripe_authorization_get_detail(transaction):
   GET /events/1/stripe-authorization
   :param transaction:
   with stash['app'].app_context():
       stripe = StripeAuthorizationFactory()

The expected response for this request can be found

Additional References:

Continue ReadingStripe Authorization In Open Event API Server

Handling Errors While Parsing the yaml File in Yaydoc

Yaydoc, our automatic documentation generator uses a yaml file to read a user’s configuration. The internal configuration parser basically converts the yaml file to a python dictionary. Then, it serializes the values of that dictionary using a custom serialization format. From there it associates those values with environment variables which are then passed to bash scripts for various tasks such as deployment, generation, etc.. Some of those environment variables are again passed to another python layer which interacts with sphinx where they are deserialized before use. This whole system works pretty well for our use cases.

Now let’s assume a user adds a yaml file where they have a malformed section in the file. For example, to specify a theme, one needs to add the following to the yaml file.

    name: sphinx_fossasia_theme

But our user has the following in their yaml file.

  theme: sphinx_fossasia_theme

Now this will raise an error as we expect a dictionary as a value for the key ‘theme’ but we got a string. Now how do we handle such cases without ignoring the entire file as that would be too much of a penalty for such a small mistake? One approach would have been to wrap each call to connect with a bunch of try-catch but that would render the code unreadable as the initial motivation for implementing the connect method was to abstract the internal implementation so that other contributors who may not be well versed with python can also easily add config options without needing to learn a bunch of python constructs.

So, what we did was that, while merging the dictionary containing default options and the dictionary containing the user preferences, we check whether the default has the same data type as that of the incoming value. If they are, It’s deemed safe to merge. There are certain relaxations though, like if the current type is a list, then the incoming value can be of any time as that can always be converted to a list of a single element. This is required to support the following syntax.

  - value
key: value

The above two blocks are equivalent due to the above-mentioned approach although the type is different.

Now, after this pre-validation step is over we can ensure that the if the assumed type for a key is let’s say a dictionary, then it would be a dictionary. Hence no type errors would be raised like trying to access a dict method for another object, say a string which happened with the earlier implementation. After this, an extra parameter was added to the connect method to which we can now pass a validation function which if returns false, those values would be ignored. Usage of this feature has been implemented to a small level where we validate the links to subprojects and if they look like a valid github repo only then will they be included. Note that their existence is not checked. Only a regex based validation is performed.

It was also important to notify the user about these events when we detect that a specific section is invalid and provide informative and helpful error messages without failing the build. Hence proper error messages were also added which were informative so that the user knows exactly which section is to blame. This is similar to compilers where the error message is crucial to debug a certain piece of code.


Continue ReadingHandling Errors While Parsing the yaml File in Yaydoc

Uploaded Images History in Phimpme Android

In Phimpme Android one core feature is of sharing images to many different platforms. After sharing we usually wants to look in the our past records, where we uploaded what pictures? Which image we uploaded? What time it was? So I added a feature to view the upload history of images. User can go to the Upload history tab, present in the navigation drawer of the app. From there he can browse the repository.

How I added history feature in Phimpme

  • Store the data when User initiate an upload

To get which data uploading is in progress. I am storing its name, date, time and image path. When user approve to upload image from Sharing Activity.

Created a database model

public class UploadHistoryRealmModel extends RealmObject{

   String name;
   String pathname;
   String datetime;

   public String getName() {
       return name;

   public void setName(String name) { = name;

   public String getPathname() {
       return pathname;

   public void setPathname(String pathname) {
       this.pathname = pathname;

   public String getDatetime() {
       return datetime;

   public void setDatetime(String datetime) {
       this.datetime = datetime;

This is the realm model for storing the name, date, time and image path.

Saving in database

UploadHistoryRealmModel uploadHistory;
uploadHistory = realm.createObject(UploadHistoryRealmModel.class);
uploadHistory.setDatetime(new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss").format(new Date()));

Creating realm object and setting the details in begin and commit Transaction block

  • Added upload history entry in Navigation Drawer


It consist of an ImageView and TextView in a horizontal oriented Linear Layout

  • Showing history in Upload History Activity

Added recyclerview in layout.


Query the database and updated the adapter of Upload History

uploadResults = realm.where(UploadHistoryRealmModel.class);
RecyclerView.LayoutManager layoutManager = new LinearLayoutManager(this);

Added the adapter for recycler view and created an Item using Constraint layout.


Continue ReadingUploaded Images History in Phimpme Android

Implementing the tickets API at the ‘tickets/add-order’ route

In Open Event Frontend, we have the ‘tickets/add-order’ route for a specific event which facilitates us to add the order based on the tickets that we create at the time of creation of event. The tickets are listed at the ‘tickets/add-order’ route where we can select the tickets required for example, ‘free’, ‘paid’, the payment type and proceed to the ticket buyer’s info page.

This is how we achieved implementing the API:
We use table to show the data to the user, the columns of which are Ticket Type, Price, Quantity, Item Total something like:

So, the workflow to achieve this is as follows:

  • Query the tickets for current event.
  • Have a controller to calculate the ‘Grand Total’ of the individual tickets that the user wants to buy.
  • Show the tickets in our table.

Querying the tickets: Since we are using ember data, we query tickets by the following query in our model method of route.

  model() {
    return this.modelFor('events.view').query('tickets', {});

Thus, the above query shows that we get the current event by actually querying the model for route ‘events.view’ which returns the current event and then query the tickets model so that we get the tickets associated with the current event.

Since there is no UI table support for ember data, we are using a custom table for all the tables in Open Event Frontend and pass the data to it. To render the data in tables, we follow the following approach.
In our controller, we have a columns property as:

columns: [
      propertyName : 'name',
      title        : 'Ticket Type'
      propertyName   : 'price',
      title          : 'Price(US$)',
      disableSorting : true
      propertyName : '',
      title        : 'Quantity',
      template     : 'components/ui-table/cell/cell-input-number'
      propertyName : 'itemTotal',
      title        : 'Item Total'

The propertyName maps the property of the objects returned from the server i.e in our case, the ‘tickets’. Thus, we pass this skeleton of columns and data from the model to our component so as to render the table in view.

  {{events/events-table columns=columns data=model

Also, as seen from the image shown earlier in this blog post, we can see that we also need to calculate the ‘Grand Total’ of the total purchase. Thus, we have a computed property in controller to do this:

  total: computed('model.@each.itemTotal', function() {
    let sum = 0.0;
    this.get('model').forEach(ticket => {
      sum += ticket.get('itemTotal');
    return sum;

We iterate over the each ‘itemTotal’ in the model and keep on adding it so that the total purchase gets added accordingly. Lastly we show the Grand Total to the user as seen in the image shown earlier in the blog.
Thus, the user can select the tickets and proceed towards the checkout.

Ember data official guide
Blog on ember data by Andy Crum

Continue ReadingImplementing the tickets API at the ‘tickets/add-order’ route

Shortcuts in the Phimpme Android Application

The Phimpme Android application comes with a great functionality of capturing moments, editing them, and sharing it with the world using various social media or cloud platforms integrated into the application. Sometimes, the user may want to directly go to a particular section of the application without having to go to the home activity all the time. We have solved this issue using the App shortcuts option which is provided on Android versions greater than 7.0 Nougat. When the user long clicks on the icon of the application, it provides us with multiple options to choose which activity or section we would like to go to as depicted in the screenshot below.

In this post, I will be explaining how we have achieved this functionality in the Phimpme Android application.

Step 1

In the Phimpme app, we have three main sections named Camera, Gallery and Accounts and we have added these three options in the app shortcut menu. To do this, first of all, we need to add a meta data to the main activity in the AndroidManifest.xml file. To do this, search for the activity which contains “android.intent.action.MAIN” and add the following line of code in the activity tag.

<meta-data android:name=""
  android:resource="@xml/shortcuts" />

Step 2

Now after we have configured the manifest file, we need to create shortcuts.xml file in the resources folder which will contain the information about our app shortcuts along with the intent action to go to a particular activity.

After creating the xml file, add the following line of code.

<shortcuts xmlns:tools=""

Now after this we have to create a shortcut tag and define the id of our shortcut and should add the icon to it which will be displayed to the user along with the shortcut text as depicted in the screenshot above. This can be done using the following line of code.


Now after this, we have to define the action which we want to perform when the user clicks on a particular app shortcut. To do this, create an intent tag and add the following lines of code in it.

  android:targetClass="org.fossasia.phimpme.opencamera.Camera.CameraActivity" />
<categories android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />

The above code sets the action type as Image capture and defines the package name of the application. The above code is used to open the Camera activity of the Phimpme Application from the shortcut menu. In the similar fashion as described above, we have implemented the option to open up the Gallery and Accounts section of our application by just modifying the action name of the shortcut.

This is how we have implemented the App shortcut functionality in the Phimpme app. To get the full source code of the Shortcuts.xml file, please refer to the Phimpme Android repository.


  1. Android Developer’s Guide – App shortcuts –
  2. GitHub – Google Sample Project to depict the usage of app shortcuts –
  3. Blog – Using app shortcuts in Android 7.0 –
  4. GitHub – Phimpme Android repository –
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