FOSSASIA Summit 2021 Call for Speakers and Projects
The FOSSASIA Summit 2021 will take place ONLINE this year. The event will spread out over the week of March 13 – 21 and will run on our own open source virtual event platform ‘eventyay’.
Speakers interested to submit a talk, panel or workshop please propose your session before 4th February (soft deadline). We want to learn from you how to solve the challenges of our time with Open Technologies!
At the event we are connecting local hubs, makerspaces, clubs and university IT groups across Asia. Please fill in this form to become a community hub partner and get listed on the event site.
The current situation around the world shows us that open global collaboration is the way to solve our problems. Now we would like you to share your hands-on examples at the event of topics such as how to:
- Take on the fight against COVID-19 with open health technologies
- Solve everyday problems with AI
- Tackle climate change with an open source approach
- Create open hardware solutions for science and Biohacking
- Run DevOps in a distributed team in home office
- Implement continuous delivery and sovereign cloud stacks with diverse tools
- Establish a friendly, welcoming and collaborative project culture
- Ensure digital sovereignty and independent data governance
- Get privacy and security right
- Customize Linux for lightweight hardware and special use cases
- And what are best practices for open access education
.. and many more topics about Databases, Web and Mobile Technologies, Robotics, Blockchain, Design and Compliance. Please find the complete list of tracks on the event site and submit your proposal.
Important Dates
- CfS soft deadline: 4 February 2021 (submissions receive priority)
- Late submission cut off date: 11 February 2021
- Event dates: 13 – 21 March 2021
- Notification of acceptance: On an ongoing basis
Sessions and Slots
Talk slots are 15 minutes, 25 minutes or 40 minutes long these include time for questions and answers. We recommend to reserve at least a third of the time for questions. Shorter sessions are preferred to avoid online fatigue of the audience.
Panels are sessions with at least two panelists who discuss a topic and provide insights. Available slots are 55 minutes.
Workshop options are 90 minutes, 2 hours or 3 hours. We are looking for interactive workshops where participants can actively engage in.
Lightning talks
You have some interesting ideas but do not want to submit a full talk? We suggest you go for a lightning talk which is a 5 minutes slot to present your idea or project.
Virtual exhibition
We offer virtual exhibition rooms for companies, projects, online installations, team gatherings and other fun activities. We are curious to know what you would like to show. Please add details in the submission form.
To Know
- This year summit will take place online.
- Speakers will conduct their sessions live to provide an interactive environment
- Speakers can deliver sessions in English or a language of their choice.
- Q&As and interaction among participants are highly encouraged.
- Submissions for hands-on workshops and panel discussions are preferable as they provide more interactive opportunities.
Audio and video recordings of the lectures will be published in various formats under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license. This license allows commercial use by media institutions as part of their reporting. If you do not wish for material from your lecture to be published or streamed, please let us know in your submission.
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