Create a Wireless Access Point Using a Raspberry Pi to Connect with SUSI Smart Speaker

To use the pi as a wifi bridge, a local network or just as a wifi range extender.We at FOSSASIA are using it as a network to connect between our SUSI.AI smart speaker and the Android and IOS devices. Or maybe because you can !! :’)


  1. Raspberry Pi Model 3(since we will be using an internal wifi)
  2. Power supply for the Pi.
  3. Monitor (optional)
  4. Keyboard (optional)
  5. Mouse (optional)


1.Install and upgrade raspbian


Sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install


2. Install hostapd and dnsmasq .
This will allow us to use our raspberry pi as a wireless access point


apt-get remove –purge hostapd -yqq
apt-get update -yqq
apt-get upgrade -yqq
apt-get install hostapd dnsmasq -yqq


3. Now we will add broadcasting IP and DNS address in the dnsmasq configuration file

To access the configuration file use:

sudo nano /etc/


And to the bottom of the file, add the following commands




  1. Now to select the SSID and the PASSWORD for the access point, we’ll need to change the configurations of hostapd package
sudo nano /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf


Then, use the following commands :




  1. To finally sum up the configuration, we’ll have to create a  custom network interface that combines all the settings that we have made.
sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces


And add the following lines it the EOF

allow-hotplug wlan0
iface wlan0 inet static


Now, we just have to have to disable default interfaces so that they do not interfere with the custom interfaces that we have made.

To do so


sudo nano /etc/dhcpcd.conf


Add the following line at the end of the file

denyinterfaces wlan0


  1. Now just restart the services


systemctl enable hostapd && systemctl enable dnsmasq

sudo service hostapd start && sudo service dnsmasq start

sudo reboot


Now, you will be able to enjoy a self-made access point which is used as a basic mode of connection in SUSI Smart Speaker and can also be used in various other access point methods.






Continue ReadingCreate a Wireless Access Point Using a Raspberry Pi to Connect with SUSI Smart Speaker

Adding Audio Streaming from Youtube in SUSI Linux

In this blog post we will describe how the youtube streaming works in the

SUSI smart speaker and how audio is streamed directly from youtube videos.

To achieve this process, we have used an amazing Open-Source project called MPV music Player along with python libraries like Subprocess.

1.Processing a Query to the server

Firstly , the user asks the smart speaker to play the youtube audio by simply adding a ‘play’ word before his/her favorite song. eg. I’ll say ‘play despacito’ and then the command is recognized and a query is sent to the server which sends the following response as a JSON object.

“actions”: [
       “type”: “answer”,
       “expression”: “Playing Luis Fonsi – Despacito ft. Daddy Yankee”
       “identifier”: “kJQP7kiw5Fk”,
       “identifier_type”: “youtube”,
       “type”: “video_play”

2.Parsing the response

Then the speaker parses the response in the following way.

The Speaker traverses through all the actions returned in the response and checks for all the “identifier” by assigning a custom class to it.

class VideoAction(BaseAction):
   def __init__(self, identifier , identifier_type):
       self.identifier = identifier
       self.identifier_type = identifier_type

Now we check whether the query is the type of a custom class VideoAction and then the client processes the query as the response.

      elif isinstance(action, VideoAction):
          result[‘identifier’] = action.identifier
           audio_url = result[‘identifier’]  

3.Implementing the Actions

Now that we have identified that the response contains a Video Action, we can finally implement a way to play the audio from the URL.
We use a music player called MPV Music Player and the library Subprocess to make it run asynchronously.

if ‘identifier’ in reply.keys():
   classifier = reply[‘identifier’]
   if classifier[:3] == ‘ytd’:
       video_url = reply[‘identifier’]
       video_pid = subprocess.Popen(‘mpv –no-video{} –really-quiet &’.format(video_url[4:]), shell=True)  # nosec #pylint-disable type: ignore
       self.video_pid =

This is how audio is streamed from youtube videos in SUSI Smart Speaker.




fossasia, gsoc’18, susi,, youtube, music, mp3 , mpv, audio stream


Continue ReadingAdding Audio Streaming from Youtube in SUSI Linux

Adding Offline support To SUSI Linux

Till now, SUSI smart speaker was working only as an online model like the other speakers in the market. For the first time, we have introduced a feature which allows the speaker to work offline. We deployed the server on the hardware itself and also provide the option of an online server as a fallback.


The Offline Support was implemented in the following steps


Step 1: Deploying SUSI Server Locally


Firstly , configure a bash script to allow automatic deployment of the server along with the initialization of the susi_linux script.


echo “Deploying local server”
if  [ ! -e “susi-server” ]
   git clone

if [ -e “susi_server” ]
   cd susi_server
   git submodule update –recursive –remote
   git submodule update –init –recursive
   ./gradlew build


The above builds the server and deploys it on ‘localhost:4000’.


Then, add the following test on SUSI Linux wrapper to check if the local server is up and running. Using the local server not adds an offline support but also increases the efficiency by around 30%.

def check_local_server():
   test_params = {
       ‘q’: ‘Hello’,
       ‘timezoneOffset’: int(time.timezone / 60)
       chat_url = ‘http://localhost:4000/susi/chat.json’
       if (requests.get(chat_url, test_params)):
           print(‘connected to local server’)
           global api_endpoint
           api_endpoint = ‘http://localhost:4000’
   except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError:
       print(‘local server is down’)



As shown above, this is a test checking for the local server. If the local server is down, the online server is chosen as a fallback


Step 2: Adding an Offline STT Service

Now, that we are able to process a query offline. We must have a way in which, we can recognize the user’s voice commands without using the internet. For that, we use the service of PocketSphinx. But first, we check if the internet is available or not


def internet_on():
           urllib2.urlopen(‘’, timeout=1)  # nosec #pylint-disable type: ignore
           return True  # pylint-enable
       except urllib2.URLError as err:
           return False


If the internet connection is available, we use the online STT service which is Google STT ( default) and switch over to PocketSphinx in case the internet connection is not available.


Step 3: Adding the Offline TTS service

Finally, we’ll need an offline TTS service which will help us turn SUSI’s response to voice commands. We’ll be using a service called flite TTS as our offline TTS.


elif payload == ‘ConnectionError’:
            self.notify_renderer(‘error’, ‘connection’)                                  self.notify_renderer(‘error’, ‘connection’)
            config[‘default_tts’] = ‘flite’
            os.system(‘play extras/connect-error.wav’)              


We check if there is a ConnectionError, and then we switch to flite TTS after play an error query


Final Output:

We now get a Smart Speaker which is functional without any internet connection.





Fossasia, susi, gsoc, gsoc’18, offline_tts , offline_stt ,flite , pocketsphinx

Continue ReadingAdding Offline support To SUSI Linux

Creating a Media Daemon for SUSI Smart Speaker

A daemon in reference of operating systems is a computer program that runs as a background process rather than under direct control of the user. Various daemons are being used in SUSI smart speaker.

The following features have been created

  • Update Daemon
  • Media Discovery Daemon
  • Factory Reset Daemon

In this blog, we’ll be discussing the implementation of the Media Discovery Daemon

Media Discovery Daemon:

The SUSI Smart speaker will have an essential feature which will allow the Users to play music from their USB devices. Hence , a media daemon will be running which will detect a USB connection and then scan it’s contents checking for all the mp3 files and then create custom SUSI skills to allow SUSI Smart Speaker to play music from your USB device.


The Media Daemon was implemented in the following steps

1.UDEV Rules

We had to figure out a way to run our daemon as soon as the user inserted the USB storage and stop the daemon as soon as the USB storage was removed


So, we used UDEV rules to trigger the Media Daemon.


ACTION==“add”, KERNEL==“sd?”, SUBSYSTEM==“block”, ENV{ID_BUS}==“usb”, RUN=“/home/pi/SUSI.AI/susi_linux/media_daemon/”ACTION==“remove, KERNEL==“sd?”, SUBSYSTEM==“block”, ENV{ID_BUS}==“usb”, RUN=“/home/pi/SUSI.AI/susi_linux/media_daemon/”

The Udev rules trigger a script called ‘’  on USB detection and a script called ‘’ on USB removal.

2. Custom Skill Creation

As the USB connection is now detected ,a script is triggered which checks the presence of a  local SUSI server in the repo. If a local server instance is detected,a python script is triggered which parses through the USB mount point and checks for the list of mp3 files present in the storage device and then create a custom skill file in the local server instance.


media_daemon_folder = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
base_folder = os.path.dirname(media_daemon_folder)
server_skill_folder = os.path.join(base_folder, ‘susi_server/susi_server/data/generic_skills/media_discovery’)
server_settings_folder = os.path.join(base_folder, ‘susi_server/susi_server/data/settings’)

def make_skill(): # pylint-enable
   name_of_usb = get_mount_points()
   x = name_of_usb[0]
   USB = name_of_usb[0]
   mp3_files = glob(“*.mp3”)
   f = open( media_daemon_folder +‘/custom_skill.txt’,‘w’)
   music_path = list()
   for mp in mp3_files:
       music_path.append(“{}”.format(USB[1]) + “/{}”.format(mp))

   song_list = ” “.join(music_path)
   skills = [‘play audio’,‘!console:Playing audio from your usb device’,‘{“actions”:[‘,‘{“type”:”audio_play”, “identifier_type”:”url”, “identifier”:”file://’+str(song_list) +‘”}’,‘]}’,‘eol’]
   for skill in skills:
       f.write(skill + ‘\n’)
   shutil.move( media_daemon_folder + ‘custom_skill.txt’, server_skill_folder)
   f2 = open(server_settings_folder + ‘’,‘a’)
   f2.write(‘local.mode = true’)

def get_usb_devices():
   sdb_devices = map(os.path.realpath, glob(‘/sys/block/sd*’))
   usb_devices = (dev for dev in sdb_devices
       if ‘usb’ in dev.split(‘/’)[5])
   return dict((os.path.basename(dev), dev) for dev in usb_devices)

def get_mount_points(devices=None):
   devices = devices or get_usb_devices() # if devices are None: get_usb_devices
   output = check_output([‘mount’]).splitlines() #nosec #pylint-disable type: ignore
   output = [tmp.decode(‘UTF-8’) for tmp in output ] # pytlint-enable
   def is_usb(path):
       return any(dev in path for dev in devices)
   usb_info = (line for line in output if is_usb(line.split()[0]))
   return [(info.split()[0], info.split()[2]) for info in usb_info] 


Now a custom skill file will be created in the local server instance by the name of `custom_skill.txt` and the user can play audio from USB by speaking the command ‘play audio’


3. Preparing for the Next USB insertion

Now if the User wants to update his/her music library or wants to use another USB storage device. The USB will be removed and hence the custom skill file is also deleted from the script ‘’ which is triggered via the UDEV rules

#! /bin/bash

SCRIPT_PATH=$(realpath $0)

cd $DIR_PATH/../susi_server/susi_server/data/generic_skills/media_discovery/

sudo rm custom_skill.txt  


This is how the Media Discovery Daemon works in SUSI Smart Speaker




gsoc, gsoc’18 , fossasia,, smart speaker, media daemon, susi skills

Continue ReadingCreating a Media Daemon for SUSI Smart Speaker

Displaying Skills Feedback on SUSI.AI Android App

SUSI.AI has a feedback system where the user can post feedback for a skill using Android, iOS, and web clients. In skill details screen, the feedback posted by different users is displayed. This blog shows how the feedback from different users can be displayed in the skill details screen under feedback section.

Three of the items from the feedback list are displayed in the skill details screen. To see the entire list of feedback, the user can tap the ‘See All Reviews’ option at the bottom of the list.

The API endpoint that has been used to get skill feedback from the server is

The following query params are attached to the above URL to get the specific feedback list :

  • Model
  • Group
  • Language
  • Skill Name

The list received is an array of `Feedback` objects, which hold three values :

  • Feedback String (feedback) – Feedback string posted by a user
  • Email (email) – Email address of the user who posted the feedback
  • Time Stamp – Time of posting feedback

To display feedback, use the RecyclerView. There can be three possible cases:

  • Case – 1: Size of the feedback list is greater than three
    In this case, set the size of the list to three explicitly in the FeedbackAdapter so that only three view holders are inflated. Inflate the fourth view holder with “See All Reviews” text view and make it clickable if the size of the received feedback list is greater than three.
    Also, when the user taps “See All Reviews”, launch an explicit intent to open the Feedback Activity. Set the AllReviewsAdapter for this activity. The size of the list will not be altered here because this activity must show all feedback.
  • Case – 2: Size of the feedback list is less than or equal to three
    In this case simply display the feedback list in the SkillDetailsFragment and there is no need to launch any intent here. Also, “See All Reviews” will not be displayed here.

    Case – 3: Size of the feedback list is zero
    In this case simply display a message that says no feedback has been submitted yet.Here is an example of how a “See All Reviews” screen looks like :


First of all, define an XML layout for a feedback item and then create a data class for storing the query params.

data class FetchFeedbackQuery(
       val model: String,
       val group: String,
       val language: String,
       val skill: String

Now, make the GET request using Retrofit from the model (M in MVP).

override fun fetchFeedback(query: FetchFeedbackQuery, listener: ISkillDetailsModel.OnFetchFeedbackFinishedListener) {

   fetchFeedbackResponseCall = ClientBuilder.fetchFeedbackCall(query)

   fetchFeedbackResponseCall.enqueue(object : Callback<GetSkillFeedbackResponse> {
       override fun onResponse(call: Call<GetSkillFeedbackResponse>, response: Response<GetSkillFeedbackResponse>) {

       override fun onFailure(call: Call<GetSkillFeedbackResponse>, t: Throwable) {

override fun cancelFetchFeedback() {

The feedback list received in the JSON response can now be used to display the user reviews with the help of custom adapters, keeping in mind the three cases already discussed above.


Continue ReadingDisplaying Skills Feedback on SUSI.AI Android App

Implementing Accepting and Rejecting Proposals in Open Event Frontend

This blog post will illustrate how to add buttons to accept and reject proposal and making them functional. Sessions tab in event dashboard communicates with the following APIs of Open Event Server.

  • GET                    /v1/sessions
  • PATCH              /v1/sessions
What is meant by accepting or rejecting a session in open event?

Sessions are part of event which include one or many speakers. Speakers can propose one or many sessions for a event. Now it is duty of organizer to accept some proposals and reject others. Open event provides two options to accept or reject a proposal i.e. with email or without email.

For this we need to send a key value pair which includes whether we want to send email or not along with other parameters which include current state of session and other important properties. A typical request to alter state of session looks like this.

  "data": {
    "attributes": {
      "title": "Micropython Session",
      "level": 1,
      "starts-at": "2017-06-01T10:00:00.500127+00:00",
      "ends-at": "2017-06-01T11:00:00.500127+00:00",
      "created-at": "2017-05-01T01:24:47.500127+00:00",
      "is-mail-sent": false,
      "send-email": true,
    "type": "session",
    "id": "1"
Implementing in frontend

We start by providing two buttons for a pending session. One to accept the session and other to reject the session.

On clicking either accept or reject button we get two options to choose i.e. with email and without email. Depending on what organizer chooses a action is fired from the template and sent to controller. Template code for these buttons looks something like this.

class=“ui vertical compact basic buttons”> {{#unless (eq record.state ‘accepted’)}} {{#ui-dropdown class=‘ui icon bottom right pointing dropdown button’}} class=“green checkmark icon”>


class=“item” {{action acceptProposal record true}}>{{t ‘With email’}}


class=“item” {{action acceptProposal record false}}>{{t ‘Without email’}}


  {{#unless (eq record.state 'rejected')}}
    {{#ui-dropdown class='ui icon bottom right pointing dropdown button'}}
      <i class="red remove icon"></i>


class=“item” {{action rejectProposal record true}}>{{t ‘With email’}}


class=“item” {{action rejectProposal record false}}>{{t ‘Without email’}}



We can see that for with email button we trigger accept proposal button with two parameters record and true. Record contains the instance of session and true signifies that we are sending email. Similar is the case with without email button. Controller for these actions looks something like this.

acceptProposal(session, sendEmail) {
      session.set('sendEmail', sendEmail);
      session.set('state', 'accepted');
      session.set('isMailSent', sendEmail);
      this.set('isLoading', true);
        .then(() => {
          sendEmail ? this.notify.success(this.get('l10n').t('Session has been accepted and speaker has been notified via email.'))
            : this.notify.success(this.get('l10n').t('Session has been accepted'));
        .catch(() => {
          this.notify.error(this.get('l10n').t('An unexpected error has occurred.'));
        .finally(() => {
          this.set('isLoading', false);
    rejectProposal(session, sendEmail) {
      session.set('sendEmail', sendEmail);
      session.set('state', 'rejected');
      session.set('isMailSent', sendEmail);
      this.set('isLoading', true);
        .then(() => {
          sendEmail ? this.notify.success(this.get('l10n').t('Session has been rejected and speaker has been notified via email.'))
            : this.notify.success(this.get('l10n').t('Session has been rejected'));
        .catch(() => {
          this.notify.error(this.get('l10n').t('An unexpected error has occurred.'));
        .finally(() => {
          this.set('isLoading', false);

For accepting with email we set sendEmail field to true and send the query to server. Similarly for reject proposal action we follow same procedure.


Implementing buttons like these, and defining proper actions like these we are able to change the state of session with options to send email or not.


Continue ReadingImplementing Accepting and Rejecting Proposals in Open Event Frontend

Adding Online Payment Support in Online Event Frontend via Stripe

Open Event Frontend involves ticketing system which supports both paid and free tickets. To buy a paid ticket Open Event provides several options such as debit card, credit card, cheque, bank transfer and onsite payments. So to add support for debit and credit card payments Open Event uses stripe checkout. Using stripe users can enter their card details and pay for their ticket.

Given below are some steps which are to be followed for successfully charging a user for ticket using his/her card.

  • We get publishable key for organizer’s stripe account using OAuth. See this blog.
  • We render stripe checkout button using stripe publishable key. This helps us identify which user to credit after payment.
  • After clicking checkout button user is prompted to enter his/her card details and verify payment.
  • After user’s verification stripe generates a payment token is which is used by open event frontend to charge the user for stipulated amount.
  • We send this token to open event server which processes the token and charge the user.
  • We get error or success message from open event server as per the process outcome.

To render the stripe checkout button we use ember-cli-stripe. Below is the code which helps us to understand how stripe checkout button is rendered.

// app/templates/orders/placed.hbs 

    name="Open Event"
    onToken=(action "processStripeToken")
    onClosed=(action "checkoutClosed")
    onOpened=(action "checkoutOpened")


Full code can be seen here.

We see that we pass different parameters to stripe button which helps stripe identify how to render the button and what information to display. We have also passed the actions onToken(), onClosed() and onOpened(). All these actions are triggered at different instances based on what event occurs.

onToken(): This action is triggered when user has verified his/her purchase and we stripe has generated the payment token. Stripe passes the token back to client (open event frontend server) to process. We have handled this error via different name “processStripeToken()”. We will see cose for these actions below.

onClosed(): This action is called when checkout prompt is closed. We have not used this action in open event frontend. But this can be used to trigger some event in case your application need some action when checkout prompt is closed.

onOpened(): This action is called when checkout prompt is opened. We have not used this action in open event frontend. But this can be used to trigger some event in case your application need some action when checkout prompt is opened.

Code for these actions are given below. Full code file can be seen here.

//  app/controllers/orders/placed.js 

processStripeToken(token) {
   // Send this token to server to process payment
   let order = this.get('model');
   let chargePayload = {
     'data': {
       'attributes': {
         'stripe'            :,
         'paypal_payer_id'   : null,
         'paypal_payment_id' : null
       'type': 'charge'
   let config = {
     skipDataTransform: true
   chargePayload = JSON.stringify(chargePayload);
   return this.get('loader').post(`orders/${order.identifier}/charge`, chargePayload, config)
     .then(charge => {
       if ( {
         this.transitionToRoute('orders.view', order.identifier);
       } else {


In above code snippet for processStipeToken() we are processing the stripe payment token received from stripe after user verifies his/her payment. We pass this token to charge endpoint of open event server. After charging the user server send a response which is displayed on frontend.

In this way we achieve the functionality of adding stripe payment support in open event frontend. Please follow the links below for further clarification and detailed overview.

Continue ReadingAdding Online Payment Support in Online Event Frontend via Stripe

Adding an Edit Route for Access Codes in Open Event Frontend

This blog post will illustrate how to add edit route to access code to allow organizers editing an access code. Editing access codes deals with the following API on Open Event Server.

PATCH          /v1/access-codes/{id}

First of all we need to add a route to allow editing of access codes. Our route will be /events/{event_id}/tickets/access-codes/edit/{access_code_id}. To generate a new route we need to run the command

ember g route events/view/tickets/access-codes/edit

This will generate new routes files and templates. Also this will add this route in router.js. In router.js we need to specify what we are passing as a parameter to route. For this we specify access_code_id to let ember know that this parameter will be passed with the URL. This is done so as to know which access code to update. Our route should look something like this /events/{event_id}/tickets/access-codes/edit/{access_code_id}. Final router.js file for access-codes part is given below:

//  app/router.js
this.route('access-codes', function() {
   this.route('list', { path: '/:access_status' });
   this.route('edit', { path: '/edit/:access_code_id' });


Next we need to pass model (data) to our edit route template. In our model we will be looking for a particular access code with an id and event tickets. After we get our event tickets, we then look for the event tickets which are already present in that access code. This is done so as to check the tickets in the template which are already present in that access code. So for this in afterModel hook we loop over all event tickets and whichever ticket is included in the access code tickets array we mark its isChecked property as true. This helps us to mark those tickets as checked in multiple select checkboxes of template.

// app/routes/events/view/tickets/access-codes/edit.js

model(params) {
   return RSVP.hash({
     accessCode :'access-code', params.access_code_id, {}),
     tickets    : this.modelFor('events.view').query('tickets', {})

 async afterModel(model) {
   let tickets = await;
   let allTickets =;
   allTickets.forEach(ticket => {
     if (tickets.includes(ticket)) {
       ticket.set('isChecked', true);
     } else {
       ticket.set('isChecked', false);


The information about multiple select checkboxes in frontend has been discussed in this blog post. Now after we are done setting our edit route we need to redirect user to edit page when he/she clicks on the edit button in access code list. For this we define the necessary actions in template which will be triggered when user clicks on the icon. Code for the edit icon in access code list is given below.

// templates/components/ui-table/cell/events/view/tickets/access-codes/cell-actions.hbs

class="ui vertical compact basic buttons"> {{#ui-popup content=(t 'Edit') click=(action editAccessCode class='ui icon button' position='left center'}} class="edit icon"> {{/ui-popup}}


The editAccessCode action looks something like this.

// controller/events/view/tickets/access-codes/edit.js

editAccessCode(id) {
     this.transitionToRoute('', id);


After clicking on the edit icon user is redirected to edit route where he/she can edit access code choosen. We use the same component that we chose for creating access code. To know more about create access code template component refer to this blog. Finally when saving the edited access code we call save action. This action is defined in the controllers. The action looks something like this.

// controllers/events/view/tickets/access-codes/edit.js

export default Controller.extend({
 actions: {
   save(accessCode) {
       .then(() => {
         this.get('notify').success(this.get('l10n').t('Access code has been successfully updated.'));
       .catch(() => {
         this.get('notify').error(this.get('l10n').t('An unexpected error has occured. Discount code cannot be created.'));


After the access code is saved. We redirect user back to access code list.


Continue ReadingAdding an Edit Route for Access Codes in Open Event Frontend

Integrating Orders API to Allow User Select Tickets for Placing Order in Open Event Frontend

In Open Event Frontend organizer has option to sell tickets for his event. Tickets which are available to public are listed in public page of event for users to buy. In this blog post we will learn how to integrate orders API and manage multiple tickets of varying quantity under an order.

For orders we mainly interact with three API endpoints.

  1. Orders API endpoint
  2. Attendees API endpoint
  3. Tickets API endpoint

Orders and attendees have one to many relationship and similarly orders and tickets also have one to many relationship. Every attendee is related to one ticket. In simple words one attendee has one ticket and one order can contain many tickets of different quantity each meant for different attendee.

// routes/public/index.js

order:'order', {
  event     : eventDetails,
  user      : this.get('authManager.currentUser'),
  tickets   : [],
  attendees : []


We need to create instance of order model to fill in data in that record. We do this in our routes folder of public route. Code snippet is given below.

We create a empty array for tickets and attendees so that we can add their record instances as relationship to order.

As given in screenshot we have a dropdown for each ticket to select quantity of each ticket. To allow user select quantity of a ticket we use #ui-dropdown component of ember-semantic-ui in our template. The code snippet of that is given below.

// templates/components/public/ticket-list.js

{{#ui-dropdown class='compact selection' forceSelection=false onChange=(action 'updateOrder' ticket) as |execute mapper|}}
  {{input type='hidden' id=(concat '_quantity') value=ticket.orderQuantity}}
    <i class="dropdown icon"></i>
class="default text">0
class="item" data-value="{{map-value mapper 0}}">{{0}}
{{#each (range ticket.minOrder ticket.maxOrder) as |count|}}
class="item" data-value="{{map-value mapper count}}">{{count}}
{{/each}} </div> {{/ui-dropdown}}


For every change in quantity of ticket selected we call a action named updateOrder. The code snippet for this action is given below.

// components/public/ticket-list.js

updateOrder(ticket, count) {
      let order = this.get('order');
      ticket.set('orderQuantity', count);
      order.set('amount', this.get('total'));
      if (count > 0) {;
      } else {
        if ( {


Here we can see that if quantity of selected ticket is more than 0 we add that ticket to our order otherwise we remove that ticket from the order if it already exists.

Once user selects his tickets for the order he/she can order the tickets. On clicking Order button we call placeOrder action. With help of this we add all the relations and finally send the order information to the server. Code snippet is given below.

// components/public/ticket-list.js
placeOrder() {
   let order = this.get('order');
   let event = order.get('event'); => {
     let attendee = ticket.orderQuantity;
     let i;
     for (i = 0; i < attendee; i++) {
       order.attendees.addObject('attendee', {
         firstname : 'John',
         lastname  : 'Doe',
         email     : '',


Here for each ticket placed under an order we create a dummy attendee related to ticket and event. And then we call save action to save all the models. Code snippet for save is given:

actions: {
    async save() {
      try {
        this.set('isLoading', true);
        let order = this.get('model.order');
        let attendees = order.get('attendees');
        attendees.forEach(async attendee => {
          .then(order => {
            this.get('notify').success(this.get('l10n').t('Order created.'));
      } catch (e) {
        this.get('notify').error(this.get('l10n').t('Oops something went wrong. Please try again'));


Here we finally save all the models and transition to orders page to enable user fill the attendees details.

Continue ReadingIntegrating Orders API to Allow User Select Tickets for Placing Order in Open Event Frontend

Modifying Tickets API in Open Event Server to Return Hidden Tickets Only for Organizers and Admins

This blog article will illustrate how we can modify the permissions settings for an API to enable different kind of responses to users with different level of permissions. In this article we will discuss these changes with respect to Tickets API.

Initially we had a query where we were returning only those tickets who were set to be visible by the admin. Query for this was:

class TicketList(ResourceList):
   List Tickets based on different params
   def before_get(self, args, view_kwargs):
       before get method to get the resource id for assigning schema
       :param args:
       :param view_kwargs:
       if view_kwargs.get('ticket_tag_id') or view_kwargs.get('access_code_id') or         view_kwargs.get('order_identifier'):
           self.schema = TicketSchemaPublic

   def query(self, view_kwargs):
       query method for resource list
       :param view_kwargs:

       query_ = self.session.query(Ticket).filter_by(is_hidden=False)


Problem with this query was that this returned same response irrespective of who is logged in. Hence even the organizers were not able to modify hidden tickets because they were not returned by server.

Solution to this problem was to provide hidden tickets only to those who are organizer or are admin/super admins. For this we used the JWT token that was being sent from frontend in request headers for each authenticated request that was being made from frontend.

We modified the code to something like this:

class TicketList(ResourceList):
   List Tickets based on different params
   def before_get(self, args, view_kwargs):
       before get method to get the resource id for assigning schema
       :param args:
       :param view_kwargs:
       if view_kwargs.get('ticket_tag_id') or view_kwargs.get('access_code_id') or view_kwargs.get('order_identifier'):
           self.schema = TicketSchemaPublic

   def query(self, view_kwargs):
       query method for resource list
       :param view_kwargs:

       if 'Authorization' in request.headers:
           if current_user.is_super_admin or current_user.is_admin:
               query_ = self.session.query(Ticket)
           elif view_kwargs.get('event_id') and has_access('is_organizer', event_id=view_kwargs['event_id']):
               query_ = self.session.query(Ticket)
               query_ = self.session.query(Ticket).filter_by(is_hidden=False)
           query_ = self.session.query(Ticket).filter_by(is_hidden=False)


Here we added some conditions which were used to check permission level of logged in user. After picking JWT token from request headers we check if the user was admin or super_admin, then we return all the tickets without any condition. Then we also check if the logged in user was organizer of event then also we send all the tickets without any conditions.

However if request comes from unauthenticated users (without valid token) or users with normal privileges, then we returned tickets whose isHidden property was set to False. The functions such as is_organizer and is_super_admin acted as helpers as they were imported from other helper files where they were defined.


Continue ReadingModifying Tickets API in Open Event Server to Return Hidden Tickets Only for Organizers and Admins