Adding Stickers Feature on Phimpme Android App with ViewFlipper and Scrollview

For any image editing application stickers play an important role in editing an image. Phimpme is no different. There can be many different kinds of stickers. As Phimpme is an Open Source application. The user can add their own stickers to be implemented on Phimpme. But this gives a long and non-exhaustive list of stickers that the user has to go through. Sorting the stickers into different categories is one way of doing it. It provides quick access to the desired sticker a user wants to add to her or his photo. In order to achieve this, I am using ViewFlipper and Scrollview.

Categorizing the types of Stickers.

How it is done in Phimpme?

Currently, there are six different categories for stickers. Namely: Facial, Hearts, Objects, Comments, Wishes, Animals. The following code is used to store the category name:

public static final String[] stickerPath = {"stickers/type1", "stickers/type2", "stickers/type3", "stickers/type4", "stickers/type5", "stickers/type6"};
public static final String[] stickerPathName = {"Facial", "Hearts", "Objects", "Comments", "Wishes", "Animals"};


We need to populate the sticker fragment with the different categories. This is done by overriding onBinderHolder() function and using ImageHolder to handle onClickListener.

private ImageClick mImageClick = new ImageClick();

Getting the position of the stickerPathName and setting it in stickerFragment.

    public void onBindViewHolder(ViewHolder holder, int position) {
        ImageHolder imageHoler = (ImageHolder) holder;
        String name = stickerPathName[position];


Adding Stickers to the different categories.

Now that we have different categories, we can assign different types of stickers to specific categories.

We are using RecyclerView.Adapter<ViewHolder>, which implements onCreateViewHolder() method. onCreateViewHolder method is created every time we need a new view, hence RecyclerView comes handy in such situation rather than a normal list.

First, we need to define the xml file where each sticker will be displayed in the form of ImageView. This ImageView has specific maxHeight and maxWidth for a uniform view.

The xml file name is: view_sticker_item.xml

<ImageView xmlns:android=""
    android:scaleType="centerInside" />

After we set up view_sticker_item.xml, we have to inflate it.

    public ViewHolder onCreateViewHolder(ViewGroup parent, int viewtype) {
        View v = null;
        v = LayoutInflater.from(parent.getContext()).inflate(
                R.layout.view_sticker_item, parent, false);
        ImageHolder holder = new ImageHolder(v);
        return holder;


I have saved all the images in the assets folder and distributed it among type1, type2, type3, type4, type5 and type6.

One thing is to be kept in mind that the images should be in png format. PNG format images are only pixelated on the required areas. So that it does not hamper the background of the image.

Displaying stickers

Displaying sticker are done by overriding onBindViewHolder again. It accepts two parameters: ViewHolder holder and int position. ImageHolder is used to set the image of the sticker and then handling it by onClickListner().

    public void onBindViewHolder(ViewHolder holder, int position) {
        ImageHolder imageHoler = (ImageHolder) holder;
        String path = pathList.get(position);
        ImageLoader.getInstance().displayImage("assets://" + path,
                imageHoler.image, imageOption);


public void addStickerImages(String folderPath) {
        try {
            String[] files = mStirckerFragment.getActivity().getAssets()
            for (String name : files) {
                pathList.add(folderPath + File.separator + name);
        } catch (IOException e) {


So sticker fragment on Phimpme looks like this:  





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