The various apps built with the loklak api is presently hosted at On visiting the site, the users are presented with an app wall from where users can select any app and the user will be taken to the live version of the app. However there is no store listing page available like other app sites (for ex. Google playstore) where information about the app like how to use the app, what the app does, getting started with the app can be found.
The first part of my GSOC project is to create such an app store listing page where users/developers can find all relevant information about the selected app.
Proposed design of the store listing page
The store listing page will be designed in three column format. There will be a left sidebar which will contain a list of categories for navigation, the category to which the selected app belongs will be highlighted. There will be a right side bar which will contain a list of similar apps for suggestion. The middle section will contain all the necessary information about the selected application, promo image and app preview images. Apart from this the page will contain a navbar for basic navigation.
Getting started with the store listing page implementation
Let’s get started with the left sidebar. Target is to make the entire page as dynamic as possible. Minimum information will be hard coded in html and js code. Maximum data will be fetched from external json files using ajax requests. In this way if we need to make any change to data, it can be done by simply changing the data in the json files, the html and js code can be left intact.
First the store listing page has to know which app has been selected by the user. For this the app name is sent as an url parameter to the store listing page. The store listing page itself will have url like this<app_name>. From here we can easily get the app name as shown below.
var addr = window.location + ""; if (addr.indexOf("?") !== -1) { $scope.appName = addr.split("?")[1].split("=")[1]; }
The category names, icon, and color are loaded from apps.json file. The apps.json file is one of the most important files in the repository which manages app and site meta data. It contains list of category objects each of which contains category name, category style and category icon reference.
$http.get('apps.json').success(function (data) { $scope.categories = data.categories; $scope.apps = data.apps; $scope.categories.unshift({"name": "All","image":"all.png","style" : {"background-color": "#ED3B3B"}}); $scope.getSelectedApp(); $scope.getSimilarApps(); });
Using the above code we get all the categories and apps and bind them with the scope variable so that we can access them from the corresponding HTML.
Next we need to actually setup the UI for the sidebar using the data we have acquired. Well here comes in AngularJs’s one of the most useful feature – two way data binding. Using two way data binding we can easily access the category list from HTML code, iterate over it and set up the UI.
<div class="category-body"> <ul class="menu-list"> <li class="menu-list-item" ng-repeat="category in categories track by $index"> <a href="/#{{' ').join('')}}" class="menu-item" id="{{ | nospace}}" ng-class="{selected:' ').join('') == selectedApp.applicationCategory.split(' ').join('')}"> <span class="category-image" ng-style = {{}}> <img ng-src="images/sidebar-images/{{category.image}}"> </span> <span class="category-name"> {{}} </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div>
As it can be seen from the above code ng-class is being used to conditionally add a class named ‘selected’ for highlighting the category to which the selected app belongs. Each icon is given its own custom background color using ng-style, and the source is set using ng-src. Clicking on an category will take the user to the main page (app wall) and the user will be presented with only those apps which belong to the category which the user previously selected.
Creating a suggestion list
Next step is creating the right side column. It will contain all the other apps which are similar to the one selected by the user. For this we need to filter out all the apps which belongs to the same category to which the user selected app belongs. This can be done easily by using the list of apps which we have got from apps.json file. We can simply iterate over all the apps and filter the apps from the required category into another list.
$scope.getSimilarApps = function() { $scope.apps.forEach(function (item) { if (item.applicationCategory === $scope.selectedApp.applicationCategory && !== $ { $scope.similarApps.push(item); } }); }
This small function does the task of filtering and populates the similarApps list.
Next, once again we need to setup the UI using the data AngularJs acquired. For this we again iterate over the similarApps list and this time we set up cards to hold the app image and name.
<div class="similar-apps"> <div class="similar-apps-header"> <h4> Similar apps </h4> </div> <div class="similar-apps-list"> <div ng-repeat="app in similarApps" class="card fadeIn"> <a href="../details.html?q={{}}"> <img ng-src="../{{}}/screenshot.png" class="similar-app-image" alt="App image"> <div class="card-container"> <h4>{{app.headline}}</h4> </div> </a> </div> </div> </div>
On clicking on any of the card, the store listing page of the corresponding app will be shown.
Important resources
- Find more information of AngularJS and AngularJS services here.