In Phimpme-Android we decided to add a new feature that is providing multiple themes to the users. We have 3 types of themes in Phimpme Dark Theme, Light Theme and Amoled Theme. In this post, I am explaining how I added multiple themes support in phimpme android.
Choose Theme in Phimpme Dialog
You need a Helper class that will store the data about the theme and all the colors related to a theme.
Before you begin you need to create a Helper class. In Phimpme I created a Helper class as ThemeHelper
public class ThemeHelper { public static final int DARK_THEME = 2; public static final int LIGHT_THEME = 1; public static final int AMOLED_THEME = 3; private PreferenceUtil SP; private Context context; private int baseTheme; private int primaryColor; private int accentColor; public ThemeHelper(Context context) { this.SP = PreferenceUtil.getInstance(context); this.context = context; updateTheme(); } }
Which contains all the basic method to get colors for textview, icon, toolbar, switch, imageview, background and app primary color.
Now you to provide user to select theme and it can be done using dialog box. Once the user selected any of the theme we have to update that theme and it can be done by following code :
public void updateTheme(){ this.primaryColor = SP.getInt(context.getString(R.string.preference_primary_color), getColor(R.color.md_light_blue_300)); this.accentColor = SP.getInt(context.getString(R.string.preference_accent_color), getColor(R.color.md_light_blue_500)); baseTheme = SP.getInt(context.getString(R.string.preference_base_theme), LIGHT_THEME); }
Now we have updated the our theme in Phimpme now we have to set the color according to a theme.
To get colors of all components we need to add some function in our helper class which will provide us the colors according to the theme.
As I said we are having 3 themes in Phimpme so I used 3 case to compare which theme user has selected.
I have added the functions to get colors for background, text and subtext as follows in phimpme.
public int getBackgroundColor(){ int color; switch (baseTheme){ case DARK_THEME:color = getColor(R.color.md_dark_background);break; case AMOLED_THEME:color = getColor(R.color.md_black_1000);break; case LIGHT_THEME: default:color = getColor(R.color.md_light_background); } return color; } public int getTextColor(){ int color; switch (baseTheme){ case DARK_THEME:color = getColor(R.color.md_grey_200);break; case AMOLED_THEME:color = getColor(R.color.md_grey_200);break; case LIGHT_THEME: default:color = getColor(R.color.md_grey_800); } return color; } public int getSubTextColor(){ int color; switch (baseTheme){ case DARK_THEME:color = getColor(R.color.md_grey_400);break; case AMOLED_THEME:color = getColor(R.color.md_grey_400);break; case LIGHT_THEME: default:color = getColor(R.color.md_grey_600); } return color; }
In the above functions, I am comparing which theme user has selected and returned the color according to the theme.
Now set the color to text by using above function you don’t need care which theme user has selected because those function will check and return the color according to the theme.
So it can be done simply,
textview.setTextColor(getTextColor()); editText.setTextColor(getTextColor()); editText.setHintTextColor(getSubTextColor());
Light Theme & Dark Theme (Phimpme)