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Upgrading Open Event to Use Sendgrid API v3

Sendgrid recently upgraded their web API to send emails, and support for previous versions was deprecated. As a result, Open Event Server’s mail sending tasks were rendered unsuccessful, because the requests they were sending to Sendgrid were not being processed. On top of that, it was also found out later that the existing Sendgrid API key on the development server was expired. This had to be fixed at the earliest because emails are a core part of Open Event functionality.

The existing way for emails to be sent via Sendgrid used to hit the endpoint “” to send emails. Also, the payload structure was as follows:

payload = {
    'to': to,
    'from': email_from,
    'subject': subject,
    'html': html

Also, a header  “Authorization”: “Bearer ” accompanied the above payload. However, Sendgrid changed the payload structure to be of the following format:


“personalizations”: [

{“to”: [

{“email”: ““}




“from”: {

“email”: “


“subject”: “Hello, World!”,

“content”: [


“type”: “text/plain”,

“value”: “Heya!”




Furthermore, the endpoint was changed to be “”. To incorporate all these changes with the minimum number of modified lines in the codebase, it was required for that the structure change itself happens at a fairly low level. This was because there are lots of features in the server that perform a wide variety of email actions. Thus, it was clear that changing all of them will not be the most efficient thing to do. So the perfect place to implement the API changes was the function send_email() in, because all other higher-level email functions are built on top of this function. But this was not the only change, because this function itself used another function, called send_email_task() in, specifically for sending email via Sendgrid. So, in conclusion, the header modifications were made in send_email() and payload structure as well as endpoint modifications were made within send_email_task(). This brought the server codebase back on track to send emails successfully. Finally, the key for development server was also renewed and added to its settings in the Heroku Postgres database.


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