Open Event Frontend – Updating Ember Models Table from V1 to V2

FOSSASIA‘s Open Event Frontend uses the Ember Models Table for rendering all its tables. This provides features like easy sorting, pagination etc. Another major feature is that it can be modified to meet our styling needs. As we use Semantic UI for styling, we added the required CSS classes to our table.

In version 1 this was done by overriding the classes, as shown below :

const defaultMessages = {
  searchLabel            : 'Search:',
  searchPlaceholder      : 'Search',

  ..... more to follow 

const defaultIcons = {
  sortAsc         : 'caret down icon',
  sortDesc        : 'caret up icon',
  columnVisible   : 'checkmark box icon',
  ..... more to follow  

const defaultCssClasses = {
  outerTableWrapper              : 'ui ui-table',
  innerTableWrapper              : 'ui segment column sixteen wide inner-table-wrapper',
  table                          : 'ui tablet stackable very basic table',
  globalFilterWrapper            : 'ui row',

 ... more to follow

const assign = Object.assign || assign;

export default TableComponent.extend({

  _setupMessages: observer('customMessages', function() {
    const customIcons = getWithDefault(this, 'customMessages', {});
    let newMessages = {};
    assign(newMessages, defaultMessages, customIcons);
    set(this, 'messages', O.create(newMessages));

  _setupIcons() {
    const customIcons = getWithDefault(this, 'customIcons', {});
    let newIcons = {};
    assign(newIcons, defaultIcons, customIcons);
    set(this, 'icons', O.create(newIcons));

  _setupClasses() {
    const customClasses = getWithDefault(this, 'customClasses', {});
    let newClasses = {};
    assign(newClasses, defaultCssClasses, customClasses);
    set(this, 'classes', O.create(newClasses));

  simplePaginationTemplate: 'components/ui-table/simple-pagination',


And was used in the template as follows:

<div class="{{classes.outerTableWrapper}}">
  <div class="{{classes.globalFilterDropdownWrapper}}">

But in version 2, some major changes were introduced as follows:

  1. All partials inside a models-table were replaced with components
  2. models-table can now be used with block content
  3. New themes mechanism introduced for styling

Here, I will talk about how the theming mechanism has been changed. As I mentioned above, in version 1 we used custom classes and icons. In version 2 the idea itself has changed. A new type called Theme was added. It provides four themes out of the box – SemanticUI, Bootstrap4, Bootstrap3, Default.

We can create our custom theme based on any of the predefined themes. To suit our requirements we decided to modify the SemanticUI theme. We created a separate file to keep our custom theme so that code remains clean and short.

import Default from 'ember-models-table/themes/semanticui';

export default Default.extend({
 components: {
   'pagination-simple'    : 'components/ui-table/simple-pagination',
   'numericPagination'    : 'components/ui-table/numeric-pagination',

 classes: {
   outerTableWrapper              : 'ui ui-table',
   innerTableWrapper              : 'ui segment column sixteen wide inner-table-wrapper',

 icons: {
   sortAsc         : 'caret down icon',
   sortDesc        : 'caret up icon',

 messages: {
   searchLabel            : 'Search:',

So a theme mostly consists of four main parts:

  • Components
  • Classes
  • Icons
  • Messages

The last three are same as customClasses and customIcons and customMessages in version 1. Components is the map for components used internally in the models-table. In case you need to use a custom component, that can be done as follows:

Make a new JavaScript file and provide its path in your theme file.

import DefaultDropdown from '../../columns-dropdown';
import layout from 'your layout file path';
export default DefaultDropdown.extend({

Now just create the theme file object and pass it to themeInstance in the ui-table file (can also be passed in the template and the controller, but this has to be done for each table individually).

import TableComponent from 'ember-models-table/components/models-table';
import layout from 'open-event-frontend/templates/components/ui-table';
import Semantic from 'open-event-frontend/themes/semantic';

export default TableComponent.extend({

 themeInstance: Semantic.create()

Hence, version 2 introduces many new styling options and requires some refactoring for those who were using version 1. It is totally worth it though considering how easy and well managed it is now.


Continue ReadingOpen Event Frontend – Updating Ember Models Table from V1 to V2

Modifying Notifications in Meilix

There are many settings available for notifications in Meilix like position, size, timeout which can be modified with help of the notifications settings available in LXQT.

Theming Notifications

We will start by creating a file in /usr/share/lxqt/themes for creating a qss file of the notification theme as lxqt-notificationd.qss. This file tells the LXQT about what the colors, size, border, etc. are for a notification.

We start with notifications in this file. We can define color of the text of notifications. It supports alpha values too, but making text transparent decrease.

Notification {
    color: #313639;
    border: 1px solid rgba(155, 155, 155, 00%);
    background:rgba(240, 240, 240, 00%);
    margin: 0px;
    border-radius: 5px;


We can add a custom close button also we just need to add the path of the button in the qss file.

#closeButton {
    margin: 3px;
    border-radius: 4px;
    border: 1px solid transparent;
    padding: 4px;
    qproperty-icon: url(lxqt-notificationd/window-close.svg);


Other properties like hover on close button for animations can be used like.

#closeButton:hover {
    color: rgba(54, 54, 54, 100%);
    background: rgba(30, 145, 255, 30%);
    border: 1px solid rgba(30, 145, 255, 100%);


We can also define custom font, background like an image file, or actions like click, hover etc.

For other notification settings we can create a configuration file notifications.config which we can place in root  or in ~/.config depending upon application weather we want to apply it system wide or only for user.

The configuration file for disabling the sounds in LXQT:

No sound=true


Settings can also be changed using the menu and they are saved in .config/lxqt/notifications.conf. We have changed the spacing to zero in Meilix so that the notifications are invisible and do not disturb during an event (instead of disabling it in case someone wants notifications they can change the spacing).



Continue ReadingModifying Notifications in Meilix