Adding Custom Scrollbar to SUSI AI Web Chat

Scrollbar represents the depth of content on your current screen. It appears when the content has overflown the depth of screen and cannot fit it anymore. We see scrollbars everywhere. By default, the scrollbar provided by the browser is not very attractive but efficient in doing its job.

We decided that as our SUSI.AI Web App is improving in both UI and functionality, let’s add a custom scrollbar to it.

Earlier we had a standard  scrollbar in our SUSI.AI webchat:

For adding a custom scrollbar to our web chat we decided to use react-custom-scrollbars npm-package.

Our reasons to choose this package were:

  • Auto Hide feature in the scrollbar, after a specific period of time, which we can modify too.
  • No requirement for extra CSS styles to style our scrollbar.
  • It is well tested and trusted by many developers in open source

To install this npm package:

npm install -S react-custom-scrollbars 

Now comes the usage part, we need to import this into our JavaScript file:

 import { Scrollbars } from 'react-custom-scrollbars';

After importing, wrap it around the data where you want to show a custom scrollbar. In our case it was messageListItems, the code snippet looked like:


This made our scrollbar look much better than the default one:

Now to add Auto Hide functionality to our scrollbar we need to add some attributes to our <Scrollbars>  tag.

    1. autoHide: It allows the auto-hide feature to our scrollbar.
    2. autoHideTimeout: It allows us to set custom time of hiding delay of a scrollbar in milli-seconds.
    3. autoHideDuration: it allows us to set the duration of hiding animation in milliseconds.

After adding the above-mentioned attributes our code changes to:



A lot more of custom attributes can be found in the documentation of Malte Wessel here.

Testing Link:

Now we had a much better scrollbar for our web chat which can be tested here.

Continue ReadingAdding Custom Scrollbar to SUSI AI Web Chat

How SUSI AI Searches the Web For You

SUSI is now capable of performing web search to answer your queries. When SUSI doesn’t know how to answer your queries, it performs a web search on the client side and displays all the results as horizontally swipeable tiles with each tile giving a brief description and also providing a link to the relevant source.

Lets visit SUSI WebChat and try it out.

Query : Search for Google
Response : <Web Search Results>

How does SUSI know when to perform a websearch?

It uses action types to identify if a web search is to be performed or not. The API Response is parsed to check for the action types and if a websearch action type is present, then an API call is made using the duckduckgo api with the relevant query and the results are displayed as tiles with :

  • Category : The Topic related to the given query
  • Text : The result from the websearch
  • Image : Image related to the query if present
  • Link : A url redirecting to the relevant source

Parsing the actions :

Let us look at the API response for a query.

Sample Query: search for google

Response: <API Response>

"actions": [
    "type": "answer",
    "expression": "Here is a web search result:"
    "type": "websearch",
    "query": "google"

Note: The API Response has been trimmed to show only the relevant content

We find a websearch type action and the query to be searched as google . So we now make a API call using duckduckgo api to get our websearch results.

API Call Format :{query}&format=json

API Call for query google :

And from the duckduckgo API response we generate our websearch tiles showing relevant data using the fields present in each object.

This is the sample object from duckduckgo API response under the RelatedTopics , which we use to create our websearch result tiles.

  "Result": "<a href=\"https:\/\/\/Google\">Google<\/a> An American multinational technology company specializing in Internet-related services and...",
  "Icon": {
    "URL": "https:\/\/\/i\/8f85c93f.png",
    "Height": "",
    "Width": ""
  "FirstURL": "https:\/\/\/Google",
  "Text": "Google An American multinational technology company specializing in Internet-related services and..."

Let us look at the code for querying data from the API

if (actions.indexOf('websearch')>=0) {

  let actionIndex = actions.indexOf('websearch');
  let query = response.answers[0].actions[actionIndex].query;

    url: ''+query,
    dataType: 'jsonp',
    crossDomain: true,
    timeout: 3000,
    async: false,

    success: function (data) {
      receivedMessage.websearchresults = data.RelatedTopics;

        let abstractTile = {
        abstractTile.Text = data.AbstractText;
        abstractTile.FirstURL = data.AbstractURL;
        abstractTile.Icon.URL = data.Image;

    let message =  ChatMessageUtils.getSUSIMessageData(
receivedMessage, currentThreadID);

      type: ActionTypes.CREATE_SUSI_MESSAGE,

    error: function(errorThrown) {
      receivedMessage.text = 'Please check your internet connection';



Here, from the actions object, we get the query needed to search the web. We then make a ajax call using that query to the duckduckgo API. If the API call succeeds then we collect the required data to create tiles as array of objects and store it as websearchresults. and dispatch the message with the websearchresults which gets reflected in the message store and when passed to the components we use it to create the result tiles.

  <Paper zDepth={0} className='tile'>
    <a rel='noopener noreferrer'
    href={} target='_blank'
    {tile.icon &&
    (<Paper className='tile-img-container'>
      <img src={tile.icon}
      className='tile-img' alt=''/>
  <Paper className='tile-text'>
    <p className='tile-title'>

We then display the tiles as horizontally swipeable carousel ensuring a good and interactive UX.

React-Slick module was used to implement the horizontal swiping feature.

function renderTiles(tiles){

if(tiles.length === 0){
  let noResultFound = 'NO Results Found';

let resultTiles = drawTiles(tiles);

var settings = {
  speed: 500,
  slidesToShow: 3,
  slidesToScroll: 1,

    <Slider {...settings}>


Here we are handling the corner case when there are no results to display by rendering `NO Results found`. We then have our web search results displayed as swipeable tiles with a image, title, description and link to the source.

This is how SUSI performs web search to respond to user queries ensuring that no query goes unanswered! Don’t forget to swipe left and go through all the results displayed!


Continue ReadingHow SUSI AI Searches the Web For You

How SUSI AI Tabulates Answers For You

SUSI is an artificial intelligence chat bot that responds to all kinds of user queries. It isn’t any regular chat bot replying in just plain text. It supports various response types which we refer to as ‘actions’. One such action is the “table” type. When the response to a user query contains a list of answers which can be grouped, it is better visualised as a table rather than plain text.

Lets visit SUSI WebChat and try it out. In our example we ask SUSI for the 2009 race statistics of British Formula 1 racing driver Lewis Hamilton.

Query: race stats of hamilton in f1 season 2009

Response: <table> (API response)



How does SUSI do that? Let us look at the skill teaching SUSI to give table responses.

# Returns race stats as a table

race summary of  * in f1 season *|race stats of  * in f1 season *
     "columns":{"status":"Race Status","count":"Number Of Races"}

Here, we are telling SUSI that the data type is a table through type attribute in actions and also defining column names and under which column each value must be put using their respective keys. Using this information SUSI generates a response accordingly with the table schema and data points.

How do we know when to render a table?

We know it through the type attribute in the actions from the API response.

"actions": [{
  "type": "table",
  "columns": {
    "status": "Race Status",
    "count": "Number Of Races"
  "count": -1

We can see that the type is table so we now know that we have to render a table.

But what is the table schema? What do we fill it with?

There is a columns key under actions and from the value of the columns key we get a object whose key value pairs give us column names and what data to put under each column.

Here, we have two columns – Race Status and Number Of Races

And the data to put under each column is found in answers[0].data with same keys as those for each column name i.e ‘status’ and ‘count’.

Sample data object from the API response:

  "statusId": "2",
  "count": "1",
  "status": "Disqualified"

The value under ‘status’ key is ‘Disqualified’ and the column name for ‘status’ key is ‘Race Status’, so Disqualified is entered under Race Status column in the table. Similarly 1  is entered under Number Of Races column. We thus have a row of our table. We populate the table for each object in the data array using the same procedure.

let coloumns = data.answers[0].actions[index].columns;
let count = data.answers[0].actions[index].count;
let table = drawTable(coloumns,data.answers[0].data,count);

We also have a ’count’ attribute in the API response . This is used to denote how many rows to populate in the table. If count = -1 , then it means infinite or to display all the results.

function drawTable(coloumns,tableData,count){

let parseKeys;
let showColName = true;

if(coloumns.constructor === Array){
  parseKeys = coloumns;
  showColName = false;
  parseKeys = Object.keys(coloumns);

let tableheader =,i) =>{
return(<TableHeaderColumn key={i}>{coloumns[key]}</TableHeaderColumn>);

let rowCount = tableData.length;

if(count > -1){
  rowCount = Math.min(count,tableData.length);

let rows = [];

for (var j=0; j < rowCount; j++) {

  let eachrow = tableData[j];

  let rowcols =,i) =>{
        <TableRowColumn key={i}>
          <Linkify properties={{target:'_blank'}}>

      <TableRow key={j}>{rowcols}</TableRow>


const table =
    <Table selectable={false}>
      <TableHeader displaySelectAll={false} adjustForCheckbox={false}>
        { showColName && <TableRow>{tableheader}</TableRow>}
      <TableBody displayRowCheckbox={false}>{rows}</TableBody>

return table;


Here we first determine how many rows to populate using the count attribute and then parse the columns to get the column names and keys. We then loop through the data and populate each row.

This is how SUSI responds with tabulated data!

You can create your own table skill and SUSI will give the tabulated response you need. Check out this tutorial to know more about SUSI and the various other action types it supports.


Continue ReadingHow SUSI AI Tabulates Answers For You

How to Make SUSI AI Slack Bot

To make SUSI slack bot we will use real time messaging api of slack which will allow users to receive messages from bot in real time. To make SUSI slack bot you have to follow following steps:


  1. First of all you have to create a team on slack in where your bot will be running. To create a team go to and create a new team.
  2. After creating sign in to your team and got to apps and integration option by clicking on left corner.
  3. Click manage on top right corner and go to custom integrations to add configuration to Bots.
  4. After adding configuration data,bot username and copying API Token now we have to write code for setting bot in slack. To set up code see below steps: 
  5. Install Node.js from the link below on your computer if you haven’t installed it already.
  6. Create a folder with any name and open shell and change your current directory to the new folder you created.
  7. Type npm init in command line and enter details like name, version and entry point.
  8. Create a file with the same name that you wrote in entry point in above given step. i.e index.js and it should be in same folder you created.
  9. Type following commands in command line  npm install –save @slack/client. After slack/client is installed type npm install –save express after express is installed type npm install –save request and then npm install –save http when all the modules are installed check your package.json modules will be included within dependencies portion.
  10. Your package.json file should look like this.
    "name": "slack-bot",
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "description": "SUSI Slack Bot",
    "main": "index.js",
    "dependencies": {
           "express": "^4.15.3",
           "http": "0.0.0",
           "request": "^2.81.0"
    "scripts": {
           "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1",
           "start": "node index.js"
  11. Copy following code into file you created i.e index.js.
    var Slack = require('@slack/client');
    var request = require('request');
    var express = require('express');
    var http = require('http');
    var app = express();
    var RtmClient = Slack.RtmClient; 
    var RTM_EVENTS = Slack.RTM_EVENTS;
    var token = process.env.APIToken;
    var rtm = new RtmClient(token, { logLevel: 'info' }); 
    //to ping heorku app after 20 minutes to keep it active
    setInterval(function() {
        }, 1200000);
    rtm.on(RTM_EVENTS.MESSAGE, function(message) { 
    var channel =;
    var options = {
           method: 'GET',
           url: '',
           qs: {
               timezoneOffset: '-330',
               q: message.text
    //sending request to SUSI API for response
       request(options, function(error, response, body) {
           if (error) throw new Error(error);
           var ans = (JSON.parse(body)).answers[0].actions[0].expression;
           rtm.sendMessage(ans, channel);
    const port = process.env.PORT || 3000;
    app.listen(port, () => {
       console.log(`listening on ${port}`);

  12. Now we have to deploy this code to heroku.
  13. Before deploying we have to make a github repository for chatbot to make github repository follow these steps:

    In command line change current directory to folder we created above and write

    git init
    git add .
    git commit -m”initial”
    git remote add origin <URL for remote repository>
    git remote -v
    git push -u origin master

    You will get URL for remote repository by making repository on your github and copying this link of your repository.

  14. To deploy your bot to heroku you need an account on Heroku and after making an account make an app.
  15. Deploy app using github deployment method.
  16. Select Automatic deployment method.
  17. Add APIToken and HerokuUrl variable to heroku app in settings options.
  18. Your SUSI Slack bot is ready enjoy chatting with it.If you want to learn more about slack API refer to
Continue ReadingHow to Make SUSI AI Slack Bot

Implementing Real Time Speech to Text in SUSI Android App

Android has a very interesting feature built in called Speech to Text. As the name suggests, it converts user’s speech into text. So, android provides this feature in form of a recognizer intent. Just the below 4 line code is needed to start recognizer intent to capture speech and convert into text. This was implemented earlier in SUSI Android App too.  Simple, isn’t it?

Intent intent = new Intent(RecognizerIntent.ACTION_RECOGNIZE_SPEECH);
startActivityForResult(intent, REQ_CODE_SPEECH_INPUT);

But there is a problem here. It popups an alert dialog box to take a speech input like this :

Although this is great and working but there were many disadvantages of using this :

  1. It breaks connection between user and app.
  2. When user speaks, it first listens to complete sentence and then convert it into text. So, user was not able to see what the first word of sentence was until he says the complete sentence.
  3. There is no way for user to check if the sentence he is speaking is actually converting correctly to speech or not. He only gets to know about it when the sentence is completed.
  4. User can not cancel the conversion of Speech to text if some word is converted wrongly because the user doesn’t even get to know if the word is converted wrongly. It is kind of suspense that a whether the conversion is right or not.

So, now the main challenge was how can we improve the Speech to Text and implement it something like Google now?  So, what google now does is, it converts speech to text alongside taking input making it a real time speech to text convertor. So, basically if you speak second word of sentence, the first word is already converted and displayed. You can also cancel the conversion of rest of the sentence if the first word of sentence is converted wrongly.

I searched this problem a lot on internet, read various blogs and stackoverflow answers, read Documentation of Speech to Text until I finally came across SpeechRecognizer class and RecognitionListener. The plan was to use object of SpeechRecognizer class with RecognizerIntent and RecognitionListener to generate partial results.

So, I just added this line to the the above code snippet of recognizer intent.


And introduced SpeechRecognizer class and RecognitionListener like this

 SpeechRecognizer recognizer = SpeechRecognizer

RecognitionListener listener = new RecognitionListener() {
   public void onResults(Bundle results) {
   public void onError(int error) {
   public void onPartialResults(Bundle partialResults) {
    //The main method required. Just keep printing results in this.

Now combine SpeechRecognizer class with RecognizerIntent and RecognitionListener with these two lines.


Everything is now set up. You can now use result in onPartialResults method and keep displaying partial results. So, if you want to speak “My name is…” , “My” will be displayed on screen by the time you speak “name” and “My name” will be displayed on screen by the time you speak “is” . Isn’t it cool?

This is how Realtime Speech to Text is implemented in SUSI Android App. If you want to implement this in your app too, just follow the above steps and you are good to go. So, the results look like these.



Continue ReadingImplementing Real Time Speech to Text in SUSI Android App

Tray Icon for SUSI Desktop Client

Susi is an AI which replies smartly to anything that you put. Popular Assistants like Siri and Cortana, have their own tray icons that run on top of all apps. So, I thought to add a tray icon to SUSI AI as well.

A tray is an icon in an OS’s notification area usually attached with a context menu.

Platform limitations:

  • On Linux, app indicator is used if it is supported else GtkStatusIcon is used
  • App indicator is only shown when it has a context menu.
  • When app indicator is used all click events are ignored.

Starting Up:

You should have Node and ElectronJS installed

To create a tray I made two methods. One is for creating a tray and other is for creating a window when a tray icon is clicked.

app.on('ready', () => {

app.on(‘ready’,() => {}) is called when the electron is ready to run. It’s just like the main function.

Then we create the Tray.

const createTray = () => {
 tray = new Tray(path.join(__dirname, 'static/icons/png/tray.png'))
 tray.on('right-click', toggleWindow)
 tray.on('double-click', toggleWindow)
 tray.on('click', function (event) {

When some developer is using SUSI he might // Show devtools when command clicked if 

(window.isVisible() && process.defaultApp && event.metaKey) {
 window.openDevTools({mode: 'detach'}) }}) }
Tray = new Tray(ICON HERE) // this creates a new tray with the icon specified.

Since there are 2 themes for the notification bar in OSX, I used a BLUE icon that looks good on both the themes.

I Used the icon above as a tray icon for SUSI.

Then next lines are for opening the tray with right-click or double-click. We can also change these functionalities like on right-click we can open some settings or give user an option to close the app.

const createWindow = () => {
  window = new BrowserWindow({
    width: 300,
    height: 450,
    show: false,
    frame: false,
    fullscreenable: false,
    resizable: false,
    transparent: true,
    webPreferences: {
      // Prevents renderer process code from not running when window is
      // hidden
      backgroundThrottling: false
  window.loadURL(`file://${path.join(__dirname, '/static/index.html')}`)
  // show inspect element in the window
  // window.openDevTools();
  // set window to always be on the top of other windows
  // Hide the window when it loses focus
  window.on('blur', () => {
    if (!window.webContents.isDevToolsOpened()) {


When we call createWindow it creates a Window with the HTML File specified in loadURL

window.loadURL(`file://${path.join(__dirname, '/static/index.html')}`)

In this we created a SUSI Chat Client in HTML and named it as index.html and passed that HTML to be loaded as the application window.

Sometimes when we a running a full screen, Especially in macOS then all apps are launched behind the fullscreen app. To run our tray icon we used another function that set the window to be always on top of all other windows.


So if someone is reading a news article and wants to find a meaning of a word he need not open SUSI again, because SUSI is running on top of all the applications.

toggleWindow is called when we click the Tray Icon. The work of this function is fairly simple. On click of the tray icon, it makes hides or shows the SUSI application window.

const toggleWindow = () => {
  if (window.isVisible()) {
  } else {

showWindow is the function that shows the windows and brings it to focus.

This function brings the SUSI Window to focus and shows it to the user.

const showWindow = () => {
 const position = getWindowPosition()
 window.setPosition(position.x, position.y, false)


Navigate to the project directory and run:

electron . 

SUSI icon will be visible in your notification tray.


SUSI Desktop App: 

Electron Documentation:

Electron Packager:

Continue ReadingTray Icon for SUSI Desktop Client

SUSI Desktop App in Electron


Electron allows you to get a cross-platform desktop application up and running very quickly. An electron app is built using the node.js framework and is brought to us by Github. Apps built with Electron are just web sites which are opened in an embedded Chromium web browser.

Setting Up.

First things first, we need NodeJS installed. So go to and follow the instructions as per your Operating System.

Now we need Electron. We can install it globally and use it as a CLI, or install it locally in our application’s path. I recommend installing it globally, so that every app does not need to install it every time.

Open terminal and write:

$ npm install -g electron-prebuilt
$ npm install -g bower

Bower is used for managing front end components like HTML, CSS, JS etc.

To test the installation, type electron -h and it should show the version of Electron CLI.

Getting the project ready.

The main idea behind making desktop apps with JS is that you build one codebase and package it for each operating system separately. This abstracts away the knowledge needed to make native desktop apps and makes maintenance a lot easier.

First clone the SUSI Desktop app repository on your computer.

$ git clone

Next step is to change directory to susi_desktop.

$ cd susi_desktop

Now we need to install dependencies which are used by our app.

$ npm install
$ bower install

Now we have the code and the dependencies setup. To run the Application write

$ npm start


$ electron .

Any of the two commands can be used to run a electron application.


Folder Structure.

In the Project folder or the root of the app we will keep the package.json file, which have all the dependencies to run the application.Also the main.js file and any other application-wide files we need are kept int the root of the app..

The “app” folder will house our HTML files of various types within folders like css, js and img.

Judging by the file structure, you can never guess this is a desktop app and not just a simple website. This project follows the AirBNB Style guide to code.

Purely starting the main process doesn’t give the users of your application any UI windows.


Overall Electron is an exciting way to build desktop web applications using web technologies.

SUSI Desktop app is built on it. Single code can be used to make native apps for Windows / Linux and Mac OS X.

Continue ReadingSUSI Desktop App in Electron

Test SUSI Web App with Facebook Jest

Jest is used by Facebook to test all Javascript codes specially React code snippets. If you need to setup jest on your react application you can follow up these simple steps. But if your React application is made with “create-react-app”, you do not need to setup jest manually. Because it comes with Jest. You can run test using “react-scripts” node module.

Since SUSI chat is made with “create-react-app” we do not need to install and run Jest directly. We executed our test cases using “npm test” it executes “react-scripts test” command. It executes all “.js” files under “__tests__” folders. And all other files with “.spec.js” and “.test.js” suffixes.

React apps that are made from “create-react-app” come with sample test case (smoke test) and that checks whether whole application is built correctly or not. If it passes the smoke test then it starts to run further test cases.

import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import ChatApp from '../../components/ChatApp.react';
it('renders without crashing', () => {
 const div = document.createElement('div');
 ReactDOM.render( < ChatApp / > , div);

This checks all components which are inside of the “<ChatApp />” component and it check whether all these components integrate correctly or not.

If we need to check only one component in isolated environment. We can use shallow rendering API. we have used shallow rendering API to check each and every component in isolated environment.

We have to install enzyme and test renderer before use it.

npm install --save-dev enzyme react-test-renderer

import React from 'react';
import MessageSection from '../../components/MessageSection.react';
import { shallow } from 'enzyme';
it('render MessageListItem without crashing',()=>{
  shallow(<MessageSection />);

This test case tests only the “MessageListItem”, not its child components.

After executing “npm test” you will get the passed and failed number of test cases.

If you need to see the coverage you can see it without installing additional dependencies.

You just need to run this.

npm test -- --coverage

It will show the output like this.

This view shows how many lines, functions, statements, branches your program has and this shows how much of those covered from the test cases you have.

If we are going to write new test cases for susi chat, we have to make separate file in “__tests__” folder and name it with corresponding file name that we are going to test.

it('your test case description',()=>{
 //test what you need 

Normally test cases looks like test cases you can use “test” instead of “it” .after test case description, there is a fat arrow function. In side this fat arrow function you can add what you need to test

In below example I have compared returned value of the function with static value.

function funcName(){
 return 1;

it('your test case description',()=>{

You have to add your function/variable that need to be tested into “expect()” and value you expect from that function or variable into “toBe()”.  Instead of “toBe()” you can use different functions according to your need.

If you have a long list of test cases you can group them ( using describe()).

describe('my beverage', () => {
  test('is delicious', () => {

  test('is not sour', () => {

This post covers only few things of testing . You can learn more about jest testing from official documentation here.

Continue ReadingTest SUSI Web App with Facebook Jest

Adding a new Servlet/API to SUSI Server for Skill Wiki

Susi skill wiki is an editor to write and edit skill easily. It follows an API-centric approach where the Susi server acts as API server and a web front-end  act as the client for the API and provides the user interface. A skill is a set of intents. One text file represents one skill, it may contain several intents which all belong together.

The schema for storing a skill is as following:

Using this, one can access any skill based on four tuples parameters model, group, language, skill.  To achieve this on server side let’s create an API endpoint to list all skills based on given model, groups and languages. To check the source for this endpoint clone the susi_server repository from here.

git clone

Have a look at documentation for more information about Susi Server.

The Servlet java file is placed in susi_server/ai/susi/server/api/cms/ListSkillService. To implement the endpoint we will use the HttpServlet class which provides methods, such as doGet and doPost, for handling HTTP-specific services.

In Susi Server an abstract class AbstractAPIHandler extending HttpServelets and implementing API handler interface is provided.  Next we will inherit our ListSkillService class from AbstractAPIHandler and implement APIhandler interface.

To implement our servlet we will be overriding 4 methods namely

  • Minimal Base User role 

public BaseUserRole getMinimalBaseUserRole() {
return BaseUserRole.ANONYMOUS;

This method tells the minimum Userrole required to access this servlet it can also be ADMIN, USER. In our case it is Anonymous. A User need not to log in to access this endpoint.

  • Default Permissions  

public JSONObject getDefaultPermissions(BaseUserRole baseUserRole) {
return null;

This method returns the default permission attached with base user role, our servlets has nothing to do with it, therefore we can simply return null for this case.

  • The API Path 

public String getAPIPath() {
return "/cms/getSkillList.json";

This methods sets the API endpoint path, it gets appended to base path which is for the local host and for the server.

  • The ServiceImpl method 

public ServiceResponse serviceImpl(Query call, HttpServletResponse response, Authorization rights, final JsonObjectWithDefault permissions) {

        String model_name = call.get("model", "general");
        File model = new File(DAO.model_watch_dir, model_name);
        String group_name = call.get("group", "knowledge");
        File group = new File(model, group_name);
        String language_name = call.get("language", "en");
        File language = new File(group, language_name);

        ArrayList fileList = new ArrayList();
        fileList =  listFilesForFolder(language, fileList);
        JSONArray jsArray = new JSONArray(fileList);

        JSONObject json = new JSONObject(true)
                .put("model", model_name)
                .put("group", group_name)
                .put("language", language_name)
                .put("skills", jsArray);
        return new ServiceResponse(json);


    ArrayList listFilesForFolder(final File folder,  ArrayList fileList) {

        File[] filesInFolder = folder.listFiles();
        if (filesInFolder != null) {
            for (final File fileEntry : filesInFolder) {
                if (!fileEntry.isDirectory()) {
        return  fileList;

To access any skill we need parameters model, group, language. We get this through call.get method where first parameter is the key for which we want to get the value and second parameter is the default value. Based on received model, group and language browse files in that folder and put them in Json array to return the Service Json response.
That’s all you have successfully implemented the API endpoint to list all the skills in given model group and language. Move on and test it.

And see the resultsTo access any skill we need  parameters model, group, language. We get this through call.get method where first parameter is the key for which we want to get the value and second parameter is the default value. Based on received model, group and language browse files in that folder and put them in Json array to return the Service Json response.

 You have  successfully implemented the API endpoint to list all the skills in given model group and language. Move on and test it.

It’s easy isn’t it you have learnt how to add an endpoint in the server, it’s time to go ahead and create more endpoints to enhance Susi Server, take a look and contribute to Susi Server.

Continue ReadingAdding a new Servlet/API to SUSI Server for Skill Wiki

How to make SUSI AI Line Bot

In order to integrate SUSI’s API with Line bot you will need to have a line account first so that you can follow below procedure. You can download app from here.


  • Line app
  • Github
  • Heroku

    1. Install Node.js from the link below on your computer if you haven’t installed it already
    2. Create a folder with any name and open shell and change your current directory to the new folder you created.
    3. Type npm init in command line and enter details like name, version and entry point.
    4. Create a file with the same name that you wrote in entry point in above given step. i.e index.js and it should be in same folder you created.
    5. Type following commands in command line  npm install –save @line/bot-sdk. After bot-sdk is installed type npm install –save express after express is installed type npm install –save request when all the modules are installed check your package.json modules will be included within dependencies portion.

      Your package.json file should look like this.

      "name": "SUSI-Bot",
      "version": "1.0.0",
      "description": "SUSI AI LINE bot",
      "main": "index.js",
      "dependencies": {
         "@line/bot-sdk": "^1.0.0",
         "express": "^4.15.2",
         "request": "^2.81.0"
      "scripts": {
         "start": "node index.js"
    6. Copy following code into file you created i.e index.js
      'use strict';
      const line = require('@line/bot-sdk');
      const express = require('express');
      var request = require("request");
      // create LINE SDK config from env variables
      const config = {
         channelAccessToken: process.env.CHANNEL_ACCESS_TOKEN,
         channelSecret: process.env.CHANNEL_SECRET,
      // create LINE SDK client
      const client = new line.Client(config);
      // create Express app
      // about Express:
      const app = express();
      // register a webhook handler with middleware
   '/webhook', line.middleware(config), (req, res) => {
             .then((result) => res.json(result));
      // event handler
      function handleEvent(event) {
         if (event.type !== 'message' || event.message.type !== 'text') {
             // ignore non-text-message event
             return Promise.resolve(null);
         var options1 = {
             method: 'GET',
             url: '',
             qs: {
                 timezoneOffset: '-330',
                 q: event.message.text
         request(options, function(error, response, body) {
             if (error) throw new Error(error);
             // answer fetched from susi
             var ans = (JSON.parse(body)).answers[0].actions[0].expression;
             // create a echoing text message
             const answer = {
                 type: 'text',
                 text: ans
             // use reply API
             return client.replyMessage(event.replyToken, answer);
      // listen on port
      const port = process.env.PORT || 3000;
      app.listen(port, () => {
         console.log(`listening on ${port}`);
    7. Now we have to get channel access token and channel secret to get that follow below steps.

    8. If you have Line account then move to next step else sign up for an account and make one.
    9. Create Line account on  Line Business Center with messaging API and follow these steps:
    10. In the Line Business Center, select Messaging API under the Service category at the top of the page.
    11. Select start using messaging API, enter required information and confirm it.
    12. Click LINE@ Manager option, In settings go to bot settings and Enable messaging API
    13. Now we have to configure settings. Allow messages using webhook and select allow for “Use Webhooks”.
    14. Go to Accounts option at top of page and open LINE Developers.
    15. To get Channel access token for accessing API, click ISSUE for the “Channel access token” item.
    16. Click EDIT and set a webhook URL for your Channel. To get webhook url deploy your bot to heroku and see below steps.
    17. Before deploying we have to make a github repository for chatbot to make github repository follow these steps:

      In command line change current directory to folder we created above and  write

      git init
      git add .
      git commit -m”initial”
      git remote add origin <URL for remote repository> 
      git remote -v
      git push -u origin master 

      You will get URL for remote repository by making repository on your github and copying this link of your repository.

    18. To deploy your bot to heroku you need an account on Heroku and after making an account make an app.
    19. Deploy app using github deployment method.

    20. Select Automatic deployment method.

    21. After making app copy this link and paste it in webhook url in Line channel console page from where we got channel access token.

    22. Your SUSI AI Line bot is ready add this account as a friend and start chatting with SUSI.
      Here is the LINE API reference
Continue ReadingHow to make SUSI AI Line Bot