Implementation of Pagination in Open Event Organizer Android App
Pagination (Endless Scrolling or Infinite Scrolling) breaks down a list of content into smaller parts, loaded one at a time. It is important when the quantity of data to be loaded is huge and loading all the data at once can result in timeout.
Here, we will discuss about the implementation of pagination in the list of attendees in the Open Event Organizer App (Eventyay Organizer App).
It is an Android app used by event organizers to create and manage events on the Eventyay platform. Features include event creation, ticket management, attendee list with ticket details, scanning of participants etc.
In the Open Event Organizer App, the loading of attendees would result in timeout when the number of attendees would be large. The solution for fixing this was the implementation of pagination in the Attendees fragment.
First, the API call needs to be modified to include the page size as well as the addition of page number as a Query.
@GET("events/{id}/attendees?include=order,ticket,event&fields[event]=id&fields[ticket]=id&page[size]=20") Observable<List<Attendee>> getAttendeesPageWise(@Path("id") long id, @Query("page[number]") long pageNumber);
Now, we need to modify the logic of fetching the list of attendees to include the page number. Whenever one page ends, the next page should be fetched automatically and added to the list.
The page number needs to be passed as an argument in the loadAttendeesPageWise() method in AttendeesViewModel.
public void loadAttendeesPageWise(long pageNumber, boolean forceReload) { showScanButtonLiveData.setValue(false); compositeDisposable.add( getAttendeeSourcePageWise(pageNumber, forceReload) .doOnSubscribe(disposable -> progress.setValue(true)) .doFinally(() -> progress.setValue(false)) .toSortedList() .subscribe(attendees -> { attendeeList.addAll(attendees); attendeesLiveData.setValue(attendees); showScanButtonLiveData.setValue(!attendeeList.isEmpty()); }, throwable -> error.setValue(ErrorUtils.getMessage(throwable).toString()))); }
Also in the getAttendeeSourcePageWise() method:
private Observable<Attendee> getAttendeeSourcePageWise(long pageNumber, boolean forceReload) { if (!forceReload && !attendeeList.isEmpty()) return Observable.fromIterable(attendeeList); else return attendeeRepository.getAttendeesPageWise(eventId, pageNumber, forceReload); }
Now, in the AttendeesFragment, a check is needed to increase the current page number and load attendees for the next page when the user reaches the end of the list.
if (!recyclerView.canScrollVertically(1)) { if (recyclerView.getAdapter().getItemCount() > currentPage * ITEMS_PER_PAGE) { currentPage++; } else { currentPage++; attendeesViewModel.loadAttendeesPageWise(currentPage, true); } }
When a new page is fetched, we need to update the existing list and add the elements from the new page.
@Override public void showResults(List<Attendee> attendees) { attendeeList.addAll(attendees); fastItemAdapter.setNewList(attendeeList); binding.setVariable(BR.attendees, attendeeList); binding.executePendingBindings(); }
Now, list of attendees would be fetched pagewise, thus improving the performance and preventing timeouts.
Further reading:
Open Event Organizer App: Project repo, Play Store, F-Droid
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