Fixing Notification Services Across EventYay

In this Blog-Post, I will show you, the fixing of multiple notification messages getting sent on multiple clicks or display of multiple messages for a single response.

What Caused the Problem?

In our Open Event Frontend, We are using Ember Notify Services to inject notification across the web app to show the notifications. Due to improper error handling on the client side sometimes we get multiple notification messages for a single click or for a single action. As shown in this picture.

How Did we Tackle It ?

Since the following issue was long pertaining, I solved the issue by adding a unique ID to each notification injected through the webapp. Since a unique ID was associated with each notification message, A single notification was getting displayed on each and every action irrespective of number of clicks or number of actions called. If an actions caused two notification to be simultaneously triggered, One of them on the basis of ID is suppressed so that a unique and understandable notification get shown.

Code Snippet:

Before the changes:

.then(() => {
          if (state === 'draft') {
            this.notify.success(this.l10n.t('Your event has been published successfully.'));
          } else {
            this.notify.success(this.l10n.t('Your event has been unpublished.'));

After the changes:

this.notify.success(this.isNewInvite ? this.l10n.t('Role Invite sent successfully') : this.l10n.t('Role Invite updated successfully'), {
            id: 'man_role'
        .catch(() => {
          this.notify.error(this.l10n.t('Oops something went wrong. Please try again'), {
            id: 'man_role_error'

Pull Request : Open-Event-Frontend-3438

Issue : Open-Event-Frontend-3437

Tags :

OpenEvent, EventYay, Fossasia, Intern-2k19

Continue ReadingFixing Notification Services Across EventYay

Customizing Ember CLI Notify for Badgeyay

Badgeyay project is divided into two parts i.e front-end with Ember JS and back-end with REST-API programmed in Python.

Badgeyay comes with many features for customising the process of generation of Badges. It gives freedom to user to choose Input Badge data which is to be printed on the individual badges, choosing the badge size, applying custom background to the badges and then optional features of font customization helps to generate cool badges.You have to just click on create badges and the generated badge with download link appear at bottom of form. But a problem arises with the generated badges link that after logout/login or generation of new badges just after creating badges one time, the link of the previously created badges is still there which is a bit confusing, as user might think the previous link to be the new link and press on that in order to download and find the old badges downloaded.

To resolve this issue, I have used the power of Ember notify library and customized it to show the generated badges link and disappear after a specified time in my Pull Request and after that user can always see his previously generated badges in My Badges route.

Let’s get started and understand it.

  • Customizing Notify library and making the changes in the send Badge data function to show the generated badge link just after the completion of badge generation process.

import Controller from '@ember/controller';
import { inject as service } from '@ember/service';   

export default Controller.extend({
routing : service('-routing'),
notify : service('notify'), // importing Notify service
sendBadge(badgeData) {
      const _this = this;
      let badgeRecord = _this.get('store').createRecord('badge', badgeData);
        .then(record => {
          _this.set('badgeGenerated', true);
          _this.set('genBadge', record);
          var notify = _this.get('notify');
          var link   = record.download_link; // Assigning download link to a variable 
          var message = notify.success(  // Configuring the message of notify service
            { html:   // Adding the html in notify message
Badge generated successfully.
+ '<p>Visit this<b>' + '<a href=' + link + '> Link </a></b> to download badge.</p>', closeAfter: 10000 }); // Specifying the time of closing the message }) .catch(err => { _this.get('notify').error('Unable to generate badge'); }); },


I have implemented the customized notify function to show the badge generation link for a specific time.

  • Now run the server to see the implemented changes by following command.

$ ember serve


  • Ember Notify service showing the generated Badges link:

Now, I am done with the implementation of customised notify function to show the badge generation link for a specific time of 10 seconds.


  1. Ember Docs –  Link
  2. Ember Notify Docs – Link
Continue ReadingCustomizing Ember CLI Notify for Badgeyay

Integrating Ember Notify with Badgeyay

Badgeyay project is divided into two parts i.e front-end with Ember JS and back-end with REST-API programmed in Python.

Badgeyay frontend has many features like Login and Sign up features and Login with OAuth and the most important, the badge generation feature is also up and running but the important thing from the User’s perspective is to get notified of all the actions performed in the application so that user can proceed easily further after performing a specific action in the Application..

In this Blog, I will be discussing how I integrated ember-notify in Badgeyay frontend to notify user about the actions performed in my Pull Request.

Ember-notify displays a little notification message down the bottom of our application.

Let’s get started and understand it step by step.

Step 1:

This module is an ember-cli addon, so installation is easy:

npm install ember-notify --save-dev


Step 2:

Inject the notify service in the controller of the template. Here, I will showing how I added it in showing Log In and Logout messages and you can check the whole code in my Pull request for other controllers also.

// controllers/login.js 

import Ember from 'ember';

import Controller from '@ember/controller';

const { inject } = Ember;

export default Controller.extend({
  session : inject.service(),
  notify  : inject.service('notify'),


          this_.get('notify').success('Log In Successful');
        }).catch(function(err) {
          this_.get('notify').error('Log In Failed ! Please try again');


              this_.get('notify').success('Log In Successful');
            .catch(err => {
        }).catch(function(err) {
          this_.get('notify').error('Log In Failed ! Please try again');
// controllers/logout.js

import Ember from 'ember';

import Controller from '@ember/controller';

const { inject } = Ember;

export default Controller.extend({
  session : inject.service(),
  notify  : inject.service('notify'),
  beforeModel() {
    return this.get('session').fetch().catch(function() {});
  actions: {
    logOut() {
      this.get('notify').warning('Log Out Successful');


I have implemented ember-notify for Logging In and Out feature & in the similar way I have implemented it for other controllers and complete code can be seen in my Pull Request.

Step 3::

Now run the server to see the implemented changes by following command.

$ ember serve


Navigate to localhost and perform login and logout actions to see the changes.

  •  Successful Log In

  • Successful Log out

  • Successful CSV Upload

Now, we are done with the integration of ember-notify in Badgeyay frontend to notify user about the actions performed in the Application.


  • Ember Docs –  Link
  • Ember Notify Docs – Link
Continue ReadingIntegrating Ember Notify with Badgeyay

Modifying Notifications in Meilix

There are many settings available for notifications in Meilix like position, size, timeout which can be modified with help of the notifications settings available in LXQT.

Theming Notifications

We will start by creating a file in /usr/share/lxqt/themes for creating a qss file of the notification theme as lxqt-notificationd.qss. This file tells the LXQT about what the colors, size, border, etc. are for a notification.

We start with notifications in this file. We can define color of the text of notifications. It supports alpha values too, but making text transparent decrease.

Notification {
    color: #313639;
    border: 1px solid rgba(155, 155, 155, 00%);
    background:rgba(240, 240, 240, 00%);
    margin: 0px;
    border-radius: 5px;


We can add a custom close button also we just need to add the path of the button in the qss file.

#closeButton {
    margin: 3px;
    border-radius: 4px;
    border: 1px solid transparent;
    padding: 4px;
    qproperty-icon: url(lxqt-notificationd/window-close.svg);


Other properties like hover on close button for animations can be used like.

#closeButton:hover {
    color: rgba(54, 54, 54, 100%);
    background: rgba(30, 145, 255, 30%);
    border: 1px solid rgba(30, 145, 255, 100%);


We can also define custom font, background like an image file, or actions like click, hover etc.

For other notification settings we can create a configuration file notifications.config which we can place in root  or in ~/.config depending upon application weather we want to apply it system wide or only for user.

The configuration file for disabling the sounds in LXQT:

No sound=true


Settings can also be changed using the menu and they are saved in .config/lxqt/notifications.conf. We have changed the spacing to zero in Meilix so that the notifications are invisible and do not disturb during an event (instead of disabling it in case someone wants notifications they can change the spacing).



Continue ReadingModifying Notifications in Meilix

Modifying SUSI Skills using SUSI Skill CMS

SUSI Skill CMS is a complete solution right from creating a skill to modifying the skill. The skills in SUSI are well synced with the remote repository and can be completely modified using the Edit Skill feature of SUSI Skill CMS. Here’s how to Modify a Skill.

  1. Sign Up/Login to the website using your credentials in
  2. Choose the SKill which you want to edit and click on the pencil icon.
  3. The following screen allows editing the skill. One can change the Group, Language, Skill Name, Image and the content as well.
  4. After making the changes the commit message can be added to Save the changes.

To achieve the above steps we require the following API Endpoints of the SUSI Server.

  1. – This gives us the meta data which populates the various Skill Content, Image, Author etc.
  2. – This gives us all the languages of a Skill Group.
  3. – This gives us all the list of Skill Groups whether Knowledge, Entertainment, Smalltalk etc.

Now since we have all the APIs in place we make the following AJAX calls to update the Skill Process.

  1. Since we are detecting changes in all the fields (Group Value, Skill Name, Language Value, Image Value, Commit Message, Content changes and the format of the content), the AJAX call can only be sent when there is a change in the PR and there is no null or undefined value in them. For that, we make various form validations. They are as follows.
    1. We first detect whether the User is in a logged in state.
if (!cookies.get('loggedIn')) {
                message: 'Not logged In',
                description: 'Please login and then try to create/edit a skill',
                icon: <Icon type="close-circle" style={{ color: '#f44336' }} />,
  1. We check whether the image uploaded matches the format of the Skill image to be stored which is ::image images/imageName.png
if (!new RegExp(/images\/\w+\.\w+/g).test(this.state.imageUrl)) {
                message: 'Error Processing your Request',
                description: 'image must be in format of images/imageName.jpg',
                icon: <Icon type="close-circle" style={{ color: '#f44336' }} />,
  1. We check if the commit message is not null and notify the user if he forgot to add a message.
if (this.state.commitMessage === null) {
                message: 'Please make some changes to save the Skill',
                icon: <Icon type="close-circle" style={{ color: '#f44336' }} />,
  1. We also check whether the old values of the skill are completely similar to the new ones, in this case, we do not send the request.
if (toldValues===newValues {
                message: 'Please make some changes to save the Skill',
                icon: <Icon type="close-circle" style={{ color: '#f44336' }} />,

To check out the complete code, go to this link.

  1. Next, if the above validations are successful, we send a POST request to the server and show the notification to the user accordingly, whether the changes to the Skill Data have been updated or not. Here’s the AJAX call snippet.
// create a form object
let form = new FormData();       
/* Append the following fields from the Skill Component:- OldModel, OldLanguage, OldSkill, NewModel, NewGroup, NewLanguage, NewSkill, changelog, content, imageChanged, old_image_name, new_image_name, image_name_changed, access_token */  
if (image_name_changed) {
            file = this.state.file;
            // append file to image

        let settings = {
            "async": true,
            "crossDomain": true,
            "url": "",
            "method": "POST",
            "processData": false,
            "contentType": false,
            "mimeType": "multipart/form-data",
            "data": form
        $.ajax(settings)..done(function (response) {
         //show success
         // show failure
  1. To verify all this we head to the commits section of the SUSI Skill Data repo and see the changes we made. The changes can be seen here 


  1. AJAX POST Request – 
  2. Material UI – 
  3. Notifications – 
Continue ReadingModifying SUSI Skills using SUSI Skill CMS

Implementing Notifications API in Open Event Frontend

In Open Event Frontend, at the index page of the application, we have a notification dropdown in which a user gets the notifications regarding the events, sessions, etc. Thus, a user gets notified for the particular event or session he wants to receive notifications about. While dealing with an issue, we had to integrate the API with the frontend. We achieved it as follows:

First, we create a model of notifications so that we have basic structure ready. It goes as follows:

export default ModelBase.extend({
  title      : attr('string'),
  message    : attr('string'),
  isRead     : attr('boolean', { defaultValue: false }),
  receivedAt : attr('moment'),

  user: belongsTo('user')

Thus, we have fields like title, message, isRead, receivedAt which we will get from the server response as JSON which we will need to show on the page. To show the notifications to the user, first we need to query the notifications for a specific user using ember data. Since we are querying the notifications for a specific user when he is logged in, we are also having relationship between user and notification as shown in the above notification model. In user model we do:

notifications: hasMany('notification')

Now, we query the notifications in our application route i.e routes/application.js

model() {
    if (this.get('session.isAuthenticated')) {
      return new RSVP.Promise((resolve, reject) => {'user', this.get(''), { reload: true })
          .then(user => {

The reason why we used a RSVP promise here was because the authManager couldn’t load the user befor the notifications were queried and returned. Thus, we query the notifications by using currentUser from authManager. Thus, in our template, we iterate over our notifications as follows:

    {{#each notifications as  notification }}
      <div class="item">
        <div class="header">
        <div class="content weight-600">
        <div class="left floated content">
          {{moment-from-now notification.createdAt}}

The notifications are thus shown to the user when he clicks the icon in the nav-bar. As a result, we get the following notifications in the dropdown:


Ember data official guide

Blog on Ember data by Embedly.

Continue ReadingImplementing Notifications API in Open Event Frontend

Handling Offline Message Responses in SUSI Web Chat

Previously, the SUSI Web Chat stopped working when there was no Internet connectivity. The application’s overall state was disturbed as one would see the loading message gif and the users were left to wonder on how to proceed. To handle this situation, we required notifying the User in the offline mode, with a message, that there is no Internet Connectivity.

This following image demonstrates the previous state where the application hung.

This image shows how this state was handled currently. One can test this out on by disconnecting and sending a message to SUSI and then connecting back to the Internet.

To achieve this, one needed to handle the offline and online events of the browser. The following steps can be followed to achieve this.

  1. We make use of the following eventListener functions to know whether the user is connected to the Internet.
// handles the Offlines event
window.addEventListener('offline', handleOffline.bind(this));  

// handles the Online event
window.addEventListener('online', handleOnline.bind(this));
  1. We then set a global offline message which is modified on the connections switching from online to an offline state. They are handled by the following functions.
let offlineMessage = null;

function handleOffline() {
  offlineMessage = 'Sorry, cannot answer that now. I have no net connectivity';
function handleOnline() {
  offlineMessage = null;
  1. We then handle the action createSUSIMessage() in API.actions.js and send the  AJAX request which we are making according to the offline/online state. This enables us to send the correct message response to the User even in the offline state and not letting the Application state crash.
// So if the offlineMessage variable is not null we call the AJAX 
        // handle AJAX
else {
    // we create a message saying there is no Internet connectivity.
  1. The messages on refreshing back restore back to the original state as these are not being stored in the server. Hence the User is able to see the correct History, i.e., only those messages which were sent to the server and successfully responded to by SUSI.


Continue ReadingHandling Offline Message Responses in SUSI Web Chat

Showing Offline and Online Status in SUSI Web Chat

A lot of times while chatting on SUSI Web Chat, one does not receive responses, this could either be due to no Internet connection or a down server.

For a better user experience, the user needs to be notified whether he is connected to the SUSI Chat. If one ever loses out on the Internet connection, SUSI Web Chat will notify you what’s the status through a snack bar.

Here are the steps to achieve the above:-

  1. The first step is to initialize the state of the Snackbar and the message.
this.state = {
snackopen: false,
snackMessage: 'It seems you are offline!'
  1. Next, we add eventListeners in the component which will bind to our browser’s window object. While this event can be added to any component in the App but we need it in the MessageSection particularly to show the snack bar.

The window object listens to any online offline activity of the browser.

  1. In the file MessageSection.react.js, inside the function componentDidMount()
  1. We initialize window listeners in our constructor section and bind them to the function handleOnline and handleOffline to set states to the opening of the SnackBar.
// handles the Offlines event
window.addEventListener('offline', this.handleOffline.bind(this));  

// handles the Online event
window.addEventListener('online', this.handleOnline.bind(this));
  1. We then create the handleOnline and handleOffline functions which sets our state to make the Snackbar open and close respectively.
// handles the Offlines event
window.addEventListener('offline', this.handleOffline.bind(this));  

// handles the Online event
window.addEventListener('online', this.handleOnline.bind(this));
  1. Next, we create a Snackbar component using the material-ui snackbar component.

The Snackbar is visible as soon as the the snackopen state is set to true with the message which is passed whether offline or online.


To get access to the full code, go to the repository


Continue ReadingShowing Offline and Online Status in SUSI Web Chat

Addition of Bookmark Icon in Schedule ViewHolder in Open Event Android App

In the Open Event Android app we only had a list of sessions in the schedule page without  the ability to bookmark the session unless we went into the SessionDetailPage or visited the session list via the tracks page or the locations page. This was obviously very inconvenient. There were several iterations of UI design for the same. Taking cues from the Google I/O 17 App I thought that the addition of the Bookmark Icon in the Schedule ViewHolder would be helpful to the user. In this blog post I will be talking about how this feature was implemented.

Layout Implementation for the Bookmark Icon

    app:srcCompat="@drawable/ic_bookmark_border_white_24dp" />

The bookmark Icon was modelled as an ImageButton inside the item_schedule.xml file which serves as the layout file for the DayScheduleViewHolder.

Bookmark Icon Functionality in DayScheduleAdapter

The Bookmark Icon had mainly 3 roles :

  1. Add the session to the list of bookmarks (obviously)
  2. Generate the notification giving out the bookmarked session details.
  3. Generate a Snackbar if the icon was un-clicked which allowed the user to restore the bookmarked status of the session.
  4. Update the bookmarks widget.

Now we will be seeing how was all this done. Some of this was already done previously in the SessionListAdapter. We just had to modify some of the code to get our desired result.

       Session not bookmarked                      Session bookmarked                      

First we just set a different icon to highlight the Bookmarked and the un-bookmarked status. This code snippet highlights how this is done.

if(session.isBookmarked()) {
 } else {

We check if the session is bookmarked by calling a function isBookmarked() and choose one of the 2 bookmark icons depending upon the bookmark status.

If a session was found out to be bookmarked and the Bookmark Icon was we use the WidgetUpdater.updateWidget() function to remove that particular session from the  Bookmark Widget of the app. During this a  Snackbar is also generated “Bookmark Removed” with an UNDO option which is functional.

realmRepo.setBookmark(sessionId, false).subscribe();
 if ("MainActivity".equals(context.getClass().getSimpleName())) {
    Snackbar.make(slot_content, R.string.removed_bookmark, Snackbar.LENGTH_LONG)
            .setAction(R.string.undo, view -> {
                realmRepo.setBookmark(sessionId, true).subscribe();

else {
    Snackbar.make(slot_content, R.string.removed_bookmark, Snackbar.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

If a session wasn’t bookmarked earlier but the Bookmark Icon was clicked we would firstly need to update the bookmark status within our local Realm Database.

realmRepo.setBookmark(sessionId, true).subscribe();

We would also create a notification to notify the user.

NotificationUtil.createNotification(session, context).subscribe(
        () -> Snackbar.make(slot_content,
        throwable -> Snackbar.make(slot_content,

The static class Notification Util is responsible for the generation of notifications. The internal working of that class is not necessary right now. What this snippet of code does is that It creates a Snackbar upon successful notification with the text “Bookmark Added” and if any error occurs a Snackbar with the text “Error Creating Notification” is generated.


This snippet of code is responsible for the colors that are assigned to the Bookmark Icons for different tracks and this color is obtained in the following manner.

int storedColor = currentSession.getTrack().getColor()

So now we have successfully added the Bookmark Icon to the ScheduleViewHolder inside the schedule of the app.


Continue ReadingAddition of Bookmark Icon in Schedule ViewHolder in Open Event Android App

Creating a notification dropdown in semantic UI for Open Event Frontend

Semantic UI comes packaged with highly responsive components to cater to all front end needs. The area of front-end development is so large, it is never possible to cover all the possible requirements of a developer with pre built components. Currently there is no means to display notifications on the navbar in Open Event Front-end project. In this article we are going to build a notification dropdown from scratch which will be used there to display notifications. So we begin by generating a new component via ember CLI

$ ember generate component notification-dropdown

This should generate the boiler-plate code for our component, with the template file located at: templates/components/notification-dropdown.hbs and the JS file located at components/notification-dropdown.js  It is assumed that you already have a basic ember app with at least a navbar set up. The notification drop down will be integrated with the navbar as a separate component. This allows us great flexibility in terms of location of the navbar, and also helps us  in not cluttering the code in one file.

We will use the popup component of semantic ui as the underlying structure of our dropdown. I have used some dummy data stored in a separate file, you can use any dummy data you wish, either  by directly hardcoding it or importing it from a js file stored somewhere else. It’s preferred if the mock data is called from a js file, because it helps in simulating the server response in a much more genuine way.

We will make use of the floating label of semantic UI to display the number of unread notifications. A mail outline icon should make for a good choice to use the primary icon to denote the notifications. Also, the floating label will require additional styling to make it overlap with the icon perfectly.

For the header in the dropdown we can give a ‘mark all as read’ button aligned to the right and the ‘notification’ header to the left. Also for best user experience even on small devices, we will make each notification item clickable as a whole instead of individual clickable elements in it. A selection link list of semantic UI should be perfect to display individual notifications as it gives a hovering effect and also, allows us to display a header. Moving onto individual notification items, it will have 3 sub parts

  • A header
  • Description
  • Human friendly notification time

For the header we will use the ‘header’ class predefined in semantic UI for list items.We will use ‘content’ class for description which is again a predefined semantic UI class, And finally the time can be displayed via moment-from-now helper of ember to display the time in a human friendly format.

<.i class="mail outline icon">
<.div class="floating ui teal circular mini label">{{notifications.length}}<./div>
<.div class="ui wide notification popup bottom left transition ">
 <.div class="ui basic inverted horizontal segments">
   <.div class="ui basic left aligned segment weight-800">
     <.p>{{t 'Notifications'}}<./p>
   <.div class="ui basic right aligned segment weight-400">
     <.a href="#">{{t 'Mark all as Read'}}<./a>
 <.div class="ui fluid link celled selection list">
   {{#each notifications as |notification|}}
     <.div class="item">
       <.div class="header">
       <.div class="content weight-600">
       <.div class="left floated content">
         {{moment-from-now notification.createdAt}}


Now the next challenge is to make the popup scrollable, they are not scrollable by default and may result in an error if their height exceeds that of the view port. So we apply some styling now. While applying such custom styles we have to be really careful so as to not to apply the styling in general to all of semantic UI’s components. It is very easy to overlook,  and may cause some unwanted changes. It is best to wrap it in a container class, in this case we have chosen to go ahead with notification as the class name. Also, since the notification dropdown should work consistently across all mobile devices, we need to set its maximum height not in terms of pixels but in terms of viewport height. The following styling code takes care of that as well as the icon which we are using to display the notification count.

.notification.item {
 margin: 0 !important;
 .label {
   top: 1em;
   padding: 0.2em;
   margin: 0 0 0 -3.2em !important;


.ui.notification.popup {
 padding: 2px;
 .list {
   width: auto;
   max-height: 50vh;
   overflow: hidden;
   overflow-y: auto;
   padding: 0;
   margin: 0;
   .header {
   .content {


All of this takes care of the styling. Next, we need to take care of initialising the notification popup. For this we need to go to the navbar component as it is the one who calls the notification dropdown component. And add this to it:

didInsertElement() {;
     popup : '.popup',
     on    : 'click'

 willDestroyElement() {;


The didInsertElement() makes sure that notification pop up is not rendered or initialised before the navbar is. On the other hand, willDestoroyElement() makes sure to clean up and destroy the pop up initialisation. Attached below are some screenshots of what the notification dropdown should look like.

On a wide screen

On mobile screens


Continue ReadingCreating a notification dropdown in semantic UI for Open Event Frontend