Fixing Notification Services Across EventYay

In this Blog-Post, I will show you, the fixing of multiple notification messages getting sent on multiple clicks or display of multiple messages for a single response.

What Caused the Problem?

In our Open Event Frontend, We are using Ember Notify Services to inject notification across the web app to show the notifications. Due to improper error handling on the client side sometimes we get multiple notification messages for a single click or for a single action. As shown in this picture.

How Did we Tackle It ?

Since the following issue was long pertaining, I solved the issue by adding a unique ID to each notification injected through the webapp. Since a unique ID was associated with each notification message, A single notification was getting displayed on each and every action irrespective of number of clicks or number of actions called. If an actions caused two notification to be simultaneously triggered, One of them on the basis of ID is suppressed so that a unique and understandable notification get shown.

Code Snippet:

Before the changes:

.then(() => {
          if (state === 'draft') {
            this.notify.success(this.l10n.t('Your event has been published successfully.'));
          } else {
            this.notify.success(this.l10n.t('Your event has been unpublished.'));

After the changes:

this.notify.success(this.isNewInvite ? this.l10n.t('Role Invite sent successfully') : this.l10n.t('Role Invite updated successfully'), {
            id: 'man_role'
        .catch(() => {
          this.notify.error(this.l10n.t('Oops something went wrong. Please try again'), {
            id: 'man_role_error'

Pull Request : Open-Event-Frontend-3438

Issue : Open-Event-Frontend-3437

Tags :

OpenEvent, EventYay, Fossasia, Intern-2k19

Continue ReadingFixing Notification Services Across EventYay

Addition Of Landing Pages For Mobile Apps

In this Blog-Post, I will showcase the landing pages on the Android frontend of Eventyay. As the Eventyay Android App has been launched on Play Store as well as F-Droid, We needed to make sure users know that they can access all the details regarding their event on their phones too. Now EventYay features two landing pages for each of its mobile apps :

EventYay Attendee App 

EventYay Orga App

Addition Of Landing Pages was a 3-Step Procedure, which is stated below :

  1. ) Defining The Needed Routes and Making Space in Footer.
  2. ) Writing the Code and Designing the Layout for the web-page.
  3. ) Writing Integration Tests for both of the pages.

I will explain each one of the processes involved in making Landing Pages for Mobile Apps in brief in this Blog-Post.

1. Defining The Needed Routes and Making Space in Footer.

To add any web-page in the Open-Event Frontend , we need to define its route in the Application Router File. The code snippet which adds them is:-

// app/router.js {

After successfully defining the routes, We need to create the HandleBars for the corresponding routes. To access those routes we need to create a section on EventYay Footer to show to the users.

The following code will result in showing the links to the landing page in footer-section

2. Writing the Code and Designing the Layout for the web-page.

After successfully defining the routes and links, its time we move on to writing the HandleBars for the above pages. The first design for the page would be the pointing menu offered by Semantic-UI v.2.0, which would describe the current tab.

After the designing of Navigation Menu in the AttendeeApp.hbs, Its time we design the main outlet and the body of the page. The Design of the layout page is based on the Landing Pages Created in Other Platforms Like Event.IO, EventBrite etc. A Mobile View on the right side with the Key Features of The App on the left side

3. Writing Integration Tests for both of the Pages.

Since writing test is the most important part of the Development Lifecycle. I preferred to write Acceptance Test instead of Integration Test or Unit Test, As both of the pages created were very simple in functionality. In Acceptance Test, We would be checking the URL For Both Of The Pages in every case After Login or Without Login.

Test For Attendee App :

test('visiting /landing-attendee-app without login', async function(assert) {
    await visit('/attendee-app');
    assert.equal(currentURL(), '/attendee-app');

  test('visiting /landing-attendee-app with login', async function(assert) {
    await login(assert);
    await visit('/attendee-app');
    assert.equal(currentURL(), '/attendee-app');


Issue: OpenEventFrontend-2929

Pull Request : OpenEventFrontend-2979

Additional Resources: Routing Guide., Templates in EmberJS.

Tags: OpenEvent, EventYay, Fossasia, Android Apps, Intern-2k19

Continue ReadingAddition Of Landing Pages For Mobile Apps