Enhancing LoklakWordCloud app present on Loklak apps site

LoklakWordCloud app is presently hosted on loklak apps site. Before moving into the content of this blog, let us get a brief overview of the app. What does the app do? The app generates a word cloud using twitter data returned by loklak based on the query word provided by the user. The user enters a word in the input field and presses the search button. After that a word cloud is created using the content (text body, hashtags and mentioned) of the various tweets which contains the user provided query word.

In my previous post I wrote about creating the basic functional app. In this post I will be describing the next steps that have been implemented in the app.

Making the word cloud clickable

This is one of the most important and interesting features added to the app. The words in the cloud are now clickable.Whenever an user clicks on a word present in the cloud, the cloud is replaced by the word cloud of that selected word. How do we achieve this behaviour? Well, for this we use Jqcloud’s handler feature. While creating the list of objects for each word and its frequency, we also specify a handler corresponding to each of the word. The handler is supposed to handle a click event. Whenever a click event occurs, we set the value of $scope.tweet to the selected word and invoke the search function, which calls the loklak API and regenerates the word cloud.

for (var word in $scope.wordFreq) {
                text: word,
                weight: $scope.wordFreq[word],
                handlers: {
                    click: function(e) {
                        $scope.tweet = e.target.textContent;

As it can be seen in the above snippet, handlers is simply an JavaScript object, which takes a function for the click event. In the function we pass the word selected as value of the tweet variable and call search method.

Adding filters to the app

Previously the app generated word cloud using the entire tweet content, that is, hashtags, mentions and tweet body. Thus the app was not flexible. User was not able to decide on which field he wants his word cloud to be generated. User might want to generate his  word cloud using only the hashtags or the mentions or simply the tweet body. In order to make this possible, filters have been introduced. Now we have filters for hashtags, mentions, tweet body and date.

<div class="col-md-6 tweet-filters">
              <div class="filters">
                <label class="checkbox-inline"><input type="checkbox" value="" ng-model="hashtags">Hashtags</label>
                <label class="checkbox-inline"><input type="checkbox" value="" ng-model="mentions">Mentions</label>
                <label class="checkbox-inline"><input type="checkbox" value="" ng-model="tweetbody">Tweet body</label>
              <div class="filter-all">
                <span class="select-all" ng-click="selectAll()"> Select all </span>

We have used checkboxes for the individual filters and have kept an option to select all the filters at once. Next we require to hook this HTML to AngularJS code to make the filters functional.

if ($scope.hashtags) {
                tweet.hashtags.forEach(function (hashtag) {
                    $scope.filteredWords.push("#" + hashtag);

            if ($scope.mentions) {
                tweet.mentions.forEach(function (mention) {
                    $scope.filteredWords.push("@" + mention);

In the above snippet, before adding the hashtags to the list of filtered words, we first make sure that the checkbox for hashtags is selected. Once we find out the the variable bound to the hashtags checkbox is true, we proceed further and add the hashtags associated with a given tweet to the list of filteredWords. The same strategy is applied for both mentions (shown in the snippet) and tweet bodies.

Adding error notification

Next, we handle certain errors to notify the users that there is problem in their input. Such cases include empty input. If user provides empty input then we notify him or her and break the search. Next we check whether From date is before To date or not. If From date is after To date then we notify the user about the problem.

if ($scope.tweet === "" || $scope.tweet === undefined) {
            $scope.error = "Please enter a valid query word";

In the above snippet we check for empty or undefined input and display snackbar along with error accordingly.

if ((sinceDate !== "" && sinceDate !== undefined) && (endDate !== "" && endDate !== undefined)) {
            var date1 = new Date(sinceDate);
            var date2 = new Date(endDate);
            if (date1 > date2) {
                $scope.error = "To date should be after From date";

The above snippet compares date. For comparing dates, first we fetch the values entered (via jquery date widget) into the respective input fields and then create JavaScript Date objects out of them. Finally we compare those Date objects to find out if there is any error or not.

Now it might happen that a particular search is taking a long time (perhaps due to network problem), however the user becomes impatient and tries to search again. In that case we need to inform the user that the previous search is still going on. For this purpose we use a boolean variable  to keep track whether the previous search is completed or still going on. If the previous search is going on and user tries to make a new search then we provide a proper notification and prevent the user from making further searches.

Finally we need to make sure that the user is online and has an active internet connection before the search can take place and Loklak API can be called. For this we have used navigator. We have polled the onLine property of navigator to find out whether the user is online or not. If the user is offline then we inform him that we cannot initiate a search due to internet connectivity problem.

if ($scope.isLoading === true) {
            $scope.error = "Previous search not completed. Please wait...";
        if (!navigator.onLine) {
            $scope.error = "You are currently offline. Please check your internet connection!";

Important resources

  • View the app source here.
  • View loklak apps site source here.
  • View Loklak API documentation here
  • View Jqcloud documentation here.
  • Learn more about AngularJS here.
Continue ReadingEnhancing LoklakWordCloud app present on Loklak apps site

Developing LoklakWordCloud app for Loklak apps site

LoklakWordCloud app is an app to visualise data returned by loklak in form of a word cloud.

The app is presently hosted on Loklak apps site.

Word clouds provide a very simple, easy, yet interesting and effective way to analyse and visualise data. This app will allow users to create word cloud out of twitter data via Loklak API.

Presently the app is at its very early stage of development and more work is left to be done. The app consists of a input field where user can enter a query word and on pressing search button a word cloud will be generated using the words related to the query word entered.

Loklak API is used to fetch all the tweets which contain the query word entered by the user.

These tweets are processed to generate the word cloud.

Related issue: https://github.com/fossasia/apps.loklak.org/pull/279

Live app: http://apps.loklak.org/LoklakWordCloud/

Developing the app

The main challenge in developing this app is implementing its prime feature, that is, generating the word cloud. How do we get a dynamic word cloud which can be easily generated by the user based on the word he has entered? Well, here comes in Jqcloud. An awesome lightweight Jquery plugin for generating word clouds. All we need to do is provide list of words along with their weights.

Let us see step by step how this app (first version) works. First we require all the tweets which contain the entered word. For this we use Loklak search service. Once we get all the tweets, then we can parse the tweet body to create a list of words along with their frequency.

var url = "" + query;
            .then(function (response) {
                $scope.tweet = null;

Once we have all the tweets, we need to extract the tweet texts and create a list of valid words. What are valid words? Well words like ‘the’, ‘is’, ‘a’, ‘for’, ‘of’, ‘then’, does not provide us with any important information and will not help us in doing any kind of analysis. So there is no use of including them in our word cloud. Such words are called stop words and we need to get rid of them. For this we are using a list of commonly used stop words. Such lists can be very easily found over the internet. Here is the list which we are using. Once we are able to extract the text from the tweets, we need to filter stop words and insert the valid words into a list.

 tweet = data[i];
            tweetWords = tweet.text.replace(", ", " ").split(" ");

            for (var j = 0; j < tweetWords.length; j++) {
                word = tweetWords[j];
                word = word.trim();
                if (word.startsWith("'") || word.startsWith('"') || word.startsWith("(") || word.startsWith("[")) {
                    word = word.substring(1);
                if (word.endsWith("'") || word.endsWith('"') || word.endsWith(")") || word.endsWith("]") ||
                    word.endsWith("?") || word.endsWith(".")) {
                    word = word.substring(0, word.length - 1);
                if (stopwords.indexOf(word.toLowerCase()) !== -1) {
                if (word.startsWith("#") || word.startsWith("@")) {
                if (word.startsWith("http") || word.startsWith("https")) {

What are we actually doing in the above snippet? We are simply iterating over each of the statuses returned by Loklak API. For each tweet, first we are splitting the text into words and then we are iterating over those words. For a given word we do a number of checks. First we check if the word begins or ends with a special character, for example quotation marks or brackets. If so we remove those character as it will cause trouble in calculating frequencies. Next we also check if the word is beginning with ‘#’ or ‘@’. If it is true, then we discard such words as we are handling hashtags and mentions separately. Finally we check whether the word is a stop word or not. If it is a stop word then we discard it. If a word passes all the checks, we add it to our list of valid words.

Once we are done with the tweet bodies, next we need to handle hashtags and mentions.

tweet.hashtags.forEach(function (hashtag) {
                $scope.filteredWords.push("#" + hashtag);

            tweet.mentions.forEach(function (mention) {
                $scope.filteredWords.push("@" + mention);

The above code simply iterates over the hashtags and mentions and inserts them into the filteredWords list. We have handled hashtags and mentions separately so that we can apply filters in future.

Once we are done with generating list of valid words, we need to calculate weight for each of the word. Here weight is nothing but the number of times a particular word is present in the list. We calculate this using JavaScript object. We iterate over the list of valid words. If word is not present in the object (or dictionary as you wish to call it), we create a new key by the name of that word and set its value to one. If a word is already present as a key, then we simply increment its value by one.

for (var word in $scope.wordFreq) {
                text: word,
                weight: $scope.wordFreq[word]

The above code snippet calculates the frequency of each word by the process mentioned above.

Now we are all set to generate our word cloud. We simply use Jqcloud’s interface to configure it with the words and their respective frequencies, provide a list of color codes for a color gradient, and set autoResize to true so that our word cloud resizes itself when the screen size changes.

$scope.generateWordCloud = function() {
        if ($scope.wordCloud === null) {
            $scope.wordCloud = $('.wordcloud').jQCloud($scope.wordCloudData, {
                colors: ["#D50000", "#FF5722", "#FF9800", "#4CAF50", "#8BC34A", "#4DB6AC", "#7986CB", "#5C6BC0", "#64B5F6"],
                fontSize: {
                    from: 0.06,
                    to: 0.01
                autoResize: true
        } else {
            $scope.wordCloud = $(".wordcloud").jQCloud('update', $scope.wordCloudData);

Whenever the user searches for a new word, we simply update the existing word cloud with the cloud of the new word.

Future roadmap

  • Make the words in the cloud clickable. On clicking a word, the cloud should get replaced by the selected word’s cloud.
  • Add filters for hashtags, mentions, date.
  • Add option for exporting the cloud to an image, so that user’s can also use this app as a tool to generate word clouds as images and save them.
  • Add a loader and error notification for invalid or empty input.

Important resources

  • View the app source code here.
  • Learn more about Loklak API here.
  • Learn more about Jqcloud here.
  • Learn more about AngularJS here.
Continue ReadingDeveloping LoklakWordCloud app for Loklak apps site

Implementing Notifications API in Open Event Frontend

In Open Event Frontend, at the index page of the application, we have a notification dropdown in which a user gets the notifications regarding the events, sessions, etc. Thus, a user gets notified for the particular event or session he wants to receive notifications about. While dealing with an issue, we had to integrate the API with the frontend. We achieved it as follows:

First, we create a model of notifications so that we have basic structure ready. It goes as follows:

export default ModelBase.extend({
  title      : attr('string'),
  message    : attr('string'),
  isRead     : attr('boolean', { defaultValue: false }),
  receivedAt : attr('moment'),

  user: belongsTo('user')

Thus, we have fields like title, message, isRead, receivedAt which we will get from the server response as JSON which we will need to show on the page. To show the notifications to the user, first we need to query the notifications for a specific user using ember data. Since we are querying the notifications for a specific user when he is logged in, we are also having relationship between user and notification as shown in the above notification model. In user model we do:

notifications: hasMany('notification')

Now, we query the notifications in our application route i.e routes/application.js

model() {
    if (this.get('session.isAuthenticated')) {
      return new RSVP.Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        this.store.findRecord('user', this.get('authManager.currentUser.id'), { reload: true })
          .then(user => {

The reason why we used a RSVP promise here was because the authManager couldn’t load the user befor the notifications were queried and returned. Thus, we query the notifications by using currentUser from authManager. Thus, in our template, we iterate over our notifications as follows:

    {{#each notifications as  notification }}
      <div class="item">
        <div class="header">
        <div class="content weight-600">
        <div class="left floated content">
          {{moment-from-now notification.createdAt}}

The notifications are thus shown to the user when he clicks the icon in the nav-bar. As a result, we get the following notifications in the dropdown:


Ember data official guide

Blog on Ember data by Embedly.

Continue ReadingImplementing Notifications API in Open Event Frontend

Implementing Email Notifications in Open Event Frontend

In Open Event Frontend, we have a ‘settings/email-preferences’ route where we give the user an access to change the email-notifications that he wants to subscribe for a specific event. For now, we are having three notifications for an event which the user can toggle to on and off. To achieve this, we did the following things:

First, we create a model for email-notifications so as to have a skeleton of the data that we are going to receive from the JSON API.

export default ModelBase.extend({

   * Attributes

  nextEvent           : attr('boolean'),
  newPaper            : attr('boolean'),
  sessionAcceptReject : attr('boolean'),
  sessionSchedule     : attr('boolean'),
  afterTicketPurchase : attr('boolean'),

   * Relationships
  user  : belongsTo('user'),
  event : belongsTo('event')

Thus, above code shows the attributes which we are going to receive via our JSON API and we will render the data accordingly on the page. We have established the relationship of the email-notifications with user and event so that in future wherever needed, we can query the records from either side. The client side has checkboxes to show the data to the user. Following is the format of the checkboxes:

<div class="row">
        <div class="column eight wide">
          {{t 'New Paper is Submitted to your Event'}}
        <div class="ui column eight wide right aligned">
          {{ui-checkbox class='toggle' checked=preference.newPaper onChange=(pipe-action (action (mut preference.newPaper)) (action 'savePreference' preference))}}
      <div class="row">
        <div class="column eight wide">
          {{t 'Change in Schedule of Sessions in your Event'}}
        <div class="ui column eight wide right aligned">
          {{ui-checkbox class='toggle' checked=preference.sessionSchedule onChange=(pipe-action (action (mut preference.sessionSchedule)) (action 'savePreference' preference))}}

The states of the checkboxes are determined by the data that we receive from the API. For example, if for a record, the API returns:

nextEvent           : true,
newPaper            : false,
sessionAcceptReject : true,
sessionSchedule     : false,
afterTicketPurchase : false,

Then, the respective states will be shown by the checkbox and the user can toggle the states to change the email-preferences as they want.

Thus to get the data sent by the server to the client, we return it as a model and query it as:

model() {
    return this.get('authManager.currentUser').query('emailNotifications', { include: 'event' });

As we can see, as mentioned earlier, we kept the relationships so that we can query the email-notifications specific to the particular user or specific to particular event. Here, we are showing a user’s email-notifications and hence we queried it with the user relationship.
The authManager loads the currentUser and queries the email-notifications for a particular use. We also want the event details to show the email-preferences, hence we include the event model to be fetched in the query also.

We also let the user change the preferences of the email-notifications so that he can customise the notifications and keep the ones he wants to receive. We implement the updating of email-preferences API as follows:

Whenever a user toggles the checkbox, we are having an action as called ‘savePreference’, which handles the updation of the preferences.


{{ui-checkbox class='toggle' checked=preference.newPaper onChange=(pipe-action (action (mut preference.newPaper)) (action 'savePreference' preference))}}

savePreference(emailPreference) {
        .then(() => {
          this.get('notify').success(this.l10n.t('Email notifications updated successfully'));
        .catch(() => {
          this.get('notify').error(this.l10n.t('An unexpected error occurred.'));

We are passing the parameter(the whole preference object to the action), and then just performing a ‘save’ method on it which will send a PATCH request to the server to update the data.

Thus, in this way, the user can change the email-notification preferences in the Open Event Frontend.

Ember data Official guide
Blog on Models and Ember data by Daniel Lavigne: Learning Ember.js Part 4: Models

Source code: https://github.com/fossasia/open-event-frontend/pull/537/files

Continue ReadingImplementing Email Notifications in Open Event Frontend

Getting Image location in the Phimpme Android’s Camera

The Phimpme Android app along with a decent gallery and accounts section comes with a nice camera section stuffed with all the features which a user requires for the day to day usage. It comes with an Auto mode for the best experience and also with a manual mode for the users who like to have some tweaks in the camera according to their own liking. Along with all these, it also has an option to get the accurate coordinates where the image was clicked. When we enable the location from the settings, it extracts the latitude and longitude of the image when it is being clicked and displays the visible region of the map at the top of the image info section as depicted in the screenshot below.

In this tutorial, I will be discussing how we have implemented the location functionality to fetch the location of the image in the Phimpme app.

Step 1

For getting the location from the device, the first step we need is to add the permission in the androidmanifest.xml file to access the GPS and the location services. This can be done using the following lines of code below.

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION"/>

After this, we need to download install the google play services SDK to access the Google location API. Follow the official google developer’s guide on how to install the Google play services into the project from the resources section below.

Step 2

To get the last known location of the device at the time of clicking the picture we need to make use of the FusedLocationProviderClient class and need to create an object of this class and to initialise it in the onCreate method of the camera activity. This can be done using the following lines of code below:

private FusedLocationProviderClient mFusedLocationClient;
mFusedLocationClient = LocationServices.getFusedLocationProviderClient(this);

After we have created and initialised the object mFusedLocationClient, we need to call the getLastLocation method on it as soon as the user clicks on the take picture button in the camera. In this, we can also set onSuccessListener method which will return the Location object when it successfully extracts the present or the last known location of the device. This can be done using the following lines of code below:

       .addOnSuccessListener(this, new OnSuccessListener<Location>() {
           public void onSuccess(Location location) {
               if (location != null) {
            //Get the latitude and longitude here

After this, we can successfully extract the latitude and the longitude of the device in the onSuccess method of the code snippet provided below and can store it in the shared preference to get the map view of the coordinates from a different activity of the application later on when the user tries to get the info of the images.

Step 3

After getting the latitude and longitude, we need to get the image view of the visible region of the map. We can make use of the Glide library to fetch the visible map area from the url which contains our location values and to set it to the image view.

The url of the visible map can be generated using the following lines of code.

String.format(Locale.US, getUrl(value), location.getLatitude(), location.getLongitude());

This is how we have added the functionality to fetch the coordinates of the device at the time of clicking the image and to display the map in the Phimpme Android application. To get the full source code, please refer to the Phimpme Android GitHub repository.


  1. Google Developer’s : Location services guide – https://developer.android.com/training/location/retrieve-current.html
  2. Google Developer’s : Google play services SDK guide – https://developer.android.com/studio/intro/update.html#channels
  3. GitHub : Open camera Source Code –  https://github.com/almalence/OpenCamera
  4. GitHub : Phimpme Android – https://github.com/fossasia/phimpme-android/
  5. GitHub : Glide library – https://github.com/bumptech/glide


Continue ReadingGetting Image location in the Phimpme Android’s Camera

Using Data Access Object to Store Information

We often need to store the information received from the network to retrieve that later. Although we can store and read data directly but by using data access object to store information enables us to do data operations without exposing details of the database. Using data access object is also a best practice in software engineering. Recently I modified Connfa app to store the data received in Open Event format. In this blog, I describe how to use data access object.

The goal is to abstract and encapsulate all access to the data and provide an interface. This is called Data Access Object pattern. In a nutshell, the DAO “knows” which data source (that could be a database, a flat file or even a WebService) to connect to and is specific for this data source. It makes no difference in applications when it accesses a relational database or parses xml files (using a DAO). The DAO is usually able to create an instance of a data object (“to read data”) and also to persist data (“to save data”) to the datasource.

Consider the example from Connfa app in which get the tracks from API and store them in SQL database. We use DAO to create a layer between model and database. Where AbstractEntityDAO is an abstract class which have the functions to perform CRUD operation. We extend it to implement them in our DAO model. Here is TrackDAO structure,

public class TrackDao extends AbstractEntityDAO<Track, Long> {

    public static final String TABLE_NAME = "table_track";

    protected String getSearchCondition() {
        return "_id=?";

Find the complete class to see the detailed methods to implement search conditions, get key columns, create instance etc.  here.

Here is a general method to get the data from the database. Where getFacade() for the given layer element, this method returns the requested facade object to represent the passed in layer element.

public List<ClassToSave> getAllSafe() {
   ILAPIDBFacade facade = getFacade();
   try {
       return getAll();

   } finally {

Now we can create an instance to use these methods instead of directly using SQL operations. This functions gets the data and sort it accordingly.

private TrackDao mTrackDao;
 public List<Track> getTracks() {
   List<Track> tracks = mTrackDao.getAllSafe();
   Collections.sort(tracks, new Comparator<Track>() {
       public int compare(Track track, Track track2) {
           return Double.compare(track.getOrder(), track2.getOrder());
   return tracks;



Continue ReadingUsing Data Access Object to Store Information

Receiving Data From the Network Asynchronously

We often need to receive information from networks in Android apps. Although it is a simple process but the problem arises when it is done through the main user interaction thread. To understand this problem better consider using an app which shows some text downloaded from the online database. As the user clicks a button to display a text it may take some time to get the HTTP response. So what does an activity do in that time? It creates a lag in the user interface and makes the app to stop responding. Recently I implemented this in Connfa App to download data in Open Event Format.

To solve that problem we use concurrent thread to download the data and send the result back to be processed separating it from main user interaction thread. AsyncTask allows you to perform background operations and publish results on the UI thread without having to manipulate threads and/or handlers.

AsyncTask is designed to be a helper class around Thread and Handler and does not constitute a generic threading framework. AsyncTasks should ideally be used for short operations (a few seconds at the most). If you need to keep threads running for long periods of time, it is highly recommended you use the various APIs provided by the java.util.concurrent package such as Executor, ThreadPoolExecutor and FutureTask.

An asynchronous task is defined by a computation that runs on a background thread and whose result is published on the UI thread. An asynchronous task is defined by 3 generic types, called Params, Progress and Result, and 4 steps, called onPreExecute, doInBackground, onProgressUpdate and onPostExecute.

In this blog, I describe how to download data in an android app with AsyncTask using OkHttp library.

First, you need to add dependency for OkHttp Library,

compile 'com.squareup.okhttp:okhttp:2.4.0' 

Extend AsyncTask class and implement all the functions in the class by overriding them to modify them accordingly. Here I declare a class named AsyncDownloader extending AsyncTask. We took the string parameter, integer type progress and string type result to return instead which will be our JSON data and param is our URL. Instead of using get the function of AsyncTask we implement an interface to receive data so the main user interaction thread does not have to wait for the return of the result.

public class AsyncDownloader extends AsyncTask<String, Integer, String> {
    private String jsonData = null;

    public interface JsonDataSetter {
        void setJsonData(String str);

    JsonDataSetter jsonDataSetterListener;

    public AsyncDownloader(JsonDataSetter context) {

        this.jsonDataSetterListener = context;

    protected void onPreExecute() {

    protected String doInBackground(String... params) {

        String url = params[0];

        OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();
        Request request = new Request.Builder()
        Call call = client.newCall(request);

        Response response = null;

        try {
            response = call.execute();

            if (response.isSuccessful()) {
                jsonData = response.body().string();

            } else {
                jsonData = null;

        } catch (IOException e) {

        return jsonData;

    protected void onPostExecute(String jsonData) {

We download the data in doInBackground making a request using OkHttp library and send the result back in onPostExecute method using our interface method. See above to check out the complete class implementation.

You can make an instance to AsyncDownloader in an activity. Implement interface to receive that data.

Tip: Always close AsyncTask after using to avoid many concurrent tasks at one time.

Find the complete code here.


Continue ReadingReceiving Data From the Network Asynchronously

Advantage of Open Event Format over xCal, pentabarf/frab XML and iCal

Event apps like Giggity and Giraffe use event formats like xCal, pentabarf/frab XML, iCal etc. In this blog, I present some of the advantages of using FOSSASIA’s Open Event data format over other formats. I added support for Open Event format in these two apps so I describe the advantages and improvements that were made with respect to them.

  • The main problem that is faced in Giggity app is that all the data like social links, microlocations, the link for the logo file etc., can not be fetched from a single file, so a separate raw file is being added to provide this data. Our Open Event format provides all this information from the single URL that could be received from the server so no need to use any separate file.
  • Here is the pentabarf format data for FOSSASIA 2016 conference excluding sessions. Although it provides all the necessary information it leaves the information for logo URL, details for longitude and latitude for microlocations (rooms) and links to social media and website. While the open event format provides all the missing details including some extra information like language, comments etc. See FOSSASIA 2016 Open Event format sample.
<title>FOSSASIA 2016</title>
<venue>Science Centre Road</venue>
  • The parsing of received file format gets very complicated in case of iCal, xCal etc. as tags needs to be matched to get the data. Howsoever there are various libraries available for parsing JSON data. So we can create simply an array list of the received data to send it to the adapter. See this example for more information of working code. You can also see the parser for iCal to compare the complexity of the code.
  • The other more common problem is the structure of the formats received is sometimes it becomes complicated to define the sub parts of a single element. For example for the location we define latitude and longitude separately while in iCal format it is just separated by a comma. For example for




           "id": 1,
           "name": "Stage 1",
           "floor": 0,
           "latitude": 37.425420,
           "longitude": -122.080291,
           "room": null

And the information provided is more detailed.

  • Open Event format is well documented and it makes it easier for other developers to work on it. Find the documentation here.



Continue ReadingAdvantage of Open Event Format over xCal, pentabarf/frab XML and iCal

Scheduling Jobs to Check Expired Access Token in Yaydoc

In Yaydoc, we use the user access token to do various tasks like pushing documentation, registering webhook and to see it’s status.The user access token is very important to us, so I decided of adding Cron job which checks whether the user token has expired or not. But then one problem was that, if we have more number of users our cron job will send thousands of request at a time so it can break the app. So, I thought of queueing the process. I used `asyc` library for queuing the job.

const github = require("./github")
const queue = require("./queue")

User = require("../model/user");

exports.checkExpiredToken = function () {
  User.count(function (error, count) {
    if (error) {
    } else {
      var page = 0;
      if (count < 10) {
        page = 1;
      } else {
        page = count / 10;
        if (page * 10 < count) {
          page = (count + 10) /10;
      for (var i = 0; i <= page; i++) {
        User.paginateUsers(i, 10,
        function (error, users) {
          if (error) {
          } else {
            users.forEach(function(user) {

In the above code I’m paginating the list of users in the database and then I’m adding each user to the queue.

var tokenRevokedQueue = async.queue(function (user, done) {
  github.retriveUser(user.token, function (error, userData) {
    if (error) {
      if (user.expired === false) {
        User.updateUserById(user.id, {
          expired: true
        }, function(error, data) {
          if (error) {
    } else {
}, 2);

I made this queue with the help of async queue method. In the first parameter, I’m passing the logic and in second parameter, I’m passing how many jobs can be executed asynchronously. I’m checking if the user has revoked the token or not by sending API requests to GitHub’s user API. If it gives a response ‘200’ then the token is valid otherwise it’s invalid. If the user token is invalid, I’m sending email to the user saying that “Your access token in revoked so Sign In once again to continue the service”.


Continue ReadingScheduling Jobs to Check Expired Access Token in Yaydoc

Making a Sticky Top Navigation bar for Susper using Angular

A lot of websites, require a top navigation bar that sticks to the top, irrespective of the screen dimension size. This blog deals with how the top navigation bar was made sticky in Susper.

  1. Using the correct Bootstrap classes. Notice the code enveloping the navigation bar.

<nav class=“top-nav navbar navbar-static-top navbar-default”>


class=“navbar-header” id=“navcontainer”>


Points to note:

  • Using navbar and navbar-default creates a standard gray navigation bar.
  • Using navbar-static-top makes the navbar stick only to the top of the page and disappear on scrolling down.
  • Using container-fluid creates a container for the contents of the navbar with wide margins
  1.  Now we also need to write some personalized CSS code. Notice the classes navcontainer and  top-nav. This is the CSS code for these classes:

margin-bottom: 0;
#navcontainer {
height: 65px;
width: 100vw;
}#navcontainer ul {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
list-style-type: none;

Points to note:

  • Margin and padding can be set according to how the navbar should look. Click here to know the difference between margins and padding.
  • The height has been customized to 65px in Susper, with a width of 100vw(entire viewpost width).
  1. Lastly, if your navigation bar is inside the body tag, remember that by default, body has a top margin of 57 px. As a result you may see an extra white space on top of your navigation bar. To remove this:
  • Move the navigation bar code out of the body tag. If you can’t then,
  • Place your navigation bar in a container ( resultContainer on the Susper result page) and write this in your CSS file.

margin-top: -57px;


Continue ReadingMaking a Sticky Top Navigation bar for Susper using Angular