Writing Browser Specific CSS for Susper in Angular

In Susper, we were facing a unique problem for Information box and Analytics box alignment.
At a width of around 1290 px, the boxes fit perfectly in Firefox as shown:

However, they were slipping to the next line in Google Chrome browsers for the same dimension(1290 px)

The solution to this issue was to write browser-specific CSS.
The two most commonly used browser specific tags are

  1. @-moz-document url-prefix() { }: This tag is used to target the Mozilla Firefox browser in particular. Anything written within the curly braces will not apply to any other browser.
  2. @media screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:0) { }: This tag is used to target all browsers that support webkit such as Chrome, Safari etc.

For our problem, we need to use @media screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:0) { }
This was how the code was written for both the components (Information box and Analytics box). Please refer to infobox.component.css and statsbox.component.css for the entire code.

@media screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:0) {
@media screen and (max-width: 1300px) {
.card {
width: 366px;
@media screen and (max-width: 1280px) {
.card {
width: 366px;

As a result of this snippet of code, we see the following effects:

  • In Chrome, the boxes change to a smaller width at 1300px itself, thus preventing it from slipping to the next line
  • In Firefox, the boxes change to a smaller width only at 1280px, and not at 1300px, thus achieving the exact design we envisioned.

This is how the display finally looks in Chrome:


  1. Stack overflow on specific CSS tags for Chrome: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9328832/how-to-apply-specific-css-rules-to-chrome-only
  2. Stack overflow on specific CSS tags for Firefox: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/952861/targeting-only-firefox-with-css
Continue ReadingWriting Browser Specific CSS for Susper in Angular

Optimising Docker Images for loklak Server

The loklak server is in a process of moving to Kubernetes. In order to do so, we needed to have different Docker images that suit these deployments. In this blog post, I will be discussing the process through which I optimised the size of Docker image for these deployments.

Initial Image

The image that I started with used Ubuntu as base. It installed all the components needed and then modified the configurations as required –

FROM ubuntu:latest

# Env Vars
ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND noninteractive

WORKDIR /loklak_server

RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get upgrade -y
RUN apt-get install -y git openjdk-8-jdk
RUN git clone https://github.com/loklak/loklak_server.git /loklak_server
RUN git checkout development
RUN ./gradlew build -x test -x checkstyleTest -x checkstyleMain -x jacocoTestReport
RUN sed -i.bak 's/^\(port.http=\).*/\180/' conf/config.properties
... # More configurations
RUN echo "while true; do sleep 10;done" >> bin/start.sh

# Start
CMD ["bin/start.sh", "-Idn"]

The size of images built using this Dockerfile was quite huge –

REPOSITORY          TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED              SIZE

loklak_server       latest              a92f506b360d        About a minute ago   1.114 GB

ubuntu              latest              ccc7a11d65b1        3 days ago           120.1 MB

But since this size is not acceptable, we needed to reduce it.

Moving to Apline

Alpine Linux is an extremely lightweight Linux distro, built mainly for the container environment. Its size is so tiny that it hardly puts any impact on the overall size of images. So, I replaced Ubuntu with Alpine –

FROM alpine:latest

RUN apk update
RUN apk add git openjdk8 bash

And now we had much smaller images –

REPOSITORY          TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE

loklak_server       latest              54b507ee9187        17 seconds ago      668.8 MB

alpine              latest              7328f6f8b418        6 weeks ago         3.966 MB

As we can see that due to no caching and small size of Alpine, the image size is reduced to almost half the original.

Reducing Content Size

There are many things in a project which are no longer needed while running the project, like the .git folder (which is huge in case of loklak) –

$ du -sh loklak_server/.git
236M loklak_server/.git

We can remove such files from the Docker image and save a lot of space –

rm -rf .[^.] .??*

Optimizing Number of Layers

The number of layers also affect the size of the image. More the number of layers, more will be the size of image. In the Dockerfile, we can club together the RUN commands for lower number of images.

RUN apk update && apk add openjdk8 git bash && \
  git clone https://github.com/loklak/loklak_server.git /loklak_server && \

After this, the effective size is again reduced by a major factor –

REPOSITORY          TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE

loklak_server       latest              54b507ee9187        17 seconds ago      422.3 MB

alpine              latest              7328f6f8b418        6 weeks ago         3.966 MB


In this blog post, I discussed the process of optimising the size of Dockerfile for Kubernetes deployments of loklak server. The size was reduced to 426 MB from 1.234 GB and this provided much faster push/pull time for Docker images, and therefore, faster updates for Kubernetes deployments.


Continue ReadingOptimising Docker Images for loklak Server

Handle Large Size Images in Phimpme

Phimpme is an image app which provides custom camera, sharing features along with a well-featured gallery section. In gallery, it allows users to view local images. Right now we are using Glide to load images in the gallery, it is working fine for small size images it lags a bit when it comes to handling the high quality large images in the app. So in this post, I will explaining how to handle large size  images without lagging or without taking much time. To solve this problem I am using android universal image loader library which is very light when compared to glide.

Step – 1

First step is to include the dependency in the phimpme project and it can be done by the following way

dependencies {
compile 'com.nostra13.universalimageloader:universal-image-loader:1.9.4'


After this create an Android universal image loader instance. We can create imageloader instance in our application class if we want to use the image loader globally.

ImageLoaderConfiguration config = new ImageLoaderConfiguration.Builder(
       this).memoryCacheExtraOptions(480, 800).defaultDisplayImageOptions(defaultOptions)
       .diskCacheExtraOptions(480, 800, null).threadPoolSize(3)
       .threadPriority(Thread.NORM_PRIORITY - 2)
       .memoryCache(new LruMemoryCache(MAXMEMONRY / 5))
       .diskCache(new UnlimitedDiskCache(cacheDir))
       .diskCacheFileNameGenerator(new HashCodeFileNameGenerator()) // default
       .imageDownloader(new BaseImageDownloader(this)) // default
       .imageDecoder(new BaseImageDecoder(false)) // default
 this.imageLoader = ImageLoader.getInstance();

Add the above code in the application class.


Now our image loader instance is created now we can load an image easily. But to avoid the out of memory error and large image size error we can set many options to an image loader. In options we can set maximum memory allowed to image loader, maximum resolution and set particular architecture, it can be done in following ways.


File cacheDir = com.nostra13.universalimageloader.utils.StorageUtils.getCacheDirectory(this);
 int MAXMEMONRY = (int) (Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory());

To load an image using universal image loader just pass the URI of an image and to load write the below code.
Now the time is to load an image from local storage. We can load images from local storage, drawable, assets easily.

ImageLoader imageLoader = ((MyApplication)getApplicationContext()).getImageLoader();
 imageLoader.displayImage(imageUri, imageView);

This is how I handled large size image in Phimpme.

Large Image in Phimpme

References :

Continue ReadingHandle Large Size Images in Phimpme

Implementing 3 legged Authorization in Loklak Wok Android for Twitter

Loklak Wok Android is a peer harvester that posts collected tweets to the Loklak Server. Not only it is a peer harvester, but also provides users to post their tweets from the app. Posting tweets from the app requires users to authorize the Loklak Wok app, the client app created https://apps.twitter.com/ . This blog explains in detail about the authorization process.

Adding Dependencies to the project

In app/build.gradle:

apply plugin: 'com.android.application'
apply plugin: 'me.tatarka.retrolambda'

android {
   packagingOptions {
       exclude 'META-INF/rxjava.properties'

dependencies {
   compile 'com.google.code.gson:gson:2.8.1'

   compile 'com.squareup.retrofit2:retrofit:2.3.0'
   compile 'com.squareup.retrofit2:converter-gson:2.3.0'
   compile 'com.squareup.retrofit2:adapter-rxjava2:2.3.0'

   compile 'io.reactivex.rxjava2:rxjava:2.0.5'
   compile 'io.reactivex.rxjava2:rxandroid:2.0.1'


In build.gradle project level:

dependencies {
   classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:2.3.3'
   classpath 'me.tatarka:gradle-retrolambda:3.2.0'


Steps of Authorization

Step 1: Create client app in Twitter

Create a twitter client app at https://apps.twitter.com/. Provide the mandatory entries and also Callback url (would be used in next steps). Then go to “Keys and Access Token” and save your consumer key and consumer secret. In case you want to use Twitter API for yourself, click on “Create my access token”, which provides access token and access token secret.

Step 2: Obtaining a request token

Using the “consumer key” and “consumer secret” request token is obtained by sending a POST request to oauth/request_token. As Twitter API are Oauth1 based the sent request needs to be signed by generating oauth_signature. The oauth_signature is generated by intercepting the network request sent by retrofit rest API client, the oauth interceptor used in Loklak Wok Android is a modified version of this snippet. The retrofit TwitterAPI interface is defined

public interface TwitterAPI {

   String BASE_URL = "https://api.twitter.com/";

   Observable<ResponseBody> getRequestToken();

   Observable<ResponseBody> getAccessTokenAndSecret(@Field("oauth_verifier") String oauthVerifier);


And the retrofit REST client is implemented in TwitterRestClient. createTwitterAPIWithoutAccessToken method returns a twitter API client which can be called without providing access keys, this is used as we don’t have access tokens right now.

public static TwitterAPI createTwitterAPIWithoutAccessToken() {
   if (sWithoutAccessTokenRetrofit == null) {
       // uncomment to debug network requests
       // sWithoutAccessTokenClient.addInterceptor(sLoggingInterceptor);
       sWithoutAccessTokenRetrofit = sRetrofitBuilder
   return sWithoutAccessTokenRetrofit.create(TwitterAPI.class);


So, getRequestToken method is used to obtain the request token, if the request is successful oauth_token is returned.

public void onClickTwitterAuthorizeButton(View view) {
           .subscribe(this::parseRequestTokenResponse, this::onFetchRequestTokenError);


Step 3: Redirecting the user

Using the oauth_token obtained in Step 2, the user is redirected to login page using WebView.

private void setAuthorizationView() {


A WebView client is created by extending WebViewClient, this is used to keep track of which webpage is opened by overriding shouldOverrideUrlLoading.

public boolean shouldOverrideUrlLoading(WebView view, String url) {
   if (url.contains("github")) {
       String[] tokenAndVerifier = url.split("&");
       mOAuthVerifier = tokenAndVerifier[1].substring(tokenAndVerifier[1].indexOf('=') + 1);
       return true;
   return false;


As the link provided in callback url while creating our twitter app is a github page. The WebViewClient checks if it is a github page or not. If yes, then it parses the oauth_verifier from the github url.

Step 4: Converting the request token to an access token

A new rest client is created using the access token obtained in step 2, as implemented in createTwitterAPIWithAccessToken method.

public static TwitterAPI createTwitterAPIWithAccessToken(String token) {
   TwitterOAuthInterceptor withAccessTokenInterceptor =
   OkHttpClient withAccessTokenClient = new OkHttpClient.Builder()
           //.addInterceptor(loggingInterceptor) // uncomment to debug network requests
   Retrofit withAccessTokenRetrofit = sRetrofitBuilder.client(withAccessTokenClient).build();
   return withAccessTokenRetrofit.create(TwitterAPI.class);


Now, to obtain access token and access token secret oauth_verifier obtained in step 3 is passed as a parameter to getAccessTokenAndSecret method defined in TwitterAPI interface which calls oauth/access_token endpoint from the rest client created above. This is implemented in getAccessTokenAndSecret method of WebViewClient class

private void getAccessTokenAndSecret() {
   mTwitterApi = TwitterRestClient.createTwitterAPIWithAccessToken(mOauthToken);


Finally the obtained access_token and access_token_secret is saved in SharedPreference so that it can be used to call other Twitter API endpoints as in saveAccessTokenAndSecret

private Observable<Integer> saveAccessTokenAndSecret(ResponseBody responseBody)
       throws IOException {
   String[] responseValues = responseBody.string().split("&");

   String token = responseValues[0].substring(responseValues[0].indexOf("=") + 1);
   SharedPrefUtil.setSharedPrefString(getActivity(), OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN_KEY, token);
   mOauthToken = token; // here access_token that would be used for API calls

   String tokenSecret = responseValues[1].substring(responseValues[1].indexOf("=") + 1);
           getActivity(), OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET_KEY, tokenSecret);
   mOauthTokenSecret = tokenSecret;
   return Observable.just(1);



Continue ReadingImplementing 3 legged Authorization in Loklak Wok Android for Twitter

Skill Editor in SUSI Skill CMS

SUSI Skill CMS is a web application built on ReactJS framework for creating and editing SUSI skills easily. It follows an API centric approach where the SUSI Server acts as an API server. In this blogpost we will see how to add a component which can be used to create a new skill SUSI Skill CMS.

For creating any skill in SUSI we need four parameters i.e model, group, language, skill name. So we need to ask these 4 parameters from the user. For input purposes we have a common card component which has dropdowns for selecting models, groups and languages, and a text field for skill name input.

    floatingLabelText="Enter Skill name"
    hintText="My SUSI Skill"
<RaisedButton label="Save" backgroundColor="#4285f4" labelColor="#fff" style={{marginLeft:10}} onTouchTap={this.saveClick} />

This is the card component where we get the user input. We have API endpoints on SUSI Server for getting the list of models, groups and languages. Using those APIs we inflate the dropdowns.
Then the user needs to edit the skill. For editing of skills we have used Ace Editor. Ace is an code
editor written in pure javascript. It matches the features native editors like Sublime and TextMate.

To use Ace we need to install the component.

npm install react-ace --save                        

This command will install the dependency and update the package.json file in our project with this dependency.

To use this editor we need to import AceEditor and place it in the render function of our react class.

    mode=" markup"
    height= "400px"
    editorProps={{$blockScrolling: true}}

Now we have a page that looks something like this

Now we need to handle the click event when a user clicks on the save button.

First we check if the user is logged in or not. For this we check if we have the required cookies and the access token of the user.

 if(!cookies.get('loggedIn')) {
                message: 'Not logged In',
                description: 'Please login and then try to create/edit a skill',
                icon: <Icon type="close-circle" style={{ color: '#f44336' }} />,
            return 0;

If the user is not logged in then we show him a error notification and asks him to login.

Then we check if he has filled all the required fields like name of the skill etc. and after that we call an API Endpoint on SUSI Server that will finally store the skill in the skill_data_repo.

let url= “http://api.susi.ai/cms/modifySkill.json”
    dataType: 'jsonp',
    jsonp: 'callback',
    crossDomain: true,
    success: function (data) {
                message: 'Accepted',
                description: 'Your Skill has been uploaded to the server',
                icon: <Icon type="check-circle" style={{ color: '#00C853' }} />,

In the success function of ajax call we check if accepted parameter is true from the server or not. If accepted is true then we show user a notification with a message that “Your Skill has been uploaded to the server”.

To see this component running please visit http://skills.susi.ai/skillEditor.


Material-UI: http://www.material-ui.com/

Ace Editor: https://github.com/securingsincity/react-ace

Ajax: http://api.jquery.com/jquery.ajax/

Universal Cookies: https://www.npmjs.com/package/universal-cookie

Continue ReadingSkill Editor in SUSI Skill CMS

Uploading Images to SUSI Server

SUSI Skill CMS is a web app to create and modify SUSI Skills. It needs API Endpoints to function and SUSI Server makes it possible. In this blogpost, we will see how to add a servlet to SUSI Server to upload images and files.

The CreateSkillService.java file is the servlet which handles the process of creating new Skills. It requires different user roles to be implemented and hence it extends the AbstractAPIHandler.

Image upload is only possible via a POST request so we will first override the doPost method in this servlet.

  protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException {
  resp.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); // enable CORS

resp.setHeader enables the CORS for the servlet. This is required as POST requests must have CORS enables from the server. This is an important security feature that is provided by the browser.

        Part file = req.getPart("image");
        if (file == null) {
            json.put("accepted", false);
            json.put("message", "Image not given");

Image upload to servers is usually a Multipart Request. So we get the part which is named as “image” in the form data.

When we receive the image file, then we check if the image with the same name exists on the server or not.

Path p = Paths.get(language + File.separator + “images/” + image_name);

        if (image_name == null || Files.exists(p)) {
                json.put("accepted", false);
                json.put("message", "The Image name not given or Image with same name is already present ");

If the same file is present on the server then we return an error to the user requesting to give a unique filename to upload.

Image image = ImageIO.read(filecontent);
BufferedImage bi = this.createResizedCopy(image, 512, 512, true);
if(!Files.exists(Paths.get(language.getPath() + File.separator + "images"))){
   new File(language.getPath() + File.separator + "images").mkdirs();
ImageIO.write(bi, "jpg", new File(language.getPath() + File.separator + "images/" + image_name));

Then we read the content for the image in an Image object. Then we check if images directory exists or not. If there is no image directory in the skill path specified then create a folder named “images”.

We usually prefer square images at the Skill CMS. So we create a resized copy of the image of 512×512 dimensions and save that copy to the directory we created above.

BufferedImage createResizedCopy(Image originalImage, int scaledWidth, int scaledHeight, boolean preserveAlpha) {
        int imageType = preserveAlpha ? BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB : BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB;
        BufferedImage scaledBI = new BufferedImage(scaledWidth, scaledHeight, imageType);
        Graphics2D g = scaledBI.createGraphics();
        if (preserveAlpha) {
        g.drawImage(originalImage, 0, 0, scaledWidth, scaledHeight, null);
        return scaledBI;

The function above is used to create a  resized copy of the image of specified dimensions. If the image was a PNG then it also preserves the transparency of the image while creating a copy.

Since the SUSI server follows an API centric approach, all servlets respond in JSON.


At last, we set the character encoding and the character set of the output. This helps the clients to parse the data easily.

To see this endpoint in live send a POST request at http://api.susi.ai/cms/createSkill.json.


Apache Docs: https://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-fileupload/using.html

Multipart POST Request Tutorial: http://www.codejava.net/java-se/networking/upload-files-by-sending-multipart-request-programmatically

Java File Upload tutorial: https://ursaj.com/upload-files-in-java-with-servlet-api

Jetty Project: https://github.com/jetty-project/

Continue ReadingUploading Images to SUSI Server

Status Badges for Repositories Registered to Yaydoc

Yaydoc, our automatic documentation generation and deployment project, generates and deploys documentation for each of its registered repository at every commit. It is possible that due to any misconfiguration in users’ project the build process may fail. Hence, it is vital for an improved user experience to store the build status for at least the most recent build process.

There are different ways with which a user can be notified about the build status after a commit. At Yaydoc, we chose to notify the user by emailing a status report. Since sending an email at each at every commit can be quite annoying, we chose to limit it to specific scenarios. We decided that we will send the mail

  • On the first build after the repository is registered to Yaydoc, irrespective of the status
  • On every failed build
  • On the change of build status (Success to Failed or vice versa)
  • To the user who registered the repository to Yaydoc
exports.updateBuildStatus = function (name, buildStatus) {
    function (callback) {
      Repository.setBuildStatusToRepository(name, buildStatus, 
      function (error, repository) {
        callback(error, repository);
    function (repository, callback) {
      if (repository.mailService === true && 
          (repository.buildStatus === false || buildStatus === false || 
           repository.buildStatus === undefined)) {
        function (error, user)) {
          callback(null, user, repository);
  ], function (error, user, repository) {
    mailer.sendMailOnBuild(buildStatus, user.email, repository);

Considering the fact that the user may not wish to receive build emails and hence made them configurable by adding a mailService: Boolean  key in repository’s collection.

Taking this forward, we then decided to generate status badges similar to how Travis and other Continuous Integration platform do. Since we now store a `buildStatus` for each repository, we can use it to generate an svg image to be added to README files of repositories. We generated  the status badges using Shields.io and added them to the route /<owner>/<reponame>.svg.  The dynamicity of image generated is achieved by retrieving the value of buildStatus and render the images with different constructs based on its value.

router.get(‘/:owner/:reponame.svg’, function (req, res, next) {
  var fullName = req.params.owner + ‘/’ + req.params.reponame;
  Repository.getBuildStatusByRepositoryName(fullName, function(error, result)) {
    var buildStatus = ‘invalid’; var width =94’; 
    var color = ‘#9f9f9f’; var x =70.5’;
    if (result.buildStatus) {
      buildStatus = ‘success’; width =102’; color = ‘#97CA00’; x =74.5’;
    } else {
      buildStatus = ‘failed’; width =88’; color = ‘#E05d44’; x =67.5’;

    res.set(‘Content-Type’, ‘image/svg+xml’);
    res.render(“badge”, {
      status: buildStatus,
      width: width,
      color: color,
      x: x,

The status tags generated can then be added as:

[![Yaydoc Status] (https://yaydoc.herokuapp.com/imujjwal96/prelimQuiz.svg)] (https://yaydoc.herokuapp.com/imujjwal96/prelimQuiz)


  1. Shields.io: Quality metadata badges for open source projects – https://shields.io
  2. Async utilities for node and browser – https://caolan.github.io/async/
Continue ReadingStatus Badges for Repositories Registered to Yaydoc

Route Based Chunking in Loklak Search

The loklak search application running at loklak.org is growing in size as the features are being added into the application, this growth is a linear one, and traditional SPA, tend to ship all the code is required to run the application in one pass, as a single monolithic JavaScript file, along with the index.html. This approach is suitable for the application with few pages which are frequently used, and have context switching between those logical pages at a high rate and almost simultaneously as the application loads.

But generally, only a fraction of code is what is accessed most frequently by most users, so as the application size grows it does not make sense to include all the code for the entire application at the first request, as there is always some code in the application, some views, are rarely accessed. The loading of such part of the application can be delayed until they are accessed in the application. The angular router provides an easy way to set up such system and is used in the latest version of loklak search.

The technique which is used here is to load the content according to the route. This makes sure only the route which is viewed is loaded on the initial load, and subsequent loading is done at the runtime as and when required.

Old setup for baseline

Here are the compiled file sizes, of the project without the chunking the application. Now as we can see that the file sizes are huge, especially the vendor bundle, which is of 5.4M and main bundle which is about 0.5M now, these are the files which are loaded on the first load and due to their huge sizes, the first paint of the application suffers, to a great extent. These numbers will act as a baseline upon which we will measure the impact of route based chunking.

Setup for route based chunking

The setup for route based chunking is fairly simple, this is our routing configuration, the part of the modules which we want to lazy load are to be passed as loadChildren attribute of the route, this attribute is a string which is a path of the feature module which, and part after the hash symbol is the actual class name of the module, in that file. This setup enables the router to load that module lazily when accessed by the user.

const routes: Routes = [
path: '',
pathMatch: 'full',
loadChildren: './home/home.module#HomeModule',
data: { preload: true }

path: 'about',
loadChildren: './about/about.module#AboutModule'

path: 'contact',
loadChildren: './contact/contact.module#ContactModule'

path: 'search',
loadChildren: './feed/feed.module#FeedModule',
data: { preload: true }
path: 'terms',

loadChildren: './terms/terms.module#TermsModule'
path: 'wall',
loadChildren: './media-wall/media-wall.module#MediaWallModule'

Preloading of some routes

As we can see that in two of the configurations above, there is a data attribute, on which preload: true attribute is specified. Sometimes we need to preload some part of theapplication, which we know we will access, soon enough. So angular also enables us to set up our own preloading strategy to preload some critical parts of the application, which we know are going to be accessed. In our case, Home and Feed module are the core parts of the application, and we can be sure that, if someone has to use our application, these two modules need to be loaded. Defining the preloading strategy is also really simple, it is a class which implements PreloadingStrategy interface, and have a preload method, this method receives the route and load function as an argument, and this preload method either returns the load() observable or null if preload is set to true.

export class CustomPreloadStrategy implements PreloadingStrategy {
preload(route: Route, load: Function): Observable<any> {
return route.data && route.data.preload ? load() : of(null);

Results of route based chunking

The results of route based chunking are the 50% reduction in the file size of vendor bundle and 70% reduction in the file size of the main bundle this provides the edge which every application needs to perform well at the load time, as unnecessary bytes are not at all loaded until required.


Continue ReadingRoute Based Chunking in Loklak Search

Lazy Loading Images in Loklak Search

In last blog post, I discussed the basic Web API’s which helps us to create the lazy image loader component. I also discussed the structure which is used in the application, to load the images lazily. The core idea is to wrap the <img> element in a wrapper, <app-lazy-img> element. This enables us the detection of the element in the viewport and corresponding loading only if the image is present in the viewport.

In this blog post, I will be discussing the implementation details about how this is achieved in Loklak search in an optimized manner.

The logic for lazy loading of images in the application is divided into a Component and a corresponding Service. The reason for this splitting of logic will be explained as we discuss the core parts of the code for this feature.

Detecting the Intersection with Viewport

The lazy image service is a service for the lazy image component which is registered at the by the modules which intend to use this app lazy image component. The task of this service is to register the elements with the intersection observer, and, then emit an event when the element comes in the viewport, which the element can react on and then use the other methods of services to actually fetch the image.

export class LazyImgService {
private intersectionObserver: IntersectionObserver
= new IntersectionObserver(this.observerCallback.bind(this), { rootMargin: '50% 50%' });
private elementSubscriberMap: Map<Element, Subscriber<boolean>>
= new Map<Element, Subscriber<boolean>>();

The service has two member attributes, one is IntersectionObserver, and the other is a Map which stores the the reference of the subscribers of this intersection observer. This reference is then later used to emit the event when the element comes in viewport. The rootMargin of the intersection observer is set to 50% this makes sure that when the element is 50% away from the viewport.

The obvserve public method of the service, takes an element and pass it to intersection observer to observe, also put the element in the subscriber map.

public observe(element: Element): Observable<boolean> {
const observable: Observable<boolean> = new Observable<boolean>(subscriber => {
this.elementSubscriberMap.set(element, subscriber);
return observable;

Then there is the observer callback, this method, as an argument receives all the objects intersecting the root of the observer, when this callback is fired, we find all the intersecting elements and emit the intersection event. Indicating that the element is nearby the viewport and this is the time to load it.

private observerCallback(entries: IntersectionObserverEntry[], observer: IntersectionObserver) {
entries.forEach(entry => {
if (this.elementSubscriberMap.has(entry.target)) {
if (entry.intersectionRatio > 0) {
const subscriber = this.elementSubscriberMap.get(entry.target);

Now, our LazyImgComponent enables us to uses this service to register its element, with the intersection observer and then reacting to it later, when the event is emitted. This method sets up the IO, to load the image, and subscribes to the event emittes by the service and eventually calls the loadImage method when the element intersects with the viewport.

private setupIntersectionObserver() {
.subscribe(value => {
if (value) {

Loading and rendering the image

Our lazy image service has another public API method fetch to fetch the image resource, this method returns an observable, which on successful fetching of image emits a Base64 image string.

public fetch(resource: string): Observable<string> {
return new Observable<string>(subscriber => {
.then(strBuffer => {
.catch((error) => {

The intermediate promise then chain is for converting the raw response buffer to a Base64 string, this string is then emited as the observable emmision. The component then subscribes to this fetch Observable, when the load image method is called.

private loadImage() {
this.isLoading = true;
.subscribe(this.handleResponse.bind(this), this.handleError.bind(this));

The handler methods for the response and errors then contain the code to handle the effects of loading of results, ie. rendering the image inside the img element. The intresting thing to note here is, if we give the Base64 string as the src attribute of an img tag, instead of resource path then also it renders the image properly.

private handleResponse(imageStr: string) {
const base64Flag = `data:image/${this.imageType};base64,`;
this.elementRef.nativeElement.querySelector('img').src = base64Flag + imageStr;

And this completes our workflow of the app-lazy-img and gives us, a robust lazy image loader, and also is compliant with accessibility guidelines, including all the necessary attributes like, title, width, height etc. for the generation of proper accessibility tree. This technique can be extended to any level, and is more or less platform and framework independent, as this relies solely on Web Standards API’s. This is an optimized solution, as at a time only one intersection observer is active on a page and is seeing all the images, rather than per component instance based intersection observers which can be a performane bottleneck in low memory devices.

Resources and Links

  • Intersection observer API
  • Intersection Observer polyfill for the browsers which don’t support Intersection Observer
  • Fetch API documentation
  • Fetch API polyfill for the browsers which don’t support fetch.
  • Loklak Search Repo
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