Adding an option to hide map in browse events.

Open Event provides filtering while browsing events. These filters are present in a sidebar which also consists of a map. In this blog, I will describe how I implemented the feature to toggle the visibility of the map present in sidebar for mobile devices.

About the issue

This issue was part of improvements decided for the browse events section. Earlier the map in sidebar was shown irrespective of the user’s device. It is essentially not required to always show the map in mobile device and is a better choice to provide user with an option to view or hide the map.

Sidebar as viewed from an android device before the fix was merged.

The Solution

A button is introduced in the mobile view which controls if the map should be visible or hidden. In the sidebar component (app/components/explore/side-bar.js), a variable “isMapVisible” which decides if the map should be visible (if it is true) or not (if it is false) at a particular instant. A new action “toggleMap” is written which changes the value of “isMapVisible” whenever the button is clicked.

isMapVisible = true;
  toggleMap() {

In the handlebar file (app/templates/components/explore/side-bar.hbs), the map and associated text is changed as per the truthy or falsy value of the “isMapVisible” in the component.

<div class=”map item {{if (not isMapVisible) ‘mobile hidden’}}”>

{{#if device.isMobile}}
  <div class=”ui bottom attached button” role=”button” {{action ‘toggleMap’}}> {{if (not isMapVisible) ‘Show’ ‘Hide’}} Map </div>

After making the changes, the sidebar looks as follows on the mobile devices

The above images are from an Android device.


Pull Request:

Ember Docs: Component Tutorial:

Continue ReadingAdding an option to hide map in browse events.

Addition of new filters for event search

Open Event has an event search provided but it lacked two of the userful filters which will make searching for an event for a user easier than the current ecosystem. In this blog post, I describe how I implemented filtering of events on the basis of CFP status and Ticket Type.

About the issue

Addition of these two filters were subparts of improving the browse events page better. The browse events page currently functions in an optimal way but these improvements make it even better.

How the filters are added

For adding these two filters, it was required that the request sent to server to filter the event must contain ticket type and cfp so that the results from the server can be received. To achieve this, the frontend code needed the following changes:

  1. Passing of request variable into sidebar component present in app/templates/explore.hbs and addition of a clear filter for the same in the same file.e startDate=start_date endDate=end_date location=location ticket_type=ticket_type}
{{explore/side-bar model=model category=category sub_category=sub_category event_type=event_type startDate=start_date endDate=end_date location=location ticket_type=ticket_type}}
{{#if filters.ticket_type}}
  <div class=”ui mini label”>
    <a role=”button” {{action ‘clearFilter’ ‘ticket_type’}}>
      <i class=”icon close”></i>
  1. Adding UI for both the filters in app/templates/components/explore/side-bar.hbs. Accordion UI is used to achieve this.
  <div class=”item”>
      <span class=”title”>
        <i class=”dropdown icon”></i>
        {{t ‘Ticket Type’ }}
      <div class=”content menu”>
        <a href=”#”
          class=”link item {{if (eq ticket_type ‘free’) ‘active’}}”
          {{action ‘selectTicketType’ ‘free’}}>
          {{t ‘Free’}}
        <a href=”#”
          class=”link item {{if (eq ticket_type ‘paid’) ‘active’}}”
          {{action ‘selectTicketType’ ‘paid’}}>
          {{t ‘Paid’}}
  1. Editing the routes (app/routes/explore.js) to make sure if the request has new filter parameter then it should be sent to server.
if (params.ticket_type) {
        name : ‘tickets’,
        op   : ‘any’,
        val  : {
          name : ‘type’,
          op   : ‘eq’,
          val  : params.ticket_type
  1. Addition of new request parameter in the controller (app/controllers/explore.js)
queryParams  : [‘category’, ‘sub_category’, ‘event_type’, ‘start_date’, ‘end_date’, ‘location’, ‘ticket_type’],

ticket_type  : null,

if (filterType === ‘ticket_type’) {  this.set(‘ticket_type’, null);
  1. Editing the sidebar component to set the value of request parameter when the user interacts with the filter.
hideClearFilters: computed(‘category’, ‘sub_category’, ‘event_type’, ‘startDate’, ‘endDate’, ‘location’, ‘ticket_type’, function() {
    return !(this.category || this.sub_category || this.event_type || this.startDate || this.endDate || this.location || this.ticket_type !== null);

selectTicketType(ticketType) {
  this.set(‘ticket_type’, ticketType === this.ticket_type ? null : ticketType);

this.set(‘ticket_type’, null);

Sidebar after the addition of filters.


Pull Requests:

Ticket Type:

Specifying Query Params:

UI Resources for the feature:

Continue ReadingAddition of new filters for event search

Badgeyay: Custom Fonts in generation of badges

Badgeyay is an open source project of FOSSASIA. The main idea for this project is to provide an open-source alternative for badge generation process for any event. It can generate badges according to a predefined config or we can also submit our own custom config for the generation of the badges. We can use custom background, text and other things. One thing that is not present is the choice for choosing a custom font for the badge. I have made a contribution for adding this functionality with selection of some common fonts in the code.


  1. Add a Button in index.html for the choice of the font and also preview them at the same time. 
    <label>Choose your font</label>
    <ul style=“list-style-type:none”>
        <input type=“radio” name=“fontsource” id=“custfont”> Use Custom font
                        <section id=“custom-font” style=“display: none;”>
        <label for=“inputFile”>Select from following fonts</label>
        <div class=“btn-group”>
           <button type=“button” class=“btn btn-default dropdown-toggle” data-toggle=“dropdown” aria-haspopup=“true” aria-expanded=“false”>
              <span class=“placeholder2”>Select a font</span>
              <span class=“glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-down”></span>
           <ul class=“dropdown-menu”>
              {% for i in custom_fonts %}
              <li class=“font-options” style=“font-family:'{{i}}'” data-item=“{{i}}”>{{i}}</li>
              {% endfor %}
     <input type=“hidden” name=“custfont” value=“”>



  2. Add javascript for the toggle in the check button and CSS for the Font option button.
.$(“.font-options”).click(function () {
  var i = $(this).data(“item”);


.font-options {
border-bottom: 1px solid darkgray;
padding: 9px;


  1. Font list is passed in the index page.
CUSTOM_FONTS = [‘monospace’, ‘sans-serif’, ‘sans’, ‘Courier 10 Pitch’, ‘Source Code Pro’]


render_template(‘index.html’, default_background=default_background, custom_fonts=CUSTOM_FONTS)


  1. Config file for font has been created, so that it can be used by different files.
custom_font = request.form[‘custfont’]
# Custom font is selected for the text
if custom_font != :
  json_str = json.dumps({
      ‘font’: custom_font
  f = open(os.path.join(app.config[‘UPLOAD_FOLDER’], ‘fonts.json’), “w+”)


  1. Font preference is taken from the file at the time of generation of the badge (once only for all the badges in a single run).
font_choice = None
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(UPLOAD_FOLDER, ‘fonts.json’)):
  DATA = json.load(open(os.path.join(UPLOAD_FOLDER, “fonts.json”)))
  font_choice = DATA[‘font’]


  1. Changes in the SVG are made according to the preference for the PDF generation. If the user wants a custom font then it updates the svg using the config else not.
content = CONTENT
if font_choice:
  content = content.replace(“font-family:sans-serif”,
                            “font-family:” + font_choice)
  content = content.replace(“inkscape-font-specification:sans-serif”,
                            “inkscape-font-specification:” + font_choice)
  content = content.replace(“font-family:ubuntu”,
                            “font-family:” + font_choice)
  content = content.replace(“inkscape-font-specification:ubuntu”,
                            “inkscape-font-specification:” + font_choice)


  1. Finally the Updated SVG is used for Badge Generation with custom fonts embedded.


Resources utilised for adding this functionality

  • Fonts in SVG – Link
  • Embed fonts in Inkscape SVG – Link
  • Embed fonts in PDF and SVG – Link


Continue ReadingBadgeyay: Custom Fonts in generation of badges

Adding Tumblr Upload Feature in Phimpme

The Phimpme Android application along with various other cloud storage and social media upload features provides an option to upload the images on Tumblr without having to download any other applications. In this post, I will be explaining how I integrated Tumblr in phimpme as there is no proper guide on the web how to integrate to Tumblr in Android. Tumblr provides an Android-SDK but there is no proper documentation to it and is not enough to authenticate and upload the images to it. After so much research I came to a solution. So read this article to know how to integrate Tumblr in Android.

Step 1:

First, add two dependencies to your project one is for Android SDK of Tumblr and one is for loglr which help you to get login on Tumblr.

dependencies {

compile 'com.daksh:loglr:1.2.1'

compile 'com.tumblr:jumblr:0.0.11'


Step 2:

  1. Register your app on Tumblr to obtain developer keys.
  2. Enter callback URL it is important to get keys.
  3. Generate CONSUMER_KEY & CONSUMER_SECRET from the official developer console of Tumblr.

Register your application

Step 3:

Now we use Loglr library to log in to Tumblr. Tumblr doesn’t provide any library to login so I am using Loglr library for login Tumblr. After successfully log in Loglr will return API_KEY and API_SECRET. We will use these keys later to upload the image. Save these keys as constant variables.

public final static String TUMBLR_CONSUMER_KEY = "ENTER-CONSUMER-KEY";


Step 4:

To authenticate the Tumblr use loglr login instance and it can be done as follows.









After that you will be prompt to enter your tumblr credentials to authenticate the phimpme Android app. Once you have done it will return api_token and api_secret. Now save this in database.



Step 5:

Once the authentication is done now we can upload an image directly to Tumblr from the Share activity in the Phimpme Android application. To upload an image create an async task so that uploading process will run in a background thread and not block the main UI thread. Keep in mind Tumblr require 4 variable to create Tumblr client CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET, API_KEY and API_SECRET. Now we can create a Tumblr client using these 4 values. Once the client is created we are ready to get data from Tumblr and upload an image on Tumblr. Before uploading an image on Tumblr we need blog name because the user can have multiple blogs on Tumblr so we need to ask the user to choose a blog name from the list or we can provide dialog to enter blog name manually. Now enter the following code in the doInBackground() method of asynctask.

PhotoPost post = null;

try {

 post = client.newPost(user.getBlogs().get(0).getName(), PhotoPost.class);

 if (caption!=null && !caption.isEmpty())


 post.setData(new File(imagePath));;

} catch (IllegalAccessException | InstantiationException e) {

 success = false;


If success variable is true that means our image is uploaded successfully. This is how I implemented the upload feature to Tumblr using two different libraries. To get the full source code, please refer to the Phimpme Android repository.


Continue ReadingAdding Tumblr Upload Feature in Phimpme

Create an App Widget for Bookmarked Sessions for the Open Event Android App

What is an app widget?

App Widgets are miniature application views that can be embedded in other applications (such as the Home screen) and receive periodic updates. These views are referred to as Widgets in the user interface, and you can publish one with an App Widget provider. – (Android Documentation).

Android widget is an important functionality that any app can take advantage of. It could be used to show important dates, things that the user personalizes on the app etc. In the context of the Open Event Android App, it was necessary to create a bookmark widget for the Android phones so that the user could see his bookmarks on the homescreen itself and need not open the app for the same. In the open event android app, the widget was already created but it needed bug fixes and UI enhancements due to migration to the Realm database migration. Therefore, my majority of work circled around that.


Declare the app widget in the manifest. All the updates in the application would be received by the class which extends the AppWidgetProvider if it needs to be reflected in the widget.

       <action android:name="android.appwidget.action.APPWIDGET_UPDATE" />
       <action android:name="${applicationId}.ACTION_DATA_UPDATED" />
       <action android:name="${applicationId}.UPDATE_MY_WIDGET" />
       android:resource="@xml/widget_info" />


Create a layout for the widget that is to be displayed on the homescreen. Remember to use only the views defined in the documentation. After the creation of the layout, create a custom widget updater which will broadcast the data from the app to the receiver to update the widget.

public class WidgetUpdater {
   public  static  void updateWidget(Context context){
       int widgetIds[] = AppWidgetManager.getInstance(context.getApplicationContext()).getAppWidgetIds(new ComponentName(context.getApplicationContext(), BookmarkWidgetProvider.class));
       BookmarkWidgetProvider bookmarkWidgetProvider = new BookmarkWidgetProvider();
       bookmarkWidgetProvider.onUpdate(context.getApplicationContext(), AppWidgetManager.getInstance(context.getApplicationContext()),widgetIds);
       context.sendBroadcast(new Intent(BookmarkWidgetProvider.ACTION_UPDATE));


Next, create a custom RemoteViewService to update the views in the widget. The reason this is required is because the app widget does not operate in the usual lifecycle of the app. And therefore a remote service is required which acts as the remote adapter to connect to the remote views. In your class, override the onGetViewFactory() method and create a new remoteViewsFactory object to get the the data from the app on updation of the bookmark list. To populate the remote views, override the getViewsAt() method.

public class BookmarkWidgetRemoteViewsService extends RemoteViewsService {

public RemoteViewsFactory onGetViewFactory(Intent intent) {

return new RemoteViewsFactory() {
   private MatrixCursor data = null;

   public void onCreate() {
       //Called when your factory is first constructed.

   public void onDataSetChanged() {

   public RemoteViews getViewAt(int position) {


Finally, create a custom AppWidgetProvider which parses the relevant fields out of the intent and updates the UI. It acts like a broadcast receiver, hence all the updates by the widgetUpdater is received here.

public class BookmarkWidgetProvider extends AppWidgetProvider {

   public void onUpdate(Context context, AppWidgetManager appWidgetManager, int[] appWidgetIds) {
	  RemoteViews views = new RemoteViews(context.getPackageName(), R.layout.bookmark_widget);
             setRemoteAdapter(context, views);


   public void onReceive(@NonNull Context context, @NonNull Intent intent) {
       super.onReceive(context, intent);

   private void setRemoteAdapter(Context context, @NonNull final RemoteViews views) {
               new Intent(context, BookmarkWidgetRemoteViewsService.class));




For any event based apps, it is crucial that it regularly provide updates to its users and therefore app widget forms an integral part of that whole experience.




Continue ReadingCreate an App Widget for Bookmarked Sessions for the Open Event Android App

Displaying Upcoming Sessions at a Microlocation Open Event Android

When I am attending a session in a room, I don’t get information on what is coming up.”

The issue that the user expressed was that he wanted to know what were the upcoming sessions at a microlocation. While I took up this issue in Open Event Android a few days back, I was thinking of ways about how this can be implemented. The app should be easy-to-use even for non-developers and thus, any new feature shouldn’t be too complex in its implementation. We decided upon doing the following:

  • Adding an “upcoming” option in the options menu of the Location activity.
  • This option’s purpose was to trigger the app to show information about the upcoming session in that microlocation.

Initial changes in

First of all, we added a new icon in the options menu of One of the things that we learnt there was to use ifRoom|collapseActionView option for the app:showAsAction  

attribute as frequently as possible. This option ensures that the title in the option’s menu is visible at all times irrespective of the options being visible along with their icons.

So in case, the title is too big and there is very little room for the options to appear individually, then instead of squeezing down the title, the “ifRoom” attribute will collapse the option icons and insert a 3-dotted drop-down option list with all the options appearing in the drop-down.

Something like this:

The icon’s XML element and UI looked something like this:


About the drawable icon that you see in the screenshot above, it was a tough find. Before I talk about how I came across this icon, I will talk about adding an icon in Android Studio.

How to add an icon in Android Studio?

Adding an item in Android studio means adding a drawable at a basic level. You can find all drawables under the app/src/main/res/drawable folder.

To add a new drawable, right-click on the drawable folder and go to new –>Vector asset. A window similar to what is shown below will appear.

Now, on selecting the “icon” option you will be taken to a huge list of icons that you can add in your app and then use them subsequently. But the problem here is that it is tough at times to find the icon that will be fit for your purpose. Like in my case, there was no direct icon for “upcoming”. This is when we had to do something more. We had to browse to this amazing site by Google: This site shows all the available icons in a much more interactive way and it was a lot more easier for me to come across the icon we wanted using this site.

The vector drawable file for the icon we chose looks like this:

<vector xmlns:android=""
       android:pathData="M23,8c0,1.1 -0.9,2 -2,2 -0.18,0 -0.35,-0.02 -0.51,-0.07l-3.56,3.55c0.05,0.16 0.07,0.34 0.07,0.52 0,1.1 -0.9,2 -2,2s-2,-0.9 -2,-2c0,-0.18 0.02,-0.36 0.07,-0.52l-2.55,-2.55c-0.16,0.05 -0.34,0.07 -0.52,0.07s-0.36,-0.02 -0.52,-0.07l-4.55,4.56c0.05,0.16 0.07,0.33 0.07,0.51 0,1.1 -0.9,2 -2,2s-2,-0.9 -2,-2 0.9,-2 2,-2c0.18,0 0.35,0.02 0.51,0.07l4.56,-4.55C8.02,9.36 8,9.18 8,9c0,-1.1 0.9,-2 2,-2s2,0.9 2,2c0,0.18 -0.02,0.36 -0.07,0.52l2.55,2.55c0.16,-0.05 0.34,-0.07 0.52,-0.07s0.36,0.02 0.52,0.07l3.55,-3.56C19.02,8.35 19,8.18 19,8c0,-1.1 0.9,-2 2,-2s2,0.9 2,2z"/>

What would the upcoming icon do?

Keeping in mind the necessity for the feature to be less complex, I decided that the upcoming icon will lead the user to a dialog box that shows the status of upcoming sessions in that micro location. The implementation for this feature involved 2 main things:

  1. Finding out the upcoming session from the list of sessions in the microlocation.
  2. Generate a dialog box that shows information about that session.

Finding position of upcoming session in Recycler View

Upcoming session will be a session whose starting time comes after the current time. So the approach was simple.

  1. Run a loop on a sorted list of all sessions in a microlocation.
  2. Find out every session’s start time.
  3. Compare the start time of every session with the current time.
  4. Find the first session whose start time comes after the current time.
  5. Store that session’s position, name, ID and other stuff like track name and track color.
  6. Break out of the loop.

This was the basic logic or algorithm, so to say. Here’s the implementation in the upcomingSession() function:

public void upcomingSession(){
   String upcomingTitle = "";
   String track = "";
   String color = null;
   Date current = new Date();
   for (Session sess:sortedSessions){
       try {
           Date start = DateUtils.getDate(sess.getStartsAt());
           if (start.after(current)){
               upcomingTitle = sess.getTitle();
               track = sess.getTrack().getName();
               color = sess.getTrack().getColor();
       } catch (ParseException e) {

Now, displaying a dialog box consisting of all the necessary information is an easy thing to do once you have the required information. So, I’ll just provide some code for it here without explaining much about it.

The initialisations:

public void upcomingSessionsInitial(){
   upcomingDialogBox = new Dialog(this);
           trackImageIcon = (ImageView)upcomingDialogBox.findViewById(;
           upcomingSessionText = (TextView) upcomingDialogBox.findViewById(;
           upcomingSessionTitle = (TextView) upcomingDialogBox.findViewById(;
           Button dialogButton = (Button) upcomingDialogBox.findViewById(;
           dialogButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
               public void onClick(View view) {

The calling:

switch (item.getItemId()){
           FragmentManager fragmentManager = getSupportFragmentManager();
           FragmentTransaction fragmentTransaction = fragmentManager.beginTransaction();

           Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
           bundle.putBoolean(ConstantStrings.IS_MAP_FRAGMENT_FROM_MAIN_ACTIVITY, false);
           bundle.putString(ConstantStrings.LOCATION_NAME, location);

           Fragment mapFragment = ((OpenEventApp)getApplication())
           fragmentTransaction.replace(, mapFragment, FRAGMENT_TAG_LOCATION).addToBackStack(null).commit();

           menu.setGroupVisible(, false);
           return true;
           return true;
           return true;
           return true;

Final result:

This is the final result or solution that we generated for the issue that was addressed by one of the users:

Some useful links are:

Continue ReadingDisplaying Upcoming Sessions at a Microlocation Open Event Android