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Badgeyay: Custom Fonts in generation of badges

Badgeyay is an open source project of FOSSASIA. The main idea for this project is to provide an open-source alternative for badge generation process for any event. It can generate badges according to a predefined config or we can also submit our own custom config for the generation of the badges. We can use custom background, text and other things. One thing that is not present is the choice for choosing a custom font for the badge. I have made a contribution for adding this functionality with selection of some common fonts in the code.


  1. Add a Button in index.html for the choice of the font and also preview them at the same time. 
    <label>Choose your font</label>
    <ul style=“list-style-type:none”>
        <input type=“radio” name=“fontsource” id=“custfont”> Use Custom font
                        <section id=“custom-font” style=“display: none;”>
        <label for=“inputFile”>Select from following fonts</label>
        <div class=“btn-group”>
           <button type=“button” class=“btn btn-default dropdown-toggle” data-toggle=“dropdown” aria-haspopup=“true” aria-expanded=“false”>
              <span class=“placeholder2”>Select a font</span>
              <span class=“glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-down”></span>
           <ul class=“dropdown-menu”>
              {% for i in custom_fonts %}
              <li class=“font-options” style=“font-family:'{{i}}'” data-item=“{{i}}”>{{i}}</li>
              {% endfor %}
     <input type=“hidden” name=“custfont” value=“”>



  2. Add javascript for the toggle in the check button and CSS for the Font option button.
.$(“.font-options”).click(function () {
  var i = $(this).data(“item”);


.font-options {
border-bottom: 1px solid darkgray;
padding: 9px;


  1. Font list is passed in the index page.
CUSTOM_FONTS = [‘monospace’, ‘sans-serif’, ‘sans’, ‘Courier 10 Pitch’, ‘Source Code Pro’]


render_template(‘index.html’, default_background=default_background, custom_fonts=CUSTOM_FONTS)


  1. Config file for font has been created, so that it can be used by different files.
custom_font = request.form[‘custfont’]
# Custom font is selected for the text
if custom_font != :
  json_str = json.dumps({
      ‘font’: custom_font
  f = open(os.path.join(app.config[‘UPLOAD_FOLDER’], ‘fonts.json’), “w+”)


  1. Font preference is taken from the file at the time of generation of the badge (once only for all the badges in a single run).
font_choice = None
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(UPLOAD_FOLDER, ‘fonts.json’)):
  DATA = json.load(open(os.path.join(UPLOAD_FOLDER, “fonts.json”)))
  font_choice = DATA[‘font’]


  1. Changes in the SVG are made according to the preference for the PDF generation. If the user wants a custom font then it updates the svg using the config else not.
content = CONTENT
if font_choice:
  content = content.replace(“font-family:sans-serif”,
                            “font-family:” + font_choice)
  content = content.replace(“inkscape-font-specification:sans-serif”,
                            “inkscape-font-specification:” + font_choice)
  content = content.replace(“font-family:ubuntu”,
                            “font-family:” + font_choice)
  content = content.replace(“inkscape-font-specification:ubuntu”,
                            “inkscape-font-specification:” + font_choice)


  1. Finally the Updated SVG is used for Badge Generation with custom fonts embedded.


Resources utilised for adding this functionality

  • Fonts in SVG – Link
  • Embed fonts in Inkscape SVG – Link
  • Embed fonts in PDF and SVG – Link


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