Working with Route Hooks in Badgeyay

Badgeyay is an open source project developed by FOSSASIA Community to generate badges for conferences and events through a simple user interface.

In this post I am going to explain about the route lifecycle hooks in ember and how we have utilized one lifecycle component to reset the controller state in badge generation form. In Ember every entity has some predefined set of methods, that it goes through the existence of the application. Route is not different from it. Our main goal is to restore the state of the controller every time we entered into a route, so that we receive a clean and new instance and not the previous state. The hook that fits in the situation is setupController(). This method is called after model() hook to set the controller state in the route. We will restore the variables in the controller here in this method to reset it to original state. This will help in removing the messages and progress on the previous state of the page on a new visit.


  1. Open the route, where we want to override the hook, and create a method setupController() this will call the base hook and override its behaviour.
setupController(controller, model) {
  set(controller, ‘defImages’, model.def_images);
  set(controller, ‘user’, model.user);
  this.set(‘controller.badgeGenerated’, false);
  this.set(‘controller.showProgress’, false);


As we can see in the method, it first initialises the super constructor and then we are writing the logic for the reset state. This will reset the badgeGenerated and showProgress variable in the controller to mentioned values.

  1. Getting the generated badge link from the last promise resolved to set the value of the variable in the controller action.
sendBadge(badgeData) {

        this.set(‘badgeGenerated’, true);



This will set the value of the variable to the received object from backend.

  1. Showing the content in frontend based on the values of the variable. When we initially visit the route it is set to as false in the setupController() hook and is changed later on through some promise resolvement in an action.
{{#if badgeGenerated}}

 . . .



This content will be only be shown in the present state and when the user revisits the route the state will be resetted.

Pull Request for the respective issue –


Continue ReadingWorking with Route Hooks in Badgeyay

Cloud Function For Sending Mail On Badge Generation in Badgeyay

The task of badgeyay is to generate badges for events and if the user has provided a large data set, then the system will take time to generate badges and we cannot hold the user on the same page for that time. So instead of showing the user the link of the generated badge on the form, what we can do is that we can send a mail to user with the link of generated badge. However listening for the completion of generated badge from the cloud function is not possible, as cloud functions are based on serverless architecture. This can be done using the listeners for the realtime database events.

Generated badge from the backend will be uploaded to the Firebase Storage, but applying a listener for storage events, will not give us the information of the sender and some other metadata. So after uploading the link on the database, we can use the public link generated and can push a dict to the realtime database with the necessary user information for sending mail.


  1. Fetching the necessary information to be pushed on the Firebase realtime database.
def send_badge_mail(badgeId, userId, badgeLink):
  ref = firebase_db.reference(‘badgeMails’)
  print(‘Pushing badge generation mail to : ‘, badgeId)
  ref.child(userId).child(datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat().replace(‘-‘, ‘_’).replace(‘:’, ‘U’).replace(‘.’, ‘D’)).set({
      ‘badgeId’: badgeId,
      ‘badgeLink’: badgeLink
  print(‘Pushed badge generation mail to : ‘, badgeId)


Payload consists of the downloadable link of the badge and the root node is the userID. So whenever any node gets created in this format them the cloud function will be called.

  1. Listening for the database changes at the state of node.
exports.sendBadgeMail = functions.database.ref(‘/badgeMails/{userId}/{date}’)
.onCreate((snapshot, context) => {
  const payload = snapshot.val();
  const uid = context.params.userId;
  return admin.auth().getUser(uid)
    .then(record => {
      return sendBadgeGenMail(uid,, record.displayName, payload[‘badgeId’], payload[‘badgeLink’]);
    .catch(() => { return -1 });


For the realtime database listener, it should listen to node in the form of badgeMails/<user_id>/<date> as whenever a node of such form will be created in the database the function will get triggered and not for any other data insertions in db. This will save the quota for the cloud function execution.

  1. Sending mail to the user from the payload
function sendBadgeGenMail(uid, email, displayName, badgeId, badgeLink) {
const mailOptions = {
  from: `${APP_NAME}<>`,
  to: email,

mailOptions.subject = `Badge Generated ${badgeId}`;
mailOptions.html = `<p> Hello ${displayName || }! Your badge is generated successfully, please visit the <a href=${badgeLink}>link</a> to download badge</p>`;
return mailTransport.sendMail(mailOptions).then(() => {
  writeMailData(uid, “success”, 3);
  return console.log(‘Badge mail sent to: ‘, email)
}).catch((err) => {
  return -1;


This will send the mail to the user with the generated link.

Pull Request for the above feature at link : Link




Continue ReadingCloud Function For Sending Mail On Badge Generation in Badgeyay

Showing Mail Statistics Using Firebase In Badgeyay

In this blog post I will show how we implemented mail statistics on the admin dashboard of Badgeyay. The problem is that we cannot send a request to an external API from firebase cloud functions in free plan and secondly we have to them bypass the call to realtime database and design a logic to sort out the details from the realtime database using python admin sdk. So, our approach in solving this is that we will use the realtime database with the cloud functions to store the data and using the firebase admin sdk will sort the entries and using binary search will count the statistics efficiently..


  1. Configuring the database URL in admin SDK
firebase_admin.initialize_app(cred, {
      ‘storageBucket’: ‘’,
      ‘databaseURL’: ‘’


  1. Write the mail data in realtime database using cloud function on promise resolvement
function writeMailData(uid, state, reason) {
if (state === ‘success’) {

    }, err => {



  1. Fetching the mail data from the realtime database in python admin sdk
def get_admin_stat():
  mail_ref = firebasedb.reference(‘mails’)
  mail_resp = mail_ref.get()

  curr_date = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
  prev_month_date = curr_date – relativedelta(months=1)
  last_three_days_date = curr_date – relativedelta(days=3)
  last_seven_days_date = curr_date – relativedelta(days=7)
  last_day_date = curr_date – relativedelta(days=1)


This will fetch the current date and them generates the relative dates in past. Then it filters out the data using a for loop and a comparison statement with the date to get the count of the mails. Those count is then passed into a dict and sent through schema.

  1. Fetching the mail stats in admin index panel
mails    : await this.get(‘store’).queryRecord(‘admin-stat-mail’, {})


  1. Showing mails on the index page

class=“six wide column”>
          div class=“ui fluid center aligned segment”>
              h3 class=“ui left aligned header”>
              div class=“ui divider”>div>
              h3 class=“ui header”>
                  No. of Sent Mails
              table class=“ui celled table”>
                          td> In last 24 hourstd>
                          td class=“right aligned”>
                          td>In last 3 daystd>
                          td class=“right aligned”>
                          td> In last 7 days td>
                          td class=“right aligned”>
                          td> In last 1 month td>
                          td class=“right aligned”>


PR to the issue:

Benefits of the approach

This approach is best in the case, when we only are using a subset of services firebase offers and do not want to pay for the services that are not required by the system.


Continue ReadingShowing Mail Statistics Using Firebase In Badgeyay

Different Text Color On Each Line In Badgeyay

In this blog post I am going to explain about how to create different text color for each line in badges generation in Badgeyay. As the system now has option for different badge size and paper size, currently the system sets same color for each line by mutating the fill parameter in the SVG. The main challenge in mutating the SVG parameter for each badge is the Id. The ID identifies the element, in our case text, and gives access to iterate the SVG through libraries like lxml. So for implementing this feature we first need to manipulate the SVG and assign id’s to the text tag so that it can be easily manipulated through the algorithm.


  1. Manipulating the text tag in SVG and assigning a proper ID according to the logic for iteration in the function.





The id of the person in first badge and first line is represented as Person_color_1_1, where the first number denotes the number of badge and second number denotes the line number.

  1. Creating a class for the dimensions of the badges
class Dimen(object):
  def __init__(self, badges, badgeSize, paperSize):
      self.badges = badges
      self.badgeSize = badgeSize
      self.paperSize = paperSize
  1. Creating an initialiser function that stores the dimension objects
badge_config = {}

def init_dimen():
  paper_sizes = [‘A2’, ‘A3’, ‘A4’]
  for paper in paper_sizes:
      if paper == ‘A2’:
          badge_config.__setitem__(paper, {‘4×3’: Dimen(18, ‘4×3’, paper)})
          badge_config[paper][‘4.5×4’] = Dimen(15, ‘4.5×4’, paper)
      elif paper == ‘A3’:
          badge_config.__setitem__(paper, {‘4×3’: Dimen(8, ‘4×3’, paper)})
          badge_config[paper][‘4.5×4’] = Dimen(6, ‘4.5×4’, paper)
      elif paper == ‘A4’:
          badge_config.__setitem__(paper, {‘4×3’: Dimen(6, ‘4×3’, paper)})
          badge_config[paper][‘4.5×4’] = Dimen(2, ‘4.5×4’, paper) 
  1. Selecting the dimension config based on the parameters passed in the function.
dimensions = badge_config[paper_size][badge_size]
  1. Looping criteria is to loop through the number of badges mentioned in the dimension config and through the number of lines which will be five.
for idx in range(1, dimensions.badges + 1):

          for row in range(1, 6):
  1. Selecting the text element with the ID as provided above.
_id = ‘Person_color_{}_{}’.format(idx, row)
              path = element.xpath((“//*[@id='{}’]”).format(_id))[0]
  1. Fill the text color argument of the selected object by changing the value of fill.
style_detail[6] = “fill:” + str(fill[row])

That’s it and now when the loop runs each line will have its individual color as passed in the function. The choice of color is passed as the list named fill.


Continue ReadingDifferent Text Color On Each Line In Badgeyay

Modifying Allowed Usage for a User

Badgeyay has been progressing in a very good pace. There are a lot of features being developed and modified in this project. One such feature that has been added is the increasing allowed usage of a user by an admin.

What is Allowed Usage?

Allowed usage is an integer associated with a particular user that determines the number of badges that a person can generate using a single email id. This will allow us to keep track of the number of badges being produced by a particular ID and all.

Modifying the Allowed Usage

This feature is basically an Admin feature, that will allow an admin to increase or decrease the allowed usage of a particular user. This will ensure that if incase a particular user has his/her usage finished, then by contacting the admin, he/she can get the usage refilled.

Adding the functionality

The functionality required us to to add two things

  • A schema for modifying allowed user
  • A route in backend to carry out the functionality

So, Let us start by creating the schema

class UserAllowedUsage(Schema):
class Meta:
type_ =
kwargs = {
‘id’: ‘<id>’}

id = fields.Str(required=True, dump_only=True)
allowed_usage = fields.Str(required=
True, dump_only=True)

Once we have our schema created, then we can create a route to modify the allowed usage for a particular user.

This route will be made accessible to the admin of Badgeyay.

@router.route(‘/add_usage’, methods=[‘POST’])
def admin_add_usage():
data = request.get_json()[
except Exception:
return ErrorResponse(JsonNotFound().message, 422, {‘Content-Type’: ‘application/json’}).respond()

uid = data[‘uid’]
allowed_usage = data[
user = User.getUser(user_id=uid)
user.allowed_usage = user.allowed_usage + allowed_usage

return jsonify(UserAllowedUsage().dump(user).data)

The add_usage route is given above. We can use this route to increase the usage of a particular user.

Given below is an image that shows the API working.


Continue ReadingModifying Allowed Usage for a User

Implementing Badgename Update Functionality

Badgeyay project is divided into two parts i.e front-end with Ember JS and back-end with REST-API programmed in Python.

Badgeyay has many features related to enhancement in generation of badges. It gives choice of uploading data entries i.e by CSV or manually. There are options available for choosing Badge Background and font specifications. Now the next important thing from User perspective is that there should be a feature in My badges panel where user can see all badges & other details  and should be able to edit them if he want to, so moving forward with this feature I have implemented Badge Name update functionality in the frontend.

In this blog, I will be discussing how I implemented Update Badge Name functionality in my Pull Request so that the User can change his Badge Name  at any point of time in my badges panel.

Let’s get started and understand it step by step.

Step 1:

Create Badge Name component with Ember CLI.

$ ember g component badge-name


Step 2:

Make changes in Handlebar of Badge Name. We will be using semantic UI form for making the changes in Handlebars.

<form class="ui form" {{action 'updateBadgeName' on="change"}}>
class="ui icon input"> class="pen square icon"> {{input type="text" value=badge.badge_name }}


We have used action on submitting the Form for changing and updating the Badgename in Database.

Step 3:

We will now define the action in badge name JS file. We will also add the validations in Form so that empty form cannot be submitted to the server.

import Component from '@ember/component';
import Ember from 'ember';
const { inject } = Ember;
export default Component.extend({
  init() {
  notifications : inject.service('notification-messages'),
  actions       : {
    updateBadgeName() {
    didRender() {
          inline : true,
          delay  : false,
          fields : {
            Name: {
              identifier : 'Name',
              rules      : [
                  type   : 'empty',
                  prompt : 'Please enter a valid Badge Name'


Step 4:

We will now configure the controller to customize the action that we have defined above.

import Controller from '@ember/controller';
import { inject as service } from '@ember/service';
export default Controller.extend({
  routing       : service('-routing'),
  notifications : service('notification-messages'),
  actions       : {
    updateBadgeName(badge) {
        .then(() => this.get('notifications').success('Badge Name Successfully Updated!', {
          autoClear     : true,
          clearDuration : 1500


Now, I am done with doing all the changes in Frontend.

Step 6:

Now run the Frontend & Backend to see the implemented changes.

  • My Badges Panel


  1. Ember Docs –  Link
  2. Badgeyay Repository – Link
  3. Issue Link – Link
  4. Pull Request Link – Link
  5. Semantic UI –  LInk


Continue ReadingImplementing Badgename Update Functionality

Implementing Different Alignment for Different Line

Badgeyay project is divided into two parts i.e front-end with Ember JS and back-end with REST-API programmed in Python.

Badgeyay comes with many features for customising the process of generation of Badges. Now to provide more freedom to the user in generation of badges, I have worked on feature which will provide user more freedom in choosing different text alignment  for different lines and create badges more creatively.

In this Blog, I will be discussing how I implemented different text alignment for Different Line in Badgeyay Backend in my Pull Request.

To implement different text alignment for Different Line feature,  first, the component in SVG that is determining the text alignment of the label has to be identified. The label that determines the text on the badge is the <text> label and within it, the label that determines the properties of the text is <tspan>. So mainly we need to alter the properties in the tspan.

The property that determines the font type for the badge is text-align and its default value is set to start(right alignment). If the property in the labels changed, then we can see the corresponding changes in the PDF generated from the svg.

Now the challenges were:

  • To Determine the text-align value from the frontend.
  • Using the same for the text-align in SVG..
  • Changing the built SVG accordingly.

In this Blog, I will be dealing with changing the SVG in Backend according to text-align property provided by the User in the Frontend.

 def change_text_align(self,
                          align_1, // Values from Frontend

            Module to change Text Alignment of each badge line
                :param `filename` - svg file to modify.
                :param `align_1` - Text Alignment to be applied on first line
                :param `align_2` - Text Alignment to be applied on Second line
                :param `align_3` - Text Alignment to be applied on Third line
                :param `align_4` - Text Alignment to be applied on Fourth line
                :param `align_5` - Text Alignment to be applied on Fifth line
// Storing the Values passed altogether in a list.
        align = [1, align_1, align_2, align_3, align_4, align_5]
// Selecting the dimension config based on the parameters passed in the function.
        dimensions = badge_config[paper_size][badge_size]
        if config.ENV == 'LOCAL':
            filename = 'static/badges/' + dimensions.badgeSize + 'on' + dimensions.paperSize + '.svg'
            filename = os.getcwd() + '/api/static/badges/' + dimensions.badgeSize + 'on' + dimensions.paperSize + '.svg'
        tree = etree.parse(open(os.path.join(self.APP_ROOT, filename), 'r'))
        element = tree.getroot()

        for idx in range(1, dimensions.badges + 1):

            for row in range(1, 6):
                //Selecting the text element with the ID
                _id = 'Person_color_{}_{}'.format(idx, row)
                path = element.xpath(("//*[@id='{}']").format(_id))[0]
                style_detail = path.get("style")
                style_detail = style_detail.split(";")

                for ind, i in enumerate(style_detail):
                    if i.split(':')[0] == 'text-align':
                        style_detail[ind] = "text-align:" + align[row]
                style_detail = ';'.join(style_detail)
                text_nodes = path.getchildren()
                path.set("text-align", style_detail)

                for t in text_nodes:
                    text_style_detail = t.get("style")
                    text_style_detail = text_style_detail.split(";")
 // Fill the text-align argument of the selected object by changing the value of text-align.
                    text_style_detail[-1] = "text-align:" + align[row]
                    text_style_detail = ";".join(text_style_detail)
                    t.set("style", text_style_detail)

        etree.ElementTree(element).write(filename, pretty_print=True)
        print("Text Alignment Saved!")


After all the changes, the Updated SVG is used for Badge Generation with different text-align embedded.

Now, we are done with implementation of different text alignment  for Different Line in Badgeyay Backend.


  1. Extracting map information from the SVG –  Link
  2. LXML documentation – Link
  3. Parsing the SVG – Link
  4. Badgeyay Repository – Link
  5. Issue Link – Link
  6. Pull Request Link – Link
Continue ReadingImplementing Different Alignment for Different Line

Implementing Different Font Type for Different Line

Badgeyay project is divided into two parts i.e front-end with Ember JS and back-end with REST-API programmed in Python.

Badgeyay comes with many features for customising the process of generation of Badges. Now to provide more freedom to the user in generation of badges, I have worked on feature which will provide user more freedom in choosing font types for different lines and create badges more creatively.

In this Blog, I will be discussing how I implemented Different Font types for Different Line in Badgeyay Backend in my Pull Request.

To implement Different Font type for Different Line feature,  first, the component in SVG that is determining the font of the label has to be identified. The label that determines the text on the badge is the <text> label and within it, the label that determines the properties of the text is <tspan>. So mainly we need to alter the properties in the tspan.

The property that determines the font type for the badge is font-family and its default value is set to sans-serif. If the property in the labels changed, then we can see the corresponding changes in the PDF generated from the svg.

Now the challenges were:

  • To Determine the font-type value from the frontend.
  • Using the same for the font-type in SVG..
  • Changing the built SVG accordingly.

In this Blog, I will be dealing with changing the SVG in Backend according to Font type provided by the User in the Frontend.

  def change_font_family(self,
                           Font_1, // Values from Frontend

            Module to change Font Family of each badge lines
                :param `filename` - svg file to modify.
                :param `font_1` - Family to be applied on first line
                :param `font_2` - Family to be applied on Second line
                :param `font_3` - Family to be applied on Third line
                :param `font_4` - Family to be applied on Fourth line
                :param `font_5` - Family to be applied on Fifth line
// Storing the Values passed altogether in a list.
        font = [1, font_1, font_2, font_3, font_4, font_5]
// Selecting the dimension config based on the parameters passed in the function.
        dimensions = badge_config[paper_size][badge_size]
        if config.ENV == 'LOCAL':
            filename = 'static/badges/' + dimensions.badgeSize + 'on' + dimensions.paperSize + '.svg'
            filename = os.getcwd() + '/api/static/badges/' + dimensions.badgeSize + 'on' + dimensions.paperSize + '.svg'
        tree = etree.parse(open(os.path.join(self.APP_ROOT, filename), 'r'))
        element = tree.getroot()

        for idx in range(1, dimensions.badges + 1):

            for row in range(1, 6):
               //Selecting the text element with the ID
                _id = 'Person_color_{}_{}'.format(idx, row)
                path = element.xpath(("//*[@id='{}']").format(_id))[0]
                style_detail = path.get("style")
                style_detail = style_detail.split(";")

                for ind, i in enumerate(style_detail):
                    if i.split(':')[0] == 'font-family':
                        style_detail[ind] = "font-family:" + font[row]
                style_detail = ';'.join(style_detail)
                text_nodes = path.getchildren()
                path.set("font-family", style_detail)

                for t in text_nodes:
                    text_style_detail = t.get("style")
                    text_style_detail = text_style_detail.split(";")
  // Fill the font family argument of the selected object by changing the value of font-family.
                    text_style_detail[-1] = "font-family:" + font[row]
                    text_style_detail = ";".join(text_style_detail)
                    t.set("style", text_style_detail)

        etree.ElementTree(element).write(filename, pretty_print=True)
        print("Font Family Saved!")


After all the changes, the Updated SVG is used for Badge Generation with different font type embedded.

Now, we are done with implementation of Different Font type for Different Line in

Badgeyay Backend.


  1. Extracting map information from the SVG –  Link
  2. LXML documentation – Link
  3. Parsing the SVG – Link
  4. Badgeyay Repository – Link
  5. Issue Link – Link
  6. Pull Request Link – Link
Continue ReadingImplementing Different Font Type for Different Line

Implementing Different Font Size for Different Line

Badgeyay project is divided into two parts i.e front-end with Ember JS and back-end with REST-API programmed in Python.

Badgeyay comes with many features for customising the process of generation of Badges. Now to provide more freedom to the user in generation of badges, I have worked on feature which will provide user more freedom in choosing font sizes for different lines and create badges more creatively.

In this Blog, I will be discussing how I implemented Different Font Size for Different Line in Badgeyay Backend in my Pull Request.

To implement Different Font Size for Different Line feature,  first, the component in SVG that is determining the font size of the label has to be identified. The label that determines the text on the badge is the <text> label and within it, the label that determines the properties of the text is <tspan>. So mainly we need to alter the properties in the tspan.

The property that determines the font size for the badge is font-size and its default value is set to 31.25 px. If the property in the labels changed, then we can see the corresponding changes in the PDF generated from the svg.

Now the challenges were:

  • To Determine the font-size value from the frontend.
  • Using the same for the font-size in SVG..
  • Changing the built SVG accordingly.

In this Blog, I will be dealing with changing the SVG in Backend according to Font Size provided by the User in the Frontend.

def change_font_size(self,
                         Font_size_1, // Values from Frontend

   Module to change size of each badge lines
   :param `filename` - svg file to modify.
   :param `font_size_1` - Size to be applied on first line
   :param `font_size_2` - Size to be applied on Second line
   :param `font_size_3` - Size to be applied on Third line
   :param `font_size_4` - Size to be applied on Fourth line
   :param `font_size_5` - Size to be applied on Fifth line
// Storing the Values passed altogether in a list.
        font_size = [1, font_size_1, font_size_2, font_size_3, font_size_4, font_size_5]
// Selecting the dimension config based on the parameters passed in the function.
        dimensions = badge_config[paper_size][badge_size]
        if config.ENV == 'LOCAL':
            filename = 'static/badges/' + dimensions.badgeSize + 'on' + dimensions.paperSize + '.svg'
            filename = os.getcwd() + '/api/static/badges/' + dimensions.badgeSize + 'on' + dimensions.paperSize + '.svg'
        tree = etree.parse(open(os.path.join(self.APP_ROOT, filename), 'r'))
        element = tree.getroot()

        for idx in range(1, dimensions.badges + 1):

            for row in range(1, 6):
                 //Selecting the text element with the ID
                _id = 'Person_color_{}_{}'.format(idx, row)                 path = element.xpath(("//*[@id='{}']").format(_id))[0]
                style_detail = path.get("style")
                style_detail = style_detail.split(";")

                for ind, i in enumerate(style_detail):
                    if i.split(':')[0] == 'font-size':
                        style_detail[ind] = "font-size:" + font_size[row]
                style_detail = ';'.join(style_detail)
                text_nodes = path.getchildren()
                path.set("font-size", style_detail)

                for t in text_nodes:
                    text_style_detail = t.get("style")
                    text_style_detail = text_style_detail.split(";")
   // Fill the font size argument of the selected object by changing the value of font-size.
                    text_style_detail[-1] = "font-size:" + font_size[row]
                    text_style_detail = ";".join(text_style_detail)
                    t.set("style", text_style_detail)

        etree.ElementTree(element).write(filename, pretty_print=True)
        print("Font Size Saved!")



After all the changes, the Updated SVG is used for Badge Generation with different font size embedded

Now, we are done with implementation of Different Font Size for Different Line in

Badgeyay Backend.


  1. Extracting map information from the SVG –  Link
  2. LXML documentation – Link
  3. Parsing the SVG – Link
  4. Badgeyay Repository – Link
  5. Issue Link – Link

Pull Request Link – Link

Continue ReadingImplementing Different Font Size for Different Line

Implementing Password Update Functionality

The Badgeyay  Ember JS frontend has many features like Login and Sign up features and Login with OAuth and most important, the badge generation feature is also up and running. Now the next important thing from User perspective is that there should be a settings panel where user can see its account details like username, Email & password and he should be able to change them if he want to.

I have implemented the setting panel in Badgeyay where user can see his account details. In this blog, I will be discussing how I implemented Update Password functionality in my Pull Request so that the User can change his Password at any point of time.

Let’s get started and understand it step by step.

Step 1:

Generate User Password component with help of ember cli.

Step 2:

Make changes in Handlebar of User Password. We will be using semantic UI form for making the changes in Handlebars.

<h2 class="ui header">Password</h2>
<h5 class="ui dividing header">Change your password.</h5>
<form class="ui form" {{action 'updateUserPassword' on="submit"}}>
class="field"> New Password
class="ten wide field"> {{input type="password" id="newPassword" name=newPassword value=user.password}}
</div> </div>
class="field"> Verify Password
class="ten wide field"> {{input type="password" id="newPasswordVerify" name=newPasswordVerify placeholder="Re-enter Password"}}
</div> </div> <button type="submit" class="ui basic orange button" tabindex="0"> Save Changes </button> </form>


We have used action on submitting the Form for changing and updating the Password in Database and Firebase.

Step 3:

We will now define the action in user component JS file. We will also add the validations in Form so that empty form cannot be submitted to the server.

import Component from '@ember/component';
export default Component.extend({
  init() {
  actions: {
    updateUserPassword() {
      let password = this.get('newPassword');
  didRender() {
        inline : true,
        delay  : false,
        fields : {
          newPassword: {
            identifier : 'newPassword',
            rules      : [
                type   : 'empty',
                prompt : 'Please enter a password'
                type   : 'minLength[6]',
                prompt : 'Your password must have at least {ruleValue} characters'
          newPasswordVerify: {
            identifier : 'newPasswordVerify',
            rules      : [
                type   : 'match[newPassword]',
                prompt : 'Passwords do not match'


Step 4:

We will now configure the controller to customize the action that we have defined above.

export default Controller.extend({
  routing : service('-routing'),
  notify  : service('notify'),
  uid     : '',
  actions : {
   updateUserPassword() {
        .then(() => this.get('notify').success('Password Successfully Updated!'))


Step 5:

We have configured the frontend for sending the details to backend. Now, we have to edit the endpoint so that if Password changes in params, It should change the password and send the response with the updated user schema.

   if 'password' in data.keys():
        user.password = data['password']
        update_firebase_password(, user.password)


Now, I am done with doing all the changes in backend API and Frontend.

Step 6:

Now run the Frontend & Backend to see the implemented changes.

  • User password Panel

Now, we are done with implementation of Update password Functionality.


  1. Ember Docs –  Link
  2. Badgeyay Repository – Link
  3. Issue Link – Link
  4. Pull Request Link – Link
  5. Semantic UI –  LInk
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