Integrating Firebase Cloud Functions In Badgeyay

Badgeyay is an open source project developed by FOSSASIA Community for generating badges for conferences and events. The Project is divided into two parts frontend, which is in ember, and backend, which is in flask. Backend uses firebase admin SDK (Python) and Frontend uses firebase javascript client with emberfire wrapper for ember. Whenever an user signs up on the website, database listener that is attached to to the Model gets triggered and uses flask-mail for sending welcome mail to the user and in case of email and password signup, verification mail as well.

Problem is sending mail using libraries is a synchronous process and takes a lot of processing on the server. We can use messaging queues like RabbitMQ and Redis but that will be burden as server cost will increase. The workaround is to remove the code from the server and create a firebase cloud function for the same task.

Firebase cloud functions lets you run backend code on the cloud and can be triggered with HTTP events or listen for the events on the cloud, like user registration.


  1. Firebase uses our Gmail ID for login, so make sure to have a Gmail ID and on the first sight we will be greeted with Firebase console, where we can see our created or imported firebase apps.

  2. Create the app by clicking on the Add Project Icon and write the name of the application (e.g. Test Application) and select the region, in my case it is India. Firebase will automatically generated an application ID for the app. Click on Create Project to complete creation of project

  3. After Completion, click on the project to enter into the project. You will be greeted with an overview saying to integrate firebase with your project. We will click on the Add Firebase to web App and save the config as JSON in a file as clientKey.json for later use.

  4. Now we need to install the firebase tools on our local machine so for that execute
    npm i -g firebase-tools
    1. Now login from the CLI so that firebase gets token for the Gmail ID of the user and can access the firebase account of that Gmail ID.
    firebase login
    1. After giving permissions to the firebase CLI from your Gmail account in the new tab opened in browser, create a folder named cloud_functions in the project directory and in that execute
    firebase init
    1. Select only functions from the list of options by pressing space.

    2. After this select the project from the list where you want to use the cloud function. You can skip the step if you later want to add the cloud function to project by selecting don’t setup a default project and can later be used by command
      firebase use –add

    3. Choose the language of choice

    4. If you want, you can enforce eslint on the project and after this the cloud function is set up and the directory structure looks as follows.

    5. We will write our cloud function in index.js. So let’s take a look at index.js
      const functions = require(‘firebase-functions’);

      // // Create and Deploy Your First Cloud Functions
      // //
      // exports.helloWorld = functions.https.onRequest((request, response) => {
      //  response.send(“Hello from Firebase!”);
      // });

      As we can see there is a sample function already given, we don’t need that sample function so we will remove it and will write the logic for sending mail. Before that we need to acquire the key for service accounts so that admin functionality can be accessed in the cloud function. So for that go to project settings and then service accounts and click on Generate New Private Key  and save it as serviceKey.json

    6. Now the directory structure will look like this after adding the clientKey.json and serviceKey.json

    7. We will use node-mailer for sending mails in cloud functions and as there is a limitation on the gmail account to send only 500 mails in a day, we can use third party services like sendGrid and others for sending mails with firebase. Configure node-mailer for sending mails as
      const nodemailer = require(‘nodemailer’);

      const gmailEmail = functions.config();
      const gmailPassword = functions.config().gmail.password;
      const mailTransport = nodemailer.createTransport({
       service: ‘gmail’,
       auth: {
      user: gmailEmail,
      pass: gmailPassword

      Also set the environment variables for the cloud functions like email and password:

      firebase functions:config:set“Email ID” gmail.password=“Password”
      1. Logic for sending Greeting Mail on user registration
      exports.greetingMail = functions.auth.user().onCreate((user) => {
       const email =;
       const displayName = user.displayName;

       return sendGreetingMail(email, displayName);

      function sendGreetingMail(email, displayName) {
       const mailOptions = {
      from: `${APP_NAME}<>`,
      to: email,

       mailOptions.subject = `Welcome to Badgeyay`;
       mailOptions.text = `Hey ${displayName || ”}! Welcome to Badgeyay. We welcome you onboard and pleased to offer you service.`;
       return mailTransport.sendMail(mailOptions).then(() => {
      return console.log(‘Welcome mail sent to: ‘, email)
       }).catch((err) => {

      Function will get triggered on creation of user in firebase and calls the greeting mail function with parameters as the email id of the registered user and the Display name. Then a default template is used to send mail to the recipient and Logged on successful submission.

      1. Currently firebase admin sdk doesn’t support the functionality to send verification mail but the client SDK does. So the approach which is followed in badgeyay is that admin SDK will create a custom token and client sdk will use that custom token to sign in and them send verification mail to the user.
      exports.sendVerificationMail = functions.auth.user().onCreate((user) => {
       const uid = user.uid;
       if (user.emailVerified) {
      console.log(‘User has email already verified: ‘,;
      return 0;
       } else {
      return admin.auth().createCustomToken(uid)
        .then((customToken) => {
          return firebase.auth().signInWithCustomToken(customToken)
        .then((curUser) => {
          return firebase.auth().onAuthStateChanged((user_) => {
            if (!user.emailVerified) {
              return console.log(‘Verification mail sent: ‘,;
            } else {
              return console.log(‘Email is already verified: ‘,;
        .catch((err) => {
      1. Now we need to deploy the functions to firebase.
      firebase deploy –only functions

      Link to the respective PR  : Link

      Topics Involved

      • Firebase Admin SDK
      • Configuring Gmail for third party apps
      • Token Verification and verification mail by client SDK
      • Nodemailer and Express.js


      • Firebase Cloud functions – Link
      • Extending authentication with cloud function – Link
      • Custom Token Verification – Link
      • Nodemailer message configuration – Link
      • Issue discussion on sending verification mail with admin SDK – Link
Continue ReadingIntegrating Firebase Cloud Functions In Badgeyay

Adding helper for Default Images

A Badge generator like Badgeyay must be able to generate, store and export the user data as and when needed. This blog post covers the addition of a helper function for the default images in the badge generator. We cover the topics such as the problem caused and the solution to the problem.

The problem was that the names of default images were not being rendered properly.

Adding the functionality to badgeyay

Let us see how we implemented this functionality into the frontend of the project.

Step 1 : Generating helper function

We first need to generate the helper function in order to get it started. Generating a helper function is not a tough task. We need to follow the steps as mentioned below

$ ~ ember generate helper def-images

After this command is executed in the terminal, ember-cli generates two files, the helper file and the helper-test file.

Step 2 : Adding the functionality to helper function

After generating the helper file, we need to add relevant code in order to make sure that the above stated problem is solved. So we work on the helper function to recreate the formatted names from the incoming unformatted names from ember model.

import { helper } from ‘@ember/component/helper’;

export function defImages(params) {
var [imageName] = params;
imageName = imageName.split(
for (var i = imageName.length – 1; i >= 0; i–) {
imageName[i] = imageName[i].charAt(
0).toUpperCase() + imageName[i].slice(1);
return imageName.join(‘ ‘);

export default helper(defImages);

Step 3 : Adding test to the helper-test.js

Once we have the helper set up correctly, we can now add a test for the same.

import { module, test } from ‘qunit’;
import { setupRenderingTest } from ’ember-qunit’;
import { render } from ‘@ember/test-helpers’;
import hbs from ‘htmlbars-inline-precompile’;

module(‘Integration | Helper | defImages’, function(hooks) {

// Replace this with your real tests.
‘it renders’, async function(assert) {
this.set(‘inputValue’, ‘fossasia_badgeyay’);

await render(hbs`{{def-images inputValue}}`);

assert.equal(this.element.textContent.trim(), ‘Fossasia Badgeyay’);

Finally, we need to add the helper function to the frontend component as well.

<div class=“twelve wide column”>{{def-images}}</div>

Now, the names of the individual default images are being formatted correctly.

Screenshot of changes


Continue ReadingAdding helper for Default Images

Basic Badge Preview in Badgeyay

A Badge generator like Badgeyay must be able to generate, store and export the user data as and when needed. This blog post covers the addition of a preview section in the badge generator. It is discussed as to how the attributes on preview section are added.

Adding the functionality to badgeyay

Let us see how we implemented this functionality into the frontend of the project.

Step 1 : Adding the helper function

We need to add a helper function for determining the font of the preview items. We define a function “rel”, as in relative, which defines the relative font size according to the chosen one.

export function rel(params) {
var [font_size] = params;
var iFont = parseInt(font_size);
if (iFont <= 10) {
return (iFont * 2.7).toString();
return (iFont * 2.15).toString();

Step 2 : Adding the styling in the scss file

Now we add the required styling in the SCSS file to ensure that the preview appears at the exactly as we desire it to be.

.bgImg {
border-radius: 5px;
height: 600px;

.preview.content {
margin-left: 50px;
padding-top: 200px;

Step 3 : Now we need to add attributes to controller

Now we need to define the attributes that will control the text inside the preview and the preview controller.

firstName      : ,
lastName       : ,
organization   : ,
socialHandle   : ,
designation    : ,
prevImageData  : ,

Now we define when will the preview be changed. In our case it will be changed when a user types in something or a new image is selected.

mutateText(txtData) {
let prevData = txtData.split(‘\n’)[0].split(‘,’);
this.set(‘firstName’, prevData[0].toString());
this.set(‘lastName’, prevData[1].toString());
this.set(‘designation’, prevData[2].toString());
this.set(‘organization’, prevData[3].toString());
this.set(‘socialHandle’, prevData[4].toString());
this.set(‘textData’, txtData);
mutateCustomImage() {
this.set(‘prevImageData’, imageData);

The state of variables inside the preview section changes whenever the user types in a new name or designation etc. The image gets populated once the image is added either using the custom image input or by selecting the default image.

Screenshot of changes


Continue ReadingBasic Badge Preview in Badgeyay

Toggling preview section in Badgeyay

A Badge generator like Badgeyay must be able to generate, store and export the user data as and when needed. This blog post covers the addition of a preview section in the badge generator. It is discussed as to how the feature of toggling the preview section was implemented in the project

Adding the functionality to badgeyay

Let us see how we implemented this functionality into the frontend of the project.

Step 1 : Adding the toggle button to the frontend UI

We add the button to toggle the preview on and off the screen using the standard handlebars convention. We add a button with the action ‘togglePreview’ to toggle the preview section in frontend.

<div class=“right floated right aligned six wide column”>
div class=“ui”>
button {{action ‘togglePreview‘}} class=“ui basic orange button” data-tooltip=“Toggle Preview (WIP)” data-position=“right center”>{{prevButton}}</button>

Step 2 : Adding the styling in the scss file

Now we add the required styling in the SCSS file to ensure that the preview button appears at the exact desired position only.


color: black;

.create-badge {
position: relative;
padding-left: 6%;
padding-right: 6%;
top: –50px;

Step 3 : Now we need to define states

Now we need to define the states that will control the text inside the preview button and the preview controller.

previewToggled : false,
prevButton     : ‘<‘,

Now we add the method to control the toggle feature in the component.

togglePreview() {
this.set(‘previewToggled’, !this.previewToggled);
if (this.previewToggled) {
this.set(‘prevButton’, ‘>’);
else {
this.set(‘prevButton’, ‘<‘);

The ‘togglePreview’ function changes the state of the preview, either rendering it on screen or off the screen. This is how we control the preview section being displayed on the screen.

Screenshot of changes


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Enhancing pagination in Badgeyay

A Badge generator like Badgeyay must be able to generate, store and export the user data as and when needed. This blog post covers the enhancement of pagination in the frontend of badgeyay project. There are small “next” and “previous” links to toggle between pages..

Enhancing the current way of links

The problem with the pagination links was that in case of no more badges/users etc, the links would always appear on the bottom right of the table. The previous link must not appear when no previous page is there and vice versa for the next link.

Step 1 : Adding the package to package.json

Image link is the link to the user’s uploaded image on remote firebase server.

{{#if allow}}
th colspan=“5”>
div class=“ui right floated pagination menu”>
{{#if allow_prev}}
a class=“icon item” {{action ‘prevPage‘}}>
i class=“left chevron icon”></i>
{{#if allow_next}}
a class=“icon item” {{action ‘nextPage‘}}>
i class=“right chevron icon”></i>

Step 2 : Initializing the variables in setupController

Once we have added the if construct to the badgeyay frontend then we need to add the variable initialization in the setupController method in EmberJS.

setupController(controller, model) {
‘reports’, model);
if (model.length < 9) {
‘allow_prev’, false);
‘allow_next’, false);
‘allow’, false);

Step 3 : Implementing state changed in the controllers

Now we need to handle the situation when a user clicks the links and there are more or less links to display. This is done by checking the length of the model in the controller.

if ( === 1) {
this.set(‘allow_prev’, false);
else {
this.set(‘allow_prev’, true);
this..set(‘allow_next’, true);

Same needs to be done for all the controllers that have pagination available.

And finally we need to pass these variables in the component template. One such example is given below.

<div class=“ui grid user-grid”>
div class=“row”>
div class=“sixteen wide column”>
{{badge-table badges=badges user=user session=session sendbadgeId=(action ‘deleteBadge’ badge) prevPage=(action ‘prevPage’) nextPage=(action ‘nextPage’) allow_prev=allow_prev allow_next=allow_next allow=allow}}

Finally, we have the pagination links working as desired..

Screenshot of changes



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Badge Generation : Adding Progress Bar

A Badge generator like Badgeyay must be able to generate, store and export the user data as and when needed. This blog post covers the addition of ember-progress-bar in the badgeyay project. This progress bar shows real-time progress of the badge generation process.

Adding the functionality to badgeyay

Let us see how we implemented this functionality into the backend of the project.

Step 1 : Adding the package to package.json

Image link is the link to the user’s uploaded image on remote firebase server.

ember install ember-progress-bar


npm install ember-progress-bar –save

Step 2 : Adding the progressbar to the frontend

Once we have installed the progress bar, we need to display it onto the frontend of the project.

To do that we use the handlebars templating engine to render the progress bar.

{{#if showProgress}}
div class=“ui segment”>
div class=“ui centered aligned grid”>{{progressState}}</div>
div class=“ui divider”></div>
{{ember-progress-bar progress=progress options=(hash color=’orange’)}}

Step 3 : Now we need to define states

We need to define the states that the progress bar will take up in realtime. And to do so, we make changes to the create-badges controller

showProgress   : false,
progress       : 0,
progressState  : ,

Now we manage the states according to the functionality that has been done.

this.set(‘showProgress’, true);
this.set(‘progress’, 0.1);
this.set(‘progressState’, ‘Setting Paper Size’);

‘progress’, 0.4);
this.set(‘progressState’, ‘Gathering background’);

‘progress’, 0.7);
this.set(‘progressState’, ‘Preparing your badges’);

‘showProgress’, false);
this.set(‘progress’, 0);
this.set(‘progressState’, );

Finally, we have our basic progress bar ready for the users to view.

Screenshot of changes


Continue ReadingBadge Generation : Adding Progress Bar

Modifying the My-Badges Component

A Badge generator like Badgeyay must be able to generate, store and export the user data as and when needed. This blog post is about modify the my-badges component to show the badges in a more creative manner.. For making the badges look better than they already are, we decided to use another type of semantic-ui card. This card requires an image. So we decided to use the user’s uploaded image as the image for the badge card. For this, we made changes to the backend along with the frontend.

Adding the functionality to badgeyay

Let us see how we implemented this functionality into the backend of the project.

Step 1 : Adding the image_link to backend

Image link is the link to the user’s uploaded image on remote firebase server.

image_link = db.Column(db.String) # adding column to table

image_link = fields.Str(required=True)  # adding to schema

link = fileUploader(imageDirectory, ‘images/’ + image_name) badge_created.image_link = link  # uploading the file and storing the link

Step 2 : Adding a details to frontend model

Now we need add the attributes to the frontend model to accept our image_link data..

import DS from ’ember-data’;

const { Model, attr } = DS;

export default Model.extend({
badge_size    : attr(‘string’),
csv           : attr(‘string’),
download_link : attr(‘string’),
image         : attr(‘string’),
text_color    : attr(‘string’),
image_link    : attr(‘string’)

Step 3 : Adding required Handlebar code and SCSS

Now we need to add the handlebar code to render the image from the link provided from the ember data model.

<div class=”image”>
<img src=”{{badge.image_link}}”>

And apply some CSS to the image and card

.ui.segment {
.cards {
.card {
padding-right: 10px;

img {
height: 300px;
width: 100%;

Finally, we need to apply the migrations to the backend server as well. This is carried out by flask-migrate easily.

Screenshot of changes



Continue ReadingModifying the My-Badges Component

Exporting CSV data through API

A Badge generator like Badgeyay must be able to generate, store and export the user data as and when needed. This blog post is about adding the exporting functionality to badgeyay backend..

Why do we need such an API?

Exporting data is required for a user. A user may want to know the details he/she has uploaded to the system or server. In our case we are dealing with the fact of exporting the CSV data from backend of Badgeyay.

Adding the functionality to backend

Let us see how we implemented this functionality into the backend of the project.

Step 1 : Adding the necessary imports

We first need to import the required dependencies for the route to work

import os
import base64
import uuid
from flask import request, Blueprint, jsonify
from flask import current_app as app
from api.models.file import File
from api.schemas.file import ExportFileSchema
from api.utils.errors import ErrorResponse
from api.schemas.errors import FileNotFound

Step 2 : Adding a route

This step involves adding a separate route that provides us with the exported data from backend.

@router.route(‘/csv/data’, methods=[‘GET’])
def export_data():
input_data = request.args
file = File().query.filter_by(filename=input_data.get(

if file is None:
return ErrorResponse(FileNotFound(input_data.get(‘filename’)).message, 422, {‘Content-Type’: ‘application/json’}).respond()

export_obj = {
‘filename’: file.filename,
‘filetype’: file.filetype,
‘id’: str(uuid.uuid4()),
‘file_data’: None}

with open(os.path.join(app.config.get(‘BASE_DIR’), ‘static’, ‘uploads’, ‘csv’, export_obj[‘filename’]), “r”) as f:
‘file_data’] =

export_obj[‘file_data’] = base64.b64encode(export_obj[‘file_data’].encode())

return jsonify(ExportFileSchema().dump(export_obj).data)

Step 2 : Adding a relevant Schema

After creating a route we need to add a relevant schema that will help us to deliver the badges generated by the user to the Ember JS frontend so that it can be consumed as JSON API objects and shown to the user.

class ExportFileSchema(Schema):
class Meta:
type_ =
kwargs = {
‘id’: ‘<id>’}

id = fields.Str(required=True, dump_only=True)
filename = fields.Str(required=
True, dump_only=True)
filetype = fields.Str(required=
True, dump_only=True)
file_data = fields.Str(required=
True, dump_only=True)

This is the ExportFileSchema that produces the output results of the GET request on the route. This helps us get the data onto the frontend.

Further Improvements

We are working on making badgeyay more comprehensive yet simple. This API endpoint needs to get registered onto the frontend. This can be a further improvement to the project and can be iterated over the next days.


Continue ReadingExporting CSV data through API

Dated queries in Badgeyay admin

Badgeyay is not just an anonymous badge generator that creates badges according to your needs, but it now has an admin section that allows the admin of the website to control and look over the statistics of the website.

Why do we need such an API?

For an admin, one of the most common functionality is to gather the details of the users or the files being served onto or over the server. Not just that, but the admin must also be aware about the traffic or files on the server in a particular duration of time. So we need an API that can coordinate all the stuff that requires dated queries from the backend database.

Adding the functionality to backend

Let us see how we implemented this functionality into the backend of the project.

Step 1 : Adding a route

This step involves adding a separate route that provides us with the output of the dated badges queries from backend.

@router.route(‘/get_badges_dated’, methods=[‘POST’])
def get_badges_dated():
schema = DatedBadgeSchema()
input_data = request.get_json()
data, err = schema.load(input_data)
if err:
return jsonify(err)
dated_badges = Badges.query.filter(Badges.created_at <= data.get(
‘end_date’)).filter(Badges.created_at >= data.get(‘start_date’))
return jsonify(AllBadges(many=True).dump(dated_badges).data)

This route allows us to get badges produced by any user during a certain duration as a JSON API data object. This object is fed to the frontend to render the badges as cards.

Step 2 : Adding a relevant Schema

After creating a route we need to add a relevant schema that will help us to deliver the badges generated by the user to the Ember JS frontend so that it can be consumed as JSON API objects and shown to the user.

class DatedBadgeSchema(Schema):
class Meta:
type_ =
kwargs = {
‘id’: ‘<id>’}

id = fields.Str(required=True, dump_only=True)
start_date = fields.Date(required=
end_date = fields.Date(required=

class AllBadges(Schema):
class Meta:
type_ =
self_view =
kwargs = {
‘id’: ‘<id>’}

id = fields.Str(required=True, dump_only=True)
image = fields.Str(required=
csv = fields.Str(required=
badge_id = fields.Str(required=
text_color = fields.Str(required=
badge_size = fields.Str(required=
created_at = fields.Date(required=
user_id = fields.Relationship(
‘file_id’: ‘<id>’},
‘id’: ‘<id>’},

This is the DatedBadge schema that produces the output results of the POST request on the route. And there is the AllBadges schema that produces the output results of the POST request on the route.

Further Improvements

We are working on adding multiple routes and adding modifications to database models and schemas so that the functionality of Badgeyay can be extended to a large extent. This will help us in making this badge generator even better.



Continue ReadingDated queries in Badgeyay admin

Get My Badges from Badgeyay API

Badgeyay is no longer a simple badge generator. It has more cool features than before.

Badgeyay now supports a feature that shows your badges. It is called ‘my-badges’ component. To get this component work, we need to design a backend API to deliver the badges produced by a particular user.

Why do we need such an API?

The main aim of Badgeyay has changed from being a standard and simple badge generator to a complete suite that solves your badge generation and management problem. So to tackle the problem of managing the produced badges per user, we need to define a separate route and schema that delivers the generated badges.

Adding the functionality to backend

Let us see how we implemented this functionality into the backend of the project.

Step 1 : Adding a route

This step involves adding a separate route that provides with the generated output of the badges linked with the user account.

@router.route(‘/get_badges’, methods=[‘GET’])
def get_badges():
input_data = request.args
user = User.getUser(user_id=input_data.get(
badges = Badges().query.filter_by(creator=user)
return jsonify(UserBadges(many=True).dump(badges).data)

This route allows us to get badges produced by the user as a JSON API data object. This object is fed to the frontend to render the badges as cards.

Step 2 : Adding a relevant Schema

After creating a route we need to add a relevant schema that will help us to deliver the badges generated by the user to the Ember JS frontend so that it can be consumed as JSON API objects and shown to the user.

class UserBadges(Schema):
class Meta:
type_ =
self_view =
kwargs = {
‘id’: ‘<id>’}

id = fields.Str(required=True, dump_only=True)
image = fields.Str(required=
csv = fields.Str(required=
badge_id = fields.Str(required=
text_color = fields.Str(required=
badge_size = fields.Str(required=
user_id = fields.Relationship(
‘file_id’: ‘<id>’},
‘id’: ‘<id>’},

This is the ‘UserBadge’ schema that produces the output results of the GET request on the route.

Finally, once this is done we can fire up a GET request on our deployment to receive results. The command that you need to run is given below.

$ ~ curl -X GET http://localhost:5000/api/get_badges?uid={user_id}

Further Improvements

We are working on adding multiple routes and adding modifications to database models and schemas so that the functionality of Badgeyay can be extended to a large extent. This will help us in making this badge generator even better.



Continue ReadingGet My Badges from Badgeyay API