Detecting Barometer sensor in PSLab Android App

The Pocket Science Lab Android app has Barometer Instrument implemented in it. Although the instrument  is currently working through the mobile sensors and not the PSLab i2c library as there were some issues in the i2c communication with PSLab device.

Thus as the barometer was completely working on through the mobile sensors, there was a major problem coming up. Majority of the mobiles don’t have the barometer sensor which was required, only a  few of the latest devices have the sensors in them.

This issues created problem as now anyone who would have used the barometer instrument would have made an impression that the App was itself not working.

Figure(1) : Showing the stagnant barometer Instrument

Thus this created a bad impression for both the app and it’s developers.

Solving the issue

To solve this major bug, it required to first detect the barometer instrument and then implementing an alert dialog-box showing that barometer sensor is not present in his device.

  • Detecting the Barometer Sensor[2]

The barometer sensor was detected using the sensorManager class of Java

sensorManager = (SensorManager) getSystemService(SENSOR_SERVICE);
sensor = sensorManager != null ? sensorManager.getDefaultSensor(Sensor.TYPE_PRESSURE) : null;

Thus using this code the barometer sensor is detected, if sensor was not present the  sensorManger would be null.

  • Implementing the alert-box[1]

Thus if the sensorManger variable was null it notified that the sensor was not present in           the device and corresponding to which an alert-box was implemeneted

if (sensor == null) {
    runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
        public void run() {
            if (!isFinishing()) {
                new AlertDialog.Builder(BarometerActivity.this)
                    .setPositiveButton("ok", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
                        public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {

Thus as we can see in the code snippet the alert dialog-box will appear if  sensor is not present as shown in figure (2).

Figure(2) : Screenshot showing alert-box


  1. Android Alert-box Example,
  2. Creating a Barometer Application for Android,
Continue ReadingDetecting Barometer sensor in PSLab Android App

Implementing Toolbar and Exporting Data in CSV format in Multimeter

The latest feature which was implemented in the  Pocket Science Lab Android app is the data exporting feature which was implemented in almost each and every sensor. Now in addition to sensors now the data saving functionality is also implemented in Multimeter and this blog is regarding how the data exporting functionality was implemented for multimeter.

For implementing the data exporting feature first the Toolbar was implemented in the PSLab Android App.

Implementing the Toolbar[1]

For implementing the firstly the front-end of multimeter was changed and the Toolbar was added to it.


      app:title="Multimeter" />

The above xml codes shows the implementation of toolbar.

Figure (1): Showing the implementation of multimeter toolbar

  • Backend

For implementing the toolbar the onCreatemenu  was implemented for multimeter

public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
MenuInflater inflater = getMenuInflater();
inflater.inflate(, menu); = menu;
return true;

For the same a separate menu was created for multimeter

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<menu xmlns:android=""
app:showAsAction="always" />
app:showAsAction="ifRoom" />
app:showAsAction="never" />
app:showAsAction="never" />

Figure(2): Showing Toolbar of Multimeter

Thus through this the basic UI of the toolbar was implemented.

Implementing the Data Export Feature[2]

After implementing the toolbar for multimeter the multimeter the data exporting feature was implemented through the toolbar. The data export feature was implemented in such a manner that the user can start data recording by clicking on the record button after which the recording starts.

Figure(3):Showing snackbar after the data recording is started

and then when the user wants to end the experiment he may click on the pause button after which he gets an option either to export the data in csv format or either to delete the data.

Figure(4):Showing the menu bar for exporting data in csv

After clicking on the export data button the snacker appears which finally tells the user that the data is exported in this particular location (mentioned in the snackbar)

Figure(5):Showing the snackbar for showing location of the CSV folder

Further going to the csv folder we get the excel sheet in which the data is exported

Figure(6):Showing the excel sheet of data recorded

And this is how the data exporting feature was implemented in the PSLab android app. The users can use this functionality to perform experiments using multimeter in PSLab.


  1. Medium, Android Toolbar for AppCompatActivity:
  2. Code Project, Exporting data in CSV format:


Continue ReadingImplementing Toolbar and Exporting Data in CSV format in Multimeter

Measuring Current in PSLab Android App

The Pocket Science Lab Android app has got various functionality such as voltmeter, resistance measurement, capacitance measurement, frequency measurement as well as Count pulse measurement , one of the missing functionality among these is the Ammeter, currently in PSLab there is no direct way of measuring current. In this blog I will be discussing an indirect method of measuring current in PSLab.

Basics of measuring current

Generally in all multimeters , current is measured using  an Ammeter which uses the property of galvanometer to measure to measure current in PSLab. But as the PSLab doesn’t has any such embedded Galvanometer we cannot have a seperate Ammeter in it, but there is another method to measure the current, which is using the famous OHm’s law i.e V/I = R

In PSLab we can measure the voltage across any elements, plus we can also measure  the resistance of any circuit element in PSLab, the theory used for measuring current is stated as follows.

  1. We connect the current-source to any known resistant(or any resistance) and then measure the voltage across the resistor.
  2. Finally using ohm’s law the current will be voltage / resistance.[2]

Step-by-step guide on measuring the current

Here is the step by step guide on how to measure the current in PSLab:-

  1. Take any arbitrary resistor and measure it’s resistance. To measure the resistance follow these steps :-
    1. Take a resistance and connect it to any two pins of breadboard
    2. Connect one end to the sen pin and the other end to the GND pin of PSLab device.
    3. Now go to the Android app and select multimeter instrument.
    4. Now in the multimeter instrument set the knob to resistance, in the measure section
    5. Now click on the read button and then it will show the resistance of the resistor
  2. Now that you have measured the resistance of the resistor, now connect the current source across the resistors.
  3. Now finally measure the voltage across the resistor. To measure the voltage follow these steps.
    1. Take two male to male wires and connect it’s two individual ends to the two ends of the resistor.
    2. Now connect one of the other two ends of the wire to the any one of the CH1, CH2 or CH3 and the other end to GND respectively.
    3. Now go to the Android app and select multimeter instrument.
    4. Now in the multimeter instrument set the knob to the channel which you have selected i.e CH1, CH2 or CH3 , in the voltage section.
    5. Now click on the read button and then it will show the voltage across the resistor.
  4. Now using the using ohm’s law the current will be voltage / resistance.

Thus using these steps one can find the current in PSLab Android App.

Images for the Experiment

Figure (1): Showing resistance measurement

Figure(2) Showing voltage measurement


  1. Using-a-Multimeter,
  2. Wikipedia, Ohm’s Law:
Continue ReadingMeasuring Current in PSLab Android App

Implementing Layouts for Different Screens in Android PSLab App

The Pocket Science Lab Android app has various functionalities implemented in it, one of the major implemented functionalities is the knob in the multimeter, In my previous blog I have mentioned about the knobs and how exactly it has been implemented, one the major problems in the knob is that it doesn’t fits correctly in all layouts, even though constraint layout is used , as it has different text-views positioned in a circular constraint in which exact circular radius has to be mentioned (which cannot be constrained), mentioned in my previous-blog there comes the idea of creating different layouts for different-screens in android.

Need to create multiple layouts for different screen

There arises this question of the use of creating multiple layouts for different screens when you can create a flexible layout using tools such as constraint layout. The answer to this question is that in some cases such as as the case of circular constraint or using a linear-layout  one has to use use hard-coded dimensions which thus makes difference in various screens on, there comes the need of using size and orientation quantifiers i.e making layout according to screen sizes. Als

Figure 1:Screenshot

Figure 1 shows how different layouts are made for multimeter according to the screen-size.

Size quantifiers in android

Size quantifier is a name that specifies an individual configuration (in this case size) corresponding to which resources can be used.

For example, here are some default and alternative resources:


In this case -hdpi is a size quantifier, there are default size quantifiers at the drawable folder.

Making different layouts according to size-quantifiers[1][2]

This blog will give a step by step guide on how to make layouts using size quantifiers.

  1. Right click the res folder in android studio and select New-> Android Resource directory.
  2. A screen like below will appear
  3. Change the resource type to layout.
  4. From the available quantifiers select the quantifier which you would require, (in our case it is size).
  5. After selecting the quantifier click the >> button after which the following screen will get displayed.
  6. Now select the screen-size and click ok to make the directory, note that only one directory can be made in a single go.
  7. After this make different layouts according to the screen-sizes and then save the respective alternative resources in this new directory. The resource files must be named exactly the same as the default resource files.

Thus by following these steps one can make different layouts according to screen-sizes in android.


  1. Support different screen sizes, Android developers (Link to repo)
  2. App resources overview, Android developers
Continue ReadingImplementing Layouts for Different Screens in Android PSLab App

Implementing Custom Rotary Knobs and Circular Positioning in the Multimeter in the PSLab Android App

In my previous blog [2I have discussed about how to implement  normal rotary knob using an open source library, this blog will be about the new user interface (UI) of multimeter in the PSLab Android app, how a custom rotary knob is implemented in it and how how the text views are positioned circular in them.

Implementation of Custom Rotary Knob

In the PSLab device  the rotary knob is implemented using the BeppiMenozzi Knob library[1] as by doing this we don’t have to manually create the extra class for the knob and we don’t have to write the code from scratch.

Figure 1: A basic rotary knob

Figure 1 shows a basic knob implemented using the BeppiMenozzi library whereas figure 2 shows the implementation of a custom knob using the basic knob.

Figure 2: A custom Knob

Steps of making a Custom-Knob using a simple Knob

  1. Implement the the basic knob using the steps given in my previous knobs explained in my previous blogs.
  2. Download the images of the knob which has to be implemented.
  1. Using the above code amend the knob as per the requirement. The advantage of using the beppiMonzi library is that the knob is fully amenable  , we can even define the minimum and maximum angle and many more stuffs can be done using the library.






Figure 3: Showing the implementation of other custom knobs

The above figure shows the example of custom knobs implemented using the simple knob and by following the steps.

Implementation Circular positioning

One of the other major issues while making the new UI of the multimeter is the positioning of text-view around the circular knob. The issue was made overcome by implementing a circular positioning constraints in the text-views.

Steps of implementing circular positioning

  1. Use the constraint layout version 1.1.0 or above as the previous versions do not support the circular positioning feature.
  2. Add the circular constraint individually to every text-view.

The above code snippets shows the addition od circular constraints added to a text-view. Using these constraint it decides positions the views relative to another views at a particular angle which thus makes up circular positioning.

Thus, this is how we can implement circular positioning in the views.


  1. BeppiMenozzi Knob Library
  2. Rotary knob Blog
Continue ReadingImplementing Custom Rotary Knobs and Circular Positioning in the Multimeter in the PSLab Android App

Implementing Notification Action Buttons in Open Event Frontend

The Open-Event-Frontend allows the event organiser to create access codes for his or her event.  Access codes can be used to password protect hidden tickets reserved for sponsors, members of the press and media. Notifications are an important part of the project. We show each registered user notifications based on their activity. This blog post goes over the implementation of the notification action buttons in the notification panel.

Notification Action Model

The model for Notification action is very simple. It has the following variables:

  1. Subject: The subject of the notification. E.g. ‘event’, ‘order’ etc.
  2. actionType: The action that can be taken by the user for that notification. E.g: ‘view’, ‘submit’.
  3. subjectId: The id of the subject. In case of an event, it will store the event id. Similarly for other cases.
  4. Link: The link to be applied to the button.

import attr from 'ember-data/attr';
import ModelBase from 'open-event-frontend/models/base';
import { belongsTo } from 'ember-data/relationships';

export default ModelBase.extend({
  subject    : attr('string'),
  actionType : attr('string'),
  subjectId  : attr('number'),
  link       : attr('string'),

  notification: belongsTo('notification')

Action Button Title

We make use of ember computed property to determine the action button title. The title of the button depends on the subject and the actionType defined in the notification-action model. The actionType can be one of ‘download’, ‘submit’ and ‘view’. If the action type is ‘download’ and the subject is ‘invoice’, then the button title will be “Download Invoice”. Similarly, for other cases, we do the same.

buttonTitle: computed('subject', 'actionType', function() {
    let action;
    const actionType = this.get('actionType');
    switch (actionType) {
      case 'download':
        action = 'Download';

      case 'submit':
        action = 'Submit';

        action = 'View';

    let buttonSubject;
    const subject = this.get('subject');
    switch (subject) {
      case 'event-export':
        buttonSubject = ' Event';

      case 'event':
        buttonSubject = ' Event';

      case 'invoice':
        buttonSubject = ' Invoice';

      case 'order':
        buttonSubject = ' Order';

      case 'tickets-pdf':
        buttonSubject = ' Tickets';

      case 'event-role':
        buttonSubject = ' Invitation Link';

      case 'session':
        buttonSubject = ' Session';

      case 'call-for-speakers':
        if (this.get('actionType') === 'submit') {
          buttonSubject = ' Proposal';
        } else {
          buttonSubject = ' Call for Speakers';

        // Nothing here.

    return action + buttonSubject;

Action Button Route

The route that the button will lead to depends on the subject of the action. If the link is provided in the notification action, we simply set it on the button otherwise we use the subject to derive the route name. For e.g., if the subject is an event, then the route will be “events.view”.

   * The route name to which the action button will direct the user to.
  buttonRoute: computed('subject', function() {
    const subject = this.get('subject');
    let routeName;
    switch (subject) {
      case 'event-export':
        routeName = 'events.view';

      case 'event':
        routeName = 'events.view';

      case 'invoice':
        routeName = 'orders.view';

      case 'order':
        routeName = 'orders.view';

      // Nothing here.
    return routeName;


We simply check if the link exists or not. If it does then we simply use it otherwise we use the computed button route name.

     {{#link-to tagName='button' class='ui blue button'}}
         {{t action.buttonTitle}}
    {{#link-to action.buttonRoute action.subjectId tagName='button' class='ui blue button'}}
         {{t action.buttonTitle}}


Continue ReadingImplementing Notification Action Buttons in Open Event Frontend

Measuring capacitor in PSLab and its Bugs

In this blog I will discuss about how we have measured capacitance in Pocket Science Lab and the  issues in capacitance measurement which was finally solved.

Measuring capacitance in PSLab device

To measure capacitance we need to go to the multimeter instrument from the instrument section of the PSLab

Figure 1.  Showing Multimeter Tile

Capacitance in PSLab is measured by keeping the capacitor or the element of which capacitance is to be measured between the CAP and ground pin.

 Figure 2.  Showing CAP pins in PSLab

For measuring capacitance in PSLab we use a specific method in which we supply a constant current to the CAP pin and thus we charge the capacitor to the maximum level, the math involved in it is as follow:-

We know that

Q{charge stored} = C*V


Q= I * time


I=current (constant)

Thus the capacitance

C = Q / V


C = I*time / V (measured). – (1)

Therefore we know the current supplied, we know the voltage measured and we have also set the time to charge the capacitor and thus we get the capacitance from equation (1).

Code implementation for measuring capacitance

This is the primary code for getting the data for measuring capacitance in which we pass the current range and the current time through which the data gets fetched from the device which is then further processed in another function in which we finally get the capacitance.

public double[] getCapacitance(int currentRange, int chargeTime) { // time in uSec
        try {
            Thread.sleep((long)(chargeTime * 1e-6 + .02));
            int VCode;
            do VCode = mPacketHandler.getVoltageSummation();
            while (VCode == -1);
            double v = 3.3 * VCode / 4095;
            double chargeCurrent = this.currents[currentRange];
            double c = 0;
            if (v != 0)
                c = (chargeCurrent * chargeTime * 1e-6 / v - this.SOCKET_CAPACITANCE) / this.currentScalars[currentRange];
            return new double[] {
        } catch (IOException | InterruptedException e) {
        return null;

In the above function we can clearly see how we send the bytes in the device by the sendByte function through which various functions are sending current, setting voltage, setting current range etc are done in the device and then we can see how the voltage measured is taken using the getVoltageSummition method (of packet Handler class) , how we get the current and finally using them in equation (1) we get the capacitance of the element.

The following implementation is taken from the PSLab desktop app where the same method is used to measure capacitance.

Bugs in measuring capacitance

The capacitance measurement although was working in the desktop app but had bugs in the android app. It could never read the correct value also everytime gave a null value for capacitance.

Figure 3.  Showing null value for capacitance  PSLab

Solving the Bug [2]

After a deep research in the inside  the code of the capacitance measurement it was found that the error was caused while fetching the incorrect data from the device and processing it. The device gives a negative one value when there is any error in capacitance measurement  and that was being processed, thus the error was solved by introducing a do while loop as shown

 do VCode = mPacketHandler.getVoltageSummation();
 while (VCode == -1);

And thus now only the correct data fetched is processed further and thus the bug was solved after which the capacitance measurement was correct.


Continue ReadingMeasuring capacitor in PSLab and its Bugs

Onsite Attendee in Open Event Server

The Open Event Server enables organizers to manage events from concerts to conferences and meetups. It offers features for events with several tracks and venues. The Event organizers may add orders on behalf of others and accept payments onsite. This blog post goes over the implementation of the onsite attendee feature in the Open Event Server.


Normally we expect the payload for a POST request of order to contain already created attendees also. In this case we want to create the attendees internally inside the server. Hence we need some way to differentiate between the two types of orders. The most basic and easy to implement option is to use a query parameter to specify if the attendees are onsite or not. We use ?onsite=true in order to specify that the attendees are onsite and hence should be created internally.

In the POST request, we check if the query parameters contains the onsite param as true or not. If it is true then we create the attendees using a helper function. The helper function will be discussed in detail later in the article.

# Create on site attendees.
if request.args.get('onsite', False):
elif data.get('on_site_tickets'):
    del data['on_site_tickets']
require_relationship(['ticket_holders'], data)



In order to create attendees on the server, we need the information about each ticket bought and it’s quantity. This data is expected in the format declared in the OnsiteTicketSchema.

class OnSiteTicketSchema(SoftDeletionSchema):
    class Meta:
        type_ = 'on-site-ticket'
        inflect = dasherize

    id = fields.Str(load_only=True, required=True)
    quantity = fields.Str(load_only=True, required=True)

Creating onsite Attendees

Following are the few points which we need to focus on when creating onsite attendees:

  1. Validate if the ticket’s data is provided or not. We raise an error if the ticket data is not provided.
  2. Verify if the ticket is sold out or not. We raise an error if the ticket is sold out.
  3. In case an error is raised in any step then we delete the already created attendees. This is a very important point to keep in mind.

if not on_site_tickets:
        raise UnprocessableEntity({'pointer': 'data/attributes/on_site_tickets'}, 'on_site_tickets info missing')

ticket_sold_count = get_count(db.session.query(
                                      filter_by(ticket_id=int(, deleted_at=None))

        # Check if the ticket is already sold out or not.
        if ticket_sold_count + quantity > ticket.quantity:
            # delete the already created attendees.
            for holder in data['ticket_holders']:
                ticket_holder = db.session.query(TicketHolder).filter(id == int(holder)).one()
                except Exception as e:
                    logging.error('DB Exception! %s' % e)

            raise ConflictException(
                {'pointer': '/data/attributes/on_site_tickets'},
                "Ticket with id: {} already sold out. You can buy at most {} tickets".format(ticket_id,
                                                                                             ticket.quantity -

The complete method can be checked here.




Continue ReadingOnsite Attendee in Open Event Server

Channel Communications Error of PSLab

The Pocket Science Lab multimeter has got three channels namely CH1,CH2 and CH3 with different ranges for measuring the voltages, but there was a channel communication error occuring at CH1 and CH2 pins of PSLab. This blogs will give a brief description of the channel communication error and how was it solved by me.

In the previous blog I have discussed about the channel communication of PSLab and how it works. In this blog i will be discussing about the channel communication error which was occuring while using CH1 and CH2 pins of PSLab android.

Communication between PSLab device and Android App

As discussed in the previous blog the communication between the PSLab and the android occurs with the help of the USBManger class of android.

One of the major function which makes it possible is the bulk transfer function of the android

amtWritten = mConnection.bulkTransfer(mWriteEndpoint, src, written, writeLength, timeoutMillis);

As shown in the above code, there is a timeout that some time required for this function to be executed, and otherwise this function will return a negative value which will mean that the communication is not successful.

Voltage Measuring Functions

The main function which gets called while pressing the button for measuring voltage is the getVoltage function which simultaneously calls the volmeterAutoRange function as well as the getAverage voltage function. The voltageAutoRnge function also calls the getAverage function inside of it.

public double getVoltage(String channelName, Integer sample) {
    double Voltage = this.getAverageVoltage(channelName, sample);
    if (channelName.equals("CH3")) {
        return Voltage;
    } else {
        return 2 * Voltage;

Calling both these functions simultaneously results in calling of the bulktranfer method

VoltmeterAutoRange function:-

private double voltmeterAutoRange(String channelName) {
    if (this.analogInputSources.get(channelName).gainPGA == 0)
        return 0;
    this.setGain(channelName, 0, true);
    double V = this.getAverageVoltage(channelName, null);
    return this.autoSelectRange(channelName, V);

The getAverage voltage function calls the getRawableVoltage function which thus calls the USBManger class functions of read and write, thus calling the bulkTranfer function.

Thus as the bulk transfer function is called simultaneously it caused problem in communication.

Solving the issue

The communication related  issues were finally solved when these bugs were spotted, the solution to this issue is that the voltageAutoRange function’s return value was never used in the codes and was thus not required.[2]The voltageAutoRange function was calling the getAverageVoltage function just to get a return value. Thus I formatted the function and now it looks like this-

private void voltmeterAutoRange(String channelName) {
    if (this.analogInputSources.get(channelName).gainPGA != 0) {
        this.setGain(channelName, 0, true);

And thus finally the issue was solved and all things were working fine in channel communication.


Continue ReadingChannel Communications Error of PSLab

Pop-Up in Meilix Generator

Meilix Generator has fields which the user needs to fill up. There are fields for the required information and for customization process too. This solves the problems and helping user to know about the requirement of each field. We implemented a pop-menu which appears and tell about that particular field.

We will here describe only the implementation of email pop-up.

function hideDiv(){
document.addEventListener("click", hideDiv);
function noti()
	alert("Email is used to mail user the link to the build ISO");

We have embedded a javascript in html file.
Function hideDiv contains document.getElementsByClassName() method.

The getElementsByClassName() method returns a collection of all elements in the document with the specified class name.

Then we have a document.addEventListener() method with click and hideDiv function as the parameters. It also contain a function noti which get toggle at the time of click and display the alert message. hideDiv closes the toggle when clicked on the cross button again.

<label class="heading" id="label" for="email">Email *&ensp;<img src="{{ url_for('static', filename='alert.jpg') }}" height="20" width="20" onclick="noti()"></label>


We implemented a question mark after the email line which when clicked showed the following message on the webapp.

This will help user to know the requirement of the particular field.

Through the help of the required function and implementation of the button, we can embedded a help icon which pop-up to give required option present in the webapp.

These are different pop-ups that are currently present in the webapp. User can know about the particular field by clicking on any of the pop-up.


  1. HTML getElementsByClassName():
  2. Bootstrap 4 Form:

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