The Open Event Organizer Server is a server application written in Flask. It provides an admin interface for the organizers of events to manage events and related services like Sessions, Tracks, etc. Additionally it provides GET APIs for developers to read data from the server. These APIs are consumed by the Open Event Webapp and Android Client to display details to the users. The existing APIs could only fetch data. My is to create REST APIs that write data to the server.
Developers are divided into groups with every group handling one aspect of the project. Avi Aryan and I would be working on REST APIs. Currently I’m working on porting the existing GET APIs to newer spec. Justin decided on our stack and technologies we would be working with (link). We are using Flask-Restplus extension for building APIs.
The write API is not going to be the only big change to the server. The new authorization system is also going to change a lot. It would include more user roles, with each of them having different set of permissions. Apart from the Administrator and Organizer, a user can be:
- Attendee
- Moderator
- Speaker
- Track Organizer
Other changes to User Management are mentioned in the docs.
Besides these, adding support for OAuth 2.0 is also on the list. This would let users sign up through Social Media platforms.
I had thought of a possible work flow for my group.
- Port existing GET APIs with newer spec on Flask-Restplus.
- Add the user roles mentioned above to the authorization system. A user role defines what type of services a user has access to. For example, an Attendee has write access to feedback and rating system for Sessions but he does not have permissions to create or modify Tracks. This needs to be done before creating write (POST/PUT/DELETE) APIs, so that access to services can be defined according to the user roles. The GET APIs are public and do not require any such permissions.
- Create write APIs.
- Set up user authentication system to register and sign in users.
- Add support for OAuth 2.0.
Many of these changes require other changes to the server. Like the feedback and rating system for Attendees has not been implemented yet and would first require definitions for its database models. Existing models would also require changes. A lot of work to do.
I have previously worked with Python and Django. This project brings a lot of new stuff for me. Python2, Flask, Swagger and RESTful APIs. Duke, Justin and Mario are going to be mentors for the Organizer Server. All in all, this summer is going to be an exciting one 😀.
About Me:
I’m Shivam, a 3rd year Computer Engineering student from College of Technology, Pantnagar. This is my first attempt at GSOC and I’m grateful to FOSSASIA for accepting my proposal. I started out with FOSSASIA by contributing to their Open Source projects.