All the large scale applications require a permissions system. Thus we also implemented a permissions system in our open-event organization server. It consists of certain pre-decided roles:
- Super-Admin
- Admin
- Organizer
- Co organizer
- Track organizer
- Anonymous user
Now we had to decide the permissions which each role would have. Hence we created a documentation regarding what URLs can be accessed by each role. We developed a list of services which the roles could use their permissions to access:
- Tracks
- Microlocations
- Speakers
- Sessions
- Sponsors
Thus the final step was to implement the permissions system to the appropriate views or URLs. Here comes the power of Flask decorators . I created a individual decorators @is_organizer, @is_admin, @is_super_admin etc… to check the respective roles. I created one main decorator @can_access to see whether the role can access the particular URL or view function
So in the above decorator I have simply take in the url and check whether it has ‘create’, ‘edit’ or ‘delete’ words in it. Depending on that the control goes in the particular IF statement. Now once it is decided what operation is being performed it checks what service is being accessed by the user. For example: if the operation is edit then it will check whether the service being edited is an event, session, sponsor etc…
Similar checks are performed by each operation. A check is performed of the request.url to see whether the string for that service is present in it. After it knows what service is being accessed its just a matter of using the CRUD functions of user table to check if the role accessing the resource has the requested permission using the functions:
- user.can_create()
- user.can_read()
- user.can_update()
- user.can_delete()
After this its just a matter of adding the decorator to each of the view functions and the system is implemented. 🙂