The Open-Event-Frontend allows the event organiser to create tickets for his or her event. Other uses can buy these tickets in order to attend the event. The My tickets section lists all the tickets that have been bought by a user. This blog post explains how it has been implemented in the project.
The My-Tickets list route has three responsibilities:
- Showing appropriate title according to the current tab.
- Setting the filter options according to the tab.
- Fetching the data from the store according to the filter options.
The title of the route is decided by the following snippet:
titleToken() { switch (this.get('params.ticket_status')) { case 'upcoming': return this.get('l10n').t('Upcoming'); case 'past': return this.get('l10n').t('Past'); case 'saved': return this.get('l10n').t('Saved'); } },
The second and the third requirement is satisfied inside the model hook. We define the filterOptions according to the current tab and then make the request to fetch the data accordingly. The following code snippet is responsible for this:
model(params) { this.set('params', params); let filterOptions = [{ name : 'completed-at', op : 'ne', val : null }]; if (params.ticket_status === 'upcoming') { filterOptions.push( { name : 'event', op : 'has', val : { name : 'starts-at', op : 'ge', val : moment().toISOString() } }); } else if (params.ticket_status === 'past') { filterOptions.push( { name : 'event', op : 'has', val : { name : 'ends-at', op : 'lt', val : moment().toISOString() } } ); } return this.get('authManager.currentUser').query('orders', { include : 'event', filter : filterOptions }); }
The template of the My tickets list is extremely simple. We simply loop over all the orders and use the order-card component to display each of them. The order-card component is discussed in detail later. If there are no orders under the user, we show the appropriate message.
<div class="row"> <div class="sixteen wide column"> {{#if model}} {{#each model as |order|}} {{#order-card order=order}} {{/order-card}} <div class="ui hidden divider"></div> {{/each}} {{else}} <div class="ui disabled header">{{t 'No tickets found'}}</div> {{/if}} </div> </div>
Order-card Component
The order card component is responsible for handling a single order and showing its details in as a card. In order to decide whether the order is a paid order or not, we have defined a computed property inside the order-card.js file.
import Component from '@ember/component'; import { computed } from '@ember/object'; import { isEqual } from '@ember/utils'; export default Component.extend({ isFreeOrder: computed('order', function() { const amount = this.get('order.amount'); return amount === null || isEqual(amount, '0'); }) });
The template for the component contains the event logo aligned to the left in the card. We show the event details such as the name, location and start date on the right. Below the event details we show the order details such as the order amount, currency, the identifier and the date and time on which the order was completed. Below is the full code for reference:
<div class="event wide ui grid row"> {{#unless device.isMobile}} <div class="ui card three wide computer six wide tablet column"> <a class="image" href="#"> {{widgets/safe-image src=(if order.event.originalImageUrl order.event.originalImageUrl order.event.originalImageUrl)}} </a> </div> {{/unless}} <div class="ui card thirteen wide computer ten wide tablet sixteen wide mobile column"> <a class="main content" href="#"> {{#smart-overflow class='header'}} {{}} {{/smart-overflow}} <div class="meta"> <span class="date"> {{moment-format order.event.startsAt 'ddd, DD MMMM YYYY, h:mm A'}} </span> </div> {{#smart-overflow class='description'}} {{order.event.shortLocationName}} {{/smart-overflow}} </a> <div class="extra content small text"> <span> <span> {{#if isFreeOrder}} {{t 'Free'}} {{else}} {{order.event.paymentCurrency}}{{order.amount}} {{/if}} {{t 'order'}} </span> <span>#{{order.identifier}}</span> <span>{{t 'on'}} {{moment-format order.completedAt 'MMMM DD, YYYY h:mm A'}}</span> </span> </div> </div> </div>
- Ember templates:
- Ember components: