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How to Receive Picture, Video and Link Type Responses from SUSI kik Bot

In this blog, I will explain how to receive picture, video and link messages from SUSI Kik bot. To do so we have to implement these types in our code.

We will start off by making SUSI kik bot first. Follow this tutorial to make SUSI Kik bot. Next, we will implement picture, video, and link type messages from our bot. To implement these message types we need chatID and username of a user who has sent the message to our bot. To get the username of user we will use the following code:

bot.onTextMessage((message) => {
    var chartID = message.chatId;
    var Username;
        .then((user) => {
            message.reply(`Hey ${user.username}!`);
            Username = user.username;

Now as we have got the chatID and username we will use these and post a request to to send pictures, video, and link type messages. To post these requests use below code.

1) Picture:

To send picture type message we will define the type to picture,  URL of the picture to be sent to user and username of the user that we got from the code above.{
   url: "",
   auth: {
       user: 'your-bot-name',
       pass: 'your-api-key'
   json: {
       "messages": [
           'chatId': chatID,
           'type': 'picture',
           'to': Username,
           'picUrl': answer

2) Video:

To send video type message we will define the type to video, URL of the video to be sent to the user and username of the user that we got from the code above. In this request, we can also set extra attributes like mute and autoplay.{
   url: "",
   auth: {
       user: 'your-bot-name',
       pass: 'your-api-key'
   json: {
     "messages": [
           "chatId": "chatID",
           "type": "video",
           "to": "laura",
           "videoUrl": "",
           "muted": true,
           "autoplay": true,
           "attribution": "camera"

3) Link:
To send link type message to the user we will define the type of link, URL to be sent to the user and username of the user that we got from the code above.{
   url: "",
   auth: {
       user: 'your-bot-name',
       pass: 'your-api-key'
   json: {
     "messages": [
           "chatId": "chatID",
           "type": "link",
           "to": "laura",
           "url": "url-to-send"

If you want to learn more about kik API refer to

Kik API reference:

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