At this stage of the development of SUSI.AI Android there are many changes and at times this results in inconsistencies and crashes of the app. One important questions we face is how to keep record of crashes so that we can improve our app. Using Crashlytics is a way keep record of crashes. The easiest way to add crashlytics in an app is to integrate the fabric plugin in Android Studio.
- First create an account at fabric.
- When you create account it will send you confirmation mail.
- After clicking confirmation mail it will redirect you to fabric page.
- It show you different platform option. Select android as platform.
- For window/linux user select setting from file menu. For Mac user select Preferences from menu.
- Select Plugins, click the Browse repositories button and search for “Fabric for Android”
- Click install plugin button to download and install plugin.
- You can see Fabric option in right side. Click on it and enter your credentials to sign in.
- Select susi_android project and click next.
- Fabric will list all the organizations you registered, so select the organization you want to associate the app with and click next. In my case organization is susi.
- Fabric will then list all of its Crashlytics and click Next .
- Click the install button.It will add crashlytics in project.
- Fabric wants to make changes in MainApplication and AndroidManifest.xml files , so click the Apply button for the changes to happen.
- Build and run your application to make sure that everything is configured properly. If your app was successfully configured, you will get an email sent instantly to the email address you used to sign up with fabric.
- Now you can track crashes of your app on the dashboard of your fabric account.
- It will give you all details like 1.) How many users are affected and how many times app crashes with date. 2.) Details of devices in which app crashes . 3.) Cause of errors
For more information use these links: