You have got a new feature added to enhance SUSI-AI (in web/android/iOS application) but do not find an API which could assist you in your work to make calls to the server {since the principle of all Susi-AI clients is to contact with SUSI-server for any feature}. Making servlets for Susi is quite different from a normal JAVA servlet. Though the real working logic remains the same but we have got classes which allow you to directly focus on one thing and that is to maintain your flow for the feature. To find already implemented servlets, first clone the susi_server repository from here.
git clone
Cd to susi_server directory or open your terminal in susi_server directory. (This blog focuses on servlet development for Susi only and hence it is assumed that you have any version of JAVA8 installed properly). If you have not gone through how to run a susi_server manually, then follow below steps to start the server:
./gradlew build //some set of files and dependencies will be downloaded bin/ //command to start the server
This will start your Susi server and it will listen at port 4000.
The first step is to analyze that to which class of API is your servlet going to be added. Let us take a small example and see how to proceed step by step. Let us look at development of ListSettingsService servlet. (to find the code of this servlet, browse to the following location: susi_server->src->ai->susi->server->api->aaa). Once you have decided the classification of your srvlet, create a .java file in it (Like we created file in aaa folder). Extend AbstractAPIHandler class to your class and implement APIHandler to your class. If you are using any IDE like Intelij IDEA or eclipse then they will give you an error message and when you click on it, it will ask you to Override some methods. Select the option and if you are using a simple text editor, then override the following methods in the given way:
@Override public String getAPIPath() { return null; } @Override public BaseUserRole getMinimalBaseUserRole() { return null; } @Override public JSONObject getDefaultPermissions(BaseUserRole baseUserRole) { return null; } @Override public ServiceResponse serviceImpl(Query post, HttpServletResponse response, Authorization rights, JsonObjectWithDefault permissions) throws APIException { Return null; }
What all these methods are for and why do we need them?
These are those 4 methods that make our work way easy. With the code compilation, first getAPIPath() is called to evaluate the end point. Whenever this end point is called properly, it responds with whatever is defined in serviceImpl(). In our case we have given the endpoint
Ensure that you do not have 2 servlets with same end point.
Next in the line is getMinimalBaseUserRole() method. While developing certain features, a need of special privilege {like admin login} might be required. If you are implementing a feature for Admins only (like we are doing in this servlet), return BaseUserRole.ADMIN. If you want to give access to anyone (registered or not) then return BaseUserRole.Anonymous. These might be login, signup or maybe a search point. By default all these methods are returning null. Once you are decided what to return, encode it in serviceImpl() method.
Look at the below implementation of the servlet :
@Override public String getAPIPath() { return "/aaa/listSettings.json"; } @Override public BaseUserRole getMinimalBaseUserRole() { return BaseUserRole.ADMIN; } @Override public JSONObject getDefaultPermissions(BaseUserRole baseUserRole) { return null; } @Override public ServiceResponse serviceImpl(Query post, HttpServletResponse response, Authorization rights, JsonObjectWithDefault permissions) throws APIException { String path = DAO.data_dir.getPath()+"/settings/"; File settings = new File(path); String[] files = settings.list(); JSONArray fileArray = new JSONArray(files); return new ServiceResponse(fileArray); } }
As discussed earlier, the task of this servlet is to list all the files in data/settings folder. But this list is only available to users with admin login.
DAO.data_dir.getPath() returns a String identifier which is the path to data directory present in susi_server folder. We append “/settings/” to access settings folder inside it. Next we list all the files present in settings folder, encode them as a JSONArray object and reeturn the JSONArray object.
Think you can enhance Susi-server now? Get started right away!!