While creating a SUSI bot using bot wizard, a user has the option to save a draft of the bot at any step. Then he/she can continue building the bot from there. We can do four operations on a draft: Storing, fetching, editing and deleting.
Storing a draft:
For the storage of drafts, a GET request is made to the storeDraft.json API. The code of chatbot is passed in ‘object’ parameter. This code must be in JSON format. A sample API call looks like this:
The JSON passed in ‘object’ has the following format:
{ “group”: /*group_here*/ “language”: /*language_here*/ “name”: /*bot_name_here*/ “buildCode”: /*code_in_build_tab_here*/ “designCode”: /*code_in_design_tab_here*/ “configCode”: /*code_in_config_tab_here*/ }
While storing the draft, we can either specify an ID ourselves as a parameter named ‘id’ in the API call url or we can get a randomly generated id from the server itself.
The hex codes in designCode includes ‘#’ which can not be passed in the url. Hence, we remove it while saving a draft and then add it back while editing it.
Fetching a draft:
For fetching drafts, a GET request is made to the readDraft.json API. We can either simply call the API without any other parameters which will return all the chatbots of the user. The API call for this looks like this:
We can fetch a particular draft by specifying the ID of draft in the API call like this:
Editing a draft:
The drafts are displayed on the botbuilder page. From there a user can open a draft simply by clicking on it. This uses the ID of that draft to fetch its details by making a GET request to readDraft.json API as specified above.
For applying the details fetched to bot wizard, we pass the draft ID in url of bot wizard as “/botbuilder/botwizard?draftID=abcdef12”. Then we fetch this ID using “this.getQueryStringValue(‘draftID’)” and this is followed by fetching all details of bot.
After fetching details of the chatbot, all the details are updated in the state of Botwizard component and hence user can continue making SUSI bot.
Deleting a draft:
For the deletion of drafts, a GET request is made to the deleteDraft.json API. We need to specify the id of the draft that we want to delete in the ‘id’ parameter. So, the API call looks like this:
- JSON with Java: https://www.tutorialspoint.com/json/json_java_example.htm
- jQuery GET request: https://api.jquery.com/jQuery.get/
- QueryStrings: https://www.w3schools.com/asp/coll_querystring.asp