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Debugging JSON Files of Sample Events for Open Event Android using Stetho

In this blog, I will talk about data validation and debugging in Android using the Stetho-A debug bridge for Android by Facebook. Most Android applications have JSON files to populate the elements like RecyclerViews, ListViews and different types of Layouts. Stetho is a debug tool for Android which uses the well-known Chrome Developer tools as it’s User Interface. With Stetho, we can see all our incoming JSON data in spreadsheets making debugging much easier and fun. What’s more, it’s completely Open source.

Getting started with Stetho

To start with, we need to enable Stetho by adding it as one of the dependencies in the build.gradle file.

compile 'com.facebook.stetho:stetho:1.4.2'

It is already enabled in the Open Event Android app.

Now, you need to add the api endpoint for your sample in the config.json file in the project(if you are using the Android repo for debugging). The config.json file is at app/assets/

In case, you are using an Open Event generated app then there’s no need to do that.

Now connect your phone through the USB cable to your laptop and start your application.

Next, you have to browse to chrome://inspect where you will see your device in the window as shown below.


On clicking “Inspect”, you will be shown the Stetho debug tool interface. Something like this:

When you download the details by clicking “Yes” on the starting of the application, be sure to keep it connected to the Stetho tool in the ‘inspect’ mode.

Once the data has loaded, go to Web SQL-> default.realm. You will see tabs like:-

class_speaker, class_sponsor, class_session, class_track among others.

On clicking them, you will see well-organised tables that show all linked attributes of the class that you selected.

Sessions can be seen along with all the related information in a tabular format.

Stetho displays speakers of the event and their information in an easy-to-read tabular format.

Micro locations of the event along with related information in a tabular format.

This is how you can view all the attributes of your sample in a tabular layout and hence, debug them easily. Although, Stetho is about much more than this, this is all I will talk about in this blog.

You can read more about Stetho and it’s functionalities here.

The official repo for Stetho can be found here for the source code.

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