Stubbed Routing Inbuilt Service used in Open Event Frontend

In Open Event Frontend, we have used services like ‘auth-manager’, ‘l10n’, ‘loader’, ‘sanitizer’, etc to ease our work with the help of predefined-functions in those services. However, while dealing with an issue in the project, there was a need to use ‘Routing’ as a service.

In the issue, we wanted to generate an access link dynamically from the access code entered by the user. The format of the access link was as follows:

“base_url + event_id + access_code”

So, for the above URL, we needed to have ‘event_id’ and ‘access_code’.

The ‘access_code’ can be readily accessed from the user’s input itself, whereas to get the event_id, we used the ‘Routing’ service in Ember.

Generally to use a service in Ember, it has to be written first,then registered, injected and then used.

‘Routing’ service in Ember is an inbuilt service unlike the ones listed at the beginning.

There is no need to write it. It can be simply registered, injected and used.

this.register('service:routing', routingStub);
this.inject.service('routing', { as: 'routing' });

where ‘register’ and ‘inject’ are the methods on Ember objects.

The integration tests in Open Event Frontend are written such that the services can be used without injecting, but the tests will fail. To pass those tests, we had to register and inject the service in the required component.

The Routing service could thus be registered and injected into the specific component( injection in the component’s integration test ) only but for future needs, this service might be needed in any other component too. For this purpose, this service was registered and injected in ‘component-helper.js’.

const routingStub = Service.extend({
  router: {
    router: {
      state: {
        params: {
          'events.view': {
            event_id: 1
    generate() {
      return '';

export default function(path, name, testCase = null) {
  moduleForComponent(path, name, {
    integration: true,

    beforeEach() {
      this.register('service:routing', routingStub);
      this.inject.service('routing', { as: 'routing' });
      this.register('service:l10n', L10n);
      this.inject.service('l10n', { as: 'l10n' });
      this.application = startApp();
      run(() => fragmentTransformInitializer.initialize(getOwner(this)));

Stubbing a Service: This is a process of faking an app of importing a service when no path is available to import. Stubbing of a service is mainly done when one needs to deal with the testing of the app. In our case, the same is done. We have stubbed the ‘Routing’ service in order to deal with the testing part. It can be seen from the above code that we have generated a ‘routingStub’ which fakes the app while registering the service in the ‘beforeModel’. The next line of code shows the ‘injection’ of service into the app.

Now we are just left with one task i.e to pass ‘routing’ from our integration tests to the component.

test('it renders', function(assert) {
  this.render(hbs`{{forms/events/view/create-access-code routing=routing}}`);

Above code shows the same.

Thus we can stub the services in Ember when any component depends on them.


Official Ember guide:

Blog by Todd Jordan:

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Implementing ETags Support In flask-rest-jsonapi For Open Event Server

In the Open Event Server Project, the client apps required to implement ETags support so that they could efficiently consume the API.

What is an ETag ?

An entity tag (ETag) is an HTTP header used for Web cache validation and conditional requests from browsers for resources.

What is the need for an ETag ?

  • Clients can make use of this and request complete data if and only if the data has changed else use their local cache.
  • This can be used to ensure concurrency in the case of multiple clients trying to modify the same data at the same time.

How to implement ETags in the API framework ?

To implement ETags in the API framework, changes need to be done in the dispatch_request function of Resource class located at at the root of the framework.

A config variable will also be added in order to turn ETags on and off. You can name anything you want, but we went ahead with just ETAG. Now the first thing we should do is calculate the ETag hash from the original response. The response variable can be grabbed in dispatch_request and hashing can be performed on it as follows:

etag = hashlib.sha1(resp.get_data()).hexdigest()
resp.headers['ETag'] = etag # return ETag in response headers

Why did we use SHA-1 ?

In the above mentioned lines of code, you will notice that we are using SHA-1 for hashing purposes. SHA-1 is known to have collisions, so why use it ? In ETags we are not storing the hashes anywhere but are returning the ETag in the response header directly. So there is a very less probability of collision even if we used MD5, so using SHA-1 won’t hurt much 😉

Till now, the above code enables to return an ETag but that is of no use if we do not support request headers If-Match and If-None-Match. Both of these headers can be obtained from the request as follows:

if_match = request.headers.get('If-Match')
if_none_match = request.headers.get('If-None-Match')


For both If-Match and If-None-Match request headers, the system will accept a comma separated list of Etags. This can be accomplished as follows:

etag_list = [tag.strip() for tag in if_match.split(',')]


For If-Match, the response is returned only if the ETag of the current response matches any of the comma-separated ETags in the If-Match header. If none of the given ETags match, a 412 Precondition Failed status code will be returned. This can be implemented with a check as follows:

if if_match:
   etag_list = [tag.strip() for tag in if_match.split(',')]
   if etag not in etag_list and '*' not in etag_list:
       exc = PreconditionFailed({'pointer': ''}, 'Precondition failed')
       return make_response(json.dumps(jsonapi_errors([exc.to_dict()])),


For If-None-Match, the response is returned only if the ETag of the current response does not match any of the comma-separated ETags in the If-Match header. If none of the given ETags match, a 304 Not Modified status code will be returned as follows:

elif if_none_match:
   etag_list = [tag.strip() for tag in if_none_match.split(',')]
   if etag in etag_list or '*' in etag_list:
       exc = NotModified({'pointer': ''}, 'Resource not modified')
       return make_response(json.dumps(jsonapi_errors([exc.to_dict()])),


Related Links:

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Supporting Dasherized Attributes and Query Params in flask-rest jsonapi for Open Event Server

In the Open Event API Server project attributes of the API are dasherized.

What was the need for dasherizing the attributes in the API ?

All the attributes in our database models are separated by underscores i.e first name would be stored as first_name. But most of the API client implementations support dasherized attributes by default. In order to attract third party client implementations in the future and making the API easy to set up for them was the primary reason behind this decision.Also to quote the official json-api spec recommendation for the same:

Member names SHOULD contain only the characters “a-z” (U+0061 to U+007A), “0-9” (U+0030 to U+0039), and the hyphen minus (U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS, “-“) as separator between multiple words.

Note: The dasherized version for first_name will be first-name.

flask-rest-jsonapi is the API framework used by the project. We were able to dasherize the API responses and requests by adding inflect=dasherize to each API schema, where dasherize is the following function:

def dasherize(text):
   return text.replace('_', '-')


flask-rest-jsonapi also provides powerful features like the following through query params:

But we observed that the query params were not being dasherized which rendered the above awesome features useless 🙁 . The reason for this was that flask-rest-jsonapi took the query params as-is and search for them in the API schema. As Python variable names cannot contain a dash, naming the attributes with a dash in the internal API schema was out of the question.

For adding dasherizing support to the query params, change in the QueryStringManager located at of the framework root are required. A config variable named DASHERIZE_APIwas added to turn this feature on and off.

Following are the changes required for dasherizing query params:

For Sparse Fieldsets in the fields function, replace the following line:

result[key] = [value]
if current_app.config['DASHERIZE_API'] is True:
    result[key] = [value.replace('-', '_')]
    result[key] = [value]


For sorting, in the sorting function, replace the following line:

field = sort_field.replace('-', '')


if current_app.config['DASHERIZE_API'] is True:
   field = sort_field[0].replace('-', '') + sort_field[1:].replace('-', '_')
   field = sort_field[0].replace('-', '') + sort_field[1:]


For Include related objects, in include function, replace the following line:

return include_param.split(',') if include_param else []


if include_param:
   param_results = []
   for param in include_param.split(','):
       if current_app.config['DASHERIZE_API'] is True:
           param = param.replace('-', '_')
   return param_results
return []

Related links:

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Modifying flask-rest-jsonapi Exception Handling in Open Event Server to Enable Support for Sentry

In Open Event Server Project, Sentry support was enabled for the project. So first of all,

What is Sentry ?

Sentry provides open source error tracking that shows you every crash in your stack as it happens, with the details needed to prioritize, identify, reproduce, and fix each issue.

The basic error tracking can be enabled with the following two simple lines,

from raven.contrib.flask import Sentry
sentry = Sentry(app, dsn='https://<key>:<secret><project>')


But after sometime, it was noticed that app-related errors were not being caught in Sentry, while migration related errors were being caught. This meant that sentry was functioning properly in the app, but it was having some trouble in identifying uncaught exceptions.

After a lot of digging, it came to knowledge that the api framework, flask-rest-jsonapi caught all unknown exceptions while dispatching the request. After catching the exceptions, it gave a jsonapi error with status 500 in return. Following is the code responsible for that:

except Exception as e:
           if current_app.config['DEBUG'] is True:
               raise e
           exc = JsonApiException('', 'Unknown error')
           return make_response(json.dumps(jsonapi_errors([exc.to_dict()])),


We now had to let these exceptions go uncaught and that required us to modify the api framework. Modifications were done in the api-framework’s exception handling as shown below

if 'API_PROPOGATE_UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTIONS' in current_app.config:
               if current_app.config['API_PROPOGATE_UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTIONS'] is True:
           if current_app.config['DEBUG'] is True:
               raise e
           exc = JsonApiException({'pointer': ''}, 'Unknown error')
           return make_response(json.dumps(jsonapi_errors([exc.to_dict()])),

A config parameter named API_PROPOGATE_UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTIONS was added to the config to turn this feature on or off.

But with all this done, Sentry was able to catch and report uncaught exceptions, but the json-api spec compliant error messages on an unknown error were not being returned due to this new change. So it was decided to handle these uncaught exceptions in the app itself. Flask’s default error handlers were used to tackle this situation:

def internal_server_error(error):
   exc = JsonApiException({'pointer': ''}, 'Unknown error')
   return make_response(json.dumps(jsonapi_errors([exc.to_dict()])), exc.status,
                        {'Content-Type': 'application/vnd.api+json'})

Thus, all uncaught exceptions were now returning a proper json-api spec compliant error response.

Related links:

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Running Dredd Hooks as a Flask App in the Open Event Server

The Open Event Server is based on the micro-framework Flask from its initial phases. After implementing API documentation, we decided to implement the Dredd testing in the Open Event API.

After isolating each request in Dredd testing, the real challenge is now to bind the database engine to the Dredd Hooks. And as we have been using Flask-SQLAlchemy db.Model Baseclass for building all the models and Flask, being a micro framework itself, came to our rescue as we could easily bind the database engine to the Flask app. Conventionally dredd hooks are written in pure Python, but we will running them as a self contained Flask app itself.

How to initialise this flask app in our dredd hooks. The Flask app can be initialised in the before_all hook easily as shown below:

def before_all(transaction):
    app = Flask(__name__)


The database can be binded to the app as follows:

def before_all(transaction):
app = Flask(__name__)
Migrate(app, db)


The challenge now is how to bind the application context when applying the database fixtures. In a normal Flask application this can be done as following:

with app.app_context():
#perform your operation


While for unit tests in python:

with app.test_request_context():
#perform tests


But as all the hooks are separate from each other, Dredd-hooks-python supports idea of a single stash list where you can store all the desired variables(a list or the name stash is not necessary).

The app and db can be added to stash as shown below:

def before_all(transaction):
app = Flask(__name__)
Migrate(app, db)
stash['app'] = app
stash['db'] = db


These variables stored in the stash can be used efficiently as below:

def before_each(transaction):
with stash['app'].app_context():
db.engine.execute("drop schema if exists public cascade")
db.engine.execute("create schema public")


and many other such examples.

Related Links:
1. Testing Your API Documentation With Dredd:
2. Dredd Tutorial:
3. Dredd Docs:

Continue ReadingRunning Dredd Hooks as a Flask App in the Open Event Server

Creating System Images UI in Open Event Frontend

In Open Event Frontend, under the ‘admin/content’ route, ‘system-images’ route is present in which a user can update the image of the event topic he has uploaded at the time of creating an event. We achieved this as follows:

First, we create a route called ‘system/images’.

ember g route admin/content/system-images

This will generate three files:
1) routes/admin/content/system-images.js (route)
2) templates/admin/content/system-images.hbs (template)
3) test/unit/routes/admin/content/system-images-test.js (test file)
We also create a subroute of system-images route so as to render the subtopics queried through API.

ember g route admin/content/system-images/list

This will generate three files:
1) routes/admin/content/system-images/list.js(subroute)
2) templates/admin/content/system-images/list.hbs(template)
3) test/unit/routes/admin/content/system-imageslist-test.js(test file)

From our ‘system-images’ route, we render the ‘system-images’ template. We have a subroute of system-images route called as ‘list’ in which we render the subtopics available to us via API. The left side menu is the content of ‘system-images.hbs’ and the content on the right is it’s subroute i.e ‘list.hbs’. The ‘list’ subroute provides a facility to upload the system image. The API returns an array of objects containing subtopics as follows(single object is shown here, there will be multiple in the array)

            id          : 4545,
            name        : 'avatar',
            placeholder : {
              originalImageUrl : '',
              copyright        : 'All rights reserved',
              origin           : 'Google Images'

Following is the content of our uploader i.e ‘list.hbs’ which is a subroute of the system-images.hbs.

<div class="ui segment">
  {{#each model as |subTopic|}}
    <img src="{{subTopic.placeholder.originalImageUrl}}" class="ui fluid image" alt={{}}>
    <div class="ui hidden divider"></div>
    <button class="ui button primary" {{action 'openModal' subTopic}} id="changebutton">{{t 'Change'}}</button>
{{modals/change-image-modal isOpen=isModalOpen subTopic=selectedSubTopic}}

We can see from the above template that we are iterating the response(subtopics) from the API. For now, we are just using the mock server response since we don’t have API ready for it. There is one ‘upload’ button which opens up the ‘change-image-modal’ to upload the image which looks as follows:

The ‘change-image-modal.hbs’ has a content as follows:

<div class="sixteen wide column">
          label=(t 'Update Image')
          aspectRatio=(if (eq 'avatar') (array 1 1))
          hint=(t 'Select Image')
          helpText=(t 'For Cover Photos : 300x150px (2:1 ratio) image.
                    For Avatar Photos : 150x150px (1:1 ratio) image.')}}

        <form class="ui form">
          <div class="field">
            <label class="ui label">{{t 'Copyright information'}}</label>
            <div class="ui input">
              {{input type="text"}}
          <div class="field">
            <label class="ui label">{{t 'Origin information'}}</label>
            <div class="ui input">
              {{input type="text"}}


The above uploader has a custom ‘image-upload’ widget which we are using throughout the Open Event Frontend. Also, there are two input fields i.e ‘copyright’ and ‘origin’ information of the image. On clicking the ‘Select Image’ button and after selecting our image from the file input, we get a cropper for the image to be uploaded. The image can be cropped there according to the aspect ration maintained for it. The cropper looks like:

Thus, a user can update the image of the Event Topic that he created.


Ember JS Official guide.

Mastering modals in Ember JS by Ember Guru.

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Testing Errors and Exceptions Using Unittest in Open Event Server

Like all other helper functions in FOSSASIA‘s Open Event Server, we also need to test the exception and error helper functions and classes. The error helper classes are mainly used to create error handler responses for known errors. For example we know error 403 is Access Forbidden, but we want to send a proper source message along with a proper error message to help identify and handle the error, hence we use the error classes. To ensure that future commits do not mismatch the error, we implemented the unit tests for errors.

There are mainly two kind of error classes, one are HTTP status errors and the other are the exceptions. Depending on the type of error we get in the try-except block for a particular API, we raise that particular exception or error.

Unit Test for Exception

Exceptions are written in this form:

    def validate_quantity(self, data):
        if 'max_order' in data and 'min_order' in data:
            if data['max_order'] < data['min_order']:
                raise UnprocessableEntity({'pointer': '/data/attributes/max-order'},
                                          "max-order should be greater than min-order")


This error is raised wherever the data that is sent as POST or PATCH is unprocessable. For example, this is how we raise this error:

raise UnprocessableEntity({'pointer': '/data/attributes/min-quantity'},

           "min-quantity should be less than max-quantity")

This exception is raised due to error in validation of data where maximum quantity should be more than minimum quantity.

To test that the above line indeed raises an exception of UnprocessableEntity with status 422, we use the assertRaises() function. Following is the code:

 def test_exceptions(self):
        # Unprocessable Entity Exception
        with self.assertRaises(UnprocessableEntity):
            raise UnprocessableEntity({'pointer': '/data/attributes/min-quantity'},
                                      "min-quantity should be less than max-quantity")

In the above code,
with self.assertRaises() creates a context of exception type, so that when the next line raises an exception, it asserts that the exception that it was expecting is same as the exception raised and hence ensures that the correct exception is being raised

Unit Test for Error

In error helper classes, what we do is, for known HTTP status codes we return a response that is user readable and understandable. So this is how we raise an error:

ForbiddenError({'source': ''}, 'Super admin access is required')

This is basically the 403: Access Denied error. But with the “Super admin access is required” message it becomes far more clear. However we need to ensure that status code returned when this error message is shown still stays 403 and isn’t modified in future unwantedly.

Here, errors and exceptions work a little different. When we declare a custom error class, we don’t really raise that error. Instead we show that error as a response. So we can’t use the assertRaises() function. However what we can do is we can compare the status code and ensure that the error raised is the same as the expected one. So we do this:

def test_errors(self):
        with app.test_request_context():
            # Forbidden Error
            forbidden_error = ForbiddenError({'source': ''}, 'Super admin access is required')
            self.assertEqual(forbidden_error.status, 403)

            # Not Found Error
            not_found_error = NotFoundError({'source': ''}, 'Object not found.')
            self.assertEqual(not_found_error.status, 404)

Here we firstly create an object of the error class
ForbiddenError with a sample source and message. We then assert that the status attribute of this object is 403 which ensures that this error is of the Access Denied type using the assertEqual() function, which is what was expected.
The above helps us maintain that no one in future unknowingly or by mistake changes the error messages and status code so as to maintain the HTTP status codes in the response.

Continue ReadingTesting Errors and Exceptions Using Unittest in Open Event Server

Implementing JSON API for ‘settings/contact-info’ route in Open Event Frontend

In Open Event Frontend, under the settings route, there is a ‘contact-info’ route which allows the user to change his info (email and contact). Previously to achieve this we were using the mock response from the server. But since we have the JSON API now we could integrate and use the JSON API for it so as to let the user modify his/her email and contact info. In the following section, I will explain how it is built:

The first thing to do is to create the model for the user so as to have a skeleton of the database and include our required fields in it. The user model looks like:

export default ModelBase.extend({
  email        : attr('string'),
  password     : attr('string'),
  isVerified   : attr('boolean', { readOnly: true }),
  isSuperAdmin : attr('boolean', { readOnly: true }),
  isAdmin      : attr('boolean', { readOnly: true }),

  firstName : attr('string'),
  lastName  : attr('string'),
  details   : attr('string'),
  contact   : attr('string'),

Above is the user’s model, however just the related fields are included here(there are more fields in user’s model). The above code shows that email and contact are two attributes which will accept ‘string’ values as inputs. We have a contact-info form located at ‘settings/contact-info’ route. It has two input fields as follows:

<form class="ui form {{if isLoading 'loading'}}" {{action 'submit' on='submit'}} novalidate>
  <div class="field">
    <label>{{t 'Email'}}</label>
    {{input type='email' name='email'}}
  <div class="field">
    <label>{{t 'Phone'}}</label>
    {{input type='text' name='phone'}}
  <button class="ui teal button" type="submit">{{t 'Save'}}</button>

The form has a submit button which triggers the submit action. We redirect the submit action from the component to the controller so as to maintain ‘Data down, actions up’. The code is irrelevant, hence not shown here. Following is the action which is used to update the user which we are handling in the contact-info.js controller.

updateContactInfo() {
      this.set('isLoading', true);
      let currentUser = this.get('model');{
        adapterOptions: {
          updateMode: 'contact-info'
        .then(user => {
          this.set('isLoading', false);
          let userData = user.serialize(false).data.attributes;
 = user.get('id');
          this.get('authManager').set('currentUserModel', user);
          this.get('session').set('data.currentUserFallback', userData);
          this.get('notify', 'Updated information successfully');
        .catch(() => {

We are returning the current user’s model from the route’s model method and storing it into ‘currentUser’ variable. Since we have data binding ember inputs in our contact-info form, the values will be grabbed automatically once the form submits. Thus, we can call ‘save’ method on the ‘currentUser’ model and pass an object called ‘adapterOptions’ which has key ‘updateMode’. We send this key to the ‘user’ serializer so that it picks only the attributes to be updated and omits the other ones. We have customized our user serializer as:

if (snapshot.adapterOptions && snapshot.adapterOptions.updateMode === 'contact-info') { = pick(, ['email', 'contact']);

The ‘save’ method on the ‘currentUser’ ‘’ returns a promise. We resolve the promise by setting the ‘currentUserModel’ as the updated ‘user’ as returned by the promise. Thus, we are able to update the email and contact-info using the JSON API.


Ember data official guide

Blog on models and Ember data by Embedly

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Checking Image Size to Avoid Crash in Android Apps

In Giggity app a user can create a shortcut for the event by clicking on “home shortcut” button in the navigation drawer. Open Event format provides the logo URL in the return data so we do not need to provide it separately in the app’s raw file.

Sometimes the image can be too big to be put on screen as icon for shortcut. In this blog I describe a very simple method to check if we should use the image or not to avoid the crash and pixelation due to resolution.

We can store the image received in bitmap format. A bitmap is a type of memory organization or image file format used to store digital images. The term bitmap comes from the computer programming terminology, meaning just a map of bits, a spatially mapped array of bits. By storing it in bitmap format we can easily get the necessary information about the image to check if it is suitable for use.

We can use the BitmapFactory class which provides several decoding methods like (decodeByteArray(), decodeFile(), decodeResource(), etc.) for creating a Bitmap from various sources. Choose the most appropriate decode method based on your image data source. These methods attempt to allocate memory for the constructed bitmap and therefore can easily result in an OutOfMemory exception. Each type of decode method has additional signatures that let you specify decoding options via the BitmapFactory.Options class. Setting the inJustDecodeBounds property to true while decoding avoids memory allocation, returning null for the bitmap object but setting outWidth, outHeight and outMimeType. This technique allows you to read the dimensions and type of the image data prior to construction (and memory allocation) of the bitmap.

BitmapFactory.Options options = new BitmapFactory.Options();
options.inJustDecodeBounds = true;
BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(),, options);
int imageHeight = options.outHeight;
int imageWidth = options.outWidth;
String imageType = options.outMimeType;

To avoid java.lang.OutOfMemory exceptions, check the dimensions of a bitmap before decoding it, unless you absolutely trust the source to provide you with predictably sized image data that comfortably fits within the available memory.

So here is the particular example from Giggity app, it avoids crash on the recieving a large image for the icon. So once we store the the image in bitmap format we check if the height and width of the icon is exceeding the maximum limit.

public Bitmap getIconBitmap() {

 InputStream stream = getIconStream();
 Bitmap ret = null;

 if (stream != null) {
 ret = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(stream);
 if (ret == null) {
 Log.w("getIconBitmap", "Discarding unparseable file");
 return null;
 if (ret.getHeight() > 512 || ret.getHeight() != ret.getWidth()) {
 Log.w("getIconBitmap", "Discarding, icon not square or >512 pixels");
 return null;
 if (!ret.hasAlpha()) {
 Log.w("getIconBitmap", "Discarding, no alpha layer");
 return null;
 return ret;

If it does then we can avoid the icon. In this case we check if the icon is more than 512 pixels in height and width. If it is so then we could avoid it.

We could also check if the icon has a transparent background by using “hasAlpha” so we could have uniformity in the icons displayed on the screen. In the final result you can see the icon of the TUBIX 2017 conference added on the screen as it was following all those defined criterias.

Now that the image dimensions are known, they can be used to decide if the full image should be loaded into memory or if a subsampled version should be loaded instead. Here are some factors to consider:

  • Estimated memory usage of loading the full image in memory.
  • Amount of memory you are willing to commit to loading this image given any other memory requirements of your application.
  • Dimensions of the target ImageView or UI component that the image is to be loaded into.
  • Screen size and density of the current device.

For example, it’s not worth loading a 1024×768 pixel image into memory if it will eventually be displayed in a 128×96 pixel thumbnail in an ImageView.



Continue ReadingChecking Image Size to Avoid Crash in Android Apps

Upgrading the Style and Aesthetic of an Android App using Material Design

I often encounter apps as I add Open Event format support that don’t follow current design guidelines. Earlier styling an app was a tough task as the color and behaviour of the views needed to be defined separately. But now as we move forward to advanced styling methods we can easily style our app.

I recently worked on upgrading the user interface of Giraffe app after adding our Open Event support. See the repository to view the code for more reference. Here I follow the same procedure to upgrade the user interface.

First we add essential libraries to move with our material aesthetic. The Appcompat library provides backward compatibility.

//Essential Google libraries
compile ''
compile '

Then we define an XML file in the values folder for the style of the app which we get through Appcompat library. We could inherit same style in the entire app or separate style for the particular activity.


   <!-- Base application theme. -->
   <style name="AppTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.NoActionBar">
       <!-- Customize your theme here. -->
       <item name="colorPrimary">@color/colorPrimary</item>
       <item name="colorPrimaryDark">@color/colorPrimaryDark</item>
       <item name="colorAccent">@color/colorAccent</item>

   <style name="AlertDialogCustom" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.Dialog.Alert">
       <item name="colorPrimary">@color/colorPrimary</item>
       <item name="colorAccent">@color/colorAccent</item>


So now we can see the views made following the same color scheme and behaviour throughout the app following current design guidelines without any particular manipulation to each of them.

Tip: Don’t define values of colors separately for different views. Define them in colors.xml to use them everywhere. It becomes easier then to change in future if needed.

The app now uses Action Bar for the frequently used operations unlike the custom layout that was made earlier.

This is how Action Bar is implemented,

First declare the action bar in XML layout,

Tip: Define color of the bar two shades lighter than the status bar.


                     android:textSize="20sp" />


Then you can use the action bar in the activity, use onCreateOptionsMenu() method to inflate options in the toolbar.

    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        title = (TextView) findViewById(;
        Toolbar toolbar = (Toolbar) findViewById(;


The menu that needs to be inflated will be like this for two button at the right end of the action bar for bookmarks and filter respectively,

<menu xmlns:android=""
        android:id = "@+id/action_bookmark"
        android:icon = "@drawable/ic_bookmark"
        android:menuCategory = "secondary"
        android:title = "Bookmark"
        app:showAsAction = "ifRoom" />
         android:id = "@+id/action_filter"
         android:icon = "@drawable/ic_filter"
         android:menuCategory = "secondary"
         android:title = "Filter"
         app:showAsAction = "ifRoom" />

To adapt the declared style further, Alert Dialogs are also modified to match the app’s theme, it’s style is defined along with the app’s style. See below

AlertDialog.Builder noFeedBuilder = new AlertDialog.Builder(context,;
                    .setPositiveButton(R.string.common_yes, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {

Here is an example of improvement, before and after we update the user interface and aesthetic of app in easy steps defined,


See this for all the changes made to step up the user interface of the app.



Continue ReadingUpgrading the Style and Aesthetic of an Android App using Material Design