Stubbed Routing Inbuilt Service used in Open Event Frontend

In Open Event Frontend, we have used services like ‘auth-manager’, ‘l10n’, ‘loader’, ‘sanitizer’, etc to ease our work with the help of predefined-functions in those services. However, while dealing with an issue in the project, there was a need to use ‘Routing’ as a service.

In the issue, we wanted to generate an access link dynamically from the access code entered by the user. The format of the access link was as follows:

“base_url + event_id + access_code”

So, for the above URL, we needed to have ‘event_id’ and ‘access_code’.

The ‘access_code’ can be readily accessed from the user’s input itself, whereas to get the event_id, we used the ‘Routing’ service in Ember.

Generally to use a service in Ember, it has to be written first,then registered, injected and then used.

‘Routing’ service in Ember is an inbuilt service unlike the ones listed at the beginning.

There is no need to write it. It can be simply registered, injected and used.

this.register('service:routing', routingStub);
this.inject.service('routing', { as: 'routing' });

where ‘register’ and ‘inject’ are the methods on Ember objects.

The integration tests in Open Event Frontend are written such that the services can be used without injecting, but the tests will fail. To pass those tests, we had to register and inject the service in the required component.

The Routing service could thus be registered and injected into the specific component( injection in the component’s integration test ) only but for future needs, this service might be needed in any other component too. For this purpose, this service was registered and injected in ‘component-helper.js’.

const routingStub = Service.extend({
  router: {
    router: {
      state: {
        params: {
          'events.view': {
            event_id: 1
    generate() {
      return '';

export default function(path, name, testCase = null) {
  moduleForComponent(path, name, {
    integration: true,

    beforeEach() {
      this.register('service:routing', routingStub);
      this.inject.service('routing', { as: 'routing' });
      this.register('service:l10n', L10n);
      this.inject.service('l10n', { as: 'l10n' });
      this.application = startApp();
      run(() => fragmentTransformInitializer.initialize(getOwner(this)));

Stubbing a Service: This is a process of faking an app of importing a service when no path is available to import. Stubbing of a service is mainly done when one needs to deal with the testing of the app. In our case, the same is done. We have stubbed the ‘Routing’ service in order to deal with the testing part. It can be seen from the above code that we have generated a ‘routingStub’ which fakes the app while registering the service in the ‘beforeModel’. The next line of code shows the ‘injection’ of service into the app.

Now we are just left with one task i.e to pass ‘routing’ from our integration tests to the component.

test('it renders', function(assert) {
  this.render(hbs`{{forms/events/view/create-access-code routing=routing}}`);

Above code shows the same.

Thus we can stub the services in Ember when any component depends on them.


Official Ember guide:

Blog by Todd Jordan:

Source code

Continue ReadingStubbed Routing Inbuilt Service used in Open Event Frontend

Using Elasticsearch Aggregations to Analyse Classifier Data in loklak Server

Loklak uses Elasticsearch to index Tweets and other social media entities. It also houses a classifier that classifies Tweets based on emotion, profanity and language. But earlier, this data was available only with the search API and there was no way to get aggregated data out of it. So as a part of my GSoC project, I proposed to introduce a new API endpoint which would allow users to access aggregated data from these classifiers.

In this blog post, I will be discussing how aggregations are performed on the Elasticsearch index of Tweets in the loklak server.

Structure of index

The ES index for Twitter is called messages and it has 3 fields related to classifiers –

  1. classifier_emotion
  2. classifier_language
  3. classifier_profanity

With each of these classifiers, we also have a probability attached which represents the confidence of the classifier for assigned class to a Tweet. The name of these fields is given by suffixing the emotion field by _probability (e.g. classifier_emotion_probability).

Since I will also be discussing aggregation based on countries in this blog post, there is also a field named place_country_code which saves the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code for the country of creation of Tweet.

Requesting aggregations using Elasticsearch Java API

Elasticsearch comes with a simple Java API which can be used to perform any desired task. To work with data, we need an ES client which can be built from a ES Node (if creating a cluster) or directly as a transport client (if connecting remotely to a cluster) –

// Transport client
TransportClient tc = TransportClient.builder()

// From a node
Node elasticsearchNode = NodeBuilder.nodeBuilder()
Client nc = elasticsearchNode.client();


Once we have a client, we can use ES AggregationBuilder to get aggregations from an index –

SearchResponse response = elasticsearchClient.prepareSearch(indexName)
                            .setQuery(QueryBuilders.matchAllQuery())  // Consider every row
                            .setFrom(0).setSize(0)  // 0 offset, 0 result size (do not return any rows)
                            .addAggregation(aggr)  // aggr is a AggregatoinBuilder object
                            .execute().actionGet();  // Execute and get results


AggregationBuilders are objects that define the properties of an aggregation task using ES’s Java API. This code snippet is applicable for any type of aggregation that we wish to perform on an index, given that we do not want to fetch any rows as a response.

Performing simple aggregation for a classifier

In this section, I will discuss the process to get results from a given classifier in loklak’s ES index. Here, we will be targeting a class-wise count of rows and stats (average and sum) of probabilities.

Writing AggregationBuilder

An AggregationBuilder for this task will be a Terms AggregationBuilder which would dynamically generate buckets for all the different values of fields for a given field in index –

AggregationBuilder getClassifierAggregationBuilder(String classifierName) {
    String probabilityField = classifierName + "_probability";
    return AggregationBuilders.terms("by_class").field(classifierName)


Here, the name of aggregation is passed as by_class. This will be used while processing the results for this aggregation task. Also, sub-aggregation is used to get average and sum probability by the name of avg_probability and sum_probability respectively. There is no need to specify to count rows as this is done by default.

Processing results

Once we have executed the aggregation task and received the SearchResponse as sr (say), we can use the name of top level aggregation to get Terms aggregation object –

Terms aggrs = sr.getAggregations().get("by_class");

After that, we can iterate through the buckets to get results –

for (Terms.Bucket bucket : aggrs.getBuckets()) {
String key = bucket.getKeyAsString();
long docCount = bucket.getDocCount(); // Number of rows
// Use name of sub aggregations to get results
Sum sum = bucket.getAggregations().get("sum_probability");
Avg avg = bucket.getAggregations().get("avg_probability");
// Do something with key, docCount, sum and avg


So in this manner, results from aggregation response can be processed.

Performing nested aggregations for different countries

The previous section described the process to perform aggregation over a single field. For this section, we’ll aim to get results for each country present in the index given a classifier field.

Writing a nested aggregation builder

To get the aggregation required, AggregationBuilder from previous section can be added as a sub-aggregation for the AggregationBuilder for country code field –

AggregationBuilder aggrs = AggregationBuilders.terms("by_country").field("place_country_code")


Processing the results

Again, we can get the results by processing the AggregationBuilders by name in a top-to-bottom fashion –

Terms aggrs = response.getAggregations().get("by_country");
for (Terms.Bucket bucket : aggr.getBuckets()) {
    String countryCode = bucket.getKeyAsString();
    Terms classAggrs = bucket.getAggregations().get("by_class");
    for (Terms.Bucket classBucket : classAggr.getBuckets()) {
        String key = classBucket.getKeyAsString();
        long docCount = classBucket.getDocCount();
        Sum sum = classBucket.getAggregations().get("sum_probability");
        Avg avg = classBucket.getAggregations().get("avg_probability");


And we have the data about classifier for each country present in the index.


This blog post explained about Elasticsearch aggregations and their usage in the loklak server project. The changes discussed here were introduced over a series of patches to by @singhpratyush (me).


Continue ReadingUsing Elasticsearch Aggregations to Analyse Classifier Data in loklak Server

Implementing ETags Support In flask-rest-jsonapi For Open Event Server

In the Open Event Server Project, the client apps required to implement ETags support so that they could efficiently consume the API.

What is an ETag ?

An entity tag (ETag) is an HTTP header used for Web cache validation and conditional requests from browsers for resources.

What is the need for an ETag ?

  • Clients can make use of this and request complete data if and only if the data has changed else use their local cache.
  • This can be used to ensure concurrency in the case of multiple clients trying to modify the same data at the same time.

How to implement ETags in the API framework ?

To implement ETags in the API framework, changes need to be done in the dispatch_request function of Resource class located at at the root of the framework.

A config variable will also be added in order to turn ETags on and off. You can name anything you want, but we went ahead with just ETAG. Now the first thing we should do is calculate the ETag hash from the original response. The response variable can be grabbed in dispatch_request and hashing can be performed on it as follows:

etag = hashlib.sha1(resp.get_data()).hexdigest()
resp.headers['ETag'] = etag # return ETag in response headers

Why did we use SHA-1 ?

In the above mentioned lines of code, you will notice that we are using SHA-1 for hashing purposes. SHA-1 is known to have collisions, so why use it ? In ETags we are not storing the hashes anywhere but are returning the ETag in the response header directly. So there is a very less probability of collision even if we used MD5, so using SHA-1 won’t hurt much 😉

Till now, the above code enables to return an ETag but that is of no use if we do not support request headers If-Match and If-None-Match. Both of these headers can be obtained from the request as follows:

if_match = request.headers.get('If-Match')
if_none_match = request.headers.get('If-None-Match')


For both If-Match and If-None-Match request headers, the system will accept a comma separated list of Etags. This can be accomplished as follows:

etag_list = [tag.strip() for tag in if_match.split(',')]


For If-Match, the response is returned only if the ETag of the current response matches any of the comma-separated ETags in the If-Match header. If none of the given ETags match, a 412 Precondition Failed status code will be returned. This can be implemented with a check as follows:

if if_match:
   etag_list = [tag.strip() for tag in if_match.split(',')]
   if etag not in etag_list and '*' not in etag_list:
       exc = PreconditionFailed({'pointer': ''}, 'Precondition failed')
       return make_response(json.dumps(jsonapi_errors([exc.to_dict()])),


For If-None-Match, the response is returned only if the ETag of the current response does not match any of the comma-separated ETags in the If-Match header. If none of the given ETags match, a 304 Not Modified status code will be returned as follows:

elif if_none_match:
   etag_list = [tag.strip() for tag in if_none_match.split(',')]
   if etag in etag_list or '*' in etag_list:
       exc = NotModified({'pointer': ''}, 'Resource not modified')
       return make_response(json.dumps(jsonapi_errors([exc.to_dict()])),


Related Links:

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Supporting Dasherized Attributes and Query Params in flask-rest jsonapi for Open Event Server

In the Open Event API Server project attributes of the API are dasherized.

What was the need for dasherizing the attributes in the API ?

All the attributes in our database models are separated by underscores i.e first name would be stored as first_name. But most of the API client implementations support dasherized attributes by default. In order to attract third party client implementations in the future and making the API easy to set up for them was the primary reason behind this decision.Also to quote the official json-api spec recommendation for the same:

Member names SHOULD contain only the characters “a-z” (U+0061 to U+007A), “0-9” (U+0030 to U+0039), and the hyphen minus (U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS, “-“) as separator between multiple words.

Note: The dasherized version for first_name will be first-name.

flask-rest-jsonapi is the API framework used by the project. We were able to dasherize the API responses and requests by adding inflect=dasherize to each API schema, where dasherize is the following function:

def dasherize(text):
   return text.replace('_', '-')


flask-rest-jsonapi also provides powerful features like the following through query params:

But we observed that the query params were not being dasherized which rendered the above awesome features useless 🙁 . The reason for this was that flask-rest-jsonapi took the query params as-is and search for them in the API schema. As Python variable names cannot contain a dash, naming the attributes with a dash in the internal API schema was out of the question.

For adding dasherizing support to the query params, change in the QueryStringManager located at of the framework root are required. A config variable named DASHERIZE_APIwas added to turn this feature on and off.

Following are the changes required for dasherizing query params:

For Sparse Fieldsets in the fields function, replace the following line:

result[key] = [value]
if current_app.config['DASHERIZE_API'] is True:
    result[key] = [value.replace('-', '_')]
    result[key] = [value]


For sorting, in the sorting function, replace the following line:

field = sort_field.replace('-', '')


if current_app.config['DASHERIZE_API'] is True:
   field = sort_field[0].replace('-', '') + sort_field[1:].replace('-', '_')
   field = sort_field[0].replace('-', '') + sort_field[1:]


For Include related objects, in include function, replace the following line:

return include_param.split(',') if include_param else []


if include_param:
   param_results = []
   for param in include_param.split(','):
       if current_app.config['DASHERIZE_API'] is True:
           param = param.replace('-', '_')
   return param_results
return []

Related links:

Continue ReadingSupporting Dasherized Attributes and Query Params in flask-rest jsonapi for Open Event Server

Modifying flask-rest-jsonapi Exception Handling in Open Event Server to Enable Support for Sentry

In Open Event Server Project, Sentry support was enabled for the project. So first of all,

What is Sentry ?

Sentry provides open source error tracking that shows you every crash in your stack as it happens, with the details needed to prioritize, identify, reproduce, and fix each issue.

The basic error tracking can be enabled with the following two simple lines,

from raven.contrib.flask import Sentry
sentry = Sentry(app, dsn='https://<key>:<secret><project>')


But after sometime, it was noticed that app-related errors were not being caught in Sentry, while migration related errors were being caught. This meant that sentry was functioning properly in the app, but it was having some trouble in identifying uncaught exceptions.

After a lot of digging, it came to knowledge that the api framework, flask-rest-jsonapi caught all unknown exceptions while dispatching the request. After catching the exceptions, it gave a jsonapi error with status 500 in return. Following is the code responsible for that:

except Exception as e:
           if current_app.config['DEBUG'] is True:
               raise e
           exc = JsonApiException('', 'Unknown error')
           return make_response(json.dumps(jsonapi_errors([exc.to_dict()])),


We now had to let these exceptions go uncaught and that required us to modify the api framework. Modifications were done in the api-framework’s exception handling as shown below

if 'API_PROPOGATE_UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTIONS' in current_app.config:
               if current_app.config['API_PROPOGATE_UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTIONS'] is True:
           if current_app.config['DEBUG'] is True:
               raise e
           exc = JsonApiException({'pointer': ''}, 'Unknown error')
           return make_response(json.dumps(jsonapi_errors([exc.to_dict()])),

A config parameter named API_PROPOGATE_UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTIONS was added to the config to turn this feature on or off.

But with all this done, Sentry was able to catch and report uncaught exceptions, but the json-api spec compliant error messages on an unknown error were not being returned due to this new change. So it was decided to handle these uncaught exceptions in the app itself. Flask’s default error handlers were used to tackle this situation:

def internal_server_error(error):
   exc = JsonApiException({'pointer': ''}, 'Unknown error')
   return make_response(json.dumps(jsonapi_errors([exc.to_dict()])), exc.status,
                        {'Content-Type': 'application/vnd.api+json'})

Thus, all uncaught exceptions were now returning a proper json-api spec compliant error response.

Related links:

Continue ReadingModifying flask-rest-jsonapi Exception Handling in Open Event Server to Enable Support for Sentry

Running Dredd Hooks as a Flask App in the Open Event Server

The Open Event Server is based on the micro-framework Flask from its initial phases. After implementing API documentation, we decided to implement the Dredd testing in the Open Event API.

After isolating each request in Dredd testing, the real challenge is now to bind the database engine to the Dredd Hooks. And as we have been using Flask-SQLAlchemy db.Model Baseclass for building all the models and Flask, being a micro framework itself, came to our rescue as we could easily bind the database engine to the Flask app. Conventionally dredd hooks are written in pure Python, but we will running them as a self contained Flask app itself.

How to initialise this flask app in our dredd hooks. The Flask app can be initialised in the before_all hook easily as shown below:

def before_all(transaction):
    app = Flask(__name__)


The database can be binded to the app as follows:

def before_all(transaction):
app = Flask(__name__)
Migrate(app, db)


The challenge now is how to bind the application context when applying the database fixtures. In a normal Flask application this can be done as following:

with app.app_context():
#perform your operation


While for unit tests in python:

with app.test_request_context():
#perform tests


But as all the hooks are separate from each other, Dredd-hooks-python supports idea of a single stash list where you can store all the desired variables(a list or the name stash is not necessary).

The app and db can be added to stash as shown below:

def before_all(transaction):
app = Flask(__name__)
Migrate(app, db)
stash['app'] = app
stash['db'] = db


These variables stored in the stash can be used efficiently as below:

def before_each(transaction):
with stash['app'].app_context():
db.engine.execute("drop schema if exists public cascade")
db.engine.execute("create schema public")


and many other such examples.

Related Links:
1. Testing Your API Documentation With Dredd:
2. Dredd Tutorial:
3. Dredd Docs:

Continue ReadingRunning Dredd Hooks as a Flask App in the Open Event Server

Encoding and Saving Images as Strings in Preferences in SUSI Android App

In this blog post, I’ll be telling about how to store images in preferences by encoding them into Strings and also how to retrieve them back. Many a times, you need to store an image in preferences for various purposes and then need to retrieve it back when required. In SUSI Android App, we need to store an image in preference to set the chat background. We just simply select image from gallery, convert image to a byte array, then do a Base 64 encoding to string, store it in preferences and later decode it and set the chat background.

Base64 Encoding-Decoding in Java

You may already know what Base 64 is but still here is a link to Wikipedia article explaining it. So, how to do a Base64 encoding-decoding in java? For that java has a class with all such methods already present.

According to the docs:

This class consists exclusively of static methods for obtaining encoders and decoders for the Base64 encoding scheme. The implementation of this class supports the following types of Base64 as specified in RFC 4648 and RFC 2045.

  • Basic
  • URL and Filename safe
  • MIME

So, you may just use Base64.encode to encode a byte array and Base64.decode to decode a byte array.


1. Selecting image from gallery


Start Image Picker Intent and pick an image from gallery. After selecting you may also start a Crop Intent to crop image also. After selecting and cropping image, you will get a URI of the image.

override fun openImagePickerActivity() {
   val i = Intent(Intent.ACTION_PICK, android.provider.MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI)
   startActivityForResult(i, SELECT_PICTURE)
val thePic = data.extras.getParcelable<Bitmap>("data")
val encodedImage = ImageUtils.Companion.cropImage(thePic)

2. Getting image from the URI using inputstream

Next step is to get the image from file using URI from the previous step and InputStream class and store it in a BitMap variable.

val imageStream: InputStream = context.contentResolver.openInputStream(selectedImageUri)
   val selectedImage: Bitmap
   val filePathColumn = arrayOf(MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA)
   val cursor = context.contentResolver.query(getImageUrl(context.applicationContext, selectedImageUri), filePathColumn, null, null, null)
   selectedImage = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(imageStream)

3. Converting the bitmap to ByteArray

Now, just convert the Bitmap thus obtained to a ByteArray using below code.

val baos = ByteArrayOutputStream()
   selectedImage.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 100, baos)
   val b = baos.toByteArray()

4. Base64 encode the ByteArray and store in preference

Encode the the byte array obtained in last step to a String and store it in preferences.

 val encodedImage = Base64.encodeToString(b, Base64.DEFAULT)
//now you have a string. You can store it in preferences

5. Decoding the String to image

Now whenever you want, you can just decode the stored Base64 encoded string to a byte array and then from byte array to a bitmap and use wherever you want.

fun decodeImage(context: Context, previouslyChatImage: String): Drawable {
   val b = Base64.decode(previouslyChatImage, Base64.DEFAULT)
   val bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(b, 0, b.size)
   return BitmapDrawable(context.resources, bitmap)


So, the main aim of this blog was to give an idea about how can you store images in preferences. There is no way to store them directly. So, you have to convert them to String by encoding them in Base64 format and then decoding it to use it. You also have other ways to store images like storing it in database etc but this one is simpler and fast.


  1. Stackoverflow answer to “How to save image as String”
  2. Other Stackoverflow answer about “Saving Images in preferences”
  3. Official docs of Base64 class
  4. Wikipedia link for learning about Base64
  5. Stackoverflow answer for “What is Base64 encoding used for?”
Continue ReadingEncoding and Saving Images as Strings in Preferences in SUSI Android App

Lazy loading images in Loklak Search

Loklak Search delivers the media rich content to the users. Most of the media delivered to the users are in the form of images. In the earlier versions of loklak search, these images were delivered to the users imperatively, irrespective of their need. What this meant is, whether the image is required by the user or not it was delivered, consuming the bandwidth and slowing down the initial load of the app as large amount of data was required to be fetched before the page was ready. Also, the 404 errors were also not being handled, thus giving the feel of a broken UI.

So we required a mechanism to control this loading process and tap into its various aspects, to handle the edge cases. This, on the whole, required few new Web Standard APIs to enable smooth working of this feature. These API’s are

  • IntersectionObserver API
  • Fetch API


As the details of this feature are involving and comprise of new API standards, I have divided this into two posts, one with the basics of the above mentioned API’s and the outline approach to the module and its subcomponents and the difficulties which we faced. The second post will mostly comprise of the details of the code which went into making this feature and how we tackled the corner cases in the path.


Our goal here was to create a component which can lazily load the images and provide UI feedback to the user in case of any load or parse error. As mentioned above the development of this feature depends on the relatively new web standards API’s so it’s important to understand the functioning of these AP’s we understand how they become the intrinsic part of our LazyImgComponent.

Intersection Observer

If we see history, the problem of intersection of two elements on the web in a performant way has been impossible since always, because it requires DOM polling constantly for the ClientRect the element which we want to check for intersection, as these operations run on main thread these kinds of polling has always been a source of bottlenecks in the application performance.

The intersection observer API is a web standard to detect when two DOM elements intersect with each other. The intersection observer API helps us to configure a callback whenever an element called target intersects with another element (root) or viewport.

To create an intersection observer is a simple task we just have to create a new instance of the observer.

var observer = new IntersectionObserver(callback, options);

Here the callback is the function to run whenever some observed element intersect with the element supplied to the observer. This element is configured in the options object passed to the Intersection Observer

var options = {
root: document.querySelector('#root'), // Defaults to viewport if null
rootMargin: '0px', // The margin around root within which the callback is triggered
threshold: 1.0

The target element whose intersection is to be tested with the main element can be setup using the observe method of the observer.

var target = document.querySelector('#target');

After this setup whenever the target element intersects with the root element the callback method is fired, and this provides the easy standard mechanism to get callbacks whenever the target element intersects with root element.

How this is used in Loklak Search?

Our goal here is to load the images only if required, ie. we should load the images lazily only if they are in the viewport. So the task of checking whether the element is near the viewport is done in a performant way using the Intersection Observer standard.

Fetch API

Fetch API provides interface for fetching resources. It provides us with generic Request and Response interfaces, which can be used as Streaming responses, requests from Service Worker or CacheAPI. This is a very lightweight API providing us with the flexibility and power to make the AJAX requests from anywhere, irrespective of context of the thread or the worker. It is also a Promise driven API. Thus, providing the remedy from the callback hell.

The basic fetch requests are really very easy to setup, all they require is the path to the resource to fetch, and they return a promise on which we can apply promise chaining to transform the response into desired form. A very simple example illustratuing the fetch API is as follows.

.then(function(response) {
return response.blob();
.then(function(respBlob) {

The role of fetch api is pretty straight forward in the lazy loading of images, ie. to actually fetch the images when requested.

Lazy Image Component

We start designing our lazy image component by structuring our API. The API our component should provide to the outside world must be similar to Native Image Element, in terms of attributes and methods. So our component’s class should look something like this, with attributes src, alt, title, width and height. Also, we have hooked a load event which host can listen to for loading success or failure of the image.

selector: 'app-lazy-img',
templateUrl: './lazy-img.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./lazy-img.component.scss'],
export class LazyImgComponent {
@Input() src: string;
@Input() width: number;
@Input() height: number;
@Input() alt: string;
@Input() title: string;
@Output() load: EventEmitter<boolean> = new EventEmitter<boolean>();

This basic API provides us with our custom <app-lazy-img> tag which we can use with the attributes, instead of standard <img> element to load the images when needed.

So our component is basically a wrapper around the standard img element to provide lazy loading behaviour.

This is the basic outline of how our component will be working.

  • The component registers with an Intersection observer, which notifies the element when it comes near the viewport.
  • Upon this notification, the component fetches the resource image.
  • When the fetch is complete, the retrieved binary stream is fed to the native image element which eventually renders the image on the screen.

This is the basic setup and working logic behind our lazy image component. In next post, I will be discussing the details of how this logic is achieved inside the LazyImgComponent, and how we solve the problems with a large number of elements rendered at once in the application.

Resources and Links

  • Intersection observer API
  • Intersection Observer polyfill for the browsers which don’t support Intersection Observer
  • Fetch API documentation
  • Fetch API polyfill for the browsers which don’t support fetch.
  • Loklak Search Repo
Continue ReadingLazy loading images in Loklak Search

Updating Page Titles Dynamically in Loklak Search

Page titles are native in the web platform, and are prime ways to identify any page. The page titles have been in the web platform since ages. They tell the browsers, the web scrapers and search engines about the page content in 1-2 words. Since the titles are used for wide variety of things from presentation of the page, history references and most importantly by the search engines to categorise the pages, it becomes very important for any web application to update the title of the page appropriately. In earlier implementation of loklak search the page title was a constant and was not updated regularly and this was not a good from presentation and SEO perspective.

Problem of page titles with SPA

Since loklak search is a single page application, there are few differences in the page title implementation in comparison to a server served multi page application. In a server served multi page application, the whole application is divided into pages and the server knows what page it is serving thus can easily set the title of the page while rendering the template. A simple example will be a base django template which holds the place to have a title block for the application.

<!-- base.html -->

<title>{% block title %} Lokalk Search {% endblock %}</title>

<!-- Other application blocks -->

Now for any other page extending this base.html it is very simple to update the title block by simply replacing it with it’s own title.

<!-- home.html -->

{% extendsbase.html%}

{% block title %} Home Page - Loklak Search {% endblock %}

<!-- Other page blocks -->

When the above template is rendered by the templating engine it replaces the title block of the base.html with the updated title block specific to the page, thus for each page at the rendering time server is able to update the page title, appropriately.

But in a SPA, the server just acts as REST endpoints, and all the templating is done at the client side. Thus in an SPA the page title never changes automatically, from the server, as only the client is in control of what page (route) it is showing. Thus it becomes the duty of the client side to update the title of the page, appropriately, and thus this issue of static non informative page titles is often overlooked.

Updating page titles in Loklak Search

Before being able to start solving the issue of updating the page titles it is certainly very important to understand what all are the points of change in the application where we need to update the page title.

  • Whenever the route in the application changes.
  • Whenever new query is fetched from the server.

These two are the most important places where we definitely want to update the titles. The way we achieved is using the Angular Title Service. The title service is a platform-browser service by angular which abstracts the workflow to achieve the title updation. There are are two main methods of this service get and set title, which can be used to achieve our desired behaviour. What title service do is abstract the extraction of Title Node and get and set the title values.

For updation of title for each page which is loaded we just attach an onInit lifecycle hook to the parent component of that page and, onInit we use the title service to update the title accordingly.

selector: 'app-home',
templateUrl: './home.component.html',
export class HomeComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
private titleService: Title
) { }

ngOnInit() {
this.titleService.setTitle(Loklak Search');

// Other initialization attributes and methods

Similarly other pages according to their context update the page titles accordingly using the simple title service. This solves the basic case of updation of the titles of the page when the actual route path changes, and thus component’s onInit lifecycle hook is the best place to change the title of the page.

selector: 'app-home',
templateUrl: './home.component.html',
export class HomeComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
private titleService: Title
) { }

ngOnInit() {
this.titleService.setTitle(Loklak Search');

// Other initialization attributes and methods

But when the actual route path doesn’t change and we want to update the title according to the query searched then it is not possible to do it using lifecycle hooks of the component. But fortunately, we are using the ngrx effects in our application and thus this task also again becomes much simpler to achieve in the application. In this situation again what we do is hook up a title change effect to SearchCompleteSuccessAction, and there we change the title accordingly.

@Effect({ dispatch: false })
resetTitleAfterSearchSuccess$: Observable<void>
= this.actions$
.map(([action, state]) => {
const displayString = state.query.displayString;
let title = `${displayString} - Loklak Search`;
if (action.type === apiAction.ActionTypes.SEARCH_COMPLETE_FAIL) {
title += ' - No Results';

Now if we look closely this effect is somewhat different from all the other effects. Firstly, the effect observable is of type void instead of type Action which is the case with other effects, and also there is is a { dispatch: false } argument passed to the constructor. Both these things are important of our resetTitle effect. As our reset title effect has no action to dispatch on it it’s execution the the observable is of type void instead of type Action, and we never want to dispatch an effect whose type is not an Action thus we set dispatch to false. Rest of the code for the effect is fairly simple, we filter all the actions and take SearchSuccess and SearchFail actions, then we get the latest value of the query display string from the store, and we use our title service to reset the title accordingly.


The titles are the important part of the web platform and are used by browsers and search engines to present and rank the relevance of the page. While developing a SPA it is even more important to maintain an updated title tag, as it is the only thing which actually changes about the page according to the context of the page. In loklak search, the title service is now used to update the titles of the page according to the search results.

Resources and Links

Continue ReadingUpdating Page Titles Dynamically in Loklak Search

Search Engine Optimization and Meta Tags in Loklak Search

Ranking higher in search results is very important for any website’s, productivity and reach. These days modern search engines use algorithms and scrape the sites for relevant data points, then these data points are processed to result in a relevance number aka the page ranking. Though these days the algorithms which search engines use are very advanced and are able to generate the context of the page by the page content, but still there are some key points which should be followed by the developers to enable a higher page ranking on search results along with better presentation of search results on the pages. Loklak Search is also a web application thus it is very important to get these crucial points correct.

So the first thing which search engines see on a website is their landing or index page, this page gives information to the search engine what the data is about in this site and then search engines follow links to to crawl the details of the page. So the landing page should be able to provide the exact context for the page. The page can provide the context using the meta tags which store the metadata information about the page, which can be used by the search engines and social sites

Meta Charset

  • The first and foremost important tag is the charset tag. It specifies the character set being used on the page and declares the page’s character encoding which is used by browsers encoding algorithm.
  • It very important to determine a correct and compatible charset for security and presentation reasons.
  • Thus the most widely used charset UTF-8 is used in loklak search.
<meta charset="utf-8">

Meta Viewport

  • The mobile browsers often load the page in a representative viewport which is usually larger than the actual screen of the device so that the content of the screen is not crammed into small space.
  • This makes the user to pan-zoom around the page to reach the desired content. But this approach often undesirable design for the most of the mobile websites.
  • For this at loklak search we use
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">


This specifies the relation between CSS pixel and device pixel. Here the relationship is actually computed by the browser itself, but this meta tag says that the width for calculating that ratio should be equal to device width and the initial-scale should be 1 (or zoom should be 0).

Meta Description

  • The meta description tag is the most important tad for the SEO as this is the description which is used by search engines and social media sites while showing the description of the page
<meta name="description"
   content="Search social media on Loklak Search. Our mission is to make the world’s social media information openly accessible and useful generating open knowledge for all">


  • This is how this description tag is used by google on the Google Search

Social Media meta tags

  • The social media meta tags are important for the presentation of the content of the page when the link is shared in these sites.
  • As the link sharing is fairly simple in social media the links should always be able to show some context about the page in a visual form without the need to click the link actually.
  • For this purpose Facebook and Twitter read special kinds of meta tags to read and display information regarding the page whenever the link is shared.
  • For twitter cards data we have used
<!-- Twitter Card data -->
 <meta name="twitter:card" content="summary">
 <meta name="twitter:site" content="@fossasia">
 <meta name="twitter:title" content="Loklak Search">
 <meta name="twitter:description" content="Search social media on Loklak Search. Our mission is to make the world’s social media information openly accessible and useful generating open knowledge for all">
 <meta name="twitter:image" content="">


This specifies the card to be of type summary card. There are many types of cards which are provided by twitter and  can be found here.

  • The facebook also uses the similar approach but with different meta tag names for their graph API.
 <!-- Open Graph data -->
 <meta property="og:title" content="Loklak Search">
 <meta property="og:type" content="website">
 <meta property="og:url" content="">
 <meta property="og:image" content="">
 <meta property="og:description" content="Search social media on Loklak Search. Our mission is to make the world’s social media information openly accessible and useful generating open knowledge for all">
 <meta property="og:site_name" content="Loklak Search">


Presentation of the content in the web plays a crucial role in reach and usage of the application. Wider reach and high usage are the core goals of Loklak Search project so that open data reaches the masses. To achieve this we are slowly moving for better sharing experience for the loklak pages using standard techniques. By using these we hope that we will be able to reach a wider audience, thus delivering the open content to masses.

Resources and Links

Continue ReadingSearch Engine Optimization and Meta Tags in Loklak Search