Exporting Speakers and Sessions list download as CSV in the Open Event Server

In an event management system there is a need for organizers to get speakers data from the system and be able to use and process it elsewhere. Organizers might need a list of emails, phone numbers or other information. An “export” of speakers and sessions in a CSV file that can be opened in any spreadsheet application is a good way to obtain this data. Therefore we implemented an export as CSV funtion in the Open Event Server.


Now the Open Event Orga Server allows event organizers to export a list of speakers and details about their sessions such as Session status, Session title, Session speaker, Session track.

The speaker csv includes details about the speaker such as Name, Sessions, Email, Status, Mobile, Organisation, and Position.


How did we implement it:

When clicking on the Export As CSV button on either of the pages it calls the download_speakers_as_csv / download_sessions_as_csv  from speakers / sessions tab .

The Speaker’s Tab

Session’s Tab

The functions are defined in sessions.py file.

First we get data from the sessions table by event_id and the event details from event table :

sessions = DataGetter.get_sessions_by_event_id(event_id)

# This is for getting event name to put as the filename

event = DataGetter.get_event(event_id)


Then we go on with creating the csv file.

We iterate through all the sessions and find the speaker associated with each. We save each row in a new list named data and after each iteration add it to a main list .

main = [["Session Title", "Session Speakers", \
         "Session Track", "Session Abstract", "Email Sent"]]
for session in sessions:
    if not session.deleted_at:
        data = [session.title + " (" + session.state + ")" if session.title else '']
        if session.speakers:
            inSession = ''
            for speaker in session.speakers:
                if speaker.name:
                    inSession += (speaker.name + ', ')
        data.append(session.track.name if session.track.name else '')
        data.append(strip_tags(session.short_abstract) if session.short_abstract else '')
        data.append('Yes' if session.state_email_sent else 'No')

In the last part of the code python’s csv  module is used to create a csv file out of the nested lists. The csv module takes care of properly escaping the characters such as punctuation marks ( like comma ) and appending a newline character in the end of each list .

Snippet of Code from sessions.py file


In the last few lines of this code section , you can see the headers being added , necessary for downloading the file on the user’s end.

The make_response function is imported from flask package.

make_response : Converts the return value from a view function to a real response object  ( as documented here).


The  exported filename format is like :

‘%event-name%-Speakers.csv’ , ‘%event-name%-Sessions.csv

Thus getting the list of speakers and session details as csv files.

Speaker’s CSV

Session’s CSV


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