Adding Dredd Tests for Image Sizes on Open Event Flask Server

In this blog, we will talk about how to add dredd hooks for testing the API of Event Image Sizes and Speaker Image Sizes in Open Event Server. The focus is on adding the factory class and dredd hooks of these APIs using factory-boy python library and Dredd API testing framework.

Factory Creation

For the Event and Speaker Image Sizes, we’ll make our factory classes EventImageSizeFactory  and SpeakerImageSizeFactory as follows

Now, let’s try to understand this class.

In this class, we are writing the sample data two records of ImageSizes Model, these records corresponds to Event and Speaker Image Sizes.

  1. First of all, we inherit class factory.alchemy.SQLAlchemyModelFactory to build our sample data which for Image Sizes.
  2. Class Meta has model and sqlalchemy_session attributes. Model tells the factory class of to which model this factory class push the data to database and sqlalchemy_session is assigned with the current database session.
  3. Next, we add the attributes according to the model and Schema of Image Sizes.

Adding Dredd Hooks

For the ImageSizes, we’ll make our dredd hooks as follows

Now, let’s try to understand these tests.

In this tests, we check the API by matching the response after adding a record in these API to one which is present at API blueprint.

  1. First of all, we use decorator @hooks.before which means we first add a record in the database and then match the response we get from API say /v1/event-image-sizes with the response mentioned at Image Size > Event Image Size Details > Get Event Image Size Details in API blueprint.
  2. We create an instance of EventImageSizeFactory which is a record of model Image Sizes.
  3. This record is then returned as a response of API /v1/event-image-sizes and matches with the blueprint at Image Size > Event Image Size Details > Get Event Image Size Details

Similarly, we have added other dredd tests for PATCH method as well.

So, we saw how factory-boy python library and Dredd API testing framework helped us in testing the REST APIs on Open Event Server.


Continue ReadingAdding Dredd Tests for Image Sizes on Open Event Flask Server

Unit testing nodejs with Mocha and Chai

There are a lot of unit testing frameworks available for Javascript, Jasmine and Karma being some of the older and more popular ones.

Jasmine and Karma, though are, originally designed for browser-side JS, and hence, frameworks like NodeUnit and Mocha have become more popular with server-size JS.
We needed code coverage reports to work after the unit tests, and the Jasmine-Node reports were not sufficient, so we just moved to using Mocha.

When using Mocha, we can use some assert library (which is not necessary, but makes life a hell lot easier). We are using chai at the open-event-webapp..

First of all install mocha globally –

npm install -g mocha

And write your tests in the test/ folder that mocha by default considers as the folder containing your test specs. For example we have our tests here –

Writing a simple mocha test is as easy as this –

var assert = require('chai').assert;
describe('Array', function() {
  describe('#indexOf()', function() {
    it('should return -1 when the value is not present', function() {
      assert.equal(-1, [1,2,3].indexOf(5));
      assert.equal(-1, [1,2,3].indexOf(0));

The first parameter inside describe() is just to show the tests in a aesthetic way in the console.

You can see our tests described in this file  –

And attached below is an screenshot of the terminal after I have run the command mocha in the root of my project

Screenshot from 2016-07-10 04-42-26

Continue ReadingUnit testing nodejs with Mocha and Chai