Adding a Countdown to Orders Page in Open Event Frontend
This blog post will illustrate how you can add a countdown to orders page which on finishing expires the ticket in Open Event. In Open Event we allow some predefined time for users to fill in their details and once the time expires order gets expired and tickets get released. Users can order the tickets again if they want.
We start by adding a createdAt field to orders model so that we can keep track of remaining time. To calculate the time when the order should expire we add predefined time in which user should fill their details to createdAt time. In this way, we get the time when the order will expire.
So now to calculate the remaining time we just subtract the expiring time from current time. And then we render this data into the template. We define getRemainingTime property in our template and fetch the data for that property with help of javascript.
To see the template code visit this link.
The challenge here is to update the time remaining after every second. For this, we take the help of ember runloop. The run.later() function of ember runloop helps us to calculate the property after every second and set it. Code for setting the remaining time with the help of javascript is given below.
// app/components/forms/orders/order-form.js getRemainingTime: computed('data', function() { let willExpireAt = this.get('data.createdAt').add(10, 'minutes'); this.timer(willExpireAt, this.get('data.identifier')); }), timer(willExpireAt, orderIdentifier) { run.later(() => { let currentTime = moment(); let diff = moment.duration(willExpireAt.diff(currentTime)); this.set('getRemainingTime', moment.utc(diff.asMilliseconds()).format('mm:ss')); if (diff > 0) { this.timer(willExpireAt, orderIdentifier); } else { this.get('data').reload(); this.get('router').transitionTo('orders.expired', orderIdentifier); } }, 1000); }
As given in the code. We pass expiring time and order’s model instance to the timer function. Timer function calculates the remaining time and sets it to getRemainingTime property of template. Timer function runs after every second with the help of run.later() function of ember runloop. To format the remaining time into MM:SS we take help of moment.js library and format the data accordingly.
Once the remaining time is less than zero (time expires) we reload the model and transition current route to expired route. We do not have to set order status as expired inside the FE. Server sets the order as expired after the predefined time. So we just reload the model from the server and we get the updated status of the order.
- Orders API:
- Link to the PR:
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