Event-driven programming in Flask with Blinker signals

Setting up blinker:

The Open Event Project offers event managers a platform to organize all kinds of events including concerts, conferences, summits and regular meetups. In the server part of the project, the issue at hand was to perform multiple tasks in background (we use celery for this) whenever some changes occurred within the event, or the speakers/sessions associated with the event.

The usual approach to this would be applying a function call after any relevant changes are made. But the statements making these changes were distributed all over the project at multiple places. It would be cumbersome to add 3-4 function calls (which are irrelevant to the function they are being executed) in so may places. Moreover, the code would get unstructured with this and it would be really hard to maintain this code over time.

That’s when signals came to our rescue. From Flask 0.6, there is integrated support for signalling in Flask, refer http://flask.pocoo.org/docs/latest/signals/ . The Blinker library is used here to implement signals. If you’re coming from some other language, signals are analogous to events.

Given below is the code to create named signals in a custom namespace:

from blinker import Namespace

event_signals = Namespace()
speakers_modified = event_signals.signal('event_json_modified')

If you want to emit a signal, you can do so by calling the send() method:

speakers_modified.send(current_app._get_current_object(), event_id=event.id, speaker_id=speaker.id)

From the user guide itself:

“ Try to always pick a good sender. If you have a class that is emitting a signal, pass self as sender. If you are emitting a signal from a random function, you can pass current_app._get_current_object() as sender. “

To subscribe to a signal, blinker provides neat decorator based signal subscriptions.

def name_of_signal_handler(app, **kwargs):


Some Design Decisions:

When sending the signal, the signal may be sending lots of information, which your signal may or may not want. e.g when you have multiple subscribers listening to the same signal. Some of the information sent by the signal may not be of use to your specific function. Thus we decided to enforce the pattern below to ensure flexibility throughout the project.

def new_handler(app, **kwargs):
# do whatever you want to do with kwargs['event_id']

In this case, the function new_handler needs to perform some task solely based on the event_id. If the function was of the form def new_handler(app, event_id), an error would be raised by the app. A big plus of this approach, if you want to send some more info with the signal, for the sake of example, if you also want to send speaker_name along with the signal, this pattern ensures that no error is raised by any of the subscribers defined before this change was made.

When to use signals and when not ?

The call to send a signal will of course be lying in another function itself. The signal and the function should be independent of each other. If the task done by any of the signal subscribers, even remotely affects your current function, a signal shouldn’t be used, use a function call instead.

How to turn off signals while testing?

When in testing mode, signals may slow down your testing as unnecessary signals subscribers which are completely independent from the function being tested will be executed numerous times. To turn off executing the signal subscribers, you have to make a small change in the send function of the blinker library.

Below is what we have done. The approach to turn it off may differ from project to project as the method of testing differs. Refer https://github.com/jek/blinker/blob/master/blinker/base.py#L241 for the original function.

def new_send(self, *sender, **kwargs):
    if len(sender) == 0:
        sender = None
    elif len(sender) > 1:
        raise TypeError('send() accepts only one positional argument, '
                        '%s given' % len(sender))
        sender = sender[0]
    # only this line was changed
    if not self.receivers or app.config['TESTING']:
        return []
        return [(receiver, receiver(sender, **kwargs))
                for receiver in self.receivers_for(sender)]
Signal.send = new_send

event_signals = Namespace
# and so on ....

That’s all for now. Have some fun signaling 😉 .


Continue ReadingEvent-driven programming in Flask with Blinker signals

Set proper content type when uploading files on s3 with python-magic

In the open-event-orga-server project, we had been using Amazon s3 storage for a long time now. After some time we encountered an issue that no matter what the file type was, the Content-Type when retrieving this files from the storage solution was application/octet-stream.

An example response when retrieving an image from s3 was as follows:

Accept-Ranges →bytes
Content-Disposition →attachment; filename=HansBakker_111.jpg
Content-Length →56060
Content-Type →application/octet-stream
Date →Fri, 09 Sep 2016 10:51:06 GMT
ETag →"964b1d839a9261fb0b159e960ceb4cf9"
Last-Modified →Tue, 06 Sep 2016 05:06:23 GMT
Server →AmazonS3
x-amz-id-2 →1GnO0Ta1e+qUE96Qgjm5ZyfyuhMetjc7vfX8UWEsE4fkZRBAuGx9gQwozidTroDVO/SU3BusCZs=
x-amz-request-id →ACF274542E950116


As seen above instead of providing image/jpeg as the Content-Type, it provides the Content-Type as application/octet-stream.While uploading the files, we were not providing the content type explicitly, which seemed to be the root of the problem.

It was decided that we would be providing the content type explicitly, so it was time to choose an efficient library to determine the file type based on the content of the file and not the file extension. After researching through the available libraries python-magic seemed to be the obvious choice. python-magic is a python interface to the libmagic file type identification library. libmagic identifies file types by checking their headers according to a predefined list of file types.

Here is an example straight from python-magic‘s readme on its usage:

>>> import magic
>>> magic.from_file("testdata/test.pdf")
'PDF document, version 1.2'
>>> magic.from_buffer(open("testdata/test.pdf").read(1024))
'PDF document, version 1.2'
>>> magic.from_file("testdata/test.pdf", mime=True)


Given below is a code snippet for the s3 upload function in the project:

file_data = file.read()
    file_mime = magic.from_buffer(file_data, mime=True)
    size = len(file_data)
    # k is defined as  k = Key(bucket) in previous code
    sent = k.set_contents_from_string(
            'Content-Disposition': 'attachment; filename=%s' % filename,
            'Content-Type': '%s' % file_mime


One thing to note that as python-magic uses libmagic-dev as a dependency and many of the distros do not come with libmagic-dev pre-installed, make sure you install libmagic-dev explicitly. (Installation instructions may vary per distro)

sudo apt-get install libmagic-dev

Voila !! Now when retrieving each and every file you’ll get the proper content type.


Continue ReadingSet proper content type when uploading files on s3 with python-magic

Generating xCal calendar in python

{ Repost from my personal blog @ https://blog.codezero.xyz/generate-xcal-calendar-in-python }

“xCal”, is an XML format for iCalendar data.

The iCalendar data format (RFC5545) is a widely deployed interchange format for calendaring and scheduling data.

A Sample xCal document

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>  
<iCalendar xmlns:xCal="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xcal">  
        <prodid>-//Pentabarf//Schedule 1.0//EN</prodid>
        <x-wr-caldesc>FOSDEM 2016</x-wr-caldesc>
        <x-wr-calname>Schedule for events at FOSDEM 2016</x-wr-calname>
            <summary>Introduction to the SDR Track- Speakers, Topics, Algorithm</summary>
            <description>&lt;p&gt;The opening talk for the SDR devroom at FOSDEM 2016.&lt;/p&gt;</description>
            <categories>Software Defined Radio</categories>
            <attendee>Martin Braun</attendee>

Each event/session will be in a seperate vevent block. Each speaker/attendee of an event/session will be in an attendee block inside a vevent block.

Some important elements are:

  1. version – Has the version of the iCalendar data
  2. prodid – Contains the name of the application/generator that generated this document
  3. x-wr-caldesc – A descriptive name for this calendar
  4. x-wr-calname – A description of the calendar

The structure and keywords used in xCal are the same as those used in the iCal format. To generate the XML document, we’ll be using python’s ElementTreeXML API that is part of the Python standard library.

We’ll be using two main classes of the ElementTree API:

  1. Element – used to create a standard node. (Used for the root node)
  2. SubElement – used to create a sub element and attache the new node to a parent

Let’s start with the root iCalendar node and set the required attributes.

from xml.etree.ElementTree import Element, SubElement, tostring

i_calendar_node = Element('iCalendar')  
i_calendar_node.set('xmlns:xCal', 'urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xcal')

Now, to add the vcalendar node to the iCalendar node.

v_calendar_node = SubElement(i_calendar_node, 'vcalendar')

Let’s add the other aspects of the calendar to the vcalendar node as separate sub nodes.

version_node = SubElement(v_calendar_node, 'version')  
version_node.text = '2.0'

prod_id_node = SubElement(v_calendar_node, 'prodid')  
prod_id_node.text = '-//fossasia//open-event//EN'

cal_desc_node = SubElement(v_calendar_node, 'x-wr-caldesc')  
cal_desc_node.text = "Calendar"

cal_name_node = SubElement(v_calendar_node, 'x-wr-calname')  
cal_name_node.text = "Schedule for sessions"

Now, we have added information about our calendar. Now to add the actual events to the calendar. Each event would be a vevent node, a child of vcalendar node. We can loop through all our available event/sessions and add them to the calendar.

for session in sessions:  
    v_event_node = SubElement(v_calendar_node, 'vevent')

    uid_node = SubElement(v_event_node, 'uid')
    uid_node.text = str(session.id)

    dtstart_node = SubElement(v_event_node, 'dtstart')
    dtstart_node.text = session.start_time.isoformat()

    dtend_node = SubElement(v_event_node, 'dtend')
    dtend_node.text = tz.localize(session.end_time).isoformat()

    duration_node = SubElement(v_event_node, 'duration')
    duration_node.text =  "00:30"

    summary_node = SubElement(v_event_node, 'summary')
    summary_node.text = session.title

    description_node = SubElement(v_event_node, 'description')
    description_node.text = session.short_abstract

    class_node = SubElement(v_event_node, 'class')
    class_node.text = 'PUBLIC'

    status_node = SubElement(v_event_node, 'status')
    status_node.text = 'CONFIRMED'

    categories_node = SubElement(v_event_node, 'categories')
    categories_node.text = session.session_type.name

    url_node = SubElement(v_event_node, 'url')
    url_node.text = "https://some.conf/event/" + str(session.id)

    location_node = SubElement(v_event_node, 'location')
    location_node.text = session.microlocation.name

    for speaker in session.speakers:
        attendee_node = SubElement(v_event_node, 'attendee')
        attendee_node.text = speaker.name

Please note that all the timings in the XML Document must comply with ISO 8601 and must have the date+time+timezone. Example: 2007-04-05T12:30-02:00.

We’re still not done yet. We now have the XML document as an Element object. But we’ll be needing it as a string to either store it somewhere or display it.

The document can be converted to a string by using the ElementTree API’s tostring helper method and passing the root node.

xml_as_string = tostring(i_calendar_node)

And that’s it. You now have a proper XML document representing your events.

Continue ReadingGenerating xCal calendar in python

KISS Datatable

Recenlty I’ve faced a problem with sorting columns in Datatable.

What is Datatable?

Datatable is a plug-in for Jquery library. It provides a lot of features like pagination, quick search or multi-column ordering. Besides, you can develop easily Bootstrap or Foundation ui css styles. There are also more other option but It doesn’t make sense to list it here, because you can visit their site and you can read clearly documentation. On Datatable website you can see a lot of examples. First of them shows how to improve your ordinary table to awesome and rich of features table. One function changes everything, It’s fantastic!  


Returning to my problem which I’ve faced, as I told it was problem related to sorting column in table.

I know sorting is a trivial thing. I hope that everyone knows it 🙂 Sorting by a date is also implemented in a datatable library. So everything is clear when we don’t change date format to human readable format. I mean something like this ‘3 hours ago’, ‘1 year ago’.

When Open Event team tested how datatable manages ordering columns in that format it didn’t work. It’s quite hard to sort by that format, So I’ve invented an idea. Surely you are wondering what i’ve invented. I’ve postponed my minds about sort by this values. It can direct to overwork. When I thought about it, weird ideas came to my mind, a lots of conditions, If statements… Therefore I’ve resigned from this. I’ve used KISS principle. KISS means ‘keep it simple stupid’. I like it!

Therefore that sorting is implemented on frontend side. I’ve decided not to display human readable date format at the beginning. I find  all dates which have format “YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm” then I replace that format to human readable format. So it’s very quick and comfortable, and doesn’t require a lot conditions to write. Of course I’ve tried to implement it in Datatable library. I suppose that it would  require more effort than it’s now.

Below You can see great function which changes a date in frontend side but does not change data in a datatable. So sorting process takes place in a datatable using format  “YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm” but user see human readable format. Isn’t it awesome?!

function change_column_time_to_humanize_format(datatable_name, column_id) {
  $(datatable_name).each(function( key, value ) {
    $(value).children().each(function( key1, value2 ) {
       if(key1 === column_id ){
          var current_value = $(value2).text().slice(0, 16);
          var changed_value = moment(current_value, "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm").fromNow()
          var isValid = moment(current_value, "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm", true).isValid()
          if (changed_value !== current_value && isValid === true){


Continue ReadingKISS Datatable

Building the Scheduler UI

{ Repost from my personal blog @ https://blog.codezero.xyz/building-the-scheduler-ui }

If you hadn’t already noticed, Open Event has got a shiny new feature. A graphical and an Interactive scheduler to organize sessions into their respective rooms and timings.

As you can see in the above screenshot, we have a timeline on the left. And a lot of session boxes to it’s right. All the boxes are re-sizable and drag-drop-able. The columns represent the different rooms (a.k.a micro-locations). The sessions can be dropped into their respective rooms. Above the timeline, is a toolbar that controls the date. The timeline can be changed for each date by clicking on the respective date button.

The Clear overlaps button would automatically check the timeline and remove any sessions that are overlapping each other. The Removed sessions will be moved to the unscheduled sessions pane at the left.

The Add new micro-location button can be used to instantly add a new room. A modal dialog would open and the micro-location will be instantly added to the timeline once saved.

The Export as iCal allows the organizer to export all the sessions of that event in the popular iCalendar format which can then be imported into various calendar applications.

The Export as PNG saves the entire timeline as a PNG image file. Which can then be printed by the organizers or circulated via other means if necessary.

Core Dependencies

The scheduler makes use of some javascript libraries for the implementation of most of the core functionality

  • Interact.js – For drag-and-drop and resizing
  • Lodash – For array/object manipulations and object cloning
  • jQuery – For DOM Manipulation
  • Moment.js – For date time parsing and calculation
  • Swagger JS – For communicating with our API that is documented according to the swagger specs.
Retrieving data via the API

The swagger js client is used to obtain the sessions data using the API. The client is asynchronously initialized on page load. The client can be accessed from anywhere using the javascript function initializeSwaggerClient.

The swagger initialization function accepts a callback which is called if the client is initialized. If the client is not initialized, the callback is called after that.

var swaggerConfigUrl = window.location.protocol + "//" + window.location.host + "/api/v2/swagger.json";  
window.swagger_loaded = false;  
function initializeSwaggerClient(callback) {  
    if (!window.swagger_loaded) {
        window.api = new SwaggerClient({
            url: swaggerConfigUrl,
            success: function () {
                window.swagger_loaded = true;
                if (callback) {

    } else {
        if (callback) {

For getting all the sessions of an event, we can do,

initializeSwaggerClient(function () {  
    api.sessions.get_session_list({event_id: eventId}, function (sessionData) {
        var sessions = sessionData.obj;  // Here we have an array of session objects

In a similar fashion, all the micro-locations of an event can also be loaded.

Processing the sessions and micro-locations

Each session object is looped through, it’s start time and end time are parsed into moment objects, duration is calculated, and it’s distance from the top in the timeline is calculated in pixels. The new object with additional information, is stored in an in-memory data store, with the date of the event as key, for use in the timeline.

The time configuration is specified in a separate time object.

var time = {  
    start: {
        hours: 0,
        minutes: 0
    end: {
        hours: 23,
        minutes: 59
    unit: {
        minutes: 15,
        pixels: 48,
        count: 0
    format: "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss"

The smallest unit of measurement is 15 minutes and 48px === 15 minutes in the timeline.

Each day of the event is stored in a separate array in the form of Do MMMM YYYY(eg. 2nd May 2013).

The array of micro-location objects is sorted alphabetically by the room name.

Displaying sessions and micro-locations on the timeline

According to the day selected, the sessions for that day are displayed on the timeline. Based on their time, the distance of the session div from the top of the timeline is calculated in pixels and the session box is positioned absolutely. The height of the session in pixels is calculated from it’s duration and set.

For pixels-minutes conversion, the following are used.

 * Convert minutes to pixels based on the time unit configuration
 * @param {number} minutes The minutes that need to be converted to pixels
 * @returns {number} The pixels
function minutesToPixels(minutes) {  
    minutes = Math.abs(minutes);
    return (minutes / time.unit.minutes) * time.unit.pixels;

 * Convert pixels to minutes based on the time unit configuration
 * @param {number} pixels The pixels that need to be converted to minutes
 * @returns {number} The minutes
function pixelsToMinutes(pixels) {  
    pixels = Math.abs(pixels);
    return (pixels / time.unit.pixels) * time.unit.minutes;
Adding interactivity to the session elements

Interact.js is used to provide interactive capabilities such as drag-drop and resizing.

To know how to use Interact.js, you can checkout some previous blog posts on the same, Interact.js + drag-drop and Interact.js + resizing.

Updating the session information in database on every change

We have to update the session information in database whenever it is moved or resized. Every time a session is moved or resized, a jQuery event is triggered on $(document) along with the session object as the payload.

We listen to this event, and make an API request with the new session object to update the session information in the database.

The scheduler UI is more complex than said in this blog post. To know more about it, you can checkout the scheduler’s javascript code atapp/static/js/admin/event/scheduler.js.

Continue ReadingBuilding the Scheduler UI

Python code examples

I’ve met many weird examples of  behaviour in python language while working on Open Event project. Today I’d like to share some examples with you. I think this knowledge is necessary, if you’d like to increase a  bit your knowledge in python area.

Simple adding one element to python list:

def foo(value, x=[]):
  return x

>>> print(foo(1))
>>> print(foo(2))
>>> print(foo(3, []))
>>> print(foo(4))


[1, 2] 
[1, 2, 4]

First output is obvious, but second not exactly. Let me explain it, It happens because x(empty list) argument is only evaluated once, So on every call foo(), we modify that list, appending a value to it. Finally we have [1,2, 4] output. I recommend to avoid mutable params as default.

Another example:

Do you know which type it is?

>>> print(type([ el for el in range(10)]))
>>> print(type({ el for el in range(10)}))
>>> print(type(( el for el in range(10))))

Again first and second type are obvious <class ‘list’>, <class ‘set’>. You may  think that last one should return type tuple but it returns a generator <class ‘generator’>.


Do you think that below code returns an exception?

list= [1,2,3,4,5]
>>> print(list [8:])

If you think that above expression returns index error you’re wrong. It returns empty list [].

Example funny boolean operators

>>> 'c' == ('c' or 'b')
>>> 'd' == ('a' or 'd')
>>> 'c' == ('c' and 'b')
>>> 'd' == ('a' and 'd')

You can think that that OR and AND operators are broken.

You have to know how python interpreter behaves while looking for OR and AND operators.

So OR Expression takes the first statement and checks if it is true. If the first statement is true, then Python returns object’s value without checking second value. If first statement is false interpreter checks second value and returns that value.

AND operator checks if first statement is false, the whole statement has to be false. So it returns first value, but if first statement is true it checks second statement and returns second value.

Below i will show you how it works

>>> 'c' == ('c' or 'b')
>>> 'c' == 'c'
>>> 'd' == ('a' or 'd')
>>> 'd' == 'a'
>>> 'c' == ('c' and 'b')
>>> 'c' == 'b'
>>> 'd' == ('a' and 'd')
>>> 'd' == 'd'

I hope that i have explained you how the python interpreter checks OR and AND operators. So know above examples should be more understandable.

Continue ReadingPython code examples

Accepting Stripe payments on behalf of a third-party

{ Repost from my personal blog @ https://blog.codezero.xyz/accepting-stripe-payments-on-behalf-of-a-third-party }

In Open Event, we allow the organizer of each event to link their Stripe account, so that all ticket payments go directly into their account. To make it simpler for the organizer to setup the link, we have a Connect with stripe button on the event creation form.

Clicking on the button, the organizer is greeted with a signup flow similar to Login with Facebook or any other social login. Through this process, we’re able to securely and easily obtain the credentials required to accept payments on behalf of the organizer.

For this very purpose, stripe provides us with an OAuth interface called as Stripe Connect. Stripe Connect allows us to connect and interact with other stripe accounts through an API.

We’ll be using Python’s requests library for making all the HTTP Requests to the API.
You will be needing a stripe account for this.

Registering your platform
The OAuth Flow

The OAuth flow is similar to most platforms.

  • The user is redirected to an authorization page where they login to their stripe account and authorize your app to access their account
  • The user is then redirected back to a callback URL with an Authorization code
  • The server makes a request to the Token API with the Authorization code to retrieve the access_token, refresh_token and other credentials.

Implementing the flow

Redirect the user to the Authorization URL.

The authorization url accepts the following parameters.

  1. client_id – The client ID acquired when registering your platform.required.
  2. response_type – Response type. The value is always code. required.
  3. redirect_uri – The URL to redirect the customer to after authorization.
  4. scope – Can be read_write or read_only. The default is read_only. For analytics purposes, read_only is appropriate; To perform charges on behalf of the connected user, We will need to request read_write scope instead.

The user will be taken to stripe authorization page, where the user can login to an existing account or create a new account without breaking the flow. Once the user has authorized the application, he/she is taken back to the Callback URL with the result.

Requesting the access token with the authorization code

The user is redirected back to the callback URL.

If the authorization failed, the callback URL has a query string parameter error with the error name and a parameter error_description with the description of the error.

If the authorization was a success, the callback URL has the authorization code in the code query string parameter.

import requests

data = {  
    'client_secret': 'CLIENT_SECRET',
    'grant_type': 'authorization_code'

response = requests.post('https://connect.stripe.com/oauth/token', data=data)

The client_secret is also obtained when registering your platform. The codeparameter is the authorization code.

On making this request, a json response will be returned.

If the request was a success, the following response will be obtained.

  "token_type": "bearer",
  "stripe_publishable_key": PUBLISHABLE_KEY,
  "scope": "read_write",
  "livemode": false,
  "stripe_user_id": USER_ID,
  "refresh_token": REFRESH_TOKEN,
  "access_token": ACCESS_TOKEN

If the request failed for some reason, an error will be returned.

  "error": "invalid_grant",
  "error_description": "Authorization code does not exist: AUTHORIZATION_CODE"

The access_token token obtained can be used as the secret key to accept payments like discussed in Integrating Stripe in the Flask web framework.

Continue ReadingAccepting Stripe payments on behalf of a third-party

Multiple Tickets: Back-end

In my previous post I talked about approach for Multiple Ticket feature’s user-interface [Link]. In this post I’ll discuss about Flask back-end used for saving multiple tickets.

HTML Fields Naming

Since the number of Tickets a user creates is unknown to the server, details of tickets were needed to be sent as an array of values. So the server would accept the list of values and iterate over them. To send data as an array the naming had to include brackets. Below are some input fields used in tickets:

        <input type="hidden" name="tickets[type]">
        <input type="text" name="tickets[name]" class="form-control" placeholder="Ticket Name" required="required" data-uniqueticket="true">
        <div class="help-block with-errors"></div>
        <input type="number" min="0" name="tickets[price]" class="form-control"  placeholder="$" value="">
        <input type="number" min="0" name="tickets[quantity]" class="form-control" placeholder="100" value="{{ quantity }}">
    <!-- Other fields -->

At the server

When the POST request reaches the server, any of the above fields (say tickets[name]) would be available as a list. The Flask Request object includes a form dictionary that contains all the POST parameters sent with the request. This dictionary is an ImmutableMultiDict object, which has a getlist method to get array of elements.

For instance in our case, we can get tickets[name] using:

@expose('/create', methods=('POST', 'GET'))
def create_view(self):
    if request.method == 'POST':
        ticket_names = request.form.getlist('tickets[name]')

    # other stuff

The ticket_names variable would contain the list of all the Ticket names sent with the request. So for example if the user created three tickets at the client-side, the form would possibly look like:

<form method="post">
  <!-- Ticket One -->
  <input type="text" name="tickets[name]" class="form-control" value="Ticket Name One">
  <!-- Ticket Two -->
  <input type="text" name="tickets[name]" class="form-control" value="Ticket Name Two">
  <!-- Ticket Three -->
  <input type="text" name="tickets[name]" class="form-control" value="Ticket Name Three">


After a successful POST request to the server, ticket_names should contain ['Ticket Name One', 'Ticket Name Two', 'Ticket Name Three'].

Other fields, like tickets[type], tickets[price], etc. can all be extracted from the Request object.

Checkbox Fields

A problem arose when a checkbox field was needed for every ticket. In my case, a “Hide Ticket” option was needed to let the user decide if he wants the ticket to be shown at the public Events page.

Screenshot from 2016-08-13 12:39:29

The problem with checkboxes is that, for a checkbox of a particular name attribute, if it is not selected, POST parameters of the request made by the client will not contain the checkbox input field parameter. So if I define an input field as a checkbox with the following naming convention, and make a POST request to the server, the server will receive blah[] parameter only if the input element had been checked.

<input type="checkbox" name="blah[]" >

This creates a problem for “Hide ticket” checkboxes. For instance, at the client-side the user creates three tickets with the first and last tickets having their checkboxes selected, the server would get an array of two.

  <!-- Ticket One -->
  <input type="checkbox" name="tickets[hide]" checked>
  <!-- Ticket Two -->
  <input type="checkbox" name="tickets[hide]">
  <!-- Ticket Three -->
  <input type="checkbox" name="tickets[hide]" checked>

ticket_hide_opts = request.form.getlist('tickets[hide]')

ticket_hide_opts would be an array of length two. And there is no way to tell what ticket had its “Hide ticket” option checked. So for the hide checkbox field I had to define input elements with unique names to extract them at the server.

There is also a hack to overcome the unchecked-checkbox problem. It is by using a hidden field with the same name as the checkbox. You can read about it here: http://www.alexandrejoseph.com/blog/2015-03-03-flask-unchecked-checkbox-value.html.

Continue ReadingMultiple Tickets: Back-end

PayPal Express Checkout in Python

As per the PayPal documentation …

Express Checkout is a fast, easy way for buyers to pay with PayPal. Express Checkout eliminates one of the major causes of checkout abandonment by giving buyers all the transaction details at once, including order details, shipping options, insurance choices, and tax totals.

The basic steps for using express checkout to receive one-time payments are:

  1. Getting the PayPal API credentials.
  2. Making a request to the API with the transaction details to get a token
  3. Using the token to send the users to the PayPal payment page
  4. Capturing the payment and charging the user after the user completes the payment at PayPal.

We will be using PayPal’s Classic NVP (Name-value pair) API for implementing this.

Getting PayPal API Credentials

To begin with, we’ll need API Credentials.
We’ll be using the Signature API credentials which consists of

  • API Username
  • API Password
  • Signature

To obtain these, you can follow the steps at Creating and managing NVP/SOAP API credentials – PayPal Developer.

You’ll be getting two sets of credentials. Sandbox and Live. We’ll just stick to the Sandbox for now.

Now, we need sandbox test accounts for making and receiving payments. Head over to Creating Sandbox Test Accounts – PayPal Developer and create two sandbox test accounts. One would be the facilitator and one would be the buyer.

PayPal NVP Servers

All the API actions will take place by making a request to the PayPal server. PayPal has 4 different NVP servers for 4 different purposes.

  1. https://api-3t.sandbox.paypal.com/nvp – Sandbox “testing” server for use with API signature credentials.
  2. https://api-3t.paypal.com/nvp– PayPal “live” production server for use with API signature credentials.
  3. https://api.sandbox.paypal.com/nvp – Sandbox “testing” server for use with API certificate credentials.
  4. https://api.paypal.com/nvp – PayPal “live” production server for use with API certificate credentials.

We’ll be using the Sandbox “testing” server for use with API signature credentials.

Creating a transaction and obtaining the token

To create a transaction, we’ll need to make a request with all the transaction details. We can use Python requests library to easily make the requests. All requests are POST.

We’ll be calling the SetExpressCheckout method of the NVP API to obtain the token.

import requests  
import urlparse

data = {  
    'USER': credentials['USER'],
    'PWD': credentials['PWD'],
    'SIGNATURE': credentials['SIGNATURE'],
    'SUBJECT': credentials['FACILITATOR_EMAIL'],
    'METHOD': 'SetExpressCheckout',
    'VERSION': 93,
    'RETURNURL': 'http://localhost:5000/paypal/return/',
    'CANCELURL': 'http://localhost:5000/paypal/cancel/'
response = requests.post('https://api-3t.sandbox.paypal.com/nvp', data=data)  
token = dict(urlparse.parse_qsl(response.text))['TOKEN']


  • USER represents your Sandbox API Username.
  • PWD represents your Sanbox API Password.
  • SIGNATURE represents your Sandbox Signature.
  • SUBJECT represents the facilitator’s email ID.
  • PAYMENTREQUEST_0_AMT is the total transaction amount.
  • PAYMENTREQUEST_0_CURRENCYCODE is the 3 digit ISO 4217 Currency code.
  • RETURNURL is where the user will be sent to after the transaction
  • CANCELURL is where the user will be sent to if he/she cancels the transaction.

A URL-Encoded, Name-value pair response would be obtained. We can decode that into a dict by using Python’s urlparse modules.

From the response, we’re extracting the TOKEN which we will use to generate the payment URL for the user.

This token has to be retained since we’ll be using it in further steps of the process.

Redirecting the user to PayPal for Approval

With the token we obtained, we can form the payment URL.


We’ll have to send the user to that URL. Once the user completes the transaction at PayPal, he/she will be returned to the RETURNURL where we’ll further process the transaction.

Obtaining approved payment details and capturing the payment

Once the user completes the transaction and gets redirected back to RETURNURL, we’ll have to obtain the confirmed payment details from PayPal. For that we can again use the token ID that we obtained before.

We’ll now be making a request to the GetExpressCheckoutDetails method of the API.

import requests  
import urlparse

data = {  
    'USER': credentials['USER'],
    'PWD': credentials['PWD'],
    'SIGNATURE': credentials['SIGNATURE'],
    'SUBJECT': credentials['FACILITATOR_EMAIL'],
    'METHOD': 'GetExpressCheckoutDetails',
    'VERSION': 93,

response = requests.post('https://api-3t.sandbox.paypal.com/nvp', data=data)  
result = dict(urlparse.parse_qsl(response.text))  
payerID = result['PAYERID']

A URL-Encoded, Name-value pair response would be obtained. We can decode that into a dict by using Python’s urlparse modules.

This will provide us with information about the transaction such as transaction time, transaction amount, charges, transaction mode, etc.

But, we’re more interested in the PAYERID which we’ll need to capture/collect the payment. The money is not transferred to the facilitators account until it is captured/collected. So, be sure to collect it.

To collect it, we’ll be making another request to the DoExpressCheckoutPaymentmethod of the API using the token and the PAYERID.

import requests  
import urlparse

data = {  
    'USER': credentials['USER'],
    'PWD': credentials['PWD'],
    'SIGNATURE': credentials['SIGNATURE'],
    'SUBJECT': credentials['FACILITATOR_EMAIL'],
    'METHOD': 'DoExpressCheckoutPayment',
    'VERSION': 93,
    'PAYERID': payerID,

response = requests.post('https://api-3t.sandbox.paypal.com/nvp', data=data)  
result = dict(urlparse.parse_qsl(response.text))  
status = result['ACK']

All the details have to be the same as the ones provided while obtaining the token. Once we make the request, we’ll again get a URL-Encoded, Name-value pair response. We can decode that into a dict by using Python’s urlparsemodules.

From the response, ACK (Acknowledgement status) will provide us with the status of the payment.

  • Success — A successful operation.
  • SuccessWithWarning — A successful operation; however, there are messages returned in the response that you should examine.
  • Failure — The operation failed; the response also contains one or more error messages explaining the failure.
  • FailureWithWarning — The operation failed and there are messages returned in the response that you should examine.

And, we have completed the PayPal transaction flow for Express Checkout. These are just the basics and might miss a few stuff. I suggest you go through the following links too for a better understanding of everything:

For Reference:
  1. PayPal Name-Value Pair API Basics – PayPal Developer
  2. How to Create One-Time Payments Using Express Checkout – PayPal Developer
Continue ReadingPayPal Express Checkout in Python

Multiple Tickets: User Interface

An Event can have multiple tickets for different purposes. For instance an Arts Exhibition can have multiple Galleries. The Organizer might be interested in assigning a ticket (let’s assume paid) for each Gallery. The user can then buy tickets for the Galleries that he wishes to attend. The feature that Multiple Tickets really provide is exclusiveness. Let’s say Gallery1 has a shorter area (by land) than others. Obviously the Organizer would want fewer people to be present there than other Galleries. To do this, he can create a separate ticket for Gallery1 and specify a shorter sales period. He can also reduce the Maximum number of order that a user can make (max_order). If we would have implemented single ticket per event, this wouldn’t have been possible.

Tickets at Wizard

To handle multiple tickets at the wizard, proper naming of input tags was required. Since the number of tickets that can be created by the user was unknown to the server we had to send ticket field values as lists. Also at the client-side a way was required to let users create multiple tickets.

User Interface

A ticket can be of three types: Free, Paid and Donation. Out of these, only the Paid tickets need a Price. The Tickets holder could be a simple table, with every ticket being a table row. This became more complex afterwards, when more details about the ticket needed to be displayed. A ticket would then be two table rows with one of them (details) hidden.

Ticket holder can be a simple bootstrap table:

<table class="table tickets-table">
            <th>Ticket Name</th>
      <!-- Ticket -->
        <!-- Main info -->
        <!-- More details (initially hidden) -->
      <!-- /Ticket -->

To make ticket creation interactive, three buttons were needed to create the above three tickets. The type-name doesn’t not necessarily have to be shown to the user. It could be specified with the Price. For Paid ticket, the Price input element would be a number. For Free and Donation tickets, a Price input element wasn’t required. We could specify an element displaying one of the two types: Free or Donation.

Here’s the holder table with a Free Ticket and a Donation Ticket:

Screenshot from 2016-08-09 16:51:06

Since only the Price field is changing in the three types of tickets, I decided to create a template ticket outside of the form and create a JavaScript function to create one of the tickets by cloning the template.

A Free Ticket with its edit options opened up. You can see other details about the ticket in the second table row.

Screenshot from 2016-08-09 16:52:14

This is a simplified version of the template. I’ve removed common bootstrap elements (grid system) including some other fields.

<div id="ticket-template">
        <input type="hidden" name="tickets[type]">
        <input type="text" name="tickets[name]" class="form-control" placeholder="Ticket Name" required="required" data-uniqueticket="true">
        <div class="help-block with-errors"></div>
        <!-- Ticket Price -->
        <input type="number" min="0" name="tickets[quantity]" class="form-control" placeholder="100" value="{{ quantity }}">
        <div class="btn-group">
            <a class="btn btn-info edit-ticket-button" data-toggle="tooltip" title="Settings">
                <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-cog"></i>
            <a class="btn btn-info remove-ticket-button" data-toggle="tooltip" title="Remove">
                <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash"></i>
    <td colspan="4">
        <div class="row" style="display: none;">
            <!-- Other fields including Description, Sales Start and End time,
              Min and Max Orders, etc.

Like I said, the Price element of ticket will make the type obvious for the user, so a type field does not need to be displayed. But the type field is required by the server. You can see it specified as hidden in the template.

The function to create a Ticket according to the type:

I’ve commented snippets to make it easy to understand.

function createTicket(type) {
    /* Clone ticket from template */
    var $tmpl = $("#ticket-template").children().clone();

    var $ticket = $($tmpl[0]).attr("id", "ticket_" + String(ticketsCount));
    var $ticketMore = $($tmpl[1]).attr("id", "ticket-more_" + String(ticketsCount));

    /* Bind datepicker and timepicker to dates and times */
        'showDuration': true,
        'timeFormat': 'H:i',
        'scrollDefault': 'now'

    /* Bind iCheck to checkboxes */
        checkboxClass: 'icheckbox_flat-green',
        radioClass: 'iradio_flat-green'

    /* Bind events to Edit (settings) and Remove buttons */
    var $ticketEdit = $ticket.find(".edit-ticket-button");
    $ticketEdit.on("click", function () {

    var $ticketRemove = $ticket.find(".remove-ticket-button");
    $ticketRemove.on("click", function () {
        var confirmRemove = confirm("Are you sure you want to remove the Ticket?");
        if (confirmRemove) {

    /* Set Ticket Type field */

    /* Set Ticket Price field */
    var html = null;
    if (type === "free") {
        html = '';
    } else if (type === "paid") {
        html = '';
    } else if (type === "donation") {
        html = '';

    /* Append ticket to table */
    $ticketsTable.append($ticket, $ticketMore);

    ticketsCount += 1;

The flow is simple. Clone the template, bind events to various elements, specify type and price fields and then append to the ticket holder table.

Screenshot from 2016-08-09 17:00:59

We use the Datepicker and Timepicker JavaScript libraries for date and time elements. So fields using these widgets need to have methods called on the elements. Also, we use iCheck for checkboxes and radio buttons. Apart from these, the Edit-Ticket and Remove-Ticket buttons also need event handlers. Edit-Ticket button toggles the Ticket Details segment (second tr of a ticket). Remove-Ticket deletes the ticket. After the Price and Type fields are set, the ticket is appended to the holder table with slow animation.

Continue ReadingMultiple Tickets: User Interface