Implementing Event Image Size and Speaker Image Size APIs in Open Event Frontend

This blog article will illustrate how the Image Sizes APIs concerning event and speaker images are integrated in  Open Event Frontend, which allows for dynamic configurations of storing speaker and event images. The primary end points of Open Event API with which we are concerned with for fetching the event and speaker image sizes are

GET /v1/event-image-sizes


GET /v1/speaker-image-sizes

These endpoints are accessible only to a user with has administrator privileges as the customisation of image sizes is possible only on the admin dashboard. The image sizes are independent in regards to relationships and don’t have any related fields.

The model for the admin image settings route is defined as follows:

export default ModelBase.extend(CustomPrimaryKeyMixin, {
 thumbnailSizeQuality     : attr('number'),
 type                     : attr('string'),
 smallSizeWidthHeight     : attr('number'),
 smallSizeQuality         : attr('number'),
 iconSizeQuality          : attr('number'),
 iconSizeWidthHeight      : attr('number'),
 thumbnailSizeWidthHeight : attr('number')

The form which allows user to select image sizes, is in a separate component, and initially both the speaker and event image sizes are passed onto the component as a part of the entire model, so they can be separated later as per the requirement.

{{forms/admin/settings/images-form image=model save=’saveImages’ isLoading=isLoading}}

Most of the fields specify the units in which the numerical input concerning the image dimensions will be interpreted by the server and standard min and max validations are applied to the fields to ensure genuine and legitimate values can pass through the frontend.

<h3 class=”ui header”>{{t ‘Large Size’}}</h3>

{{input type=’number’ name=’large_width’ value=image.eventImageSize.fullWidth min=1}}

{{input type=’number’ name=’large_height’ value=image.eventImageSize.fullHeight min=1}}

{{input type=’number’ name=’large_quality’ value=image.eventImageSize.fullQuality min=1}}


{{ui-checkbox label=(t ‘Standard aspect ratio is 13:5. Tick to maintain aspect ratio.’) class=’checkbox’ name=’large_ratio’ checked=image.eventImageSize.fullAspect onChange=(action (mut image.eventImageSize.fullAspect))}}

{{t ‘Standard Size of the available area is 1300px X 500px’}}
<p>{{t ‘Found in :’}}</p>

{{t ‘Background Header Image in Public Event Page’}}


Furthermore, to ensure a user does not accidentally change the values inside the form, an action is triggered while transitioning away from the route which rollbacks any unsaved changes to the image sizes.

actions: {
willTransition() {
this.get('controller.model').forEach(image => {


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Creating the View Route for Users in Open Event Frontend

This blog article will describe how the users view user route is created in Open Event Frontend, which allows the admin to view a user whenever view action button in the user table is clicked.

The primary end point of Open Event API with which we are concerned with for fetching the the users details is

GET /v1/users/{user_id}

The complete user information on the view route is displayed, which includes the name, email, details about the user. All these are the attributes of the model user. Thus the model for the route is defined as follows:

model(params) {
return'user', params.session_id);

The view route is located at app/admin/users/<user_id> and the parent route, app/users has another sub route within it called list. The list route shows all, active, deleted users. This list has a column of action buttons.

This list can only be accessed by the admin. Whenever the view button in the Actions column is clicked the admin gets redirected to the view users route.

actions: {
    moveToUserDetails(id) {
      this.transitionToRoute('admin.users.view', id);

The user profile form is:

label=(t ‘User Image’)
hint=(t ‘Select User Image’)
aspectRatio=(array 1 1)
helpText=(t ‘We recommend using at least a 1000x1000px (1:1 ratio) image’)}}

{{input type=’text’ id=’name’ value=user.firstName}}

{{input type=’text’ id=’last_name’ value=user.lastName}}

{{widgets/forms/rich-text-editor id=’details’ value=user.details}}

The view route shows the following information about the user: Name, Family name, Email, Image of the user, Details of the user. Thus the admin can view all the users registered in the application.


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Adding Sessions and Events Statistics in the Admin Dashboard in Open Event Frontend

This blog article will illustrate how the admin statistics API for events and sessions is integrated and how the values of different types of sessions and events is added to the admin dashboard in   Open Event Frontend.

The primary end point of Open Event API with which we are concerned with for fetching the statistics are

GET /v1/admin/statistics/events

GET /v1/admin/statistics/events

import Route from '@ember/routing/route';

export default Route.extend({
 async model() {
   return {
     events: await this.get('store').queryRecord('admin-statistics-event', {
       filter: {
         name : 'id',
         op   : 'eq',
         val  : 1
sessions: await this.get('store').queryRecord('admin-statistics-session', {
       filter: {
         name : 'id',
         op   : 'eq',
         val  : 1

The route file helps to fetch the total count of each type of session and event through the queries written in the code. queryRecord is used instead of query because a single record is expected to be returned by the API. The view route is /admin.

The model needs to extend the base model class and all the attributes of the model will be number since the all the data obtained via these models from the API will be numerical statistics.

For Events:

import attr from 'ember-data/attr';
import ModelBase from 'open-event-frontend/models/base';export default ModelBase.extend({
draft     : attr('number'),
published : attr('number'),
past      : attr('number')

For Sessions:

import attr from 'ember-data/attr';
import ModelBase from 'open-event-frontend/models/base';export default ModelBase.extend({
confirmed : attr('number'),
accepted  : attr('number'),
submitted : attr('number'),
draft     : attr('number'),
rejected  : attr('number'),
pending   : attr('number')

Once we retrieve the values of the attributes from the queries written in the route file we display the values of pending, rejected, accepted sessions and published, draft, past events.

class="label"> {{t 'Accepted'}}
class="ui teal label"> {{model.sessions.accepted}}
</div> </div>
class="ui small statistic">
class="label"> {{t 'Draft'}}
class="ui yellow label"> {{model.sessions.pending}}
</div> </div>
class="ui small statistic">
class="label"> {{t 'Rejected'}}
class="ui red label"> {{model.sessions.rejected}}


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Creating the View Route for Sessions in Open Event Frontend

This blog article will illustrate how the creation of the view route for sessions is done and how the sessions API is integrated with it on Open Event Frontend, which allows for the sessions and their associated data to be displayed. Also, it illustrates how the template for my-sessions is modified to make it possible to reuse it for the view route with desired changes.

The primary end point of Open Event API with which we are concerned with for fetching the the session details is

GET /v1/sessions/{session_identifier}

For displaying the complete session information on the view route, the session type,  speakers and session track are also required. All of these extra attributes have a relationship with a given session and hence can be fetched in a single query. Thus the model for the route is defined as follows:

model(params) {
return‘session’, params.session_id, {
include: ‘session-type,speakers,track’

The view route is located at app/routes/my-sessions/view and the parent route, app/routes/my-sessions has another sub route within it called list. The list route shows upcoming and past sessions to the user based on the params passed to it. Thus a navigation is required to alternate between those two routes. However, this navigation should not be present in the view route. Thus the template my-sessions.hbs is modified as follows:

{{#if (and (not-includes session.currentRouteName ‘my-sessions.view’))}}
<h1 class=”ui header”>{{t ‘My Sessions’}}</h1>

{{#link-to ‘my-sessions.list’ ‘upcoming’ class=’item’}}
{{t ‘Upcomming Sessions’}}
{{#link-to ‘my-sessions.list’ ‘past’ class=’item’}}
{{t ‘Past Sessions’}}


The session.currentRouteName property allows conditional rendering of the navigation component.

Finally the template for the view route is created:


{{#if (eq model.state ‘accepted’)}}

{{t ‘Accepted’}}

{{else if (eq model.state ‘pending’)}}

{{t ‘Pending’}}

{{else if (eq model.state ‘rejected’)}}

{{t ‘Rejected’}}


{{t ‘From ‘}}{{moment-format model.startAt ‘ddd, MMM DD HH:mm A’}}{{t ‘ to ‘}}{{moment-format model.endsAt ‘ddd, MMM DD HH:mm A’}}


{{#if model.shortAbstract}}
<p> <i>{{model.shortAbstract}}</i> </p>
<h3 class=”ui left aligned header”>Session Type</h3>
<h3 class=”ui left aligned header”>Track</h3>
{{#if model.slidesUrl}}
<h3 class=”ui left aligned header”>Slide</h3>
<a href=”{{model.slidesUrl}}”>{{t ‘Download’}}</a>

Based on the state property of the session, the label displaying the status is appropriately coloured wherein green, yellow and red colours denote accepted, pending and rejected sessions respectively. Since most of the fields of the session model are optional in nature, all of the them are subjected to conditional checks for existence.



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Adding System Image for Event Categories

The Open Event Server is using the JSON 1.0 Specification and build on top of Flask Rest Json API (for building Rest APIs) and Marshmallow (for Schema). In this blog, we will talk about how to add feature of System Image for Event Categories on Open Event Server. The focus is on Model updation, Schema updation and migrating the Database.

Model Updation

For adding System Image, we’ll update our Model EventTopic.

In this feature, we are providing rights to the Admin to add a system image for each Event Category so that if no image is given by a organizer of event on event creation then it will use the system image of that Event Category as event image by default.

Here we are adding a Column named system_image_url which is of type String. This value cannot be nullable and having a default value.

Migrating the Database

For the migrating the Database we will use simple commands.

This command runs migrations. If it cause problems naming Multiple Migration Head, then you need to run

This problem is caused when two developers push a migration file without merging two heads to achieve one head.

The above command will give us ids of two migration heads.

This command is merging two migration heads.

This command is upgrading the migrations.

Finally, we migrate the Database using above command.

Schema Updation

For the system image, we’ll update the Schema EventTopicSchema as follows

In this feature, to provide system image for each Event Category we’ll add a field named system_image_url in the Schema.

Here we are adding a field named system_image_url which is of marshmallow field type URL. This value cannot be none.

Validating the Event Image and using System Image by default

In this step, we’ll check if a event image is provided by organizer. If that is not provided then we’ll use system image of Event Category as Event Image.

Here, we will first take the event topic of event as added by the organizer. Then we will fetch the the database row in Event Topic model which has id == event_topic_id . Then we will return the system image url of that event topic to the event image.

So we saw how we could provide a default image for any event.


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Adding Event Roles concerning a User on Open Event Server

The Open Event Server enables organizers to manage events from concerts to conferences and meetups. It offers features for events with several tracks and venues. Event managers can create invitation forms for speakers and build schedules in a drag and drop interface. The event information is stored in a database. The system provides API endpoints to fetch the data, and to modify and update it. The Open Event Server is based on JSON 1.0 Specification and hence build on top of Flask Rest Json API (for building Rest APIs) and Marshmallow (for Schema).

In this blog, we will talk about how to add different events role concerning a user on Open Event Server. The focus is on its model and Schema updation.

Model Updation

For the User Table, we’ll update our User Model as follows:

Now, let’s try to understand these hybrid properties.

In this feature, we are providing Admin the rights to see whether a user is acting as a organizer, co-organizer, track_organizer, moderator, attendee and registrar of any of the event or not. Here, _is_role method is used to check whether an user plays a event role like organizer, co-organizer, track_organizer, moderator, attendee and registrar or not. This is done by querying the record from UserEventsRole model. If the record is present then the returned value is True otherwise False.

Schema Updation

For the User Model, we’ll update our Schema as follows

Now, let’s try to understand this Schema.

Since all the properties will return either True or false so these all properties are set to Boolean in Schema. Here dump_only means, we will return this property in the Schema.

So, we saw how User Model and Schema is updated to show events role concerning a user on Open Event Server.


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Adding Defaults Prior to Schema Validation Elegantly

The Open Event Server offers features for events with several tracks and venues. When we were designing the models for the API, we wanted to add default values for some fields in case they aren’t provided by the client. This blog discusses how we have implemented in the project using python decorators that complies to the DRY principle and is easy to test and maintain.


Let’s first discuss the problem at hand in detail. We use Marshmallow extensively in our project. Marshmallow is an ORM/ODM/framework-agnostic library for converting complex data types, such as objects, to and from native python data types. We use it for Validating the input data, Deserializing the input data to app-level objects and Serializing app-level objects to primitive Python types.

We can define Schema’s very easily using Marshmallow. It also provides an easy way to declare default values to the fields. Below is a sample schema declaration:

class SampleSchema(Schema):
    Sample Schema declaration

    class Meta:
        Meta class for the Sample Schema
        type_ = 'sample-schema'

    id = fields.Str(dump_only=True)
    field_without_default = fields.Str(required=True)
    field_with_default = fields.Boolean(required=True, default=False)

We have defined an id field for storing the unique ID of the Model. We have also defined two other fields. One of them named as “field_with_default” is a Boolean field and has a default value specified as False.

When a client makes a POST/PATCH request to the server, we first validate the input data sent to us by the clients against the defined schema. Marshmallow also supports schema validation but it doesn’t support using default values during deserialization of the input data. It meant that whenever the input data had a missing field, the server would throw a validation error even for a field for which the default values are defined. It was clearly wrong since if the default values are defined, we would want that value to be used for the field. This defeats the entire purpose of declaring default values at the first place.

So, we would ideally like the following behaviour from the Server:

  1. If the values are defined in the input data, use it during validation.
  2. If the value for a required field is not defined but default value has been defined in the Schema, then use that value.
  3. If no value has been defined for a required field and it doesn’t have any default value specified, then throw an error.


Marshmallow provides decorators like @pre_load and @post_load for adding pre-processing and post-processing methods. We can use them to add a method in each of the Schema classes which takes in the input data and the schema and adds default values to fields before we validate the input.

The first approach which we took was to add the following method to each of the schema classes defined in the project.

def patch_defaults(schema, in_data):
        data = in_data.get('data')
        if data is None or data.get('attributes') is None:
            return in_data
        attributes = data.get('attributes')
        for name, field in schema.fields.items():
            dasherized_name = dasherize(name)
            attribute = attributes.get(dasherized_name)
            if attribute is None:
                attributes[dasherized_name] = field.default
        return in_data

The method loops over all the fields defined in the schema class using schema.fields.item(). dasherize is a helper function defined in the utils class which converts underscores(_) in the variable name to dashes(-). After replacing the underscores with dashes we check if the value for the attribute is None. If it is None, then we assign it the specified default value.

Enhancing the solution

The above solution works but there is a problem. We have around 50 schemas defined in the project. Copy pasting this method 50 times would definitely violate the DRY principle. Moreover if we need to change this method in the future, we would have to do it 50 times.

One way to avoid it would be to add the patch_defaults method in a separate file and add a helper method make_object in each of the schema classes which just calls it.

def make_object(self, in_data):
    return patch_defaults(self, in_data)

We would still be repeating the helper method in 50 different files but since it’s sole purpose is to call the patch_defaults method, we won’t have to make changes in 50 files.

It certainly works well but we can go a step further and make it even easier. We can define a class decorator which would add the above make_object method to the class.

def use_defaults():
    Decorator added to model classes which have default values specified for one of it's fields
    Adds the make_object method defined above to the class.
    :return: wrapper
    def wrapper(k, *args, **kwargs):
        setattr(k, "make_object", eval("make_object", *args, **kwargs))
        return k
    return wrapper

Now we can simply add the use_defaults() decorator on the schema class and it would work.


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Adding Statistics of Event-Type on Open Event Server

The Open Event Server enables organizers to manage events from concerts to conferences and meet-ups. It offers features for events with several tracks and venues. In this blog, we will talk about how to add statistics of event-type on Open Event Server. The focus is on to get number of events of a specific event type.

Number of events of a specific event type

Now, let’s try to understand this API. Here, we are using flask Blueprints to add this API to the API index.

  1. First of all, we are using the decorator of event_statistics which will append this API route with that of mentioned in the Blueprint event_statistics.
  2. We will just allow logged in user to access this API using JWT (JSON Web Token)
  3. To return the response having all the event types alongwith number of events of it, requires a lot of queries if tried to fulfilled by SQLALchemy ORM. So instead of using ORM we will query using SQL command so that we query the number of all the events of different event types in just one query, which will eventually reduces the time of server to return the response.
  4. In function event_types_count we are using db.engine.execute to run the SQL command of getting the statistics of events respective to event types.
  5. The response will include id of event_type, name of event_type and count of events of corresponding event_type.
  6. Finally, we jsonify the list having objects of statistics of events respective to event types.

Similarly, event topics statistics can be implemented to return the number of events of all the event topics.


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Adding Modules API on Open Event Server

The Open Event Server enables organizers to manage events from concerts to conferences and meet-ups. It offers features for events with several tracks and venues. Event managers can create invitation forms for speakers and build schedules in a drag and drop interface. The event information is stored in a database. The system provides API endpoints to fetch the data, and to modify and update it.

The Open Event Server is based on JSON 1.0 Specification and hence build on top of Flask Rest Json API (for building Rest APIs) and Marshmallow (for Schema).

In this blog, we will talk about how to add API for accessing the Modules on Open Event Server. The focus is on Schema creation and it’s API creation.

Schema Creation

For the ModuleSchema, we’ll make our Schema as follows

Now, let’s try to understand this Schema.

In this feature, we are providing Admin the rights to set whether Admin wants to include tickets, payment and donation in the open event application.

  1. First of all, we will provide three fields in this Schema, which are ticket_include, payment_include and donation_include.
  2. The very first attribute ticket_include should be Boolean as we want Admin to update it whether he wants to include ticketing system in the application from default one which is False.
  3. Next attribute payment_include should be Boolean as we want Admin to update it whether he wants to include payment system in the application from default one which is False.
  4. Next attribute donation_include should be Boolean as we want Admin to update it whether he wants to include donation system in the application from default one which is False.

API Creation

For the ModuleDetail, we’ll make our API as follows

Now, let’s try to understand this API.

In this API, we are providing Admin the rights to set whether Admin wants to include tickets, payment and donation in the open event application.

  1. First of all, there is the need to know that this API has two method GET and PATCH.
  2. Decorators shows us that only Admin has permissions to access PATCH method for this API i.e. only Admins can modify the modules .
  3. before_get method shows us that this API will give first record of Modules model irrespective of the id requested by user.
  4. Schema used here is default one of Modules
  5. Hence, GET Request is accessible to all the users.

So, we saw how Module Schema and API is created to allow users to get it’s values and Admin users to modify it’s values.


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Handling Click Events using Custom Binding Adapters

The Open Event Organiser Android App is the Event management app for organizers using the Open Event Platform. It is currently released in the Alpha phase on the Google Play Store here and is being actively developed by the community.

The Data Binding Library is one of the most popular libraries among the android developers. We use it extensively in the application in order to greatly simplify the UI binding logic. While trying to show the details of a speaker in the application, we wanted to list his/her social media links using Image buttons.

Upon clicking one of these buttons, the user was supposed to be directed to the link after opening the default web browser. This blog post discusses how we used custom Binding Adapters to handle click events on an Image Button by defining a custom attribute.

Defining the Binding Adapter

We defined a simple Binding Adapter for an Image button meant to handle social media links. We used “imageOnClick” as the custom attribute name for specifying the URL that will be opened once the button is clicked.

public static void bindOnImageButtonClickListener(ImageButton imageButton, String url) {
  imageButton.setOnClickListener(view -> {
    if (url != null) {
      Context context = imageButton.getContext();
      Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);
      if (intent.resolveActivity(context.getPackageManager()) != null) {
      } else {
        Toast.makeText(context, "No Web browser found", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();


The method can be named anything you want and can be placed anywhere in the project but we would recommend creating a separate class for all the Binding adapters.
The important things to take away from the above method are:

  • The method needs to be public otherwise the Data binding framework won’t be able to find it.
  • We need to pass in the view as the first parameter and the attribute value as the second parameter.

Then we simply set the familiar click listener to handle the click interaction. We use the Context from the view passed in the method as the first parameter. Then we create an Intent and set the passed in URL as the data. We make sure that the user has a browser installed on his/her android phone before we try to open the browser. We show a suitable error message if they don’t.

Using it in Layout

Using the custom attribute in the layout was extremely simple. We specified the url using the attribute “imageOnClick” and the rest was handled by the Binding Adapter and the Data binding framework.  

     app:imageOnClick="@{ speaker.linkedin }"
     android:visibility="@{ (speaker.linkedin != null) ? View.VISIBLE : View.GONE }"


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