Change Password Feature for Open Event Android Organizer App
In Open Event Organizer Android App, the users were able to successfully login and sign up but in case they wanted to change their login password they could not. So, we added a feature to allow users to change their existing password. This blog explains the technical details to implement this feature following MVVM architecture and using highly efficient libraries like Retrofit, RxJava, Raziz Labs DbFlow, Data Binding.
We will implement a page where users can enter their old password and new password along with a confirm password field. Their will be a login button to send the password change request to server. Server then return a response and we will provide feedback regarding the request. We are following MVP architecture so there will be a Model class, Fragment class, Presenter class and Network Layer to make network requests.
Let’s start with creating ChangePassword model class. There are three fields to store old password, new password and new confirmed password. Several Lombok annotations like @Data, @AllArgsConstructor, @NoArgsConstructor are used to avoid boilerplate code for getters, setters and constructors. @JsonNaming annotation is used to translate the Java Object names to KebabCase when they are serialized.
@Data @AllArgsConstructor @NoArgsConstructor @JsonNaming(PropertyNamingStrategy.KebabCaseStrategy.class) public class ChangePassword { public String oldPassword; @JsonIgnore |
The layout file is binded to model using Data Binding. There will be three TextInputEditText fields for user input. An option to toggle password visibility and a login button.
The Fragment class binds layout file to the Fragment and handle UI stuff. Presenter is called to make Login request when login button is pressed.
public class ChangePasswordFragment extends BaseFragment<ChangePasswordPresenter> implements ChangePasswordView {
@Override AppCompatActivity activity = ((AppCompatActivity) getActivity()); ActionBar actionBar = activity.getSupportActionBar(); return binding.getRoot(); @Override binding.btnChangePassword.setOnClickListener(view -> { String url = binding.url.baseUrl.getText().toString().trim(); }); |
When the Login button is pressed, changePasswordRequest() method is called which makes an asynchronous call to ChangePasswordModel in order to perform the task of sending and receiving data from network in a different thread than the UI thread. Along with making requests, this method also verifies the password typed in confirm password field and send the the error as well as success message to the fragment.
public class ChangePasswordPresenter extends AbstractBasePresenter<ChangePasswordView> {
public void changePasswordRequest(String oldPassword, String newPassword, String confirmPassword) { organizerPasswordObject.setOldPassword(oldPassword); changePasswordModel.changePassword(organizerPasswordObject) |
We are using Retrofit to make POST Request to server using the REST API. @Body annotation denotes the object request body which here contains a Map<String, ChangePassword> object. The Response from server is captured in Observable<ChangePasswordResponse> which is an RxJava Observable.
@POST(“auth/change-password”) Observable<ChangePasswordResponse> changePassword(@Body Map<String, ChangePassword> changePassword); |
This is the declaration for the method in Network Layer where the actual network request is made. It takes as input the changePassword object from Presenter which is already binded with data. Then it uses RxJava to asynchronously call the Api class and pass in the Map<String, ChangePassword> object. The result is then processed and Completable object is returned to the presenter. The Presenter processes the Completable object and shows user feedback in the form of a message in SnackBar.
- Official documentation for RxJava by ReactiveX
- Official documentation for Retrofit by Square Inc
- Codebase for Open Event Organizer App on Github
- Open Event Server deployment at heroku