Dynamic Base URL Support in the Open Event Organizer App
Open Event API Server acts as a backend for Open Event Organizer Android App. The server has a development instance running on the web for developers. Developers use this instance to try out new feature additions, bug fixings and other such changes in the source code. And when confirmed working, these changes are updated to the main running instance which is kept live throughout for the users. Similarly for Android app developers, to test the app with both the instances, we have implemented the dynamic base URL support in the app. The app has a default base URL set to development instance or main instance dependent on the debug mode. That means the app will use a server on developer instance when used under debug mode and will use a main instance server if used under release mode. The app also provides an option to enter an alternate URL while login in the app which replaces default base URL in the app for the session.
In the organizer app, we are using Retrofit + Okhttp for handling network requests and dagger for dependency injection. The OkhttpClient provider in NetworkModule class looks like:
@Provides @Singleton OkHttpClient providesOkHttpClient(HostSelectionInterceptor interceptor) { return new OkHttpClient.Builder() .addNetworkInterceptor(new StethoInterceptor()) .build(); }
Retrofit had a support for mutable base URL in the earlier versions but the feature is no longer available in the recent versions. We are using Interceptor class for changing base URL. The class has a method named intercept, which gets called at each network request. In this method, base URL is reset to the new URL.
So first you have to extend Interceptor class and reset base URL in the intercept method. The Interceptor class in the app looks like:
public final class HostSelectionInterceptor implements Interceptor { private String host; private String scheme; public HostSelectionInterceptor(){ //Intentionally left blank } public void setInterceptor(String url) { HttpUrl httpUrl = HttpUrl.parse(url); scheme = httpUrl.scheme(); host = httpUrl.host(); } @Override public Response intercept(Chain chain) throws IOException { Request original = chain.request(); // If new Base URL is properly formatted then replace the old one if (scheme != null && host != null) { HttpUrl newUrl = original.url().newBuilder() .scheme(scheme) .host(host) .build(); original = original.newBuilder() .url(newUrl) .build(); } return chain.proceed(original); } }
The class has a private string field host to save base URL. The method setInterceptor is used to change the base URL. Once the base URL is changed, thereafter all the network requests use changed URL to call. So now our interceptor is ready which can be used to support dynamic base URL in the app. This interceptor is added to Okhttp builder using its method addInterceptor.
@Provides @Singleton HostSelectionInterceptor providesHostSelectionInterceptor() { return new HostSelectionInterceptor(); } @Provides @Singleton OkHttpClient providesOkHttpClient(HostSelectionInterceptor interceptor) { return new OkHttpClient.Builder() .addInterceptor(interceptor) .addNetworkInterceptor(new StethoInterceptor()) .build(); }
And now you are able to change base URL just by using the setInterceptor method of Interceptor class from anywhere in the app. And by then all the network calls use the updated base URL.
I will show you here, how exactly this works in the Open Event Organizer app. On the login page, we have provided an option to enter an alternate base URL.
We have kept a default URL checked. The default URL is set as per debug mode. This is done by setting the fields in the build.gradle. The code looks like:
buildTypes { release { ... buildConfigField "String", "DEFAULT_BASE_URL", '"https://www.eventyay.com/api/v1/"' } debug { buildConfigField "String", "DEFAULT_BASE_URL", '"https://open-event-dev.herokuapp.com/api/v1/"' } }
The field is used in the app as:
private final String DEFAULT_BASE_URL = BuildConfig.DEFAULT_BASE_URL;
On login, the loginPresenter calls setInterceptor method of the Interceptor to update the URL according to the user’s input. And the base URL is changed in the app for further network requests.
1. Gist link for Interceptor implementation code – https://gist.github.com/swankjesse/8571a8207a5815cca1fb
2. Google dagger dependency injector Github Repo
3. Retrofit http client Github Repo
4. Okhttp client Github Repo
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