Meilix is a lubuntu based script. It uses Travis to compile and deploy the iso as Github Release. Normally Travis took around 17-21 minutes to build the script and then to deploy the iso on the page. It is quite good that one gets the iso in such a small interval of time but if we would able to decrease this time even more then that will be better.
Meilix script consists of basically 2 tests and 1 deploy:
- Github Deploy
The idea behind reducing the time of Meilix building is to parallely run the tests which are independent to each other. So here we run the and parallely to reduce the time upto some extent.
This pictures denotes that both the tests are running parallely and Github Releases is waiting for them to get complete successfully to deploy the iso.
Let’s see the code through which this made possible:
jobs: include: - script: ./ - script: 'if [ "$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST" = "false" ]; then bash ./scripts/; fi' - stage: GitHub Release script: echo "Deploying to GitHub releases ..."
Here we included a job section in which we wrote the test which Travis has to carry out parallely. This will run both the script at the same time and can help to reduce the time.
After both the script run successfully then Github Release the iso.
Here we can see that we are only able to save around 30-40 seconds and that much matters a lot in case if we have more than 1 build going on the same time.
Links to follow:
Travis guide to build stages