Setup Lint Testing in SUSI Android

As developers tend to make mistakes while writing code, small mistakes or issues can cause a negative impact on the overall functionality and speed of the app. Therefore it is necessary to understand the importance of Lint testing in Android.

Android Lint is a tool present in Android studio which is effective in scanning and reporting different types of bugs present in the code, it also find typos and security issues in the app. The issue is reported along with severity level thus allowing the developer to fix it based on the priority and level of damage they can cause. It is easy to use and can significantly improve the quality of your code.

Effect of Lint testing on Speed of the Android App

Lint testing can significantly improve the speed of the app in the following ways

  1. Android Link test helps in removing the declaration redundancy in the code, thus the Gradle need not to bind the same object again and again helping to improve the speed.
  2. Lint test helps to find bugs related to Class Structure in different Activities of the Application which is necessary to avoid the case of memory leaks.
  3. Lint testing also tells the developer above the size of resources use for example the drawable resources which sometimes take up a large piece of memory in the application. Cleaning these resources or replacing them with lightweight drawables helps in increasing the speed of the app.
  4. Overall Lint Testing helps in removing Typos, unused import statement, redundant strings, hence refactoring the whole code and increasing stability and speed.


We can use Gradle to invoke the list test by the following commands in the root directory of the folder.

To set up we can add this code to our build.gradle file

 lintOptions {
        lintConfig file("lint.xml")

The lint.xml generated will look something like this

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   <!-- Changes the severity of these to "error" for getting to a warning-free build -->
   <issue id="UnusedResources" severity="error"/>

To explicitly run the test on Android we can use the following commands.

On Windows

gradlew lint

On Mac

./gradlew lint

We can also use the lint testing on various variants of the app, using commands such as

gradle lintDebug 


gradle lintRelease.

The xml file generated contains the error along with their severity level .

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   <issue id="Invalid Package" severity="ignore" />
   <!-- All below are issues that have been brought to informational (so they are visible, but don't break the build) -->
   <issue id="GradleDependency" severity="informational" />    <issue id="Old TargetApi" severity="informational" />

Testing on Susi Android:-

After testing the result on Susi Android we find the following errors.

As we can see that there are two errors and a lot of warnings. Though warning are not that severe but we can definitely improve on this. Thus making a habit of testing your code with lint test will improve the performance of your app and will make it more faster.

The test provides a complete and detailed list of issues present in the project.

We can find the exact location as well as the cause of the error by going deeper into the directory like this.

We can see there is a error in build.gradle file which is due to different versions of libraries present in the gradle files as of libraries must be of same version.

In this way we can test out code and find errors in it.


Android Developer at Fossasia

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