When the SUSI Smart Speaker is set up for the first time it needs to be configured. After successful configuration, the smart speaker is registered with the associated account so that the user can see their smart speaker device information from the settings of their susi.ai account. There are two ways to configure the smart speaker:
- Through the android app
- Through the Web Configuration Page
Both these processes are shown in detail here – https://github.com/fossasia/susi_installer/blob/development/docs/configure_guide.md
After the configuration setup is done, the Smart Speaker reboots and connects to your WiFi and registers the device with the given account using the login information provided during the setup.
Figure: Device Details are shown in the susi.ai account settings after successful configuration.
The Auth Endpoint
Whenever the speaker is configured via the android app or manually via the web interface it uses various endpoints (access-point-server). For storing login information /auth endpoint is used. The /auth endpoint writes the login details to config.json file in /home/pi/SUSI.AI/config.json
The ss-susi-register service is then enabled i.e. the service will run in the next startup which will register the device online after the device is connected to the WiFi.
@app.route(‘/auth’, methods=[‘GET’]) def login(): auth = request.args.get(‘auth’) email = request.args.get(’email’) password = request.args.get(‘password’) subprocess.call([‘sudo’, ‘-u’, ‘pi’, susiconfig, ‘set’, “susi.mode=”+auth, “susi.user=”+email, “susi.pass=”+password]) display_message = {“authentication”:”successful”, “auth”: auth, “email”: email, “password”: password} if auth == ‘authenticated’ and email != “”: os.system(‘sudo systemctl enable ss-susi-register.service’) resp = jsonify(display_message) resp.status_code = 200 return resp # pylint-enable |
The SYSTEMD Registration Service
ss-susi-register.service – https://github.com/fossasia/susi_installer/blob/development/raspi/systemd/ss-susi-register.service
This is the service which registers the device on bootup after the configuration phase. The service waits for the network services to run such that the registration script is run only after when it is connected to a network. This service uses register.py to register the device online.
[Unit] Description=Register the smart speaker online Wants=network-online.target After=network-online.target [Service] Type=oneshot WorkingDirectory=/home/pi/SUSI.AI ExecStart=/usr/bin/python3 susi_installer/raspi/access_point/register.py [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target |
The Registration Script
Register.py – https://github.com/fossasia/susi_installer/blob/development/raspi/access_point/register.py
This script is responsible for the following tasks
- Get configuration information from config.json
config = json_config.connect(‘/home/pi/SUSI.AI/config.json’) user = config[‘login_credentials’][’email’] password = config[‘login_credentials’][‘password’] room = config[‘room_name’] |
- Use the login information from config.json to get the authorization token for the respective account.
def get_token(login,password): url = ‘http://api.susi.ai/aaa/login.json?type=access-token’ PARAMS = { ‘login’:login, ‘password’:password, } r1 = requests.get(url, params=PARAMS).json() return r1[‘access_token’] |
- Use the authorization token and other information from config.json and register the smart speaker online.
def device_register(access_token,room): g = geocoder.ip(‘me’) mac=’:’.join(re.findall(‘..’, ‘%012x’ % uuid.getnode())) url=’https://api.susi.ai/aaa/addNewDevice.json?&name=SmartSpeaker’ PARAMS = { ‘room’:room, ‘latitude’:str(g.lat), ‘longitude’:str(g.lng), ‘macid’:mac, ‘access_token’:access_token } r1 = requests.get(url, params=PARAMS).json() return r1 |
- If the registration fails put back the smart speaker in the access point(configuration) mode and reset the account information in config.json
try: access_token=get_token(user,password) out=device_register(access_token,room) logger.debug(str(out)) break except: if i != 2: time.sleep(5) logger.warning(“Failed to register the device, retrying.”) else: logger.warning(“Resetting the device to hotspot mode”) config[‘usage_mode’]=”anonymous” config[‘login_credentials’][’email’]=”” config[‘login_credentials’][‘password’]=”” subprocess.Popen([‘sudo’,’bash’, ‘susi_installer/raspi/access_point/wap.sh’]) |
- Disable the systemd service
The script should run only once i.e. only after the configuration process, so the ss-susi-register.service needs to be disabled.
os.system(‘sudo systemctl disable ss-susi-register.service’) |
Creating a Linux service with systemd – https://medium.com/@benmorel/creating-a-linux-service-with-systemd-611b5c8b91d6
Running shell commands in python – https://cmdlinetips.com/2014/03/how-to-run-a-shell-command-from-python-and-get-the-output/