Showing skills based on different metrics in SUSI Android App using Nested RecyclerViews

SUSI.AI Android app had an existing skills listing page, which displayed skills under different categories. As a result, there were a number of API calls at almost the same time, which led to slowing down of the app. Thus, the UI of the Skill Listing page has been changed so as to reduce the number of API calls and also to make this page more useful to the user.

API Information

For getting a list of SUSI skills based on various metrics, the endpoint used is /cms/getSkillMetricsData.json

This will give you top ten skills for each metric. Some of the metrics include skill ratings, feedback count, etc. Sample response for top skills based on rating :

"rating": [
    "model": "general",
    "group": "Knowledge",
    "language": "en",
    "developer_privacy_policy": null,
    "descriptions": "A skill to tell atomic mass and elements of periodic table",
    "image": "images/atomic.png",
    "author": "Chetan Kaushik",
    "author_url": "",
    "author_email": null,
    "skill_name": "Atomic",
    "protected": false,
    "reviewed": false,
    "editable": true,
    "staffPick": false,
    "terms_of_use": null,
    "dynamic_content": true,
    "examples": ["search for atomic mass of radium"],
    "skill_rating": {
      "bookmark_count": 0,
      "stars": {
        "one_star": 0,
        "four_star": 3,
        "five_star": 8,
        "total_star": 11,
        "three_star": 0,
        "avg_star": 4.73,
        "two_star": 0
      "feedback_count": 3
    "usage_count": 0,
    "skill_tag": "atomic",
    "supported_languages": [{
      "name": "atomic",
      "language": "en"
    "creationTime": "2018-07-25T15:12:25Z",
    "lastAccessTime": "2018-07-30T18:50:41Z",
    "lastModifiedTime": "2018-07-25T15:12:25Z"



Note : The above response shows only one of the ten objects. There will be ten such skill metadata objects inside the “rating” array. It contains all the details about skills.

Implementation in SUSI.AI Android App

Skill Listing UI of SUSI SKill CMS

Skill Listing UI of SUSI Android App

The UI of skills listing in SUSI Android app displays skills for each metric in a horizontal recyclerview, nested in a vertical recyclerview. Thus, for implementing horizontal recyclerview inside vertical recyclerview, you need two viewholders and two adapters (one each for a recyclerview). Let us go through the implementation.

  • Make a query object consisting of the model and language query parameters that shall be passed in the request to the server.

val queryObject = SkillMetricsDataQuery("general", 


  • Fetch the skills based on metrics, by calling fetch in SkillListModel which then makes an API call to fetch groups.

skillListingModel.fetchSkillsMetrics(queryObject, this)


  • When the API call is successful, the below mentioned method is called which in turn parses the received response and updates the adapter to display the skills based on different metrics.

override fun onSkillMetricsFetchSuccess(response: Response<ListSkillMetricsResponse>) {
   if (response.isSuccessful && response.body() != null) {
       Timber.d("METRICS FETCHED")
       metricsData = response.body().metrics
       if (metricsData != null) {
           if (metricsData?.rating != null) {
               if (metricsData?.rating?.size as Int > 0) {

           if (metricsData?.usage != null) {
               if (metricsData?.usage?.size as Int > 0) {

           if (metricsData?.newest != null) {
               val size = metricsData?.newest?.size
               if (size is Int) {
                   if (size > 0) {

           if (metricsData?.latest != null) {
               if (metricsData?.latest?.size as Int > 0) {

           if (metricsData?.feedback != null) {
               if (metricsData?.feedback?.size as Int > 0) {

           if (metricsData?.topGames != null) {
               val size = metricsData?.feedback?.size
               if (size is Int) {
                   if (size > 0) {

   } else {
       Timber.d("METRICS NOT FETCHED")


  • When skills are fetched, the data in adapter is updated using skillMetricsAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged()

override fun updateAdapter(metrics: SkillsBasedOnMetrics) {
   swipe_refresh_layout.isRefreshing = false
   if (errorSkillFetch.visibility == View.VISIBLE) {
       errorSkillFetch.visibility = View.GONE
   skillMetrics.visibility = View.VISIBLE


  • The data is set to the layout in two adapters made earlier. The following is the code to set the title for the metric and adapter to horizontal recyclerview. This is the SkillMetricsAdapter to set data to show item in vertical recyclerview.

override fun onBindViewHolder(holder: RecyclerView.ViewHolder, position: Int) {
   if (metrics != null) {
       if (metrics.metricsList[position] != null) {
           holder.groupName?.text = metrics.metricsGroupTitles[position]

       skillAdapterSnapHelper = StartSnapHelper()
       val mLayoutManager = LinearLayoutManager(context, LinearLayoutManager.HORIZONTAL, false)
       holder.skillList?.layoutManager = mLayoutManager
       holder.skillList?.adapter = SkillListAdapter(context, metrics.metricsList[position], skillCallback)
       holder.skillList?.onFlingListener = null


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Show skills image in Circular Image View in SUSI.AI Android app

Each SUSI.AI skill has some data like skill name, skill image, skill rating and so on. Some of the skills image have a square appearance while others have a circular appearance and so on. This blog shows how to transform all images to circular image view while setting the skill image in the appropriate view holder in the skills card using Picasso.

Step – 1 : Create a new helper class called that implements the Transformation interface from Picasso.

Step -2 : Override the transform and key methods.

Step – 3 : Create a Bitmap and perform the following steps inside the transform() method, as mentioned in the code below :

public Bitmap transform(Bitmap source) {
   int size = Math.min(source.getWidth(), source.getHeight());
   int x = (source.getWidth() - size) / 2;
   int y = (source.getHeight() - size) / 2;

   Bitmap squaredBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(source, x, y, size, size);
   if (!squaredBitmap.equals(source)) {

   Bitmap bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(size, size, source.getConfig());

   Canvas canvas = new Canvas(bitmap);
   Paint paint = new Paint();
   BitmapShader shader = new BitmapShader(squaredBitmap, BitmapShader.TileMode.CLAMP, BitmapShader.TileMode.CLAMP);

   float radius = size / 2f;
   canvas.drawCircle(radius, radius, radius, paint);

   return bitmap;


This method returns a bitmap that we shall use to add to the appropriate view holder.

Step – 4 : Also return a string called “circle” from the key() method.

public String key() {
   return "circle";


Step – 5 : Now, add this transformation to the code, where the skill image is set into the appropriate view holder using Picasso.

fun setSkillsImage(skillData: SkillData, imageView: ImageView) {


Now, all skill images will be circular, as can be seen in the following screenshot :


The first image shows the skills image before applying CircleTransform while the second image shows the same after applying it.


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Different Text Color On Each Line In Badgeyay

In this blog post I am going to explain about how to create different text color for each line in badges generation in Badgeyay. As the system now has option for different badge size and paper size, currently the system sets same color for each line by mutating the fill parameter in the SVG. The main challenge in mutating the SVG parameter for each badge is the Id. The ID identifies the element, in our case text, and gives access to iterate the SVG through libraries like lxml. So for implementing this feature we first need to manipulate the SVG and assign id’s to the text tag so that it can be easily manipulated through the algorithm.


  1. Manipulating the text tag in SVG and assigning a proper ID according to the logic for iteration in the function.





The id of the person in first badge and first line is represented as Person_color_1_1, where the first number denotes the number of badge and second number denotes the line number.

  1. Creating a class for the dimensions of the badges
class Dimen(object):
  def __init__(self, badges, badgeSize, paperSize):
      self.badges = badges
      self.badgeSize = badgeSize
      self.paperSize = paperSize
  1. Creating an initialiser function that stores the dimension objects
badge_config = {}

def init_dimen():
  paper_sizes = [‘A2’, ‘A3’, ‘A4’]
  for paper in paper_sizes:
      if paper == ‘A2’:
          badge_config.__setitem__(paper, {‘4×3’: Dimen(18, ‘4×3’, paper)})
          badge_config[paper][‘4.5×4’] = Dimen(15, ‘4.5×4’, paper)
      elif paper == ‘A3’:
          badge_config.__setitem__(paper, {‘4×3’: Dimen(8, ‘4×3’, paper)})
          badge_config[paper][‘4.5×4’] = Dimen(6, ‘4.5×4’, paper)
      elif paper == ‘A4’:
          badge_config.__setitem__(paper, {‘4×3’: Dimen(6, ‘4×3’, paper)})
          badge_config[paper][‘4.5×4’] = Dimen(2, ‘4.5×4’, paper) 
  1. Selecting the dimension config based on the parameters passed in the function.
dimensions = badge_config[paper_size][badge_size]
  1. Looping criteria is to loop through the number of badges mentioned in the dimension config and through the number of lines which will be five.
for idx in range(1, dimensions.badges + 1):

          for row in range(1, 6):
  1. Selecting the text element with the ID as provided above.
_id = ‘Person_color_{}_{}’.format(idx, row)
              path = element.xpath((“//*[@id='{}’]”).format(_id))[0]
  1. Fill the text color argument of the selected object by changing the value of fill.
style_detail[6] = “fill:” + str(fill[row])

That’s it and now when the loop runs each line will have its individual color as passed in the function. The choice of color is passed as the list named fill.


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Loading Default System Image of Event Topic on Open Event Server

In this blog, we will talk about how to add feature of loading system image of event topic from server to display it on Open Event Server. The focus is on adding a helper function to create system image and loading that local image onto server.

Helper function

In this feature, we are providing feature of addition of loading default system image if user doesn’t provides that.

  1. First we get a suitable filename for a image file using get_file_name() function.
  2. After getting filename, we check if the url provided by user is a valid url or not.
  3. If the url is invalid then we use the default system image as the image of that particular event topic.
  4. After getting the local image then we read that image, if the given image file or the default image is not readable or gives IOError then we send a message to the user that Image url is invalid.
  5. After successful reading of image we upload the image to event_topic directory in static directory of the project.
  6. After uploading of this image we get a local URL which shows where is the image is stored. This path is stored into database and finally we can display this image.


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Adding Custom System Roles API on Open Event Server

In this blog, we will talk about how to add API for accessing the Custom System Roles on Open Event Server. The focus is on Schema creation and it’s API creation.

Schema Creation

For the CustomSystemRoleSchema, we’ll make our Schema as follows

Now, let’s try to understand this Schema.

In this feature, we are providing Admin the rights to get and create more system roles.

  1. First of all, we are provide the two fields in this Schema, which are id and name.
  2. The very first attribute id should be of type string as it would have the identity which will auto increment when a new system role is created. Here dump_only means that this value can’t be changed after the record is created.
  3. Next attribute name should be of string type and it will contain the name of new custom system role. This attribute is required in a custom_system_roles table.

API Creation

For the Custom System Roles, we’ll make our API as follows

Now, let’s try to understand this Schema.

In this API, we are providing Admin the rights to set Custom System roles.

  1. CustomSystemRoleList inherits ResourceList which will give us list of all the custom system roles in the whole system.
  2. CustomSystemRoleList has a decorators attribute which gives the permission of POST request to only admins of the system.
  3. CustomSystemRoleDetail inherits ResourceDetail which will give the details of a CustomSystemRole object by id.
  4. CustomSystemRoleDetail has a decorators attribute which gives the permission of PATCH and DELETE requests to only admins of the system.

So, we saw how Custom System Role Schema and API is created to allow users to get it’s values and Admin users to update and delete it’s record.


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Adding Panel Permissions API in Open Event Server

In this blog, we will talk about how to add API for accessing the Panel Permissions on Open Event Server. The focus is on Schema creation and it’s API creation.

Schema Creation

For the PanelPermissionSchema, we’ll make our Schema as follows

Now, let’s try to understand this Schema.

In this feature, we are providing Admin the rights to create and assign panel permission to any of the custom system role.

  1. First of all, we are provide the four fields in this Schema, which are id, panel_name, role_id and can_access.
  2. The very first attribute id should be of type string as it would have the identity which will auto increment when a new system role is created. Here dump_only means that this value can’t be changed after the record is created.
  3. Next attribute panel_name should be of string type and it will contain the name of panel. This attribute is required in a panel_permissions table so set as allow_none=False.
  4. Next attribute role_id should be of integer type as it will tell us that to which role current panel is concerning.
  5. Next attribute can_access should be of boolean type as it will tell us whether a role of id=role_id has access to this panel or not.
  6. There is also a relationship named role which will give us the details of the custom system role with id=role_id.

API Creation

For the Panel Permissions, we’ll make our API as follows

Now, let’s try to understand this Schema.

In this API, we are providing Admin the rights to set panel permissions for a custom system role.

  1. PanelPermissionList inherits ResourceList which will give us list of all the custom system roles in the whole system.
  2. PanelPermissionList has a decorators attribute which gives the permission of both GET and POST requests to only admins of the system.
  3. The POST request of PanelPermissionList API requires the relationship of role.
  4. PanelPermissionDetail inherits ResourceDetail which will give the details of a Panel Permission object by id.
  5. PanelPermissionDetail has a decorators attribute which gives the permission of GET, PATCH and DELETE requests to only admins of the system.

So, we saw how Panel Permissions Schema and API is created to allow Admin users to get, update and delete it’s record.



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Adding support for rich text in Eventyay Organizer App

The Open Event Organizer App provides the users with its one of the core features of the ability to create or update an event. To add this feature, we will use HTML and android’s WebView in order to aid us integrate support for rich text in the app.

The first step is adding the Wasabeef RichText library to your project. Open your build.gradle file and add the support library to the dependency section.

Adding the dependency in build.gradle(app-level) in the project:

dependencies {
   //Other dependencies
   //Rich text editor
   implementation “jp.wasabeef:richeditor-android:1.2.2”

What we need is an activity accessible throughout the project for any element that needs to input rich text, which means that this activity goes in the utils package.

Let’s start with building this activity:

We need to first set a hint text or a placeholder text for the editor in case there’s no saved text for the concerned field.

public class RichEditorActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

   protected void onCreate(@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {

       Intent intent = getIntent();
       if (intent != null) {
         description = intent.getStringExtra(TAG_RICH_TEXT);
         if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(description) && !description.equals(getString(R.string.describe_event))) {

Now let’s see how we add the formatted text to our WebView. Currently we are supporting the options:

  • Undo
  • Redo
  • Bold
  • Italic
  • StrikeThrough
  • Bulleted list
  • Numbered list

as follows:

binding.actionUndo.setOnClickListener(v > binding.editor.undo());
binding.actionRedo.setOnClickListener(v > binding.editor.redo());
binding.actionBold.setOnClickListener(v > binding.editor.setBold());
binding.actionItalic.setOnClickListener(v > binding.editor.setItalic());
binding.actionStrikethrough.setOnClickListener(v > binding.editor.setStrikeThrough());
binding.actionInsertBullets.setOnClickListener(v > binding.editor.setBullets());
binding.actionInsertNumbers.setOnClickListener(v > binding.editor.setNumbers());

To add support for adding links, we need to first setup a click listener and show a dialog on click:

binding.actionInsertLink.setOnClickListener(v -> {
   if (linkDialog == null) {

The above listener is using a linkDialog, which is initialized in the method below, as follows:

We are first dynamically creating a LinearLayout, and then 2 EditTextViews, and then adding those views to the LinearLayout. Finally we build the AlertDialog as usual and set the Dialog’s view to the LinearLayout we created.

private void createLinkDialog() {
   LinearLayout layout = new LinearLayout(this);
   final EditText text = new EditText(this);
   final EditText link = new EditText(this);

   linkDialog = new AlertDialog.Builder(this)
      .setPositiveButton(getString(R.string.create), (dialog, which) -> {
           binding.editor.insertLink(link.getText().toString(), text.getText().toString());
      .setNegativeButton(getString(R.string.cancel), (dialog, which) -> {

Here’s how the result looks like:


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Adding device names’ support for check-ins to Open Event Server

The Open Event Server provides backend support to Open Event Organizer Android App which is used to check-in attendees in an event. When checking in attendees, it is important for any event organizer to keep track of the device that was used to check someone in. For this, we provide an option in the Organizer App settings to set the device name. But this device name should have support in the server as well.

The problem is to be able to add device name data corresponding to each check-in time. Currently attendees model has an attribute called `checkin-times`, which is a csv of time strings. For each value in the csv, there has to be a corresponding device name value. This could be achieved by providing a similar csv key-value pair for “device-name-checkin”.

The constraints that we need to check for while handling device names are as follows:

  • If there’s `device_name_checkin` in the request, there must be `is_checked_in` and `checkin_times` in the data as well.
  • Number of items in checkin_times csv in data should be equal to the length of the device_name_checkin csv.
  • If there’s checkin_times in data, and device-name-checkin is absent, it must be set to `-` indicating no set device name.
if ‘device_name_checkin’ in data and data[‘device_name_checkin’] is not None:
  if ‘is_checked_in’ not in data or not data[‘is_checked_in’]:
       raise UnprocessableEntity(
           {‘pointer’: ‘/data/attributes/device_name_checkin’},
           “Attendee needs to be checked in first”
  elif ‘checkin_times’ not in data or data[‘checkin_times’] is None:
      raise UnprocessableEntity(
          {‘pointer’: ‘/data/attributes/device_name_checkin’},
           “Check in Times missing”
  elif len(data[‘checkin_times’].split(“,”)) != len(data[‘device_name_checkin’].split(“,”)):
     raise UnprocessableEntity(
           {‘pointer’: ‘/data/attributes/device_name_checkin’},
           “Check in Times missing for the corresponding device name”
 if ‘checkin_times’ in data:
   if ‘device_name_checkin’ not in data or data[‘device_name_checkin’] is None:
       data[‘device_name_checkin’] = ‘-‘

The case is a little different for a PATCH request since we need to check for the number of items differently like this:

if ‘device_name_checkin’ in data and data[‘device_name_checkin’] is not None:
            if obj.device_name_checkin is not None:
               data[‘device_name_checkin’] = ‘{},{}’.format(obj.device_name_checkin, data[‘device_name_checkin’])                                                   
            if len(data[‘checkin_times’].split(“,”)) != len(data[‘device_name_checkin’].split(“,”)):
               raise UnprocessableEntity(
                   {‘pointer’: ‘/data/attributes/device_name_checkin’},
                   “Check in Time missing for the corresponding device name”)

Since we expect only the latest value to be present in a PATCH request, we first add it to the object by formatting using:

'{},{}'.format(obj.device_name_checkin, data['device_name_checkin'])

and then compare the length of the obtained CSVs for check in times and device names, so that corresponding to each check in time, we have either a device name or the default fill in value ‘-’.

That’s all. Read the full code here.

Requests and Responses:


  1. SQLAlchemy Docs
  2. Alembic Docs
  3. Flask REST JSON API Classical CRUD operation
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Adding Events’ Payment Preferences to Eventyay Organizer Android App

The Open Event Organizer Android App allows creating events from the app itself. But organizers had to enter the payment information every time. To solve this problem, the PR#1058 was opened which saves the Organizers’ payment preferences in Event Settings.

The Open Event project offers 5 types of payment options:

1. Paypal
2. Stripe

3. Cash payment
4. Bank Transfer
5. Cheques

Each of the above need the payment specific details to be saved. And stuffing all of them into a single Event Settings screen isn’t a good option. Therefore the following navigation was desired:

Event Settings -> Payment Preferences -> All options with their preferences

Android Developer guide references a simple method to achieve the above, which is by using nested preference screens. But unfortunately, there’s a bug in the support library and it cannot be implemented with  PreferenceFragmentCompat

So we had to apply a hack to the UI. We set an OnPreferenceClickListener as follows:

public class EventSettingsFragment extends PreferenceFragmentCompat {
   public void onCreatePreferencesFix(@Nullable Bundle bundle, String rootKey) {

       findPreference(“payment_preferences”).setOnPreferenceClickListener(preference -> {
           FragmentTransaction transaction = getFragmentManager().beginTransaction();
               .replace(, PaymentPrefsFragment.newInstance())
           return true;

Once the preference item “Payment Preferences” is clicked, we initiate a fragment transaction opening the Payment Preferences screen, and add it to the fragment back stack.

For each payment option, we have two things to consider:

  1. Is that payment option supported by the organizer?
  2. If yes, we need to store the necessary details in order to direct the payment to the organizer.

We are also keeping track of whether the organizer wants to keep using the same payment preferences for future events as well. This way we save the organizer’s effort of entering payment details for each new event.

<?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“utf-8”?>
<PreferenceScreen xmlns:android=“”>

       android:defaultValue=“false” />

       android:title=“Bank Transfer”>

           android:title=“@string/bank_details” />


Now the only thing remaining is to set payment preferences once the Event Creation form is opened. Hence the following method is called in  CreateEventPresenter  sets the payment details for each option that the organizer has already saved the information for. It does this by using constants named like PREF… all declared in the  file.

using a custom Preference class which abstracts away some boilerplate code for us.

   public void setPaymentPreferences(Preferences preferences) {

       if (preferences.getBoolean(PREF_USE_PAYMENT_PREFS, false)) {
               preferences.getBoolean(PREF_ACCEPT_BANK_TRANSFER, false)
               preferences.getString(PREF_BANK_DETAILS, null)

This is how the result looks like:


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Hiding the BottomNavigationView bar in Fragments in the Open Event Android App

The Open Event Android app has a lot of fragments where the BottomNavigationView bar is not required. Hiding the bar is quite a clever task to handle as it can’t be simply hidden by changing its visibility (It’s not an activity). So, this blog will illustrate about how the BottomNavigationView bar is indirectly hidden in some Fragments.

We will basically change the layout to be replaced. Let us start by making the bar invisible in EventDetailsFragment. Let us observe our initial code. Below is the previous code of changing the fragments using supportFragmentManager. The below code actually represents an RecyclerViewClickListener listener of a RecyclerView. In this case it represents the RecyclerView showing all the events in the Main Page.

val recyclerViewClickListener = object : RecyclerViewClickListener {

  override fun onClick(eventID: Long) {

      val fragment = EventDetailsFragment()

      val bundle = Bundle()

      bundle.putLong(EVENT_ID, eventID)

      fragment.arguments = bundle

      activity?.supportFragmentManager?.beginTransaction()?.replace(, fragment)?.addToBackStack(null)?.commit()



The above code clearly mentions that the incoming fragment will replace the view with id frameContainer. Let us look at the previous xml code of activity_main.xml.













Here we can clearly see that the Fragment will be inserted directly into the FrameLayout. The BottomNavigationView bar will always be present. There is only one way to prevent this and that is by replacing the whole layout! Below lies the latest code.

val recyclerViewClickListener = object : RecyclerViewClickListener {

  override fun onClick(eventID: Long) {

      val fragment = EventDetailsFragment()

      val bundle = Bundle()

      bundle.putLong(EVENT_ID, eventID)

      fragment.arguments = bundle

      activity?.supportFragmentManager?.beginTransaction()?.replace(, fragment)?.addToBackStack(null)?.commit()



We clearly observe that frameContainer has been replaced by rootLayout. Our major problem has been solved. But by doing this, we now face an error of overlapping contents. The previous fragments contents are always visible. For example, The Events page is visible whenever the EventDetailsFragment is opened for any event. This clearly shows that the incoming page lacks a background color or an image. This is because the previous fragment is only visible but not clickable!











So we clearly observe that we have set the background to a white colour, thus not letting previous fragments contents to be visible. This is how the BottomNavigationView bar is simply hidden in some Fragments in the app.

Additional Resources

Tags: GSoC18, FOSSASIA, Open Event, Android, Fragments

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