Screen size differs from user to user, from device to device and thus we must provide responsive user interface so that our design doesn’t break on any of the devices. At Open-Event-Frontend we have used Semantic-UI elements to implement responsive designs. Semantic-UI has classes like grid, stackable, container etc to maintain the responsiveness of the designs. Semantic also gives us functions to check the size of the screen we are currently in and thus depending upon the screen size, we can design our user-interface.
Let’s take /events/<event_identifier> for an example
Two components have been added to this page
- The following four buttons that we are using, are ‘ui buttons’ and have icons.
- Preview – This button allows us to check how our event would look before it is published.
- Publish – When we are ready we can make our event available for the world
- Copy – Using this we can copy all the details of our event and create a new event from it
- Delete – If something went wrong we can delete our event at any time
From the above mentioned buttons we have grouped Publish and Copy together.
It is done to add responsive behaviour. In case of mobile ,our buttons only have icon and no text ,and buttons are no longer right aligned. For this we have used device.isMobile to check whether we are on mobile or not to ensure the responsive behaviour is carried over to mobile too.
<div class=“twelve wide column {{unless device.isMobile ‘right aligned’}}”> {{#if device.isMobile}} <div class=“ui icon fluid buttons”> <button class=“ui button”><i class=“unhide icon”></i></button> <button class=“ui button”><i class=“check icon”></i></button> <button class=“ui button”><i class=“copy icon”></i></button> <button class=“ui red button” {{action ‘openDeleteEventModal’}}><i class=“trash icon”></i></button> </div> {{else}} <button class=”ui button labeled icon small”> <i class=”unhide icon”></i> {{t ‘Preview’}} </button> <div class=”ui small labeled icon buttons”> <button class=”ui button “> <i class=”check icon”></i> {{t ‘Publish’}} </button> <button class=”ui button “> <i class=”copy icon”></i> {{t ‘Copy’}} </button> </div> <button class=“ui red button labeled icon small” {{action ‘openDeleteEventModal’}}> <i class=“trash icon”></i> {{t ‘Delete’}} </button> {{/if}} </div> |
Here class `right aligned` is added dynamically depending upon whether we are viewing on mobile or not.
- We have added tabs for all types of elements of events like tickets, speakers, scheduler. Also, we have made these tabs responsive. For mobile these tabs converts to stackable menu.
Here also classes are added depending on some condition.
<div class=“ui fluid pointing stackable menu {{unless device.isMobile ‘secondary’}}”>
Conditional addition of classes is a very useful and powerful feature of handlebars.
<div class=“row” style=“padding-top: 15px”> <div class=“sixteen wide column”> <div class=“ui fluid pointing stackable menu {{unless device.isMobile ‘secondary’}}”> {{#link-to ‘events.view.index’ class=’item’}} {{t ‘Overview’}} {{/link-to}} {{#link-to ‘’ class=’item’}} {{t ‘Tickets’}} {{/link-to}} <a href=“#” class=‘item’>{{t ‘Scheduler’}}</a> {{#link-to ‘events.view.sessions’ class=’item’}} {{t ‘Sessions’}} {{/link-to}} {{#link-to ‘events.view.speakers’ class=’item’}} {{t ‘Speakers’}} {{/link-to}} {{#link-to ‘events.view.export’ class=’item’}} {{t ‘Export’}} {{/link-to}} </div> </div> </div> |
Class fluid has been used so that our menu items takes the whole width of the screen.
Now we have added all the responsive elements to the page and it’s good to go with all devices.
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