Loklak media wall provides predefined color theme buttons which can be used to directly switch to day or night mode. It is important that the colors of the components are updated instantly with a click of a button. To implement pre-defined color options, we should, first, choose a set of color combinations which should be updated on the concerned divisions of the templates. These set of colors should be stored as an object (same interface) and the current state should be updated with this object when another theme is requested.
In this blog, I will explain how to implement predefined theme options and how to add a new theme in media wall.
Media Wall can provide plenty of themes to help the user to choose a theme of their choice. Loklak media wall currently provides two themes, i.e., dark and light themes to provide a contrasting variety of themes at first. Ngrx structure makes it easy to add a predefined themes to the media wall. Let’s see how to add a theme to media wall and see it in action.
Adding ngrx structure
The first task is to create actions which will be dispatched from the Angular components to update the media wall. Depending on the action dispatched, state properties will change and when passed to the template, will update the media wall with the requested theme. There is no need of payload since the color options for all the themes are stored already as a reducer variable which will be updated directly to the media wall state.
type = ActionTypes.WALL_LIGHT_THEME_CHANGE;constructor(public payload: ”) { }
}export class WallDarkThemeChangeAction implements Action {
type = ActionTypes.WALL_DARK_THEME_CHANGE;constructor(public payload: ”) { }
Next, we have to update reducer functions for the corresponding actions so that the state properties change according to the actions and wall is updated. For color options, we have an interface defined for color options. For a particular type of theme, we have to adjust interface and just have to update state with the personalised theme state. As the default theme is set to light theme, we have to update state to the initial state when user requests for light theme
state = {
wallHeader: {
backgroundColor: ‘#243447’,
fontColor: ‘#FFFFFF’
wallBackground: {
backgroundColor: ‘#2C4158’
wallCard: {
fontColor: ‘#FFFFFF’,
backgroundColor: ‘#1B2836’,
accentColor: ‘#1c94e0’
return state;
}case mediaWallCustomAction.ActionTypes.WALL_LIGHT_THEME_CHANGE: {
state = initialState;return state;
Component and Template
Now, we need to define an array of the string value of colors corresponding to a particular theme. These corresponding theme colors will be displayed in a form of color picker to the user through looping in the template. Whenever user requests for a particular theme, at first, the variable currentTheme is updated with the theme color. Next, the action is dispatched according to the selected theme from the method installTheme().
public currentTheme: string;
public themes = [ ‘#FFFFFF’, ‘#333’ ];public installTheme() {
if (this.currentTheme === this.themes[0]) {
this.store.dispatch( new mediaWallCustomAction.WallLightThemeChangeAction(”));
this.store.dispatch(new mediaWallDirectUrlAction.WallGenerateDirectUrlAction());
else if (this.currentTheme === this.themes[1]) {
this.store.dispatch( new mediaWallCustomAction.WallDarkThemeChangeAction(”));
this.store.dispatch(new mediaWallDirectUrlAction.WallGenerateDirectUrlAction());
Now, we have to provide a menu for color themes in media wall template to make it easier for user to select the theme. Any interaction with the menu buttons will update the current chosen color and calls a method installTheme() and the corresponding action is dispatched and theme will be updated. Also, the check should show the updated theme for the media wall. For this, a check icon is put up based on condition *ngIf=”currentTheme === theme”.
<md–grid–list cols=“2”>
<md–grid–tile *ngFor=“let theme of themes”>
<div md–menu–item (click)=“currentTheme = theme; installTheme();”>
<div class=“docs-theme-picker-swatch”>
<md–icon class=“docs-theme-chosen-icon” *ngIf=“currentTheme === theme”>check_circle</md-icon>
<div class=”docs-theme-picker-primary” [style.background]=”theme”></div>
Now, The swatch menu looks like this and user can select any predefined theme from the menu and now, the wall is updated with the selected color option.
- Documentation for Angular Material: https://material.angular.io/
- Source of colors for Twitter Dark Theme: https://userstyles.org/styles/135366/twitter-dark-mode-2017
- Ngrx example Application: https://github.com/ngrx/example-app