In the Open Event Orga App test have been written for all the presenters and viewmodel classes to ensure that the implemented functionalities work well.
In the following blog post I have discussed one particular test which I implemented which is the FeedbackList Presenter Test.
- Instantiation of the variables.
@Rule public MockitoRule mockitoRule = MockitoJUnit.rule(); @Mock public FeedbackListView feedbackListView; @Mock public FeedbackRepository feedbackRepository; |
We should first know the meaning of the Annotations being used:
@Rule : It tells mockito to create the mocks based on the @Mock annotation. This annotation always needs to be used.
@Mock: It tells Mockito to mock the FeedbackListView interface and FeedbackRepository class.
Here we are mocking 3 classes namely: MockitoRule, FeedbackListView, FeedbackRepository.
Before moving forward we first need to understand the meaning of Mock. A mock object is a dummy implementation for an interface or a class in which you define the output of certain method calls. Mock objects are configured to perform a certain behavior during a test. They typically record the interaction with the system and tests can validate that.
private static final List<Feedback> FEEDBACKS = Arrays.asList( Feedback.builder().id(2L).comment(“Amazing!”).build(), Feedback.builder().id(3L).comment(“Awesome!”).build(), Feedback.builder().id(4L).comment(“Poor!”).build() ); |
The list of feedbacks is populated with demo values which can be used for testing purpose later.
2) The @Before annotation is applied before the set up. Before any tests are created, the setUp( ) is executed. A feedbackListPresenter object is created and the required parameters are passed. The RxJava Plugin’s setIoSchedulerHandler, setComputationSchedulerHandler and setInitmainThreadSchedulerHandler use the Scheduler.Trampoline( ) . It lets the internal call Observable call to end before asserting the result.
setIOSchedulerHandler( ) -> It basically is a type of Scheduler which handles the Input and Output of the RxJava code.
setComputationSchedulerHandler( ) -> It is another Scheduler which handles the computations which are carried out during call to RxJava methods.
setInitMainThreadSchedulerHandler( ) -> It is called to notify the Scheduler that the IO operations would be carried out on the main thread.
@Before public void setUp() { feedbackListPresenter = new FeedbackListPresenter(feedbackRepository); feedbackListPresenter.attach(ID, feedbackListView); RxJavaPlugins.setIoSchedulerHandler(scheduler -> Schedulers.trampoline()); RxJavaPlugins.setComputationSchedulerHandler(scheduler -> Schedulers.trampoline()); RxAndroidPlugins.setInitMainThreadSchedulerHandler(schedulerCallable -> Schedulers.trampoline()); } |
Some of the tests are discussed below:
→ The following test is written to ensure that the feedback list gets updated automatically after a feedback is received.
@Test public void shouldLoadFeedbackListAutomatically() { when(feedbackRepository.getFeedbacks(anyLong(), anyBoolean())).thenReturn(Observable.fromIterable(FEEDBACKS)); feedbackListPresenter.start(); verify(feedbackRepository).getFeedbacks(ID, false); } |
As can be seen above , I have used the when and return functionality of Mockito. It is basically used to check the return type of the object. So when the required parameters are passed in the getFeedback( ) , then the return type of what is expected is mentioned in the thenReturn( ).
verify ensures that the getFeedback( ) is called on the feedbackfeedbackRepository mock only.
→ The following test is written to ensure that there is an error message on loading data after swipe refresh is made. Firstly the list of feedbacks is fetched from the feedbackRepository with the help of getFeedbacks( ) where the parameters event id and the boolean variable true are passed. Then the thenReturn( ) has the statement Observable.error(Logger.TEST_ERROR) which is actually written to specify the expected result we want i.e in this case we are expecting the TEST_ERROR statement as a response and hence it is written before.
At the end it is verified using the statement verify statement where the feedbackListView is passed and the error is captured.
@Test public void shouldShowErrorMessageOnSwipeRefreshError() { when(feedbackRepository.getFeedbacks(ID, true)).thenReturn(Observable.error(Logger.TEST_ERROR)); feedbackListPresenter.loadFeedbacks(true); verify(feedbackListView).showError(Logger.TEST_ERROR.getMessage()); } |
3) After the tests have been applied, the RxJava plugins are reset.
@After public void tearDown() { RxJavaPlugins.reset(); RxAndroidPlugins.reset(); } |
→ Mockito tutorial :
→ Testing in RxJava: