The user can browse through different events happening nearby or all over the world quickly from the events fragment, the latter is accessible from the bottom navigation bar and provides the user with some details about the event. The user if interested can select the event by clicking on it and will be taken to event details fragment where all the necessary information about the event is given. This blog post will help in understanding how events are fetched and shown in Open Event Android. The implementation of displaying events can be divided into two parts
- Fetching and storing events
- Displaying events on UI using recycler view
Fetching and Storing Events
To fetch an event we need to make get the request to the Open Event Server’s list events endpoint.
@GET(“events?include=event-topic”) fun getEvents(): Single<List<Event>> |
We are using retrofit to make the network calls @GET specifies that it a get request and the URL inside the parentheses is the endpoint we are hitting. This method returns a Single<List<Event>>.
Given below is the service layer method which uses DAO method and the API call and returns a Flowable<List<Event>>.
fun getEvents(): Flowable<List<Event>> { val eventsFlowable = eventDao.getAllEvents() return eventsFlowable.switchMap { if (it.isNotEmpty()) eventsFlowable else eventApi.getEvents() .map { eventDao.insertEvents(it) } .toFlowable() |
Firstly all the events from the database are fetched using the DAO method getAllEvents. If the list returned from the DAO method is not empty this function simply returns the events otherwise it will make the get request to server endpoint using Event API’s getEvents method and the response of this is mapped and stored into the database using the DAO method insertEvents this enables local caching of events and the same list of events are converted into flowable and returned by the function.
The events fragment calls the view model function which specifies where to observe (we are observing on main thread because it is involved with UI related changes) and what to subscribe on also handles the displaying of progress bar. Given following is the implementation of the same.
fun loadEvents() { compositeDisposable.add(eventService.getEvents() .subscribeOn( .observeOn(AndroidSchedulers.mainThread()) .doOnSubscribe({ progress.value = true }).doFinally({ progress.value = false }).subscribe({ events.value = it }, { Timber.e(it, “Error fetching events”) error.value = “Error fetching events” })) } |
You would notice the following parts in the above snippet
- doOnSubscribe – This part of code is executed whenever the source is subscribed
- Subscribe – This part of the code will have the end result when subscribed and success
- doFinally – This part of the code will be executed at the end
Creating Recycler View
Recycler view is similar to ListView with some enhancements. When we are dealing with larger datasets our typical choice for displaying lists type UI is Recycler view because its views can be recycled and scrolled very efficiently. Every custom RecyclerView consists of three parts
- Layout for individual list items
- Recycler View adapter
- View Holder that holds views for individual list items
The item UI for events in Open Event Android contains two FABs (favorite and share), an image view (cover image of the event), text view for the date, month, event name and description.
The Recycler Adapter is like a middleware that connects our Recycler view with the view holder. The events recycler adapter contains a list of events and other functions to manipulate the data of this events list.
private val events = ArrayList<Event>() |
Once you have created the recycler view, the last step would be to insert the list of events into the recycler adapter., Observer { it?.let { eventsRecyclerAdapter.addAll(it) eventsRecyclerAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged() } Timber.d(“Fetched events of size %s”, eventsRecyclerAdapter.itemCount) }) |
The above code snippet is the implementation of how we add events into our recycler adapter. The idea is set an observer on the events mutable live data and put the code to insert events into recycler inside the observer block. This block is executed whenever there is any change in live data. The addAll method of recyclerview takes the list of events obtained inside the observer scope and updates the recycler view’s ArrayList of events. The update takes care no duplicate events are created by clearing the ArrayList if any events are present and then inserting the list of events.
- RxJava Github:
- Google Android Developers Recycler View:
- Room persistence library Google Android Developers: