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Display skills sorted in different orders in SUSI.AI Android App

Skills in SUSI.AI were displayed in a random order earlier as per the response received from the server. To provide more flexibility to the users, the skills can be sorted by various orders like top-rated, lexicographical, recently updated and so on. This blog shows how to get sorted skills from the server using the getSkillList.json API.

API Information

For requesting a list of SUSI skills, the endpoint used is /cms/getSkillList.json.
This will give you the sorted skills as per the applied filter. Some of the filters include top rated skills, recently updated skills, newly created skills, etc.

Base URL :

Parameters to be passed :

  • group – This is the group to which a skill belongs to.
  • language – The language in which the skill is needed.
  • applyFilter – This parameter tells if the filtering needs to be enabled.
  • filter_type – This is the order in which the skills need to be sorted and is applicable if applyFilter is true.
  • filter_name – This tells whether the order of sorting needs to be ascending or descending and is applicable if applyFilter is true.

Currently, there are following filters available :

  • Top Rated : The skills will be sorted based on the skills ratings by users.

filter_type :  rating
filter_name : ascending or descending (based on the requirement).


  • Lexicographical : The skills will be sorted in alphabetical order.

filter_type :  lexicographical
filter_name : ascending (to show skills in the order A-Z) or (descending to show skills in the order Z-A).


  • Newly Created : The skills will be displayed based on the date of creation.

filter_type :  creation_date
filter_name : ascending to show newly created skills first and descending to show the oldest created skills first.


  • Recently Updated : The skills will be sorted based on the date when they were last updated.

filter_type :  modified_date
filter_name : ascending or descending as per requirement.


  • Feedback Count : The skills will be sorted as per the feedback count.

filter_type :  feedback
filter_name : ascending to show skills with the most number of feedbacks first and descending to show skills with the least number of feedbacks first.


  • This Week Usage : The skills will be sorted as per the usage analytics of the week.

filter_type :  usage
duration : 7
filter_name : descending to show the most used skill first and vice-versa.


  • This Week Usage : The skills will be sorted as per the usage analytics for the last 30 days.

filter_type :  usage
duration : 30
filter_name : descending to show the most used skill first and vice-versa.


Note: In all the above cases, the ‘applyFilter’ param will be passed with the value ‘true’ otherwise the skills will not be sorted.

Here is an example of a URL for displaying the top rated skills:


To make a request to the getSkillList.json API, make a GET request as follows :

Call<ListSkillsResponse> fetchListSkills(@QueryMap Map<String, String> query);


Here the query map contains all the aforementioned params.

Now, make the GET request using Retrofit from the model :

private lateinit var authResponseCallSkills: Call<ListSkillsResponse>

override fun fetchSkills(group: String, language: String, listener: IGroupWiseSkillsModel.OnFetchSkillsFinishedListener) {
   val queryObject = SkillsListQuery(group, language, "true", "descending", "rating")
   authResponseCallSkills = ClientBuilder.fetchListSkillsCall(queryObject)

   authResponseCallSkills.enqueue(object : Callback<ListSkillsResponse> {
       override fun onResponse(call: Call<ListSkillsResponse>, response: Response<ListSkillsResponse>) {
           listener.onSkillFetchSuccess(response, group)

       override fun onFailure(call: Call<ListSkillsResponse>, t: Throwable) {

override fun cancelFetch() {
   try {
   } catch (e: Exception) {


The skills in the filteredData array, received in the JSON response, shall be sorted in the order based on the filter_type and filter_name params that you passed. Now, this array can be used to display skills on the skills listing page.


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